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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by JenniferJF View Post
    Another shipper - who I'll let self-identify if she chooses - and myself had an offline talk about SGA/SG1 and McKeller/S/J in which we said much the same thing. SGA has always been more 'popcorn fare' than SG1. Maybe it's because SGA was born on Sciffy, or for a different demographic, or because they set off to make it intentionally different than SG-1 cause they didn't need an exact copy of SG-1. And don't get us wrong, we're both fans of SGA. It's just.. different.

    In the same way, the two ships, as you say, reflect their shows. McKeller is nice and sweet and has done good things for the growth of both characters involved. Yet, it's never going to be more than an "aww.. that's sweet (or funny, or nice, or cute...)." It's pure fluff with a bit of gutter, and just doesn't have the depth and breadth and angst of S/J.

    So it really is comparing apples and oranges. Though it does confirm what we've pretty much known all along: at the end of the day, TPTB will tell the story they want to tell. Which, IMHO, tends to bode well for S/J, as they did, in fact, start that ship sailing in the first place. It's just S/J has never been meant to be overt or fluffy, but subtle and angsty. Yeah, I'd like confirmation of resolution, but if I want simply fluffy and sweet and fun, I can watch SGA. And I do. But that's now what SG-1 is about.
    Right, and it's this kind of thinking that gets my hopes up that we're going to get a great ending. I think they put too much thought, time and effort into it to let it slide. On the other hand, their penchant for angst bothers me, too. Because then, I'd have to agree with Blacky Kitten, that really wouldn't be fair!


      Originally posted by JenniferJF View Post
      Another shipper - who I'll let self-identify if she chooses - and myself had an offline talk about SGA/SG1 and McKeller/S/J in which we said much the same thing. SGA has always been more 'popcorn fare' than SG1. Maybe it's because SGA was born on Sciffy, or for a different demographic, or because they set off to make it intentionally different than SG-1 cause they didn't need an exact copy of SG-1. And don't get us wrong, we're both fans of SGA. It's just.. different.

      In the same way, the two ships, as you say, reflect their shows. McKeller is nice and sweet and has done good things for the growth of both characters involved. Yet, it's never going to be more than an "aww.. that's sweet (or funny, or nice, or cute...)." It's pure fluff with a bit of gutter, and just doesn't have the depth and breadth and angst of S/J.

      So it really is comparing apples and oranges. Though it does confirm what we've pretty much known all along: at the end of the day, TPTB will tell the story they want to tell. Which, IMHO, tends to bode well for S/J, as they did, in fact, start that ship sailing in the first place. It's just S/J has never been meant to be overt or fluffy, but subtle and angsty. Yeah, I'd like confirmation of resolution, but if I want simply fluffy and sweet and fun, I can watch SGA. And I do. But that's now what SG-1 is about.

      Being said shipper in said off-line convo, I agree. Part of it has to do, I think, with the genesis of the shows and how SG-1 already had a multi-season life from the get-go while SGA has had to make it's case for renewal every year. The former had the luxury of being able to create their characters and let them and their stories unfold, while the latter needed to grab the audience and hold their attention--very difficult for a network whose professed demographic is 18-34 year old males--and thereby necessitated a different level of story telling. There's not a lot that's deep in SGA--don't get me wrong, I enjoy it alot--but while I have my SG1 DVDs scattered all over the house in or around various DVD players, my SGA sets are nicely in their cases, carefully housed in the DVD cabinet, viewed once or twice but never with the obsession passion that SG1 ignites. When something works on so many levels, it invites rewatching. When something is pure entertainment, it's great for the moment, but you don't find yourself rushing back to it again and again.

      As for Jenn's an "awwww" thing, but not a reach in your gut and grab you, take your heart and twist it thing the way Sam and Jack is. It's perfect for SGA; entirely too shallow for SG1.

      And if Sam and Jack are anything, they're *not* shallow.


        Originally posted by Bekki View Post
        *tries to stop self from scaring newbies*
        You took over my job Now they will think I'm nice instead of scary

        Oh boy, oh boy! There's an email in my inbox from Eve - Sekrit Santa extraordinaire! Oh boy!!!
        Me too And I think I already have ideas for this person I still have to find my mojo's somewhere between the mess on my room...

