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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    third stargate movie spoilers

    Originally posted by L.A. Doyle View Post
    I so want it to be Sam and Jack! A third movie is awesome, but a third movie with ship? *squee*
    why are we thinking he's not talking about s/j??? of course he's talking about *them*, since the question was about *them*.

    (i've already listened more than once () and wrote down what he said.




      3rd movie spoilers

      Originally posted by Nikki View Post
      Spoilering reaction...
      YEEEEEESSS!!! I just watched it!!! Cannot stop doing this ->
      i know!

      actually, i did the squeegag thing first , but i was eating pretzels and that made it very uncomfortable!

      I think it will
      and I think it's going to be confirmation - BW says 'go ahead and think that they're together' and then says there's a romantic, not shippy, but romantic scene I have written in the third movie! Obviously, IMO, to confirm that thought. That's what I came away with as soon as I watched the clip and was shocked that people were having doubts here (should I be having doubts - no I'm pretty sure ). TPTB always say shippy never romantic - if the scene was going to be just another shippy one to add to our list he would've said shippy scene - not romantic scene - that is something more. *cough*confirmation*cough*





        Originally posted by Nikki View Post
        All this talk of dad got me thinking...Jack first briefly met Jacob in Season 2 Secrets and then met him again in The Tokra pt2...the first time as I mentioned it was brief and they just met so Jack wouldn't call him dad but instead went with 'General' when leaving (I love his exit here, General, Captain, General, Waiter ). Anyway, where was I...right so the second time they meet its a pretty serious situation but they do get to know each other a little better but still no where near well enough and so Jack sticks with 'Sir'.

        Now, the next time they meet is Seth (season 3) and by this time Jacob's been with the Stargate program for about 8 months...the Tok'ra have probably dropped by a few times and Jack/Jacob have probably gotten to know each other better as they seem a lot more comfortable together...and this is when we get our first 'dad' from Jack ()...the next time we get 'dad' is Joliner's Memories...again season 3...but the last time, as far as I'm aware. After this the next time they meet is Tangent and then Serpents Venom - half way through S4 where Jack sticks with only calling him 'Jacob' right up until S8. So is this just a coincidence that he stopped after D&C or not? I understand that most of the time he would stick with Jacob but even where it would've been appropriate to call him dad...straight after Sam does eg Decent...we get Jacob. So coincidence or does Jack conciously decide 'dad' wouldn't really be a good idea after D&C, WoO and BtS?
        Well my fron is too full of Sam/Jack fluffy ROMANTIC ideas to be able to do much more than grin like an id1ot.

        This was a good point Nikki and I hadn't really thought about it before. Is it true that after D&C he no longer calls him dad?

        Personally I don't think it is a coincidance at all. Just as I don't believe Jack pulling away from Sam after Entity was any accident either. I think it was deliberate. Sam is now aware of his feelings for her. And some others too, T, Janet, and as we (and Jack) find out in Entity, Hammond has a pretty good idea. Anyway, what I'm saying is he's probably been told by Jacob to call him Jacob rather than General, so he can't go back to that. But considering the fact that his feelings for Sam have been revealed to her, he can't really continue to call him Dad without reminding himself that he can't be with Sam, without reminding himself that Sam knows how he feels and that Sam feels the same way and without reminding HER of his feelings. Dad has now become a much too close and personal way of addressing Jacob. It reminds them too much of what is there between them, always bubbling away beneath the surface.

        Ahem...see...fron has turned to happy shippy mush and doesn't make sense.

        I like happy shippy much brain
        Sig by AstraPerAspera and avatar by SamJackShipLover

        Thanks Bekki


          Originally posted by jasminaGo View Post

          My shippy mojo is at an all time low, I've been trying to do some PSing for ship day, but everyhing I do comes out horrible.
          you shippy mojo's at all all-time *low*? after all the GREAT shippy tidbits coming our way?




            Originally posted by Nikki View Post
            Found this old pic on my computer and thought you guys would enjoy it...

            I know it's more team/cast than Sam/Jack but at least AT is looking at RDA.
            Originally posted by majorsal View Post
            love it!

            and amanda looks the same!

            Wow, look at that, when was this taken? Do you have anymore pics like this? Wow, look at them, they look so young and happy, who would have thought they'd still be together after all these years?

            Rick looks...brown haired , Michael...long haired , Chris...No hair and Amanda...still so very beautiful, and bright--and blonde . No long dark, or tiny little grey hair
            Last edited by Rocky89; 15 July 2008, 08:25 PM.


              Originally posted by majorsal View Post
              third stargate movie spoilers

              why are we thinking he's not talking about s/j??? of course he's talking about *them*, since the question was about *them*.

              (i've already listened more than once () and wrote down what he said.

              3rd SG movies spoilers too
              Personally, there is no doubt in my mind that it's Sam and Jack he's taking about. The Q was very specific. He would not have been talking about some other ship in a question specifically about SAm and Jack. Plus the "having said that" part, means he is referring to something he was talking about previously, which again MUST be Sam and JAck, given the Q he was answering

              Nope no doubts...still SQUEEEEEEEEEEing
              Sig by AstraPerAspera and avatar by SamJackShipLover

              Thanks Bekki


                Originally posted by Seahen View Post
                *shippy sigh* Aren't they though? Welcome to the thread.

