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Emancipation (103)

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    Actually if you look close then Jack is like really really trying to hold back bursting out laughing in tears in alot of episodes through the whole show. Thats why it's awesome
    RIP Don S. Davis 1942-2008


      Originally posted by hedwig View Post
      Teyla was given some very good hand-to-hand combat scenes in SGA. I wish they'd given Sam Carter at least a few similar type scenes. "Emancipation" was just a warm-up episode to show off her fighting skills. And then we didn't get to see any more of them (sadly). They were too busy showing off her brain power instead.
      Which takes away from what she said to Jack at the start about being able to handle what they could handle in regards to the dangers through the stargate. When we first met her she was so confident about being more than just brains.

      Facebook post about Alexis Cruz and the Audiobook he's done. If you're a fan of Alexis and his work - you'll love it. Book 1 and 2 are there now. The second one is brilliant, but I can't vouch for the first one (not having heard it), but I'm sure it's just as good, if not better.

      "I'm not gonna eat it - that's disgusting... I'm gonna wear it as a worm-stache." - Misha Collins (Supernatural Season 6 Gag Reel)
      "Becker, it leads to the Victorian Era. What do you think is going to come through, an Oliver-Twist-Asaurus?" - Connor - Primeval.

      Alexis Cruz - Facebook. (insert Klorel/Skaara icon here...) and ThunkThread ~ The Unprofessionals page for updates. ~
      a game for Teal'c fans ~ Skaara/Klorel disscussion ~ Character Connection Game ~ "Beyond Redemption"...


        Originally posted by Zaany View Post
        Actually if you look close then Jack is like really really trying to hold back bursting out laughing in tears in alot of episodes through the whole show. Thats why it's awesome
        I swear in a lot of episodes AT is also trying to keep a straight face, especially when RDA is saying some of his goofy lines (or ad libs). : )
        Enjoying the Stargate Re-Watch Event: "This should not get old, General!"

        Noxbait's Fan Fiction


          Originally posted by Noxbait View Post
          I do like that they imply that there have already been other missions (Jack talking about '595). It is easy to think that each episode happens in one day, right after each other. You kind of have to build in extra days during certain episodes to make them make more sense. In the same way, I like the idea that we aren't necessarily seeing every mission they go on.
          I actually don't like the fact they decided to emphasise the point that they have been on other missions before this one. Being only the 3rd episode in the series and their first official off-world mission, I think it would have been better to keep up to date on all missions at this stage purely for character development continuation. I consider the idea we have missed a huge chunk of team bonding and a bit of a letdown. Later on in the series missing non-arc based stories is fine, but for now I think it separates the viewer from feeling like we are on the full journey with them. Thoughts?

          Not as bad of an episode as many make it out to be. Very weak, but not a disgrace by any means. Would have been more suited to later in the season.

          "The greatest compliment that was ever paid me was when one asked me what I thought, and attended to my answer.” - Henry David Thoreau



            Originally posted by Nindif View Post
            I actually don't like the fact they decided to emphasise the point that they have been on other missions before this one. Being only the 3rd episode in the series and their first official off-world mission, I think it would have been better to keep up to date on all missions at this stage purely for character development continuation. I consider the idea we have missed a huge chunk of team bonding and a bit of a letdown. Later on in the series missing non-arc based stories is fine, but for now I think it separates the viewer from feeling like we are on the full journey with them. Thoughts?
            I hadn't thought of it that way, and the first time I watched through the series I didn't watch all episodes in order so I saw this one way out of order. Now watching it in order and trying to imagine never having seen it before I think you might be right.

            This isn't my least favorite episode, but it isn't my favorite. It isn't as bad as I remember it being and there are some funny one liners that keep you interested. I also feel like basically all SciFi shows have one episode like this. Is it an unwritten rule or something?


              Originally posted by Nindif View Post
              I actually don't like the fact they decided to emphasise the point that they have been on other missions before this one. Being only the 3rd episode in the series and their first official off-world mission, I think it would have been better to keep up to date on all missions at this stage purely for character development continuation. I consider the idea we have missed a huge chunk of team bonding and a bit of a letdown. Later on in the series missing non-arc based stories is fine, but for now I think it separates the viewer from feeling like we are on the full journey with them. Thoughts?
              I somewhat agree, especially because it doesn't make a lot of sense. In Politics they say the first mission was on February 10 and apparently the mission to P3X-979 (1x05 The Broca Divide) was in March. Yet in the pilot Carter says that the computer will spit out two or three destinations a month and there are nine teams at that moment. Doesn't make a lot of sense for them to have already gone on other missions then. And although the mention of whatever embarrassing thing happened to Carter on P3X-595 is funny, it would indicate that they'd had contact with the locals before and therefore should have been more careful this time around...
              Unmade Plans (WIP: 11/20):
              Sam's life takes a turn in an unexpected direction when she's faced with an unplanned pregnancy. The decision to keep the baby and raise it on her own will alter her life forever. Relationships are put to the test, especially the one between her and Jack. She doesn't know what to expect from him and he surprises her at every turn.
              On FFnet or AO3

              My S/J fics can be found on FFnet and AO3. I also tweet and tumble about the ship and my writing/stories.


