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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by mad_gater View Post
    I think Daniel would be the one more likely to be grossed out....
    Maybe it should be Teal'c who knows about it and grosses everyone else out


      Originally posted by mad_gater View Post
      it's not nice to point....

      *Lt. FP MG valiantly swoops in and unties the lovely advisor and protects her from further harm....mainly because all his gutter creativity was used up in those 2 doomsday weapons and so now all he can hope to do is protect those that do have gutter creativity*.....

      Awww!! Thanks Joe!!!
      Originally posted by Pol View Post
      Um, Sam would have had the same survival training - up in Washinton State. That's where we all went, flight crews were REQUIRED to get that training, and...we all had a favorite phrase, "thump the bunny."

      Never did need the maggots, but the grasshoppers were mighty tasty!
      "Thump the bunny"...Not sure if I want to ask...My mind has just descended further into the gutter than ever before with that phrase...And knowing the military, that phrase probably really has gross or icky connotations in all actuallity...
      Sig by Ikorni for Secret Santa


        Originally posted by Twilight506 View Post
        Well, I didn't quite phrase it right - I was thinking it was something he might have learned on the field, not necessarily in training (you know, he was in Iraq or something and some local threw some in his wound)...

        It's late. I totally know Sam would have had the same survival training.

        Ah, gotcha. My bad. Chalk my exceedingly quick (and slightly grumpy) comment up to the slew of badfic I've read recently where Sam assumes the role of helpless female who went to the airforce academy [sic] (as opposed to the Air Force Academy) and partied 'til the cows came home - like at a regular U.


        Sorry 'bout that.
        Pol My Blog | My Fanfic | My FaceBook__ Sam: "Jack...please."


          Originally posted by TrueRomantic View Post
          Awww!! Thanks Joe!!!

          "Thump the bunny"...Not sure if I want to ask...My mind has just descended further into the gutter than ever before with that phrase...And knowing the military, that phrase probably really has gross or icky connotations in all actuallity...
          Hmm, now that you mention it, I think that's going into a Campfire! LOL.
          Pol My Blog | My Fanfic | My FaceBook__ Sam: "Jack...please."


            Originally posted by Pol View Post
            Hmm, now that you mention it, I think that's going into a Campfire! LOL.
            LOL!!! I inspired something to go into a Campfire!!! Yay me, lol!!!

            And as perhaps one of the 1 in 10 college kids/girls in the US that doesn't party til the cows come home, I must say that it really irks me when people make mistakes like that in their fics that in turn cause other people to get into grumpy moods and take out their frustrations on the lumped category of "idiot college kids".Love ya Pol!!! I wish you'd finish up the Campfire series completely...I like to read completed series...
            Sig by Ikorni for Secret Santa


              Originally posted by Pol View Post
              Ah, gotcha. My bad. Chalk my exceedingly quick (and slightly grumpy) comment up to the slew of badfic I've read recently where Sam assumes the role of helpless female who went to the airforce academy [sic] (as opposed to the Air Force Academy) and partied 'til the cows came home - like at a regular U.


              Sorry 'bout that.
              LOL - no worries - I hate the helpless Sam fics too. I'm pretty careful in mine to make sure Sam is a stronger character (I even try to be hyper aware of when she cries because there are some fics where she's a friggin' fountain of sorrow). Maybe the airforce academy is where all the helpless girls go It's the lesser known school in... um... Budapest...

              My dad's retired AF so I usually try to be mindful of my military words (I ask lots of questions... LOL).


                Originally posted by TrueRomantic View Post
                LOL!!! I inspired something to go into a Campfire!!! Yay me, lol!!!

                And as perhaps one of the 1 in 10 college kids/girls in the US that doesn't party til the cows come home, I must say that it really irks me when people make mistakes like that in their fics that in turn cause other people to get into grumpy moods and take out their frustrations on the lumped category of "idiot college kids".Love ya Pol!!! I wish you'd finish up the Campfire series completely...I like to read completed series...
                Or those of us that partied responsibly - as in, with a close group of friends that were interested in hanging out and having fun (we had an American Idol themed b-day party once). We studied, had a good time, and were, well, responsible adults! (One went to law school, two to med school, some are working on grad studies, and some of us are married).

                It makes me wonder... Sam definitely has a sassy, fun side to her, but we really don't see it til much later in the series. Early on she's really portrayed as being very much married to her work. What do you think changed her? Was she always like that and we just miss it (then again, Jack does tell her that she's been tense since they met!). Do you think it's because she spent so much time in school, then on research, then on SG-1 that it wasn't until Grace that she realized that she could be a "whole" woman instead of just a soldier girl?


