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Sam Carter /Thor Ship/Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by qasimjavid
    Fetish = A ****** fixation on a concept, object, or body part. This thread seems to be bordering on the edge of forum rules
    What, you don't like nicely painted toenails?

    Erm, nevermind, ignore that . . . .


      Originally posted by qasimjavid
      Fetish = A ****** fixation on a concept, object, or body part. This thread seems to be bordering on the edge of forum rules
      Fetish?? There is no fetish-ing in this forum! Headgear, tounge and hand thunk and whump are perfectly natural!!


        Originally posted by Droops
        I find it amusing that you would discuss Aasgard flip-flops and think of Scary. I'll tell her that next time I see her.
        No need
        I have now informed myself
        Oh the shame, being associated with flip-flops

        I definately see him more in clogs though

        O-Ra...did you...imagine...Thor...sweaty and working out?

        I worry for you people...that's saying a bit...seen as i started this thread *giggles*



          Originally posted by Member No.5171
          I reckon Thor could do better!
          I know this is from wayyyyyy back (as in first page)

          But we have to proove the skeptics wrong



            Originally posted by scaryperson
            I worry for you people...that's saying a bit...seen as i started this thread *giggles*

            Thats definately saying a bit
            gumboYaYa: you are all beautiful, your words and openness are what make that shine. don't forget how much talent love and beauty you all have.
            so for now, peace love love love more love and happy, and thank you, thank you, thank you
            love Torri


              With all this discussion of footwear, you seem to have forgotten that Thor would wear boots while on duty in his SGC gear. Flip flops on our Thor? Never!

              Sam and Thor out for a stroll on a warm summer day on Earth....

              Thor: Samantha, are many humans in this region suffering from material deprivation, so that they must utilize such flimsy footwear?

              Sam: Well, unfortunately many people are poor, but those are called "flip flops" and are considered fashionable.

              Thor: You live in a fascinating and strange world, my dear.

              Sam: Don't worry, Thor, I won't buy you any.

              Thor: Thank-you. I do not believe these "flip"... "flops" would suit Asgard physiology. They are noisy as well. Yes, quite unsuitable.


                I guess that settles it - Clogs it is
                gumboYaYa: you are all beautiful, your words and openness are what make that shine. don't forget how much talent love and beauty you all have.
                so for now, peace love love love more love and happy, and thank you, thank you, thank you
                love Torri


                  Originally posted by qasimjavid
                  I guess that settles it - Clogs it is
                  Clogs, flip-flops???????????? What has been going on here?

                  I'm sure Thor would be much happier in some nice millitary issue size 3's.....(if his feet are even that big!!) And for evening wear - some 18 hole Doc Martins to complement his skinny legs.


                    Easter Lily where are you?

                    I am waiting for part 2
                    gumboYaYa: you are all beautiful, your words and openness are what make that shine. don't forget how much talent love and beauty you all have.
                    so for now, peace love love love more love and happy, and thank you, thank you, thank you
                    love Torri


                      *pats Sha're on the head*

                      There there, we all KNOW Thor is a clogs man, you know, for when him and Sam go clog dancing

                      *sprays drink from nose at own comment*



                        Cinderfella or CinderThor Part 2

                        Dedicated to qasimjavid... especially... for wanting it so much...

                        For days the princess would think about her strange suitor… he had looked nothing like any man that she had ever seen… It was strange… because for the first time she had found something like love but as suddenly as he had appeared, he had vanished. No one knew who he was or where he had come from. There was no trace of him but this… unusual looking shoe…
                        That was it… the princess had an idea… that was how she was going to find her one true love… the shoe would be the key.

                        The next day, King Hammond sent his heralds across the land announcing to one and all that the Princess Sam was in search of a husband (finally!) and that she would walk the length and breadth of the land to find her One True Love… But there was a catch (obviously)… in that all the bachelors in the land had to try on this mysterious shoe. The princess promised to marry whoever it is who could wear the shoe regardless of rank. At first everyone thought that it was a rather unusual request but credited it to a mere quirk on the princess’ part. After all, the princess was fast approaching her forties and was still unmarried. They could happily indulge her strange fancies.

                        The king, on the other hand, hadn’t thought too much about the strangeness of the request as he was only too glad to finally rid himself of his difficult-to-please daughter. He was in despair that she would ever marry and that he would have to pass on his throne to one of his good hearted but incompetent knights.

                        When news of this development reached CinderThor’s ears, his heart leapt with joy. But his face soon fell when he realized quickly that Jack would never ever approve of his making an appearance. CinderThor was saddened by the thought that he would never see his lady love once again. He felt certain that his feelings were reciprocated but unless he were able to prove that he was the true owner of the shoe, he would languish among the cinders for the rest of his miserable existence.

                        The day came when the princess finally arrived at the village of Neal… there was huge fanfare and excitement as the villagers were fairly certain that the princess’ future husband would be found among them. For two months the princess had gone from village to village to no avail. None of the men could wear that strange, soft shoe… it was as if the shoe had a mind of its own… it was as if it knew that none of them were its true owner.

                        True to form, Jack of Neal locked his stepbrother in the cellar of the house. He didn’t believe that CinderThor could be the owner of the shoe but he had to make sure that nothing got in his way of the ultimate prize… the princess’ hand in marriage. There was no limit to his connivance once his motivation kicked into gear.

