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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by jumble View Post
    Works for me *goes back to studying 'that' file*
    Studying? I bet you mean ''stare at''...

    Originally posted by starlover View Post
    awww...but that is cute (of MW) I love him...I should kidnap him soon... and make him my new playbunny
    Hey... don't make me change my plans and Martinnap Martin sooner, now...
    Besides, shouldn't you focus your attention on doing Brad Wright?

    And believe me Ship family, I can actually go without talking about TPTB and with S/J talk only...
    But all this stuff about BW made the PTB lover in me go wild
    I'm sorry.

    WoO (because they're funny together):

    Being original is difficult when you can't stop quoting your favorite tv show, For crying out loud!

    Letters to TPTB - The Martin Wood Thread - WooHoodStock Guide -S.H.I.P. Website


      Just been trying to catch up on the last couple pages...

      What is this news about a possible romantic scene in the third movie!? Oh pleaaaaase be SJ... come on PTB... come on! I'll give you cookies! Lots of cookies!!!

      *tries not to get hopes up*

      Damn... to late
      Too cool for a signature.


        ROFL! Nad and Jann and your MW loving...

        And Jann, very glad you got rid of from the treehouse, wouldn't want to share any pizza with him on our shipper stakeouts...

        After this latest round of TPTB comment, I feel another MOP postcard coming on...
        Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith


          *stares some more*



            Originally posted by DutchIndeed View Post
            Hey... don't make me change my plans and Martinnap Martin sooner, now...
            Besides, shouldn't you focus your attention on doing Brad Wright?
            We could both Martinnap a part of Martin? Or clone him after we have martinnapped him?

            And I am focussing my attention on "doing" BW...but atm I have him afterwards I'll do...or should I say kidnap him...

            Perhaps I Should kidnap S/J as well and put them together in a cell and they are only allowed to come out if they are together(in every way possible)

            I love the look of Sam on that first pic...priceless

            Originally posted by josiane View Post
            ROFL! Nad and Jann and your MW loving...

            And Jann, very glad you got rid of from the treehouse, wouldn't want to share any pizza with him on our shipper stakeouts...


            After this latest round of TPTB comment, I feel another MOP postcard coming on...
            Nah... I threw out before the pizzaboy arrived with the pizza...pizzaboy did had trouble with delivering it...he didn't understand the address...I mean...what's so difficultwith the address Tree number 3 at right side of BW's house time we will go there much easier

            After our move to a bigger tree I mean eh...

            Btw...tonight is the next stakeout BW's house...tomorrow MW's house...after that JM's house...and afterwards we pay some visits to members of this thread trees, I still need my fic

            oh and just so the newbies know. I'm not crazy.


              Jann, Nad! BW needs jalousies on his window but even them didn't help him to avoid you

              Originally posted by starlover View Post

              Pete...nope....he was a bad stalker...I threw him outta the tree after one day...tsk tsk tsk...
              In comparision with you two... yes


                ROFL! Just had to post this one


                  Originally posted by starlover View Post
                  We could both Martinnap a part of Martin? Or clone him after we have martinnapped him?

                  And I am focussing my attention on "doing" BW...but atm I have him afterwards I'll do...or should I say kidnap him...

                  Perhaps I Should kidnap S/J as well and put them together in a cell and they are only allowed to come out if they are together(in every way possible)

                  I love the look of Sam on that first pic...priceless
                  That picture is so cute - one could make up many silly captions to go with the look on her face.

                  And in reference to other posts, ... and trying not to be too very ignorant here ... but what does "skiffy" mean?


                    Originally posted by hedwig View Post
                    That picture is so cute - one could make up many silly captions to go with the look on her face.

                    And in reference to other posts, ... and trying not to be too very ignorant here ... but what does "skiffy" mean?
                    Sci-fi channel


                      Originally posted by jumble View Post
                      ROFL! Just had to post this one

                      Hehehe! How did you know that one was my favorite? You're a mind reader! Get outta my head! *remembers she's on the S/J family thread*
                      The Return of King Arthur
                      Trust in the Lord with all your heart; lean not on your own understanding. In all of ways
                      acknowledge him, and he'll make your path straight. Proverbs 3:5-6


                        Originally posted by SamJackShipper93 View Post
                        Hehehe! How did you know that one was my favorite? You're a mind reader! Get outta my head! *remembers she's on the S/J family thread*
                        Love this pic too! Poor Jacky!

