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The Nox (107)

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    This is my 1st post in this forum. This is one of my favorite episodes of season 1. My favourite being Solitudes. I really like the look on Jack and Daniel's face when the Nox first speak. It's classic. and also the classic line 'The very young do not always do what they're told'


      Originally posted by Noxbait View Post
      This is my first post...just thought I'd jump in and give this a try! I have to admit I have always loved the Nox. I think they are a very interesting race and would love to see them more often! For being in so few episodes, I think they nevertheless influenced SG1 in a big (and good) way. My personal opinion is that the Furlings are closely related to the Nox. What a great meeting it would be if the five races should ever finally get together!
      I really, really, really loved this episode too ! The Nox are awesome ! And I love their music (which plays, for example when they are healing) . Good old SG1 ! I miss this series so much . Atlantis is also awesome, but also gone ... Maybe they will be in a movie ? That would be awesome ! If the humans were granted worthy enough to go to their city and study their culture, etc ! Or are we still too "young" ?

      We should consider new SG spin-offs. SGN- Stargate Nox !

      EDIT: ^ !


        Originally posted by hawk97135 View Post
        This is my 1st post in this forum. This is one of my favorite episodes of season 1. My favourite being Solitudes. I really like the look on Jack and Daniel's face when the Nox first speak. It's classic. and also the classic line 'The very young do not always do what they're told'
        i agree about both episodes being brilliant sg1 has the best eps of them all in my opinion
        The best written female character on trek ever.





            Great ep, although the revelation at the end wasn't exactly a surprise. There had to be something more to the Nox for them to have survived so long.


              yes they r great xpression to use
              If you're interested in reading my longest fanfic story, which is an action/adventure story involving the elusive Furlings (as well as if you want to read the others), please click the link below.

              RIP Sep 2010 to beloved member and forum contributor Weedle, very skilled soldier with military special operations, a wonderful human being, and a friend to so many on gateworld. May we keep his memory close.


                Originally posted by Noxbait View Post
                This is my first post...just thought I'd jump in and give this a try! I have to admit I have always loved the Nox. I think they are a very interesting race and would love to see them more often! For being in so few episodes, I think they nevertheless influenced SG1 in a big (and good) way. My personal opinion is that the Furlings are closely related to the Nox. What a great meeting it would be if the five races should ever finally get together!
                agree Nox=fairies Furling=elves
                If you're interested in reading my longest fanfic story, which is an action/adventure story involving the elusive Furlings (as well as if you want to read the others), please click the link below.

                RIP Sep 2010 to beloved member and forum contributor Weedle, very skilled soldier with military special operations, a wonderful human being, and a friend to so many on gateworld. May we keep his memory close.


                  An outstanding episode. Nothing to add. But I'm very upset that we never saw much of the Nox later. It's one of the four greatest races and I think they deserve some more interaction.

                  EDIT: 9/10
                  Last edited by Vagabond Serpent; 07 April 2010, 07:17 AM.
                  Homo sum et nihil humani a me alienum puto, sic quod feci quod potui et sic potui, faciant meliora potentes. (c)



                    [QUOTE=KorbenDirewolf;30366]Who knows what the Nox can do? Its never said in this episode exactly how thier Ritual of Life works

                    true; seems to work a bit like the Spirits' life-energy-regiving process tho requires less people to do

                    Originally posted by Mr Prophet View Post
                    I guess they could only bring someone back if they were sorta dead. If they were mostly dead or all dead the only thing to do would be to go through their clothes and look for loose change.
                    witty; tho the Nox bein the ethical, philosophical beings they are wouldn't steal n probably don't use any form of currency to obtain what they need

                    Originally posted by SGSlugger View Post
                    I'd like to have a look inside their technology and see what tricks they have up their sleeves.
                    expression could work literally; perhaps they've got devices hidden in their shirtsleeves

                    Originally posted by KorbenDirewolf View Post
                    After all, any suffiently advanced technology would appear to be magic to the uninformed.
                    nice classic sci-fi quote

                    Originally posted by aAnubiSs View Post
                    I liked this episode the second i saw it. And now, 7 year later, it's one of my all time favs.
                    mine too; think represents some o' best potential o Stargate SG-1

                    Originally posted by Ancient View Post
                    If s8 is to be the last sg1 i believe they will have to return or it will leave too many unanswered questions....and when are we gonna see the furlings I want answers. .
                    personally me too...still waitin for those Furlings even more than the Nox

