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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by AstraPerAspera View Post
    There were several of those when Jack is explaining who Thor is to Ronsen...Sam gives one of those little sideways looks at Ronsen to see how he's taking Jack's rather paternalistic explanation, and she's trying hard to stifle a little smirk...

    ...I find an interesting contrast between this ep and Red Sky from the previous season. Granted, the circumstances are different...but once again we see Sam in a situation where she can't fix what's wrong and has to admit it...and Jack, being Jack, seems surprised by this. I think he says "Carter?" at least three times when different problems pop up with Prometheus and he expects her to have the answer. Sure, no entire civilization is going to perish becuase of this problem, like in Red Sky...but my impression is that Sam is much more comfortable with her inability to immediately devise a solution than she was the previous year. Of course she does ultimately find a way to get them to the planet...even if it does result in the reactor going critical.
    Interesting point. Sam's much more familiar with these problems though. What I mean is in Red Sky there was a lot of speculation and experimentation and she had no idea if her ideas would work - there was a lot of uncertainty. In this ep, she knows the Prometheus systems inside and out. She says herself she helped design the buffer. So there isn't that uncertainty if you know what I mean, she knows she either can or can't.

    But Jack I think will forever be surprised whenever Sam tells him she can't do something. Though I agree, as the years go on she becomes much more comfortable with herself, and with the fact that she may not always have the answer.

    What I found interesting is the dynamic between Sg-1 and Ronson and his crew. SG-1 has not only had more experience with aliens and space travel, but with this vessel itself. They've flown it before. Sam helped design some of it's key systems - and frankly can fly and maintain the thing herself (as she proves in Grace). So here they are, these veterans, amongst a crew of rookies (at least as far as space flight is concerned)

    Ronson says to Jack that he and his crew need to learn how to do it themselves without SG-1 to babysit (not exactly his words ) and JAck can understand that and sympathise with that, he knows that a team or crew needs to learn to work together and rely on each other.
    But it isn't until the problems start that you see that Ronson has a point. The way Sam immediately leans over that Major's console and starts relaying what the problems are and the way Jonas too joins in.

    Problem occurs - SG-1 jump up and deal with it themselves. They can't help it, it's just an automatic reaction to them. Sam does it on the ship constantly. Problem, she leans over the console as though she owns it and starts determing the cause and the cure, and the rest of SG-1 join in and it's as though no one else exists in some ways. Though she does remember to ask Ronson for permission and he tells them to take that Major, I assume so she can learn from them.
    Did that make sense?

    Originally posted by VastlySuperiorStuff View Post
    Yes. They have to jettison the engine and it blows up over the planet, which has a buried stargate. I think it takes a few weeks/months to fix it up because they do reference this episode later on.
    Isn't this how we get Grace??
    Sig by AstraPerAspera and avatar by SamJackShipLover

    Thanks Bekki


      I think I'm going to call it a night Shippers. Sorry to bug out on you all, but I think I need the rest to offset the stress of this week.

      My funny 9 year's reason that Santa must be real OT
      I don't know if she still really believes in Santa, but she still talks the game. She has been putting thought into it this year. This morning she told me, "I know Santa is real Mom. You couldn't afford all the presents we get." There's an underlying truth there!
      Thank you Astra Per Aspera for the sig....... My Fan Fiction


        Originally posted by gater62 View Post
        I think I'm going to call it a night Shippers. Sorry to bug out on you all, but I think I need the rest to offset the stress of this week.
        Good night.

        Originally posted by gater62 View Post
        My funny 9 year's reason that Santa must be real OT
        I don't know if she still really believes in Santa, but she still talks the game. She has been putting thought into it this year. This morning she told me, "I know Santa is real Mom. You couldn't afford all the presents we get." There's an underlying truth there!
        Awwww. Bless her. Out of the mouths of babes, huh?

        I think I'm going to head for bed myself. Early start tomorrow and the last thing I want to be doing is falling asleep during physio. My therapist won't thank me otherwise. G'night all!

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          Originally posted by AstraPerAspera View Post
          Another slightly shippy moment...well, not so shippy as it is in their usual style...when the long range ballistic missiles were heading toward Prometheus and Jack was trying to talk to the people on the planet and get them to abort the attack...they kept going back and forth between showing Sam watching Jack and Jack looking at Sam.... One of those "brink of death" scenarios they've faced many times.... Maybe it's my ship-colored glasses, but there seemed to be a little more than just concern over their impending demise in those looks.

          And the two of them do seem to be quite joined at the hip in this ep, don't they? Lots and lots of together time. In fact, I can't recall another ep where they're quite so together constantly.