                Originally posted by Noxbait View Post
                I swear in a lot of episodes AT is also trying to keep a straight face, especially when RDA is saying some of his goofy lines (or ad libs). : )
                Most of the scenes I remember she failed on keeping straight face I am not saying it is bad, but just sayin'


                  My LiveJournal post
                  Shoot me down in flames if you wish, but this has always been one of my favourite episodes. Ok, maybe the point of the ep is a little forced, but still...

                  Originally posted by Scotaf View Post
                  I also feel like basically all SciFi shows have one episode like this. Is it an unwritten rule or something?
                  Maybe it's because sci-fi is mostly geared towards men and they want to show that the woman/women are valuable members of the team/show too? (Conicidentally, I touch on that in my LJ too)
                  "Thanks to denial, I'm immortal."
                  "A big 'Hello' to all intelligent life out there, and for everyone else, the secret is to bang the rocks together, guys!"
                  "Excuse me, barmaid? You seem to have brought me the wrong offspring. I ordered an extra large boy with beefy arms, extra guts and glory on the side. This here, this is a talking fishbone!"
                  "I'm Jack. It means... what's in the box?"

                  >-- Czechs Rock! >--


                    Originally posted by Noxbait View Post
                    I swear in a lot of episodes AT is also trying to keep a straight face, especially when RDA is saying some of his goofy lines (or ad libs). : )
                    Chris Judge was pretty goofy at times, too. In the scene right after they've stepped out of the gate, and are walking away from it, Amanda and Chris are next to each other, and if you look really closely, Chris says something, and Amanda gets this big grin on her face and looks like she's trying not to laugh right out loud. And we all know that Teal'c didn't have a sense of humor at that time, so it had to be something Chris said.


                      I looked at this episode straight in the face, that is they wanted to enforce the Stargate idea of the team which meats ancient civs frozen in time and not progressing, thus giving us more insight on ancient cultures
                      I know I know, it was about women, but I enjoyed it more when I set my mind to see ancient civ


                        Originally posted by Nindif View Post
                        I actually don't like the fact they decided to emphasise the point that they have been on other missions before this one. Being only the 3rd episode in the series and their first official off-world mission, I think it would have been better to keep up to date on all missions at this stage purely for character development continuation. I consider the idea we have missed a huge chunk of team bonding and a bit of a letdown. Later on in the series missing non-arc based stories is fine, but for now I think it separates the viewer from feeling like we are on the full journey with them. Thoughts?
                        Good point. I hadn't really considered that. You're right, it would have been better maybe to have that mention of another mission somewhere farther down the road. We are missing what would be their "first" official mission as a team according to this. Obviously, looking back across 10 years of the show, we can nitpick a lot better than they could starting out. In a lot of ways, I kind of feel like it really started out as a "novelty" show that maybe no one expected to go very far, and as it kept going, they kept improving both the quality and the background and story arcs.

                        Anyway, I totally agree...we should have been able to see that first mission as they learned how to operate as a team!
                        Enjoying the Stargate Re-Watch Event: "This should not get old, General!"

                        Noxbait's Fan Fiction


                          As an anthropologist, Daniel has a desire to learn about the people of the Steppe, but the team’s presence is the catalyst for a significant change in the tribe's behavior; even if the tribal leader had envisioned a similar outcome prior to the team’s arrival.

                          Later in the series Hammond reminds of the potential consequences they faced each time they walked through the ‘gate. Though this was a case of positive result… anesthetic for Earth, emancipation for the tribe’s women…it was still interference into their culture and laws.

                          Little bit of the Jack/Daniel banter before setting out to track Sam -
                          Jack: The hell with culture; a member of my team has been neutralized. That's a hostile act!
                          Daniel: How is it that you always come up with the worst-case scenario?
                          Jack: I practice.
                          … Daniel: If Abu gives her up peacefully, no one will get hurt. (to Jack) Right?
                          Jack: We'll do our best.

                          - was a good indication of the relationship those two had; affirming, like the mention of Sam’s embarrassing moment on another planet, that the team dynamic was constructed due as much to was happening off screen. It’s as if the writers purposefully left openings for fan fiction to walk through!


                            Loved this ep the very first time I ever saw it. Especially the Sam beating the Warlord. Awesome I cheered. I can still watch that part, over and over again.
                            the rest of it , the way the women were treated remind me too much of what still happens in the world today, and leaves me frustrated. So I watched for the rewatch only
                            no means no, and so does pepper spray
                            Sig by The Carpenter


                              This episode won't ever get anywhere near my best of list, but there are definitely worse episodes. Also, I find it easier to forgive weak episodes when a show is just starting its run.

                              The standout for this episode was Jack -some good one-liners and banter with Daniel, but my favorite moment is how he shoos the man holding the knife to his throat away right after Sam wins the fight.

                              Finally, I love how Teal'c for the most part remains in the background as an observer with very little to say until the mention of "an Oprah" causes him to finally speak up.


                                I have always liked this ep liked the message liked how Sam was Jack was good too so was Daniel.
                                My Favorite Scifi/Fantasy T.V. Shows, Movies, Franchises, My Sports Teams & My Fav Sitcom
                                poundpuppy29 AKA Erika = Astrology Nut, Scifi-Fantasy Junkie & Massachusetts Girl