                  Originally posted by Twilight506 View Post
                  Or those of us that partied responsibly - as in, with a close group of friends that were interested in hanging out and having fun (we had an American Idol themed b-day party once). We studied, had a good time, and were, well, responsible adults! (One went to law school, two to med school, some are working on grad studies, and some of us are married).
                  Well, I hang out with my friends, but I don't go out to parties and stuff like that. And honestly, I don't think we've ever partied with alchol...But then, I'm only about to start my 3rd year of college...And we don't usually have bday parties for some reason...My friend was going to throw me a surprise party when I turned 20 this past March, but then I wasn't going to be in town and then no one else was going to be in town on the weekends, so it didn't work out. Of course, I'm one of the few in my group that's under 21, so they'll probably make a big deal out of my 21st...
                  It makes me wonder... Sam definitely has a sassy, fun side to her, but we really don't see it til much later in the series. Early on she's really portrayed as being very much married to her work. What do you think changed her? Was she always like that and we just miss it (then again, Jack does tell her that she's been tense since they met!). Do you think it's because she spent so much time in school, then on research, then on SG-1 that it wasn't until Grace that she realized that she could be a "whole" woman instead of just a soldier girl?
                  I don't really know...I'll have to think about it...
                  Sig by Ikorni for Secret Santa


                    Originally posted by Twilight506 View Post
                    Angst is so EASY! Watch :: cracks knuckles, wiggles fingers ::


                    Sam glanced across the table to Jack who had clearly seated himself away from her. Daniel seemed ill at ease and Teal'c had merely raised an eyebrow at the obvious rebuffing her lover seemed to be doing to her. The argument had been bad, the worst yet which is what she knew would happen the moment she told him.

                    "Oh! I want one of those drinks that lights up!" Vala practically squealed as she looked at the drink menu. "And I also want one that comes in a coconut. Do they have the ones in the coconut here Daniel?"

                    "No Vala," his voice sharper than usual. The voluptuous alien seemed not to notice, but turned to Cam and began pestering him. Jack remained silent, studying his menu as though it would reveal to him the secrets of the universe.

                    Tears threatened to spill over but she fought them like a good soldier would. The truth was she needed him now more than ever but she knew why he was angry and it had been her fault. Why she hadn't told him at the outset, she still didn't know. They were miles apart, in two cities, and the phone seemed such an impersonal way to break news to someone.

                    "Sam, are you going to have one of these very fruity drinks that Cam has explained are 'girlie'?" Vala asked, causing Sam to pull out of her private thoughts.

                    "Actually I'm thinking I need something stronger after the day I've had," she responded shooting only the quickest of glances at Jack. A flash of sympathy seemed to have crossed his visage, but it was so quick, she wasn't sure.

                    Vala, however, interpreted her words in an entirely different manner. "Oh, I see, all day at home with a very handsome man... yes, I would need something stronger too." She had a knowing grin and Sam tried to muster up another smile, but she just couldn't pretend any longer. Unbidden tears started to fall and as fast as she could, she jumped to her feet and excused herself.

                    The run from the table to the bathroom was a blur and once she had safely locked herself in the farthest stall she let herself sob as hard as she had desperately wanted to do. Except, she had wanted to be sobbing in Jack's arms and all she had instead were the cold, disgusting walls of a bathroom. The door to the restroom opened and Sam covered her mouth to mute her cries.

                    "Sam? Sam, it's Vala."

                    "Go away, Vala. I don't want to talk to anyone right now."

                    "No, no, you may be the tough soldier girl, but I have been watching Oprah and I know for a fact that that is emotionally unhealthy. Leads to all sorts of things that sound very painful. So open up."

                    "Please, just... just leave me be," her voice was soft and pleading.

                    A start went through her however when she heard Vala's voice come from above her. "Nope." The woman was clearly standing on top of the toilet in the adjacent stall and was peering down at her. "You are going to tell me what is wrong or I will send Teal'c in here to break down that door."

                    Another sob wracked Sam's body. "I lost it..."

                    "Lost what?"

                    She pursed her lips. "My baby."

                    The bathroom was silent as her friend soaked in the information. Sam buried her face in her hands and her woeful groan broke the quiet.

                    "I'm so sorry, Sam... if I had known..." A look of realization crossed Vala's face. "Does General O'Neill know? Is that why he's mad at you?"

                    "No-Vala..." Sam tried to stop the woman, but she was a quick little devil and had already exited the bathroom before Sam had unlocked her stall and come out. Racing back to the table she was faced with Vala Mal Doran yelling at Jack O'Neill.

                    "It wasn't her fault!! How can you blame her for something she didn't do? You are a worthless piece of scum and if I had my way I would rip you into shreds!" A crack crossed the room and Sam realized that Vala had slapped Jack. Her own cheeks burned red as Jack stood up and backed away, his eyes raging.

