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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    So I was playing with my screencaps again, and I couldn't help but notice, in these pics from Moebius, a certain trend on Sam's part...

    She looks a might bit frustrated that his cowl-thingy is in the way of her neck ogling here...

    So she just employs her imagination--or rather, memory, considering *when* this is...

    And one last moment of six-ogling caught before we never see this Sam & Jack again... Way to go out in style you two!

    Something tells me Sam's really enjoying her new-found freedoms with Jack when they're off-duty!
    Last edited by BrenRen; 20 September 2009, 09:52 AM.
    Love and hot fudge,
    Bren Ren
    My stories!



      Originally posted by VSS View Post
      Wow, I'm really impressed that you did that. I don't think this latest comment negates his letter, because he was probably answering you in the context of S/J, not in the context of Jack retiring.
      I was somewhat impressed with myself for writing to JM. Totally surprised that he answered the question. Though I noticed that he edited my question, so I'm sure he edits a lot of other questions. What he took out wasn't anything important. But I can imagine he edits questions down to whatever it is in the question that he's choosing to answer and leaves the rest out. And, yes, my question had to do with J/S ... not Jack retiring.

      Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
      Because i'm a good girl? *cough*

      (*we all love you anyway ...*)

      Originally posted by leiasky View Post
      It doesn't matter if Sam is in command of the Hammond. Her direct report would be Space Command, not Jack. So long as she's still out of his chain of command, they're fine to engage in a relationship.
      We've known since "Enemy at the Gate" (last January) that Sam was in command (or going to be) of the "Hammond". Hmmm ... no point to make here, just a comment. I'm sure the "Hammond" has been finished and going about its errands with Sam in command for many months now.

      Originally posted by BrenRen View Post
      On the second... I hope that's *Sam's* knee, cause otherwise that's a seriously casual position for Jack...

      A visual reminder:
      And combined with that smile on his face, I can't help but imagine all kinds of salacious reasons for him needing such an open posture...

      On the Shippy side, assuming it is *Sam's* knee, as I'm sure it is, this has to be the cutest non-touching Gratuitous Touching Moment (I say "non-touching" because there's no physical skin-to-skin contact, a must-have for a true Gratuitous Touching Moment!) I've seen! And she's sitting so close to Jack, it wouldn't be a stretch at all for her to slide her hand over to Jack's thigh...

      Yes, I dwell in the Gutter. I live here, work here, eat, sleep, and play here. And I have no intention of leaving. Ever. Just in case you were wondering...

      Not sure quite how to phrase this, so I'll just jump in here and say I really hope that's Sam's knee. If it's any part of Jack, he's certainly sitting in an awkward position for it to be a part of him ........

      And somebody else said they look so "couply" here. They sooo do. Very comfy and at ease and ... erm ... intimate with each other being that close. Like newlyweds, lovers, etc.


        On JM's SGU response:

        The second I read the question I knew JM was going to respond with a snarky answer because as someone has already pointed out, he responds snarky with more snark (like Snarky Snark or was that Marky Mark... nevermind...). I was contemplating asking (very politely) if after it airs if we could get some shots of the pictures in Jack's office (sort of like he did for Sam's). For one, he can't confirm or deny because it hasn't aired yet - so no point in asking now. Second, if asked politely the worst he would say is "no" in a succinct way (I tend to read his succinct answers as merely succinct and not snarky).

        As for the Trio comment, in the dialogue Sam said "he might be retiring soon" (emphasis mine) - not that he would be. I think they leave that door open so that we have a way to imagine the character post-Stargate... but then they have a new series available and RDA willing to show up (which of course, remember, is a *huge* deal for them because he's the big name from the original). So what would they do with a retired Jack O'Neill?? Since they didn't give us any more than "it's complicated" from Sam in the deleted scene we can read that several ways (and I choose to be optimistic) which is they're in a relationship, but it's complicated because they aren't *together* physically in the sense that they have to keep traveling great distances just to spend time together. Long distance relationships are difficult, y'know?? LOL

        So. That's my take.