          And did anyone notice that Teal'c calls Jonas "Jonas" whe he unearths the coverstone of the stargate...not "JonasQuinn" ???
          Yes! I noticed the Jonas thing!!!!! That was kinda weird I have to say.

          But yes I also noticed the back and forth shots of them looking at each other during the missile crisis.
          In fact, even as he speaks into the mouth piece thingy he's looking at her and she doesn't take her eyes off him for a second.

          Then when she gives him the sweetest look when that guy says there was something in his voice that he trusted you can just tell she's thinking...'Yes, I know what you mean' as well as being so proud of him. *sigh*
          Sig by AstraPerAspera and avatar by SamJackShipLover

          Thanks Bekki


            Originally posted by mara-anni View Post
            That's avery good point. And Jack admits as much to the leader guy too. Saying that he himself is not usually much of a diplomat. BUt he certainly does a god job his own Jack O'Neill diplomatic style
            I think Ronson feels like maybe he's getting his toes stepped on a little. No one's consulting him, everything is happening very fast and he doesn't quite know what to think. There's a big difference between training, simulations, drills and the real thing. And Jack, being Jack, doesn't do the committee thing.
            And you're right about the two Colonels thing...and I do not know of these seasons of which you speak *sticks fingers in ears and hums loudly*

            Nope, it comes after The Changeling...unless my DVDs are wrong

            It is interesting to see Jack take on the role of diplomat here. So not his usual thing. I think we get to see a side of him here that doesn't get tapped into very much because it makes him uncomfortable. But like most things with Jack...just cuz he's uncomfortable doing them doesn't mean he can't. He's a kinda "hide the candle under a basket" guy...lots of depth but he keeps everyone guessing with his self-effacing, playing-dumb routine. Watching this episode I can see qualities of General O'Neill in charge of the SGC...and Homeworld security. I had never noticed that before...but I think this showcases very nicely what Jack is capable of when he's forced to do it.


              Originally posted by gater62 View Post
              I think I'm going to call it a night Shippers. Sorry to bug out on you all, but I think I need the rest to offset the stress of this week.

              My funny 9 year's reason that Santa must be real OT
              I don't know if she still really believes in Santa, but she still talks the game. She has been putting thought into it this year. This morning she told me, "I know Santa is real Mom. You couldn't afford all the presents we get." There's an underlying truth there!
              You have your evaluations tomorrow right? Good luck! I'm sure you'll do great!

              Here's Jack to watch your six tomorrow!


                Originally posted by gater62 View Post
                I think I'm going to call it a night Shippers. Sorry to bug out on you all, but I think I need the rest to offset the stress of this week.

                My funny 9 year's reason that Santa must be real OT
                I don't know if she still really believes in Santa, but she still talks the game. She has been putting thought into it this year. This morning she told me, "I know Santa is real Mom. You couldn't afford all the presents we get." There's an underlying truth there!
                LOL! There certainly is

                Night Amy!

                Night Alan!
                Sig by AstraPerAspera and avatar by SamJackShipLover

                Thanks Bekki


                  Originally posted by gater62 View Post
                  I think I'm going to call it a night Shippers. Sorry to bug out on you all, but I think I need the rest to offset the stress of this week.

                  My funny 9 year's reason that Santa must be real OT
                  I don't know if she still really believes in Santa, but she still talks the game. She has been putting thought into it this year. This morning she told me, "I know Santa is real Mom. You couldn't afford all the presents we get." There's an underlying truth there!
                  Night Amy! *hugs*


                  ...what do you mean, Santa's not real?!?!?!?!?!?!

                  And good night, Alan!


                    Originally posted by AstraPerAspera View Post
                    It is interesting to see Jack take on the role of diplomat here. So not his usual thing. I think we get to see a side of him here that doesn't get tapped into very much because it makes him uncomfortable. But like most things with Jack...just cuz he's uncomfortable doing them doesn't mean he can't. He's a kinda "hide the candle under a basket" guy...lots of depth but he keeps everyone guessing with his self-effacing, playing-dumb routine. Watching this episode I can see qualities of General O'Neill in charge of the SGC...and Homeworld security. I had never noticed that before...but I think this showcases very nicely what Jack is capable of when he's forced to do it.
                    Yes, absolutely! The man has layers under his layers...and yes, I once again volunteer to help him remove them

                    Oooops sorry...umm....oh, actually Sam and Jack are pretty close like this in a few episodes I'm sure. The 1 that come to mind most readily is Cure, where we get them standing together in almost every shot.
                    Sig by AstraPerAspera and avatar by SamJackShipLover

                    Thanks Bekki


                      Okay, so one more post!