                    [QUOTE=Daniel's_twin;167912]I really liked this episode also. Nearly all members of SG-1 killed, the first sign of political intervention into the SGC, and our first meet-up with one of the Four Races of the Great Alliance. What I don't get is why so many people seem to want to put down the Nox for deciding to live in peaceful harmony with the planet they're on instead of going around the galaxy showing off just how powerful they are. Make no mistake, they are powerful. They just choose not to show it.
                    It's too bad we didn't listen to them, or we might have been able to interact on a bigger level instead of just seeing them two more times after this.

                    a very powerful pacifistic race; think they respected we wanted to protect them tho didn;t like our methods they could've just showed us they were very able to self-defend

                    Originally posted by lionel_pendergast_rocks View Post
                    i want another episode with the nox. maybe a time travel thing where the team goes back in time to find them with the other 3 members of the alliance. (go furlings) but thats not what this thread is about. i have to say that the nox are pretty cool, doing that invisible thing. at the end of the episode, was that a floating city or a ship?
                    someone's written a fanfic on this plot-Stargate Genesis

                    Originally posted by zats View Post
                    Maybe it was a city on a ship! The both of best worlds!
                    kind of like Atlantis-perhaps a city-ship =]
                    If you're interested in reading my longest fanfic story, which is an action/adventure story involving the elusive Furlings (as well as if you want to read the others), please click the link below.

                    RIP Sep 2010 to beloved member and forum contributor Weedle, very skilled soldier with military special operations, a wonderful human being, and a friend to so many on gateworld. May we keep his memory close.


                      Whilst watching this episode for the umpteenth time (I like the Nox), I noticed a little blooper toward the end. It's near the scene where the adults are healing Nafrayu, and SG1 is planning another trap for Apophis. I had assumed it was Daniel laying on the ground and Sam was covering him up with branches so he was hidden. He was wearing a helmet and Sam was wearing a helmet. They were the only two in the episode wearing helmets. Jack was wearing his baseball cap throughout the episode. However, just after Sam steps away from the man on the ground to take cover herself, the camera switches to Daniel standing behind a tree holding Teal'c's staff weapon. And I went "huh?" How can Daniel be in two places at the same time? So during the ensuing battle, the guy on the ground leaps up to attack one of the Jaffa and it's Jack, not Daniel. So now there are three team members wearing helmets. After that scene Jack has his baseball cap back on again. He didn't bring a helmet with him through the gate, so where did that third helmet come from? And in the last scene with the whole team at the gate, Sam and Daniel are wearing helmets and Jack is wearing his baseball cap. No big deal. Just a little screw-up in continuity apparently.


                        I really liked this episode. The concept of the Nox not needing to kill, and not needing the protection of the SG team, makes what the future could be all the more real. A world without war. Kudos for the Nox world
                        no means no, and so does pepper spray
                        Sig by The Carpenter


                          Fantastic story. Armin Shimmerman and his fellow Nox were wonderfully otherworldy and fey. (They seemed like fairies: they had the wood elf culture in the forest and the high elfin city in the sky: like a 4th edition Eladrin vanishing tower.) 'Twas nice to see all the military bluster of the Jaffar and the Earthlings come to nought in the face of superior wisdom and enlightenment.

                          I laughed to see the ambush come to grief as well. And conversely cheered when the Stargate team was reduced to using their wits and sticks to defeat the Jaffar in the end.



                            I realise this has probably already been discussed but this thread was tl;dr

                            My view on The Nox is that they are very advanced both technologically and far along the evolutionary path much like the ancients were pre-ascention which would explain their abilities. Obviously their mental abilities don't seem to be as far along as the ancients were but they must be very close. Coupled with their pacifist nature and understanding of the way things are it's safe to assume that even if they were attacked and destroyed they would most likely ascend, so it may not be such a bad thing in their eyes.


                              I love funny the Nox hair is grass. The jaffa blast shots hit Jack,Sam and Daniel is died. than but, the nox save life alive to Jack,Sam,Daniel and Teal'c in the Forset trees.



                                I really enjoyed this episode. The ways of the Nox may have been strange, but they certainly are very wise.

                                "The very young do not always do as they are told."

                                Jack was right. That was definitely something to take back home.
                                "I choose freedom." Teal'c Threshold
                                "To resist the influence of others, knowledge of one's self is most important." Teal'c Stronghold