                So I just finished Skipped Stones by Tere C (Very good-I think Majorsal recommended it a few weeks ago) and now I'm in a post fanfic high let down. I want to read more fanfic, but its so hard to switch gears from the fanfic I was reading (which was pretty long) onto something new. Anyone else find themselves kinda at a loss of what to do with themselves after reading a really good/really long fanfic?
                Me! Over here! I do!

                I usually will bounce around and read something short... or a couple of somethings short...
                Slidell and I are re-watching SG1. Why don't you join us? SGBFFF-SG1-Rewatchsigpic
                You want to read Torn written by Slidell Yes... yes you do.


                  Originally posted by Nikki View Post
                  Yes, now that's the reaction I'm looking for!! I also expected a party...I guess we'll just have to wait until majorsal gets here...then we'll probably be hearing the squeeing for days...
                  you know me well.

                  *clears throat*


                  my work is done.




                    Originally posted by JenniferJF View Post
                    Okay, I've thought about it a bit, and I think it might be time for a little bit of perspective around here. Yes, I know our expectations have gotten big as our ship has been so long denied confirmed resolution. Buuuutttt.....

                    Putting this in spoilers for anyone wanting to remain 100% spoiler free, may end up including various bits of Brad Wright's Interview, SGA DVD commentaries, and Continuum stuff, but probably not anything major. Don't wanna restrict my Happy Dance rant. You have been warned
                    Consider what you would have done as an S/J shipper if someone had come to you in a time machine 4,5,6 or more years ago, and told you that one day, Brad Wright would say, "If you want to imagine Sam and Jack are together, feel free to imagine that." Or admit he was writing a romantic scene (almost certainly for them) for an upcoming movie. Or if you'd learned AT said Jack was Sam's fella as in that they were together as a couple, even if she'd only said it in a DVD commentary.

                    Or, heck, if you knew Sam had a picture of Jack in her bedroom.. a picture of them fishing in her office (or even that they HAD been fishing or, speaking of fish, that fishing was her private password on her laptop), or that she'd bought fruit loops for no apparent reason, or that she'd been heard to use the word du'uh in conversation.

                    Seriously. Would your head NOT have exploded in a happy shipper embolism 5 years ago from even ONE of these things? Then again, just knowing you hadn't seen Pete in that long might have made it explode on its own So, while there's a lot we might wish for, and stuff we might not get, let's all take a moment to breath in a great big shippy sigh and....

                    That is all. You may now return to your normally scheduled shipping. And yes, I do feel better now.


                    add it up and put it together and there you go, SHIP and ROMANTIC and SAM AND JACK ARE TOGETHER!!






                      I'm having a good time photoshopping things for ship day!

                      Definitely getting in the ship holiday spirit guys!
                      This calls for Rose's favorite fluffy picture! (too bad it's only a promo *scowls*)
                      Too cool for a signature.


                        Just found this fanfic, and really wanted to post it! I'd also love to know what you think if you read it! It's pretty short, won't take too long to read!


                        Warning: Contains Pete, but it's not what you think! Really!
                        The Return of King Arthur
                        Trust in the Lord with all your heart; lean not on your own understanding. In all of ways
                        acknowledge him, and he'll make your path straight. Proverbs 3:5-6


                          Originally posted by SamJackShipper93 View Post

                          I totally agree. We need some conformation that we can hold over anti-S/Jers FOREVER! In the past we haven't gotten that. Plus, it'll probably be at least two years before the next movie even comes out, so I'm not going to get too excited about it right now.
                          ah, who cares about the anti shippers, you know? this isn't a contest, it's just been a battle of opinions. but if/WHEN we get the confirmation, it's a win for SAM AND JACK, and then *us* for staying with the ship through thick and thin and a looooooong time of wait. but it isn't a win against the anti shippers, it's a win for a wonderful and deep love story.





                            Originally posted by SamJackShipper93 View Post
                            Just found this fanfic, and really wanted to post it! I'd also love to know what you think if you read it! It's pretty short, won't take too long to read!


                            Warning: Contains Pete, but it's not what you think! Really!

                            I read this awhile back and wasn't sure what to think of it at the beginning, but it turns out I liked it.


                              Originally posted by hedwig View Post
                              I read this awhile back and wasn't sure what to think of it at the beginning, but it turns out I liked it.
                              I read it before too. It's cute.
                              Slidell and I are re-watching SG1. Why don't you join us? SGBFFF-SG1-Rewatchsigpic
                              You want to read Torn written by Slidell Yes... yes you do.


                                WOW! Unless there's something wrong with my computer, we just when a whole hour without a single post!

                                Just wanted to say good night! Talk to ya tomorrow! Shippy dreams to everyone! ~Jess
                                The Return of King Arthur
                                Trust in the Lord with all your heart; lean not on your own understanding. In all of ways
                                acknowledge him, and he'll make your path straight. Proverbs 3:5-6

