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The Broca Divide (104)

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    Originally posted by Brother Freyr View Post
    The writers did the opposite IMO.

    The 'shipper interpretation is that the disease lowered inhibitions as alcohol might do, letting Carter act on her feelings. I'd agree if the writers hadn't explicitly given a different reason. They had Frasier explain it as the disease bringing out primal behavior, a female seeking a powerful alpha male, to secure her own interests, blah blah. Science-speak. If the writers wanted to portray a Sam/Jack attraction, all they had to do was let actions speak for themselves. Instead they added dialogue that pointed the other way. The writers spelled out exactly what they wanted us to think about Carter's advances.

    Is there chemistry between Jack and Sam at this early date? *shrugs* Maybe, but the writers' emphasis was elsewhere.
    I'm not going to get into the is there a ship/isn't there a ship debate with Sam and Jack because I'm perfectly comfortable with my own interpretation on that score.

    But as to what the PTB were thinking, as I understand it they hadn't decided at that point what they were going to do with Sam and Jack. They did not have a AF advisor the first season screaming in their ears saying, NO! So they were playing around with the possibility. Before AT was cast she had to stand next to RDA to make sure they looked good together. So if you want to talk about writers intentions, think of this as a trial balloon. They wanted to see how something between these two characters would fly without making any commitment.


      Originally posted by hlndncr View Post
      So if you want to talk about writers intentions, think of this as a trial balloon. They wanted to see how something between these two characters would fly without making any commitment.
      All right, that's a fair assessment.

      My message would be, let's not get ahead of ourselves. We know what eventually grows between Sam & Jack, but let's not do any retconning of our own because of it. 4th episode, folks. 4th episode.


        Originally posted by hlndncr View Post
        I'm not going to get into the is there a ship/isn't there a ship debate with Sam and Jack because I'm perfectly comfortable with my own interpretation on that score.

        But as to what the PTB were thinking, as I understand it they hadn't decided at that point what they were going to do with Sam and Jack. They did not have a AF advisor the first season screaming in their ears saying, NO! So they were playing around with the possibility. Before AT was cast she had to stand next to RDA to make sure they looked good together. So if you want to talk about writers intentions, think of this as a trial balloon. They wanted to see how something between these two characters would fly without making any commitment.
        ..and then have them want to be, but not be allowed, cause that tends to rate well...

        Facebook post about Alexis Cruz and the Audiobook he's done. If you're a fan of Alexis and his work - you'll love it. Book 1 and 2 are there now. The second one is brilliant, but I can't vouch for the first one (not having heard it), but I'm sure it's just as good, if not better.

        "I'm not gonna eat it - that's disgusting... I'm gonna wear it as a worm-stache." - Misha Collins (Supernatural Season 6 Gag Reel)
        "Becker, it leads to the Victorian Era. What do you think is going to come through, an Oliver-Twist-Asaurus?" - Connor - Primeval.

        Alexis Cruz - Facebook. (insert Klorel/Skaara icon here...) and ThunkThread ~ The Unprofessionals page for updates. ~
        a game for Teal'c fans ~ Skaara/Klorel disscussion ~ Character Connection Game ~ "Beyond Redemption"...


          Originally posted by Brother Freyr View Post
          All right, that's a fair assessment.

          My message would be, let's not get ahead of ourselves. We know what eventually grows between Sam & Jack, but let's not do any retconning of our own because of it. 4th episode, folks. 4th episode.
          what's that supposed to mean?



            Honestly???/ the 'real' reason sam jumped jack???? she was the only female on teh show and i bet RDA was like 'hey, carter's gonna jump someone, it'll be me' the same way jack became a pilot out of the blue in s6

            not to say it did'nt become more of an issue as the show went on....but these episodes were written long before the roles were even cast, so whomever played Sam Carter was going ot hit on Jack O'Neill...the same way Kynthia threw herself at the male lead (like countless females did to shep on SGA)
            Where in the World is George Hammond?



              I get that in terms of science, watching a stargate I just have to take a deep breath and suspend belief. At least with my limited experience and knowledge I don’t find a lot of the “science” realistic fiction.