                    "I don't blame her! How about you get all the information before slapping people," he growled, picking up his coat. "Thanks Carter, by the way. This is just what I needed to end such a perfect day."

                    Sam felt a pang of bitterness pierce through her. "Don't blame me for your inability to deal with things. You're the one who got angry."

                    "You didn't tell me until it was too late!" he practically shouted, losing all sense of propriety. "I had to deal with the fact that I lost something I never even knew I had!"

                    "I told you I was sorry!"

                    "Well sorry doesn't cut it this time, Samantha."

                    Without another word, he left, leaving a stunned SG-1. Daniel came up and put his arm around Sam. "It'll work out. Just give him a day."

                    "Will it Daniel?" Her blue eyes expressed her doubt and lovingly, Daniel led her out of the restaurant.

                    "Let me take you home."


                    As they drove out of the parking lot, Sam noticed that Jack's truck was still parked and he didn't even notice that she saw his face, pained and tear-stained, grieving just as deeply as she was. Daniel was right, they would figure it out, they just needed time.
                    Okay, that's not angst, that's just plain mean! Great, but mean. *iz sad*

                    Originally posted by TrueRomantic View Post
                    Says me!!!! And well...You see...Well, now that I think about it, I can't explain. It's on a need-to-know, classified basis between Jann and I...We're both Shippy Hippies, you know. I'm not breaking any ties...I love my fellow Hippies...

                    And good night!! It's only 8:20 PM for me...Either you're going to be really early, or you live in a different time zone than me, lol.
                    Different time zones.

                    Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                    okay, i'll try!


                    sam: ow!!

                    jack: what?!?

                    sam: i'm hurt...

                    jack: where???

                    sam: ... i have a hangnail!

                    jack: omg!! are you alright!?!

                    sam: ... no.

                    jack: should i kiss it to make it better?

                    sam: YES! i mean, that might help...

                    *jack kisses sam's owie finger. then her hand. then her arm. then his lips slip to her mouth. then he's massaging her tongue with his own*

                    jack: do you feel better now?

                    sam: oooh, yeeesss...

                    how was that?

                    Originally posted by SG1Poz View Post
                    Hey I was at Shore Leave this weekend and got the chance to ask Vanessa Angel (Anise/Freya) if Carter's answer to the Tokra's polygraph machine thingy was edited and if she remembered what was supposed to be said if it was. Her answer was kind of vague. She said that originally she was supposed to be O'Neill's love interest for 9 episodes but that 'things' changed with that episode. She also said with a giggle that Amanda liked the change. She didn't know of Carters part was edited or not.
                    Wow! I'm glad that changed!!!! Totally completely glad!

                    Originally posted by Bekki View Post
                    *settles down in the angst cavern*

                    "we're at the end of our tether again, aren't we, Carter?"

                    They were the first words she had heard from him in hours, and had he been any other person, the silent stretch of time may have made her forget he was even there. But she could never forget. She could smell him on the settled air around them and she could feel the warmth of his body even though he lay nearly a foot away from her.

                    She didn't answer him, knowing that her voice would croak and gravel with underuse. Huskiness was never a good quality when lying in such close proximity to General O'Neill. But he was right. They were at the end of their tether. They had been stuck in this cave for countless hours, unable to light a match or have a proper conversation for fear of being discovered. So instead of laughing off wise cracks or ignoring stories about the Simpsons, Sam was left with only the scent of her C.O and the slightly raised temperature from his body. Anybody else might have thought the situation sensual, sexy even. If she had been a different person, Colonel Carter might have thought the same. As it was, all she could think of was her duty and of the ache that had settled somewhere below her navel approximately 7 years ago. The longing that had turned painful, and somewhere along the line had morphed into pain alone. So she lay, quiet, senses deliberately dulled and heart, as always, stifled, wondering whether today would be the day she died, at the end of her tether.
                    Another great one.

                    Originally posted by mad_gater View Post
                    it's not nice to point....

                    *Lt. FP MG valiantly swoops in and unties the lovely advisor and protects her from further harm....mainly because all his gutter creativity was used up in those 2 doomsday weapons and so now all he can hope to do is protect those that do have gutter creativity*.....

