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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by Buc252 View Post
    Y'know, I just love this clip. Mostly, I think, because with Jack being ex-special ops/black ops, and very well trained, I just imagine if somebody on the spur of the moment reached for his sidearm (no joke intended here), they'd find themselves laid out on the ground with their arm broken. Yet somehow, they've gotten so they work in tandem so well that he doesn't react at all to her taking his sidearm. A well-trained soldier would never let himself be disarmed without a fight, but he instinctively (and with a reaction that fast, it can be nothing else) knew it wasn't a threat.

    I like that!
    I like that clip too...

    Sorry I'm not so talkative today(sleepy, busy), but I really like that clip, so I had to say something.


      Originally posted by Gatetrixer View Post
      I think the polar bear references started much later, maybe this year and probably here.

      I personally don't like the poor in-danger- of extinction polar bears to be consigned to the anti section.
      Oh, but polar bears aren't necessarily anti...polar bears just don't ship S/J.


        Originally posted by Gatetrixer View Post
        I think the polar bear references started much later, maybe this year and probably here.

        I personally don't like the poor in-danger- of extinction polar bears to be consigned to the anti section.
        Not all polar bears are antis. They just don't ship. Most of them that I've met are pretty darn cool. Some actually drop in and visit sometimes.


          Originally posted by Gatetrixer View Post
          I think the polar bear references started much later, maybe this year and probably here.

          I personally don't like the poor in-danger- of extinction polar bears to be consigned to the anti section.
          I really do love polar bears...they are so beautiful...did anyone see that Planet Earth, the one with the polar bears...I think it might have been titled the poles or something...might have been the same one that had the penguins in it. Anywho...polar bears are really very graceful when they are swimming. It's like a dance. And penguins are amazing too! Love them both, but especially polar bears...sorry for the OTness...


            Originally posted by luvnjack View Post
            Not all polar bears are antis. They just don't ship. Most of them that I've met are pretty darn cool. Some actually drop in and visit sometimes.
            Heehee...and sometimes I visit the Sam/Daniel thread...and I don't really mind it!


              Originally posted by Zoser View Post
              I see nothing between Jack and Weir except a friendly professional relationship. Now don't shoot me - dons kevlar - I liked the first Weir better.

              that is not a picture of her boss - it is a picture of her lover (possibly husband)
              You're not alone. The only Weir I'd ever want to watch is the blonde one. I just simply don't care for Torri (sp?) in this roll. (But speaking of her, is that her voice I hear on the Lazy-boy 2-for-1-sale commercials?) SG1's Weir was sooooo much better IMO.

              Originally posted by antoa315 View Post
              To bring this totally OT, has anyone seen the Chili's commercial with David DeLuise? I LOL'd when I realised it was him.
              Chili's used to be my favorite restaurant. I may never eat there again! <nuff said> <g>

              Originally posted by hbt123 View Post
              Ahh I see what you mean there.

              I believe the real question here is: What is a squee? It is a verb? A noun? An onomatopoeia?

              Aaaand I need some coffee.
              I think squee is an interjection. Remember Schoolhouse Rock?

              "Interjections show excitement or emotion, and generally set apart from a sentence by an exclamation point, or by a comma when the feeling's not as strong."

              Okay, I admit, music has always been a way to get me to remember things. LOL

              Originally posted by Rogue View Post
              I found this whole military relationship thing frustrating. It can't really be resolved unless the two talk about it but they can't talk about it because its against the regs. So neither one says what they really want to say or it is so vague no one on the planet Earth knows what they are saying.

              Early on neither one wanted to give up their position on the team for a relationship that might go nowhere. But when does a relationship even though its not sexual but two people have deep feelings for the other break the regs? With everyone knowing how you feel about your 2IC, how can any promotion not be scrutinized by peers. If this was real life, I imagine they would have been seperated a while back and so then they could have pursued a relationship. But since this isn't real life, it was drugged out for 8 yrs.
              The fact of the matter is, if this were real life, every single member of SG1 (including Jonas - not including S9 or 10 folks since I didn't like them), were inviolation of the frat regs. Commanders are *not* supposed to be friendly with their team members/troops, or whatever you want to call them. Jack shouldn't be fishing with Teal'c or Daniel, going to Vegas with Jonas, spending time with Sam off hours, or going out for steak with all of them.

              Do these relationships - including the romance like Jack and Sam - really exist in the military? Of course. But the military has learned that as long as it's not interfering with everybody doing their jobs, they turn a blind eye. Because after all, people are human, and need relationships in order to survive.

              I've always found it interesting that, despite that being the case, the only frat reg the advisor chose to object to was Sam.

              Oh, and I didn't multi-quote it, but Martouf creeped me out, too. He's just so . . . slimy.
              - Mary
              SG1 needs it's Fifth Man - Why should we settle for less? Bring back Jonas Quinn!
              Jack O'Neill would die for any member of his team. But there's only one he'd live for: Samantha Carter.


                Originally posted by Rachel500 View Post

                She ends up probably driving around, everything whirling in her head, and like Michelle says, found her way by instinct to Jack's. Once she's there...she's hit by the notion she should tell him, debates it for ten minutes as she gathers her courage and goes to talk to him having already concluded in the car on what her decision is...but afraid if she doesn't just do it, she'll let herself talk herself back out of telling him how she feels.

                i would have tried to build up the courage, then settled for just phoning...

                (jack picks up phone): hello?

                sam: hisirijustneedtotellyouthatiknowi'vemadeamistakeregardingpeteandthati'mgoingtobr eakupwithhimbecauseiloveyou.... yeah.

                jack: .....

                sam: sir?

                jack: ... would you like to come in and have some soup or a popsicle? or something?

                sam: .....

                jack: andifeelthesame.