          Originally posted by BrenRen View Post
          Well... If Sam managed to execute a proper sidearm check, their expressions would've been more like this:

          My she must be reallly impressed

          As for Moebius, well dang all that pesky clothing getting in the way of a good ogle, I would be frustrated too

          Originally posted by hedwig View Post

          (*we all love you anyway ...*)
          It wasn't that funny, and why does no one believe me

          Ok so what, that post about the thigh may have contradicted it but.......Oh who am I trying to kid


            Originally posted by Twilight506 View Post
            On JM's SGU response:

            The second I read the question I knew JM was going to respond with a snarky answer because as someone has already pointed out, he responds snarky with more snark (like Snarky Snark or was that Marky Mark... nevermind...). I was contemplating asking (very politely) if after it airs if we could get some shots of the pictures in Jack's office (sort of like he did for Sam's). For one, he can't confirm or deny because it hasn't aired yet - so no point in asking now. Second, if asked politely the worst he would say is "no" in a succinct way (I tend to read his succinct answers as merely succinct and not snarky).

            As for the Trio comment, in the dialogue Sam said "he might be retiring soon" (emphasis mine) - not that he would be. I think they leave that door open so that we have a way to imagine the character post-Stargate... but then they have a new series available and RDA willing to show up (which of course, remember, is a *huge* deal for them because he's the big name from the original). So what would they do with a retired Jack O'Neill?? Since they didn't give us any more than "it's complicated" from Sam in the deleted scene we can read that several ways (and I choose to be optimistic) which is they're in a relationship, but it's complicated because they aren't *together* physically in the sense that they have to keep traveling great distances just to spend time together. Long distance relationships are difficult, y'know?? LOL

            So. That's my take.
            I think that whomever is brave enough to ask to see the pictures might also want to ask if that means Jack has come to terms with that painful part of his past. That would settle the issue.

            Yes, I agree with that. I think the whole purpose of the convo was just to say they're together and leave the details to be shown at a later date. People who've seen that clip *cough*not me*cough* say it sure doesn't look like she's pining away with unrequited love- more like things are pretty darn good, but not perfect. Yet.


              Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
              My she must be reallly impressed

              As for Moebius, well dang all that pesky clothing getting in the way of a good ogle, I would be frustrated too

              It wasn't that funny, and why does no one believe me

              Ok so what, that post about the thigh may have contradicted it but.......Oh who am I trying to kid
              Don't worry. I wasn't trying to make you feel bad ... If anything, those laughy thingies could be as easily pointing at me. Just ask my brother and sisters how well those would fit me. Wait ... don't ask them ... they'd be only too happy to tell you ... stuff.


              Originally posted by VSS View Post
              I think that whomever is brave enough to ask to see the pictures might also want to ask if that means Jack has come to terms with what happened with Sara and Charlie. That would settle the issue.

              Yes, I agree with that. I think the whole purpose of the convo was just to say they're together and leave the details to be shown at a later date. People who've seen that clip *cough*not me*cough* say it sure doesn't look like she's pining away with unrequited love- more like things are pretty darn good, but not perfect. Yet.
              At what point would you like the question asked of JM? I'll do it. I've gotten brave(r) in my senior years. And, besides, he'll never meet me, so I'm not afraid of what he might say (hopefully, anyway) in print.


                More Pic Story...


                "That sounds really bold, Carter. Are you sure we'd be able to pull it off?"
                Daniel: "Guys? Guys? I'm here... I'm... *sigh*"

                "C'mon sir, you can't tell me you don't want to. I saw the look on your face when we got to that page."
                Daniel: "Is this all you two *ever* talk about?"

                "If we do, you know, then I want some place other than the storage closet. What about Daniel's office? He has that really nice rug from that one planet..."
                Daniel: "What?! Don't you dare Jack! This is so very wrong."

                "I think that might be doable, sir. I mean, Daniel's not exactly using it right now."
                Daniel: "I should just give up."

                "You're just giving in that quickly? Normally you try to haggle with me."

                "I know a good deal when I see one sir. Besides, I'm low on chocolate, I've got to find some way to stay satisfied."
                Off screen Daniel: "Oh... I am so walking away right now..."



                "It is imperative Major Carter that you are positioned as so from your... partner."
                "Thanks Teal'c, I think I know what we were doing wrong now."

                "You know, sir, I got the info from Teal'c. I think if we place the skull over there, no one would be able to see us..."

                "I'm game. Okay everyone, Carter and I are going to place the skull on the pedestal."

                "This is seriously messing with my mojo. Sparkles just aren't very manly."

                "From what I can tell, sir, your 'mojo' looks just fine to me."

                "Would you two STOP! Do you know how painful the last two days have been for me?"
                Jack: "Daniel, have you been here the whole time?"
                Sam: "Did you... earlier...