              Dark Side/Light Side - I’ll pretend its the tree’s and just overdramatic emphasis. Histamine, so okay its not a big does of Benedryl or Claritin (because their mechanisms wouldn’t as far as I know really reduce the histamine in the blood, they in their own special ways mess with the receptors) but something that would reduce histamine release/production from mast cells. I can , and do, play lets pretend.

              I tend to get more hung up on Character personality traits, and while later its necessary to establish that Daniel is the ancient civializations guy, the foreign culture advocate. His initial reason for demanding to join SG1 was to look for his wife. I think he would be less focused on the need to study the culture, right that moment. I mean I get that he would find it fascinating but the “we’ve got to do this right now” , I’m not sure I think he would still be more urgent about finding Shar’e I guess it would eat a person up too much he probably has to shift is focus to stay “sane”.?

              Hi-lights for me were the Sam and Jack scene in the locker room, and Jacks scene with Daniel. They were just funny. I’m not going to jump in the ship debate, I’m not supremely passionate either way. But they made me smile and laugh. All in all an OKAY episode.


                I wrote a full review for this episode.

                I rather enjoyed it. Reminded me strongly of Star Trek's "The Naked Time", except with.. uh.. even less inhibitions. A total breakdown. It's an interesting concept that I believe works well when you're trying to establish characters.

                I loved getting to see Teal'c a little bit more; he's so awesome. If you had to wrap up, like, all the best traits in a guy and put them somewhere, they'd have been put into him. I've only seen six episodes and I'm obsessed with the guy. ?

                ...Ahem, where was I? Oh, yes, the rest of the cast.
                There were some very strong O'Neill/Carter implications here. And Jackson was just... Jackson.

                Best part of the episode was finding out that the antidote for the disease was, in fact, Claritin, more or less. How 'bout that? I knew Jackson's allergies would come in handy one of these days.


                  O yes, I loved that part. Hold on to those sneezes, Daniel. Lol!
                  "I choose freedom." Teal'c Threshold
                  "To resist the influence of others, knowledge of one's self is most important." Teal'c Stronghold


                    Originally posted by SaraBahama View Post
                    Yep...I noticed on the Netflix re-watch marathon I had. I backed up the video and watched it again because I thought I was seeing things! Also, when she first kisses him, his first reaction before he catches himself is his hand begins to automatically go to her hair (you see him catch himself in mid-motion and pull away). So funny. Denial is not just a river in Egypt. Come over to the S/J shipper thread.
                    I never noticed that until you mentioned it This episode was when i became team S/J!! It has a lot of memorable quotes and an episode I don't get tired of watching.


                      It's was funny to see Jacks reaction, when Sam is falling on him.

                      Is here anyone, who knows the sentence: "Lusy, i am home"? This was the moment, where Jack would be normal and tealc open his window to the prison.


                        Originally posted by Dumdidu View Post
                        Is here anyone, who knows the sentence: "Lusy, i am home"? This was the moment, where Jack would be normal and tealc open his window to the prison.
                        I'm not sure what your question is. The Lucy reference is to an old (50+ years) sitcom popular in the United States. It was called "I Love Lucy" and starred Lucille Ball and Desi Arnez. They played Ricky Ricardo and his wife, Lucy. When Ricky returned, he would announce "Lucy, I'm home."

                        If you're going to allow yourself to be offended by a cat, you might as well just pack it in -- Steven Brust


                          I'm not sure what your question is. The Lucy reference is to an old (50+ years) sitcom popular in the United States. It was called "I Love Lucy" and starred Lucille Ball and Desi Arnez. They played Ricky Ricardo and his wife, Lucy. When Ricky returned, he would announce "Lucy, I'm home."

                          Thanks for the anwer . That was my question. I have read my comment and i see, that i havent ask well. The problem was, that i havent the choice to edit, i dont know why. a bug...


                            I also thought the part when Daniel sees Jack and he tells him that Sam tried to seduce him, and Daniel says, "Oh, you poor man," I thought that was also funny.
                            "I choose freedom." Teal'c Threshold
                            "To resist the influence of others, knowledge of one's self is most important." Teal'c Stronghold


                              This episode was okay in my opinion.


                                Is this the closest we ever seen Jack and Sam having sex?

                                Nice episode , one of the best from season 1