                  Originally posted by Buc252 View Post

                  I think squee is an interjection. Remember Schoolhouse Rock?

                  "Interjections show excitement or emotion, and generally set apart from a sentence by an exclamation point, or by a comma when the feeling's not as strong."

                  Okay, I admit, music has always been a way to get me to remember things. LOL
                  Well there's that mystery solved!... i think...

                  What was the mystery again?

                  Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                  i would have tried to build up the courage, then settled for just phoning...

                  (jack picks up phone): hello?

                  sam: hisirijustneedtotellyouthatiknowi'vemadeamistakeregardingpeteandthati'mgoingtobr eakupwithhimbecauseiloveyou.... yeah.

                  jack: .....

                  sam: sir?

                  jack: ... would you like to come in and have some soup or a popsicle? or something?

                  sam: .....

                  jack: andifeelthesame.


                  Now i feel all warm and fluffy inside.
                  Too cool for a signature.


                    Hi everyone. I'm just an occassional lurker but I couldn't let this post go by without posting my thoughts...

                    Originally posted by mad_gater View Post
                    me too....I think regulating an emotion is stupid....I can see the need to dispel notions of favortism in the military but regulating an emotion is not one of them......I think the policy that should be adopted is a "don't ask, don't tell" policy......for example Sam and Jack could've gone to Hamond and they probably would've had to speak with others about permission to pursue a relationship and Hammond could've granted that permission but with the caveat that they don't let it affect their working relationship and if it does start to affect their working relationship then pursue other I think the base CO should have the right to grant permission to 2 officers who want to pursue a relationship as long as all parties feel that they are mature enough to not let it affect their on-duty behavior.....but you know gov't bureaucrats.....they thrive on regulations and rules......I think they'd absolutely DIE if they found out that they didn't have complete and total control over everyone's lives...
                    I just spent 8 years as an Air Force officer and I know this rule doesn't seem fair but trust me, it is important. The biggest reason that relationships within the same chain of command are forbidden is favoritism. Promotions can be very competative and with only your performance reports to distinguish you from someone else, any appearance of impropriety can taint the whole process. It doesn't seem like a big deal in this case as while O'Neill was on SG-1, Carter was the only other military so there could be no favoritism right? Wrong. What you don't see is all the other Captains and Majors who want to be on SG-1 or any SG team who can't get there because Carter is there. So to them, it would seem that Carter gets the great career opportunites, even if she deserves them, all because of who she's sleeping with. I know I would have been very uncomfortable if my commander was sleeping with one of my peers, even if I liked both of them.

                    Also, keep in mind, two officers who are not in the same chain of command can have a personal relationship. So, the real world solution to the Carter/O'Neill situation is to move Carter to another team. It can be done in such a way that it is either a lateral move or promotion for her so there is no negative effects on her career. Then O'Neill is not in her chain of command and everyone is happy. Of course, we don't really want that to happen on the show as then the show is not as good , and so we must watch Sam and Jack pine for each other . (sorry just discovered all those icons on the side! )

                    Okay, I'm gonna go back to lurking mode as House is on (Carmen Argenziano is guest staring!) and I've lectured long enough.


                      Originally posted by Buc252 View Post
                      Chili's used to be my favorite restaurant. I may never eat there again! <nuff said> <g>
                      It's almost like it's poor Pete mowing the lawn of the house he bought... all alone... how sad.


                        Originally posted by PengYn View Post
                        Just tweaking the story a little.. and I promise this time I will not be using visual aids

                        The idea of the polar bears was sparked by two non shippers who frequently hang out in Samanda during a YIM conference with several young penguins. Whereas penguins dwell in the antarctic, polar bears live in the arctic so the idea behind the two is that they exist at opposite ends of the poles. However it really should be said that polar bears are not the equivalent of "anti" shippers along the lines of those you'd find on a certain anti thread here at GW. Polar bears simply don't ship. They will acknowledge there's something between Sam and Jack.. they just don't want to see it on screen.

                        It may sound like I'm being daft but there is a difference. I can have a decent discussion about Sam and Jack with a polar bear and we all get along well, but if I were to have one with an anti-shipper I'd find myself slowly pulling my feathers out in frustration because most will refuse to acknowledge what has been shown (or said) on screen.


                        Okay so I used ONE visual aid
                        So you must be the one who brought the polar bears to this thread, rather than it orginating here. Which makes my post incorrect. Though the polar bears did come later, it seems.


                          Originally posted by Rogue View Post
                          I found this whole military relationship thing frustrating. It can't really be resolved unless the two talk about it but they can't talk about it because its against the regs. So neither one says what they really want to say or it is so vague no one on the planet Earth knows what they are saying.
                          i'm thinking having the feelings aren't against regs, it's *acting* on them that are. (((sam & jack)))




                            i'm making a worthless post to get past the last three numbers of my post count.

                            ~crosses self~

                            sally --> <-- ronan protects me



                              LOL! You crack me up, Sally!


                                Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
                                Will post properly later... just dropping off some stuff from Armageddon

                                A video of Chris calling me dirrrty


                                and Photos


                                OT, but with reference to your sig. I saw(by accident since I didn't know about the telecast) So. Africa beat England in the finals of the Rugby World Cup. The last time I saw WC Rugby on TV I was in Oz, 10 years ago.
                                Definitely some nice looking rugged lads play rugby, though they seem to end up with Jack- like cuts in their eyebrows-- and more.