                        Not long after her arrival, the princess arrived at Jack’s cottage. Jack went to the door and put on his oiliest smile…
                        “Your highness… welcome to my humble abode”
                        “You must be Jack of Neal…”
                        “Indeed… your highness… please take a seat… May I say, your highness, how lovely you look today…”
                        Princess Sam to her credit, saw through the false modesty… I really hope he’s not the one. Don’t see happily ever after written on this one. She thought to herself and shuddered.
                        And after some exchange of non-sequitur… Princess Sam cleared her throat…
                        “Ahem… well, you know why I’m here…”
                        “Yes, your highness…” Jack replied… rather too eagerly…
                        “Well, let’s get down to business then. If the shoe fits, I will offer you my hand in marriage. But if for some reason you do not want to marry me… I will not force the issue.” Princess Sam added hastily.
                        “I would consider it an honour, your highness to be your consort.”
                        Princess Sam was surprised that Jack even knew the meaning of the word consort much less use it in the right context. Perhaps he’s brighter than he looks.

                        The shoe in question was promptly produced in a special plexiglass case. It’s rather small… Jack thought while looking at it… But no matter, I can easily squeeze into it… looks soft enough.
                        Jack then tried to put his foot into the shoe. He squeezed, pushed and shoved with all his might but to no avail. But on every occasion it was as if the shoe was repelled by him. It’s just a shoe. How difficult can it be?
                        After huffing and puffing in and out of the shoe for an hour, Jack had to concede defeat…
                        “Stubborn little sucker, isn’t it…” he laughed nervously…
                        The princess coughed politely and said
                        “Perhaps there are other unwedded males in this household…?”
                        Needless to say she was relieved.
                        “No, there are no others… just me…” There was no way that that shoe thing belonged to CinderThor... unless... nah... it was impossible...

                        CinderThor was listening to everything that was going on while he was locked in the cellar. He had to find a way to let the princess know that he was there. He looked around the cellar for some object and hit hard on the door. “Bang, bang, bang.”

                        The noise traveled all the way up to the sitting room and startled everyone…
                        “What’s that noise…”
                        “Nothing… princess… just a pet…” Jack laughed nervously..
                        “A pet? Making such a noise… Probably worth looking at.” The princess’ curiosity was piqued.
                        “ You don’t really want to see it… it’s rather large and dangerous…” Jack added hastily.
                        That man doesn’t want me to see his “pet” and I want to know why.
                        “Then why do you keep it in your house…?”
                        “ Erm… that’s because… I’m still working on building it a cage outside…”
                        Princess Sam peered outside the window and there was no sign of any construction.
                        Hmmm… I must know what he’s trying to hide…
                        “Guards… go down to the cellar at once and find out what is going on down there…”

                        The guards nervously made their way down the stairs and unlocked the door to the cellar. To their relief, they did not find anything large or dangerous… just something small and sad… They picked him up and took him to the princess.

                        When CinderThor made his appearance in the room… the princess immediately looked into his eyes…
                        It’s him… it has to be… those eyes… I can’t be wrong about those eyes… But what a strange creature…
                        But remembering the connection she had with him… she walked towards him…

                        “Your highness…, “ the creature gave a little bow.
                        “Who are you? Have we met?”
                        “My name is Thor… the villagers here call me CinderThor because I live next to the fireplace. We met at the ball and that shoe belongs to me.” he said quietly.

                        As if on cue, the shoe leapt with joy at seeing his owner… Thor walked to the plexiglass case and picked up the soft, squishy shoe placing it on his foot. The shoe glided into place and stayed in position. It was happy that it had come home.
                        CinderThor then told the princess his life story and how he had made his way into the ball. The princess took pity on him, took him to her castle and married him. As they spent more time discussing wormhole physics and other deep matters, the princess grew to love her strange but brilliant consort. There was much rejoicing in the land and as the storybooks say… they all lived happily ever after…

                        Good to see you back, Scary...
                        "When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth"


                          I can't even comment on that! It's perfect!


                            Originally posted by Easter Lily
                            Cinderfella or CinderThor Part 2

                            Dedicated to qasimjavid... especially... for wanting it so much...

                            Thank you very much

                            Very good - I especially liked the King Hammond bit!!!!
                            gumboYaYa: you are all beautiful, your words and openness are what make that shine. don't forget how much talent love and beauty you all have.
                            so for now, peace love love love more love and happy, and thank you, thank you, thank you
                            love Torri


                              Originally posted by Easter Lily
                              Cinderfella or CinderThor Part 2
                              For days the princess would think about her strange suitor… he had looked nothing like any man that she had ever seen… ...As they spent more time discussing wormhole physics and other deep matters, the princess grew to love her strange but brilliant consort. There was much rejoicing in the land and as the storybooks say… they all lived happily ever after…

                              Good to see you back, Scary...
                              MOST enjoyable!! A wonderful part two, and well worth the wait!


                                Thanks for the support, everyone...
                                I'm glad you enjoyed it...
                                I've also posted it on my Live Journal... *shamless plug* Click on link in my siggy...
                                "When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth"

