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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by JenniferJF View Post
    I feel a sudden need to remind ya'll (though some of you may not have seen it yet so it wouldn't be a reminder) of THIS. And if any of you have pics of Sam's pics from SGA I could snurch, or APA if I could link your video there, I plan on updating the thing soon and would love to include them in it.
    I was planning to post this on Ship Day if you weren't here to do it yourself. Now I won't have to, right?

    Speaking of Ship Day, didn't Jann do a great job on the invites, sig and avatar?

    They're all snurchable to anyone who wants to use them. Just be sure to load them to your own account...instead of hotlinking to Jann's or mine.



      I just gotta re-post this *besides, we've had newbies join us since the last time*

      This morning I posted more MOP cards. On Brad's card (the kingdom of optimism one) I wrote the following....

      They know they're together...
      You know they're together...
      We know they're together...
      We just need to SEE them together in Movie 3!

      Then I come here tonight to see the talk yesterday and today about what Brad said.

      BW vid
      I must have been picking up on the vibes Internet telepathy is hard at work! I think it's possible he may be entering the MOP Zone

      I think Brad's first sentence was worded extremely carefully so as not to give any offence to shippers or anti-shippers (or any other part of fandom for that matter), although I got the feeling that he was humouring us to an extent. But that's ok because l know Brad isn't a ship fan; but he does know the value of it to the franchise. Which is why he's writing a scene that is "romantic". I think that is very positive. He's a man who knows how to use all the elements of SG-1 to write a fantastic story. I particularly liked his answer to the question of which eps he would like to have seen as movies - 2010, Heroes, Lost City. They had powerful storylines, and a healthy dose of shipping in each one


        Congratulations, mara anni, on 4,300 posts!!!

        Congratulations, Nolamom, on 3,500 posts!!!

        Congratulations, Alan, on 3,400 posts!!!

        Congratulations, Rac80, on 2,100 posts!!!

        Congratulations, Krissie678, on 1,700 posts!!!

        Congratulations, nogigglingmajor, on 900 posts!!!

        Congratulations, Blacky Kitten, on 700 posts!!!

        Congratulations, Rocky87, on 300 posts!!!

        Welcome, missdtg!!!
        Last edited by sg-1fanintn; 16 July 2008, 07:09 PM.


          *raises hand*

          What is next week's episode of the week?
          Thank you Astra Per Aspera for the sig....... My Fan Fiction


            Originally posted by Everlovin View Post
            All of this talk of fic has made me think of one. I don't know the name, but I can hum a few bars. It's a tag to Entity. There is some problem with downloading Sam's consciousnessback into her, so they download Sam into Jack. Angst happens. Anyone have any ideas? I loved that one!
            I really enjoyed that story. If anyone finds it could you let me know? I'll keep a look out for it.


              I've been thinking about how Sam is perceived as a "by the book" character, always following the rules, never saying or doing anything inappropriate. But ya know, the more I think about it, the more I don't think that's necessarily true. Sure, she obeys the rules because she's an AF officer....but I think she's a lot more maverick than we give her credit for.

              COTG - she comes across as someone ready, willing and more than able to take the crap that's thrown at her by the boys and dish it right back out to them. I know that scene is cringeworthy in its language, but it shows right there and then that she's not afraid to challenge superior officers.

              First Commandment - Jack orders the team to stay put while he does recon, Sam dashes off to get herself captured. Daniel and Teal'c comment that they couldn't have stopped her anyway.

              In Bloodlines (mid-S1) , she disregards Jack's direct orders to dash off following the Priests to the temple where the symbiotes are kept. Daniel questions her about it, but she brushes away his reservations.

              Singularity - again disobeys Jack's direct orders to stay with Cassie.

              Politics - it doesn't take her long to decide she's going with the rest of the team to check out Daniel's address, regardless of how many regs she's breaking.

              And these are just the examples from s1 that spring straight to mind, I'm sure there are many others....


                Oooooh, fic recs I think I've read most of them before, but I've bookmarked them to read again anyway. I've been on a huge fic binge the last couple of weeks and come across some that I'd forgotten, and some that were new to me. Here's a couple that I've really loved reading.

                Memoires of Brig Gen Jack O'Neill
                Memoirs of Maj Gen Jack O'Neill both by Arietty
                The Guardian - Bixata


                  Originally posted by sg-1fanintn View Post
                  Congratulations, mara anni, on 4,300 posts!!!

                  Congratulations, nolamom, on 3,500 posts!!!

                  Congratulations, alan, on 3,400 posts!!!

                  Congratulations, rac80, on 2,100 posts!!!

                  Congratulations, krissie678, on 1,700 posts!!!

                  Congratulations, nogigglingmajor, on 900 posts!!!

                  Congratulations, blacky kitten, on 700 posts!!!

                  Congratulations, rocky87, on 300 posts!!!

                  Welcome, missdtg!!!
                  congrats and welcome from me too!!!!!

                  bedtime for me




                    Sweet Dreams, Ship Family!!!


                      Originally posted by sg-1fanintn View Post
                      Skipped Stones is one of my S/J Top 10!!!

                      I know. It's hard. My strategies after completing a really good, really long fanfic are:

                      1. Find a whole lot of short fics by really good writers fast!

                      2. Start another really good long story. I recommend this one:

                      It's great, and it's complete. She's writing the sequel now, but I haven't started it yet. I'm waiting for her to get a few more chapters done.