                :: hearing a strange noise ::

                Jack: "Whoa... that's... whoa..."
                Sam: "Wow, there's a such thing as too big."
                Daniel: "I thought I was going blind after catching you two, but no, I think I'm really going blind now..."

                :: Daniel walks away ::

                "So... you want to try that when we get home?"

                "Yeah. I'm game."
                Jack: "Nice six, Carter."
                Daniel (off screen): "Oh for the love of God... I'm going to go throw myself in an opening wormhole."

                THE END


                  Originally posted by VSS View Post
                  I think that whomever is brave enough to ask to see the pictures might also want to ask if that means Jack has come to terms with that painful part of his past. That would settle the issue.

                  I really don't think he'd give you a straight answer. But - it'd be interesting to see what kind of answer he does give.

                  Yes, I agree with that. I think the whole purpose of the convo was just to say they're together and leave the details to be shown at a later date. People who've seen that clip *cough*not me*cough* say it sure doesn't look like she's pining away with unrequited love- more like things are pretty darn good, but not perfect. Yet.

                  I really do take that whole conversation with Keller as Sam's not so subtle confirmation that they are together but that its 'complicated' because of the distance separating them. Of course, I'm just stubborn and refuse to think of it any other way

                  VSS, you still haven't seen that clip?
                  Thanks to Oma-1 for the beautiful banner!


                    Originally posted by leiasky View Post
                    I really don't think he'd give you a straight answer. But - it'd be interesting to see what kind of answer he does give.

                    I really do take that whole conversation with Keller as Sam's not so subtle confirmation that they are together but that its 'complicated' because of the distance separating them. Of course, I'm just stubborn and refuse to think of it any other way

                    VSS, you still haven't seen that clip?
                    I'm voting for VSS to ask

                    And I agree with you on the whole clip - they're so together. So very together. Soooooooooooo together... okay I'm done.


                      Originally posted by hedwig View Post
                      Don't worry. I wasn't trying to make you feel bad ... If anything, those laughy thingies could be as easily pointing at me. Just ask my brother and sisters how well those would fit me. Wait ... don't ask them ... they'd be only too happy to tell you ... stuff.

                      hmmm, your brother ans sisters huh. I so have to meet them

                      Originally posted by leiasky View Post
                      I really don't think he'd give you a straight answer. But - it'd be interesting to see what kind of answer he does give.
                      I am not going to say anything....Nope...Not. Gonna. Say. Any. Thing

                      *zips lips shut*

                      EDIT: Oh forgot to say, Twilight. Love your picfic caption thingumey


                        Originally posted by hedwig View Post
                        Don't worry. I wasn't trying to make you feel bad ... If anything, those laughy thingies could be as easily pointing at me. Just ask my brother and sisters how well those would fit me. Wait ... don't ask them ... they'd be only too happy to tell you ... stuff.


                        At what point would you like the question asked of JM? I'll do it. I've gotten brave(r) in my senior years. And, besides, he'll never meet me, so I'm not afraid of what he might say (hopefully, anyway) in print.
                        I am so not going to write up any kind of question like that.. well not on this message board.

                        Originally posted by leiasky View Post
                        I really don't think he'd give you a straight answer. But - it'd be interesting to see what kind of answer he does give.

                        I really do take that whole conversation with Keller as Sam's not so subtle confirmation that they are together but that its 'complicated' because of the distance separating them. Of course, I'm just stubborn and refuse to think of it any other way

                        VSS, you still haven't seen that clip?
                        I still maintain that cutting that scene was one of the worst things they ever did to such a dedicated fan base in the history of Stargate. And no one will ever convince me it was cut for time. What it was cut for remains to be seen- I'm thinking it's to save the big moment for the movie but if that movie never happens then that will actually turn out to be the worst thing they ever did to such a dedicated fan base!


                          So I just noticed, I only need 95 more posts till I finally get my custom avatar! After five+ years here, its about Shippin' Time!

                          So... I thought I'd try a caption-game of a different color... Sing along, join in, or just kick back and watch my madness as I reach for the stars... you know, from the Gutter, that's a lonnnnngggg reach!


                          Ninety-nine pictures of Ship on the wall!
                          Ninety-nine pictures of Ship!
                          We'll take one down and caption around...
                          Ninety-eight pictures of Ship on the wall!