                        Do you like 'The Simpsons'?


                          Catching up with ya'll's bouncing off the walls just now makes me smile BW interview:
                          Originally posted by SamJackShipper93 View Post
                          Hey APA! Frankly, I agree with you! I don't think most people reacted as "Squee"fully as I did. That sounds great. Although I'm also not gettting my hopes up too high, because like others have said, "It'll probably be the first thing to be cut," or "It may not be the confirmation we want" stuff like that.
                          Originally posted by madaline_7 View Post
                          Question though....

                          Isn't BW one of TPTB that isn't a shipper though? I know JM is... and MW is... But I thought that BW wasn't.
                          It's been answered, but if you do a quick scan of the episodes BW has written, you'll probably be more optimistic about what he said rather than less . (Solitudes, Into the Fire, Lost City and Lost City) to name a few. Cause, while I'm not sure the word romantic has ever been used so frankly before, I'm fairly certain BW has written scenes between S and J which could be considered romantic..
                          Originally posted by Nikki View Post
                          No, I'm pretty sure BW is a shipper.
                          Yup. Though, and I've said this before, if you look at the episodes which get spoke of the most around here, you'll see there's a pretty good mix of which writers wrote them. And, remember, all those bits which show up in our pretty sigs made it into the final cut. As I seem to remember, there has been an awfully lot of screen time in the past devoted to Sam and Jack's relationship, so if TPTB have decided "It's Time", which I have a feeling may have happened...

                          I dont' think it's going to end up on the cutting room floor.

                          Originally posted by SamJackShipper93 View Post
                          I know! I just hate that answer! It's just like the end of Threads. If you want them to be together, they're together. If you don't want them to be together, then they're not together. Believe what you will. Is it too much to ask for a straight answer?
                          Well. The *second* part of the clip I think was meant to address that. As in, if we get a third movie, you wont just have to imagine what's going on anymore. So, I think he was saying they do intend to give us a straight answer (finally).

                          Originally posted by DutchIndeed View Post
                          I always giggle when a Shipper says ''I'm in a weird mood'' It seems to be such a massive undersatement. It's like Martin WooHood saying: ''I look cute while calling ''Aaand...Cut!''.

                          ...That example doesn't work for everyone, does it?
                          Works for me, though. Have I mentioned lately I fangurl MW? He's awesome. And don't get me started on the romantic scenes HE'S directed.


                            Originally posted by starlover View Post
                            oh and just so the newbies know. I'm not crazy.
                            Okaaaaaaaay. *pets Jann on the head* What ever you say honey. Now go back to your tree and play with your stalking equipment.

                            I was trying to find my shippy PSing mojo back and this sig came out.

                            Thanks Bev for the gif (at least I think it was Bev ) but I think I got something wrong cause the explosion looks pathetic, I must have missed a layer

                            And I can't use this one, cause it's way too big, like 6 times too big, and while normaly big is a good thing this is not the case


                              Originally posted by starlover View Post
                              We could both Martinnap a part of Martin? Or clone him after we have martinnapped him?

                              And I am focussing my attention on "doing" BW...but atm I have him afterwards I'll do...or should I say kidnap him...

                              Perhaps I Should kidnap S/J as well and put them together in a cell and they are only allowed to come out if they are together(in every way possible)

                              oh and just so the newbies know. I'm not crazy.
                              No seriously, girl...
                              I'll fight you for Martin Wood
                              Brad you can have no problem, but Mr.WooHood?

                              And force S/J... yeah!
                              We should put them in that cell and torture them with:
                              ,,Why doooo biiirds suddenly appearrrr...'' ...untill they get it on, already.

                              Originally posted by jumble View Post
                              Oh wow! That's awesome!
                              Being original is difficult when you can't stop quoting your favorite tv show, For crying out loud!

                              Letters to TPTB - The Martin Wood Thread - WooHoodStock Guide -S.H.I.P. Website


                                Talkin' 'bout priceless