                      It's excellent, and it's complete. I'm reading the sequel now...and she's 39 chapters into it.

                      Both are excellent.

                      Loved Loved Loved Heat!

                      Originally posted by gater62 View Post
                      *raises hand*

                      What is next week's episode of the week?
                      Beneath the Surface. (Yep! I remembered!)

                      Originally posted by Oma-1 View Post
                      I've been thinking about how Sam is perceived as a "by the book" character, always following the rules, never saying or doing anything inappropriate. But ya know, the more I think about it, the more I don't think that's necessarily true. Sure, she obeys the rules because she's an AF officer....but I think she's a lot more maverick than we give her credit for.

                      COTG - she comes across as someone ready, willing and more than able to take the crap that's thrown at her by the boys and dish it right back out to them. I know that scene is cringeworthy in its language, but it shows right there and then that she's not afraid to challenge superior officers.

                      Hate that line... BUT IMO, I think it started to garner the respect of one Jack O'Neill.

                      Yea... I was going to say something else... but alas, the thought as escaped me. *sigh*
                      Slidell and I are re-watching SG1. Why don't you join us? SGBFFF-SG1-Rewatchsigpic
                      You want to read Torn written by Slidell Yes... yes you do.


                        spoilers for 'continuum' and the 3rd movie -

                        i'm still on a squee high!!

                        but i'm also in a kind of shock i think. we've been getting GREAT news for days now, and i'm just not used to so much squeelicious news, you know?

                        i'm feeling soooooooooo confident on good things coming our way now!! things are *progressing*, which is what we've been hoping and wanting and literally begging for for years!

                        i just wanted to get that out. it's not easy holding in squees.

                        thanks for listening





                          Originally posted by JenniferJF View Post
                          I've heard that theory before, in fact it tends to get screamed about a lot by antis as a reason for their position, but I have difficulty believing it.

                          The reason I have trouble believing it is that I can't imagine by now that Sam's record doesn't speak for itself. Loudly. Given her record, it seems unfathomable that anyone could possibly say her relationship with Jack could have ANYTHING to do with her promotion (ses). I mean, forget saving the world at least 8 times and those three galaxies she's helped save.... If that doesn't promote you at the top of your year group and get you your own command, I don't know what would.

                          The other reason I have a problem with that theory is that Sam is a general's daughter, and high ranks in the military are very much an Old Boys network. Anyone who could, despite her record, still be insecure and bitter enough to think Sam got where she is because of who she is doesn't need her relationship with Jack - they'd have her relationship to Jacob. Remember, she quite nearly got into NASA because of Jacob. In fact, I suspect the reason her relationship to Jacob wasn't common knowledge at the time of S2 was because she was tired of being taken less seriously than otherwise once people learned dad was a general. And, interestingly, it's clear she no longer hides her relationship to either of her generals, judging from the pics in SGA,
                          either of which, really, even just from the pics there, could create cries of favoritism if her record didn't so clearly prove otherwise all on its own.
                          Well stated. And I agree.


                            Busy photoshoppin'!

                            *looks at Melissa's sig*

                            Well... don't expect anything that good. Love it BTW.

                            Originally posted by Nikki View Post
                            Definitely (B) I'd say, especially after reading other peoples thoughts on the movie on this thread...Continuum is a 'make sure you look at/watch everything and where it is in the movie and how it's done' type of movie for S/J. You'll definitely be (B) if you do this because it all means something. Although from what I've heard about the third movie I think we'll be (A).

                            Seeing as you mentioned other potential shipping in your next post I'll say there is NO S/C at all - if you ship them you'd be (D) and same with D/V, for them this movie will have (D) shippers as well.
                            MAJOR Continuum plot spoilers....
                            Yes! I have to admit, that lack of D/V made me happy. In fact, the lack of Vala as part of the team made me happy. But... that's just my humble opinion.

                            There is SOME SJ ship in continuum though, I mean when Clone!Ba'al stabs Jack, the look on Sam's face is so heartbreaking! And her little teary bit after they go through the stargate. On, the angst.

                            Hopefully movie #3 will deliver us an option A!
                            Too cool for a signature.


                              welcome missdtg

                              Originally posted by seahen View Post
                              :d this is what i found to pull me back in! it's raining men by seldear
                              in spite of the title, it is a pg fic.

                              off to work!

                              Thankyou to Jann who made my signature



                                Congrats To All Milestoners!!!

                                Thanks for congrats Melissa!

                                Originally posted by mara-anni View Post
                                Hi Shippers!

                                This is the SECOND time this morning that GW has crashed on me and I've lost ALL my MQ's and I am seriouslt IRKED!!!

                                So now...I got nothin'

                                *hears thread breathe sigh of relief that her babbling efforts have been curtailed*

                                Oh, fics! My moog shoulb be better soon

                                OT driving test

                                I'm so sad, i failed my driving test today I just so unfair, i've made 8 mistakes (when you can do 12) and i've made 3 mistakes in one examination card (max 2)i need to pass retest next week and... i need chocolate

                                Originally posted by Lady eliza View Post
                                My first, new complete fic in over a year, fanfare woohooo, I present to you the new complete, just finished Secrets Revealed:

                                So, you are Lutherian! I've read this fic and i thought it had enother ending, am i right? You ealier had an avathar at, was it you in black? I like the photo
                                Last edited by Blacky Kitten; 17 July 2008, 01:22 AM.