                          Told ya we should've done more than just lock Daniel in that closet...
                          Teal'c was supposed to be on guard.
                          My sincere apologies, O'Neill. I was distracted.
                          By what?
                          A magazine article discussing the merits of jello wrestling as a national pastime.
                          An article. Uh huh.
                          Next time we get the good stuff from Janet.
                          And next time would be... when, exactly?
                          How soon can you meet me on level 24?
                          T, go take care of the Spacemonkey--and this time stop by the doc's before you get lost in any magazine *articles*!
                          Love and hot fudge,
                          Bren Ren
                          My stories!



                            Oops! I meant to vote for hedwig to ask - sorry VSS - I was reading, watching Brett Favre play for my Vikings, AND reading the message board.

                            And I only like got up an hour ago.


                            You know how that goes.


                              Ninety-eight pictures of Ship on the wall!
                              Ninety-eight pictures of Ship!
                              We'll take one down and caption around...
                              Ninety-seven pictures of Ship on the wall!

                              Easy on the guy, Jack! He's just a would-be suitor that I only got together with in a timeline that never happens. He won't even survive this episode!
                              Right... that black widow curse thing.
                              Yup. And you know how it is with curses. Only true love will set us free!

                              Love and hot fudge,
                              Bren Ren
                              My stories!



                                Originally posted by VSS View Post
                                Yes, me, too. Because BW was clear that the story arc of the movie would be forward-looking. (I checked that one again, too ). And even as far back as the very first season they wanted to set the direction of the Charlie/Sara story by settling the issue with CL. I think RDA actually asked that they do that.

                                Besides, the point of that picture is Charlie, not Sara. And Jack's not in it like he's been in all the others.

                                I think too much.
                                Or do I?
                                *nods* Agree

                                Yes you think too much but we all do so it's okay!

                                Originally posted by VSS View Post
                                Wow, I'm really impressed that you did that. I don't think this latest comment negates his letter, because he was probably answering you in the context of S/J, not in the context of Jack retiring.

                                Frankly, I don't think JM thought it through when he said you can't use a cut scene as a reference. He was just wanting to poke at the person who asked about Jack retiring, but maybe forgot that would call into question everything contained in that scene. I bet someone writes in now and asks him about that specifically. He's opened a real can of worms by saying that!

                                And not only that, I always thought it was more like Sam sort of thinking out loud. What's retiring "soon" mean? When you're fifty-five years old and have been working hard all your life, like Jack, "soon" is a couple of years. Like I said, I never put much stock in that whole retiring thing. He's been saying that for literally decades.

                                I don't think that showing S/J as a couple onscreen depends on whether he's retired or not. BW seems to be the one steering the ship at this point, and I think he already had that figured out a long time ago. After all, he said it was on the set of Continuum when he first started thinking about the story for the third movie. That's been over two years ago- but of course his thoughts on the ship go way back to that opening scene in CotG- which suddenly became a heck of a lot shippier on the recut this year.
                                Agree again!

                                And yes for the recut!

                                In total defensive of Joe (not aimed at you VSS) I expect him to be snarky. He's put up a lot of crap from the fans through the years, especially with SGU, and I'm sure it wears him thin. And he doesn't have to answer those questions from us and yes most of the time they're ambiguous, and not even relating to the ship here, he doesn't have to do that but he does anyway And I'm grateful for that!

                                Originally posted by Jitter View Post
                                I can't believe I dodn't notice the "D'oh" >.< Especially since I use it myself all the time xD

                                Hmm reckon Sam and Jack have special Simpson weekend marathons so Sam can catch up?
                                It get missed a lot, and that's like a red flag in my mind

                                plot bunny! And yes I totally think so!

                                Originally posted by VSS View Post
                                I think that whomever is brave enough to ask to see the pictures might also want to ask if that means Jack has come to terms with that painful part of his past. That would settle the issue.

                                Yes, I agree with that. I think the whole purpose of the convo was just to say they're together and leave the details to be shown at a later date. People who've seen that clip *cough*not me*cough* say it sure doesn't look like she's pining away with unrequited love- more like things are pretty darn good, but not perfect. Yet.

                                You also don't like vids right? *tisks* How you don't love S/J vids I'll never understand!

                                My Fanfiction My Sam/Jack vids (yahoo) My LJ
                                Thanks everyone for my b-day icons and sigs!
                                Nobody can make you feel inferior without your consent. ~Eleanor Roosevelt

