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Sam Carter /Thor Ship/Discussion/Appreciation

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    Yowza! I see he brought his hammer.
    Hatshepsut, Queen Pharaoh


      Mmmmm, yes! I suppose if he got a nice hair cut - trimmed the beard, slipped on something less ... er ... obvious, He might just make a great holoThor! But I still LIke Thors' big Cat like eyes. You can get lost in them..... ooooooooo....


        This world tours going on for a while

        How are the asgard coping without their supreme commander and what was their reaction to his injury
        gumboYaYa: you are all beautiful, your words and openness are what make that shine. don't forget how much talent love and beauty you all have.
        so for now, peace love love love more love and happy, and thank you, thank you, thank you
        love Torri


          Originally posted by qasimjavid
          This world tours going on for a while

          How are the asgard coping without their supreme commander and what was their reaction to his injury
          "We tried to tell you, Supreme Commander, that becoming attached to this human and her ways would be dangerous. *Now* will you return home?"

          "Pishaw! This minor damage to my person is inconsequential compared to what I gain from my bond with Samantha."


            Originally posted by jckfan55
            "We tried to tell you, Supreme Commander, that becoming attached to this human and her ways would be dangerous. *Now* will you return home?"

            "Pishaw! This minor damage to my person is inconsequential compared to what I gain from my bond with Samantha."
            The conversation continues:
            Asgard official (sneering) But she towers so and has that strange hair that humans sprout from their heads.

            Thor (in a bit of a rapturous trance) Ah, but her height matches the size of her heart. She is so generous and caring. We Asgard could learn much from her. Whereas once, I too, found humans rather gargantuan I now see the grace with which my Samanatha moves. Amazing in someone her size—she is even rather tall for a human female. And her hair only adds to her strange and exotic beauty. Have you ever seen how the light from the display screen makes her hair shine?

            Asgard Official: Supreme Commander, are you sure you haven’t suffered some brain injury?

            Thor: Don’t be absurd. My brain is functioning better than it ever has. Now leave me so I may return to Samantha. She is likely concerned for my well being.


              I was feeling extraordinarily curious the other day and decided it would be fun to take a gander
              at what Sam thought was important enough to take along on her road trip with Thor.
              So, I asked her to empty her pockets and take a piccie for us.


                Um, just wondering what the heck that claw thingy is.

                When all else fails, change channels.


                  Nooooooooooooooooo........what am I doing in this thread....must get out....Kay! ORa! I must get outta here.........argh!!!


                    Originally posted by FoolishPleasure
                    Um, just wondering what the heck that claw thingy is.
                    Lockpick kit. From Nightwalkers.


                      ERm, is that a sugar pill at the bottom?


                        Originally posted by Droops
                        ERm, is that a sugar pill at the bottom?
                        Little red thing. Perhaps Sam likes those better than the yellow ones.


                          Mm, a Volvo, how Sam-like. I see she hasn't yet introduced Thor to the wonder of Bubble gum.
                          TEAM SG1 LIVES


                            HAHAHAHA!! Sucked ya in PM!! Glance and gaze at the glory that is Smor!!! Buahahahaha!!!
                            TEAM SG1 LIVES


                              As I am devoid of Photo editing software, I am stuck captioning photos. Aw, heck, that's fun!!

                              How it began ...

                              At first she gazed upon him...

                              And he upon her...

                              At first astonishment ...


                              What are you lookin at??

                              You can't be serious...

                              Hey, she's kinda hot.

                              Hey, he's kinda hot.

                              And voila! Insta Love!!
                              TEAM SG1 LIVES


                                Caption: Don't diss the broach. It was a gift from Thor. (ok, Heimdall, but we can pretend)
                                (thanks to majorsal who first said it was a broach. )