                      Originally posted by Seahen View Post
                      You have your evaluations tomorrow right? Good luck! I'm sure you'll do great!

                      Here's Jack to watch your six tomorrow!
                      Yay for Jack! I'll have to remember that tomorrow! Thanks Seahen!
                      Thank you Astra Per Aspera for the sig....... My Fan Fiction


                        Originally posted by mara-anni View Post
                        Yes, absolutely! The man has layers under his layers...and yes, I once again volunteer to help him remove them

                        Oooops sorry...umm....oh, actually Sam and Jack are pretty close like this in a few episodes I'm sure. The 1 that come to mind most readily is Cure, where we get them standing together in almost every shot.
                        I knew there was one other one where they were like this...the one where they discover the planet with the tretonin, right? Which was also S6, IIRC...which also gave us Paradise Lost and Metamorphosis.... Which makes me think, in the scheme of things, about what that says with regard to their relationship at this point. The uncomfortableness of S5 is behind them...the raging doubts of late S7 is yet to come...and they seem to have sort of settled into a working relationship where they both can, at least in the presence of each other, be comfortably close and take pleasure in one another, even if, deep within, they both still--silently--have those feelings. And it's only when they're faced with losing one another that they allow those feelings to seep out.

                        I wonder, in a way, if Daniel's death is in part responsible for this...cuz even if Jack didn't want to talk about it...deep down both he and Sam lost someone they cared about very much, and it may have made them realize that there was always that possibilty with regard to one another as well. So they moved closer together...without moving closer together...if you know what I mean....

                        EDIT: Oh...and are soooo bad! ( get to be at the head of that line tonight...!)


                          Sorry shippers, I'm gonna have to bail too

                          Thanks for the chat ship family.

                          Night APA, talk to you soon, night VSS, night Brenren!
                          Sig by AstraPerAspera and avatar by SamJackShipLover

                          Thanks Bekki


                            Originally posted by mara-anni View Post
                            Sorry shippers, I'm gonna have to bail too

                            Thanks for the chat ship family.

                            Night APA, talk to you soon, night VSS, night Brenren!
                            Later, Mara!


                              Originally posted by AstraPerAspera View Post
                              I knew there was one other one where they were like this...the one where they discover the planet with the tretonin, right? Which was also S6, IIRC...which also gave us Paradise Lost and Metamorphosis.... Which makes me think, in the scheme of things, about what that says with regard to their relationship at this point. The uncomfortableness of S5 is behind them...the raging doubts of late S7 is yet to come...and they seem to have sort of settled into a working relationship where they both can, at least in the presence of each other, be comfortably close and take pleasure in one another, even if, deep within, they both still--silently--have those feelings. And it's only when they're faced with losing one another that they allow those feelings to seep out.

                              I wonder, in a way, if Daniel's death is in part responsible for this...cuz even if Jack didn't want to talk about it...deep down both he and Sam lost someone they cared about very much, and it may have made them realize that there was always that possibilty with regard to one another as well. So they moved closer together...without moving closer together...if you know what I mean....

                              EDIT: Oh...and are soooo bad! ( get to be at the head of that line tonight...!)
                              Yay!! I'm at the front. Just so you all know..this is very sloooooow moving line

                              *sigh* I know what you mean. I do think it was partly Daniel. But I also get the feeling that, as Jack is faced with more close calls for Sam, he realises that this distance he tried to create to protect himself just isn't really working. It's having the opposite effect of the one he intended and is actualy effecting their work life more than the revelations of Upgrades and D&C did. So although he still doesn't want her to see that he still feels those feelings for her, he decides that they can at least be friendly. They work better that way.

                              Ack...gotta go! Bye APA, see you soon (relatively speaking )
                              Sig by AstraPerAspera and avatar by SamJackShipLover

                              Thanks Bekki


                                Originally posted by mara-anni View Post
                                Yay!! I'm at the front. Just so you all know..this is very sloooooow moving line

                                *sigh* I know what you mean. I do think it was partly Daniel. But I also get the feeling that, as Jack is faced with more close calls for Sam, he realises that this distance he tried to create to protect himself just isn't really working. It's having the opposite effect of the one he intended and is actualy effecting their work life more than the revelations of Upgrades and D&C did. So although he still doesn't want her to see that he still feels those feelings for her, he decides that they can at least be friendly. They work better that way.

                                Ack...gotta go! Bye APA, see you soon (relatively speaking )
                                I like that assessment of their relationship at this point. I really need to get back to watching my DVDs in order- I haven't done that yet. I'm stuck in season 4- it's just so nice.

                                I'm going to bed, too. Goodnight, shippers!