                    I had no doubt you'll protect the gutter!!!!
                    Big thanks to josi for avi and sig


                      Originally posted by TrueRomantic View Post
                      Well, I hang out with my friends, but I don't go out to parties and stuff like that. And honestly, I don't think we've ever partied with alchol...But then, I'm only about to start my 3rd year of college...And we don't usually have bday parties for some reason...My friend was going to throw me a surprise party when I turned 20 this past March, but then I wasn't going to be in town and then no one else was going to be in town on the weekends, so it didn't work out. Of course, I'm one of the few in my group that's under 21, so they'll probably make a big deal out of my 21st...
                      Party OT:

                      We had alcohol at ours ... but again we were all responsible and it wasn't like the parties you see on tv. It was more like us getting together with good food, good drink, movies, and just hanging out. We had one or two wilder 21 parties (one that was, in fact, a toga party LOL)... but I think they were fairly tame compared to what they have in the movies!!! - Also, ours never interfered with our studies - school came first. All that said, Sam would have been under a lot of regs

                      Okay shippers, I'm off for the night.

                      Devilish Me Leiasky convinced me to flesh that into a full blown story, so maybe in the next few weeks it'll seem more angsty and less mean


                        Originally posted by Twilight506 View Post
                        Party OT:

                        We had alcohol at ours ... but again we were all responsible and it wasn't like the parties you see on tv. It was more like us getting together with good food, good drink, movies, and just hanging out. We had one or two wilder 21 parties (one that was, in fact, a toga party LOL)... but I think they were fairly tame compared to what they have in the movies!!! - Also, ours never interfered with our studies - school came first. All that said, Sam would have been under a lot of regs

                        Okay shippers, I'm off for the night.

                        Devilish Me Leiasky convinced me to flesh that into a full blown story, so maybe in the next few weeks it'll seem more angsty and less mean
                        Well, our group is rather small...One doesn't drink period, and most of the rest don't really drink much either. The other only joined our group this past fall. So our gatherings tend to involve lots of chocolate instead of lots of alchol, lol.

                        Sig by Ikorni for Secret Santa


                          Hi guys been at the Shore Leave Convention and Jason and Rachel were guests at the con. Rachel said the movie was a no go and Jason said he heard it was on. I'm reposting a post left by Taxslady on the SL thread:
                          Here is what Joe Mallozzi had to say on his blog today;

                          Lcshepp writes: “Word out of Shoreleave [Luttrell told] the SGA movie is a no-go. Jason was supposedly told by you it’s on. Can the SGA fans please have official word from the supposed hallowed tptb that might resemble some form of truth?”

                          Answer: There has been no official word on whether the movie is officially a go OR a no-go. I was told we would be making a movie and did go through the trouble of writing a script after all. When I spoke to Jason a couple of months ago, things were looking very positive and I felt an announcement was imminent. Yet despite the delay and the various economic factors that have complicated matters (not the least of which being the significant drop-off in dvd sales across the board in the past six months) I’m still confident that the movie will get made.


                          I'm concerned about the future of the movies, so I would contact MGM to let them know we are interested in the making of the movies. Will post some pics when I get home. ((hugs))


                            Originally posted by Devilish Me View Post
                            Uhm... darn it! I'm a shippy hippy too! A-ha! But we're all about the balance... this isn't the war... (which I'm angst is sooo winning) this is just a friendly...

                            Just as long as you keep it friendly. I'm watching you

                            It's nice to see the thread sparking again


                              Originally posted by trupi View Post
                              Hi guys been at the Shore Leave Convention and Jason and Rachel were guests at the con. Rachel said the movie was a no go and Jason said he heard it was on. I'm reposting a post left by Taxslady on the SL thread:
                              Here is what Joe Mallozzi had to say on his blog today;

                              Lcshepp writes: “Word out of Shoreleave [Luttrell told] the SGA movie is a no-go. Jason was supposedly told by you it’s on. Can the SGA fans please have official word from the supposed hallowed tptb that might resemble some form of truth?”

                              Answer: There has been no official word on whether the movie is officially a go OR a no-go. I was told we would be making a movie and did go through the trouble of writing a script after all. When I spoke to Jason a couple of months ago, things were looking very positive and I felt an announcement was imminent. Yet despite the delay and the various economic factors that have complicated matters (not the least of which being the significant drop-off in dvd sales across the board in the past six months) I’m still confident that the movie will get made.


                              I'm concerned about the future of the movies, so I would contact MGM to let them know we are interested in the making of the movies. Will post some pics when I get home. ((hugs))
                              I wouldn't worry too much - if Joe is confident, then it'll probably happen. It's just a rough economic period so it maybe something that has to be put off just a little bit longer. Things won't always be this bleak

                              Besides, we need our confirmation!!!!!! And from what I know the SG-1 movie is still on track...


                                Originally posted by Pol View Post
                                Hmm, now that you mention it, I think that's going into a Campfire! LOL.
                                Oh, that's a good idea. How about using (and I'm sure you already know the term and its totally guttery so I will - refrain . . .) what guys call their wings with regards to women . . . I bet it would shock Daniel. LOL!
                                Thanks to Oma-1 for the beautiful banner!