        Love the discussion that is going on. I never thought about the actors happiness and connecting it with the characters. I still don't think that it has influence on each other, I think the actors know who they are playing and who they are in RL. The lines are drawn...perhaps as what someone said with Sam/AT it blurred a bit because of the grow Sam had during the years, but I still can't believe that she was suddenly happy in S9 because AT was.

        as for McKeller...*opens mouth*
        *closes it*
        I don't like it! *pouts*

        S/J is the one and only ship on SG


          Originally posted by JenniferJF View Post
          Well, listened to the entire podcast as Silly dropped his comment and didn't comment.

          Probably because there was nothing there. First, it was just fan comments, there was no one involved with the show itself on the podcast making comments. Second, it was nothing new, or nothing we didn't know: fans are mixed on whether they want romance or not; some think Sam and Jack should get confirmation of resolution, some don't; and that's about it...

          In case anyone was worried

          Next weeks comments are fan entitlement...

          Man, I wish GW had that little ROFLMAO icon YIM does. Cause I'd SO be using that now!!

          How awesome is Jumble? Thanks!!
          Darren and David are usually right

          Originally posted by VSS View Post
          Atlantis is different fron SG-1, and whatever motives they have for the romance between McKeller are different from S/J (aren't you glad no one has ever made a portmanteau out of Carter and O'Neill? Although I'm starting to think "O'later" would be really apt!). I don't think any conclusions can be drawn between the two.

          Although, I have to point out that TPTB knew that people were just as divided on McKeller as they've been on Sam and Jack. And they did it anyway. So really, I'm happy for the McKeller fans since I've quit caring about Atlantis in general. i think it bodes well for us.
          I've heard about Sack and Jam... Why do you think canonizing Mckeller bodes well for S/J? It's not like they've canonized Shep/Weir or Shep/Teyla? Mutatis mutandi by your logic TPTB would canonize Daniel/Vala or even Sam/Cam and not Sam/Jack...

          Originally posted by VSS View Post
          McKeller is just not the same thing as Sam and Jack. It just isn't, just like Atlantis isn't SG-1. It's like comparing apples and oranges. I wish I could explain it better because I'd like to cheer you up! But what happens on Atlantis has no bearing on what happens on SG-1, they have separate arcs, so it's hard for me to feel anything about McKay and Keller, one way or the other.

          In a way, the shows are reflective of the ships. Atlantis to me has never been as complex or interesting as SG-1. Think of all those layers of meaning APA talks about regarding S/J- well, I think it's true of the shows as well. And I'm really, really glad TPTB would take their time and (hopefully) make something really great out of it in the end, rather than a one-season wonder.

          And I really think that they will. If for no other reason than they want to sell movies. Because I;d be willing to bet that the the single most frequently asked question in all of SG-1 history is "What ever happened to Sam and Jack?" (Followed very closely by "Who are the Furlings?" )

          Edit: Nah, I take that back. The Furlings are definitely in first place!
          I'd take that bet!
          McKeller is certainly not the same as S/J; no one can deny Mckeller is canon now, whereas S/J...

          Originally posted by AstraPerAspera View Post
          Since there are so many talented people on this thread and so many more of us who enjoy their work, I thought you all might like to know that the 2008 Stargate Fan Awards are now excepting nominations. This includes not only fanfic but videos and artwork as well. Be sure to check it out.

          I can't bring myself to care anymore

          Originally posted by starlover View Post
          You took over my job Now they will think I'm nice instead of scary

          Me too And I think I already have ideas for this person I still have to find my mojo's somewhere between the mess on my room...

          Love the discussion that is going on. I never thought about the actors happiness and connecting it with the characters. I still don't think that it has influence on each other, I think the actors know who they are playing and who they are in RL. The lines are drawn...perhaps as what someone said with Sam/AT it blurred a bit because of the grow Sam had during the years, but I still can't believe that she was suddenly happy in S9 because AT was.

          as for McKeller...*opens mouth*
          *closes it*
          I don't like it! *pouts*

          S/J is the one and only ship on SG
          If only...


            Originally posted by JenniferJF View Post
            Another shipper - who I'll let self-identify if she chooses - and myself had an offline talk about SGA/SG1 and McKeller/S/J in which we said much the same thing. SGA has always been more 'popcorn fare' than SG1. Maybe it's because SGA was born on Sciffy, or for a different demographic, or because they set off to make it intentionally different than SG-1 cause they didn't need an exact copy of SG-1. And don't get us wrong, we're both fans of SGA. It's just.. different.

            In the same way, the two ships, as you say, reflect their shows. McKeller is nice and sweet and has done good things for the growth of both characters involved. Yet, it's never going to be more than an "aww.. that's sweet (or funny, or nice, or cute...)." It's pure fluff with a bit of gutter, and just doesn't have the depth and breadth and angst of S/J.

            So it really is comparing apples and oranges. Though it does confirm what we've pretty much known all along: at the end of the day, TPTB will tell the story they want to tell. Which, IMHO, tends to bode well for S/J, as they did, in fact, start that ship sailing in the first place. It's just S/J has never been meant to be overt or fluffy, but subtle and angsty. Yeah, I'd like confirmation of resolution, but if I want simply fluffy and sweet and fun, I can watch SGA. And I do. But that's now what SG-1 is about.
            Agree again!

            That cutiness of MCKeller gonna make me sick (though a haven't seen all the episodes that was aired) and sometimes i couldn't watch it. I wish in my fluffy mind there be some of that in SJ ship but it's the angst which makes the ship. And i'm tired of angst too. If we wont get a perfect resolution i will hunting TPTB...

            Pissed mood i have today and it's because of the dream i had today. I dreamed that i saw the third movie where there were no 'romantic scene' and all SJ relationships ended badly. And Jack got a new girlfriend... and it wasn't Sam Bad dream

            Originally posted by Egle01 View Post
            Darn, I wasn't around. Maybe next time?
            You better do it

            Originally posted by starlover View Post
            as for McKeller...*opens mouth*
            *closes it*
            I don't like it! *pouts*

            S/J is the one and only ship on SG
            Ya for it all!


              Originally posted by silly sally View Post
              Darren and David are usually right
              Yes, but they didn't say anything about Sam and Jack ship except to note some of us want confirmation of resolution and the other man said he couldn't see it happening. It was pretty clear they were speaking of their personal opinions, though.

              But, since you've given up caring, you probably won't be here anymore to read this reply. Or were you speaking of just fan awards in specifically, and you're still a fan of the show and aren't leaving?


                Originally posted by JenniferJF View Post
                Yes, but they didn't say anything about Sam and Jack ship except to note some of us want confirmation of resolution and the other man said he couldn't see it happening. It was pretty clear they were speaking of their personal opinions, though.

                But, since you've given up caring, you probably won't be here anymore to read this reply. Or were you speaking of just fan awards in specifically, and you're still a fan of the show and aren't leaving?
                I was talking about the awards, fics and vids... To paraphrase MacArthur "In ship there's no substitute for CONFIRMATION!!


                  Welcome Flow!!!

                  So... anything about your confirmation yet?


                    Originally posted by JenniferJF View Post
                    Yes, but they didn't say anything about Sam and Jack ship except to note some of us want confirmation of resolution and the other man said he couldn't see it happening. It was pretty clear they were speaking of their personal opinions, though.

                    But, since you've given up caring, you probably won't be here anymore to read this reply. Or were you speaking of just fan awards in specifically, and you're still a fan of the show and aren't leaving?
                    We could only be so lucky.


                      Originally posted by AstraPerAspera View Post
                      We could only be so lucky.
                      Well, it would have given us the chance to play guess the sock puppet again. It's been months since we played that.

                      And, on topic, I realized I failed to post Flow's present for delurking:


                        Originally posted by JenniferJF View Post
                        Well, it would have given us the chance to play guess the sock puppet again. It's been months since we played that.

                        And, on topic, I realized I failed to post Flow's present for delurking:

                        Well...what's the holidays without some fun and games....

                        And that has to be one of my favorite gifs of yours! Talk about subtext. Oh yeah.


                          Thanks for the warm welcome and for the green too!
                          Originally posted by Bekki View Post
                          I must admit to newbie stalking you for some time now Keep on posting and have fun! I promise I wont stalk you anymore

                          *tries to stop self from scaring newbies*
                          *runs away screaming*
                          Originally posted by JenniferJF View Post
                          And, on topic, I realized I failed to post Flow's present for delurking:

                          Whoo, a present. Love it


                            Welcome Flow

                            Congrats on the delurk...


                              Was seaching for fics i've found Jann's one

                              The importance of Teddy

                              Jann, it's awesome!!!!! And kids... Awwwwww! I so love it!


                                Hey kids. There is a new game in the Fun and Games folder called "Battle of the ships"

                                The rules are explained in the first post, but if something isn't quite clear feel free to ask me about it.

                                Show Sam and Jack some love.

