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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by Nikki View Post
    At least the main ship on the show got their happy ending, so I guess that's one outta two. I'm hoping SG1 goes down the same route giving their main ship (Sam/Jack) a happy ending.
    There's a song that says "hoping for the best but expecting the worst"

    I'm kinda like that about Sam and Jack and SG writers


      Originally posted by Buc252 View Post
      So much for this being a "family." Families don't crucify their members for making a mistake, or even doing something of which they don't approve, and I've seen too much of that here in the last day. NZNeep's isn't the only one, just the one convenient enough to quote. How nice that we can all be so superior.

      I, for one, know I make a lot of mistakes. When somebody loses their temper or errs in other ways, I'd hope we'd all politely post our disagreements, rather than creating an all-out attack on the person.
      I would agree completely, if this were just a matter of a mistake. This isn't just about him losing his temper and leaving the comments on Joe's blog. This is about the problem of sock puppets, flaming, trolling and bullying which is an on going problem with or without Pete, and not just from any one group.

      I haven't attacked Pete or said anything that I consider is unfair.

      As for this family stuff, it's true. We are a family. But that doesn't have to mean this whole "them and us" thing. Visiting all the other threads today, I have noticed a recurring theme... they all seem to have members who also post here. As well as the S/J family, we also have the wider SG fan community to look out for.

      Originally posted by Buc252 View Post
      I don't understand. Why do we HAVE to trust them? They've treated us like yesterday's garbage again and again, making us the poor little cat they kick when they've had a bad day. Daniel fans get what they want. V/D fans get what they want. Farscapers get what they want . . . and we remain the patient S/J shippers who are never on the receiving end of what we want. The only people treated worse, at least in the last two years, are the Jack/RDA fans and the Jonas fans.
      And a lot of the other fan groups feel that it's the S/J shippers who got so much for the first 8 years. You might feel that all the other fan groups should be happy with their lot, but why is that? We all have scenes and episodes that we love and ones that we don't, why does it have to be a competition?

      Originally posted by Buc252 View Post
      I agree, and I hope he doesn't leave. You can't have a debate with just one side, so those who post differing points of view from the majority are a breath of fresh air here.
      If it was a matter of debating and posting differing points of view, I would agree with you.
      Neep, NZBG, Eileen!

      Made with love and chocolate brownies by Spacegirlnz

      Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko FTW!


        Originally posted by ses110 View Post
        I do not think there is any such thing as a sane Sam/Jack Shipper. It's been 10 years and counting waiting for a resolution how can we be sane? I can speak for myself and say I'm wacko for sure.
        Same here


          Originally posted by shippyangel View Post
          You're 4 hours ahead.

          About XF:
          Scully and Mulder rarely had the time to anything shipper. They had a child, Mulder diseapered and came back in the last episode. Well, ok, Scully run away with him, after staying 2 seasons or so alone. >.<
          But I was also talking about two other agents, big ship things going on! UST, flirting all the time... They were left... out.

          See ya luvnjack! *waves*
          Re XF:
          You mean Doggett and Reyes? That was my first real ship. I didn't do the M/S thing, hehe. But I liked D/R!

          Ok, so...gonna go write some fluffy angst. My fav. Keep posting shippers!


            Originally posted by shippyangel View Post
            There's a song that says "hoping for the best but expecting the worst"

            I'm kinda like that about Sam and Jack and SG writers
            Indeed. Probably written by a shipper.

            I think I'm gonna bid everyone a very shippy, goodnight now. So until tomorrow fellow shippers. *waves*

            (Credit to RepliCartertje for the beautiful sig and to Mala for smilies.)


              Originally posted by SG1-XF9 View Post
              Reyes and Doggett.... ah man!! UST was so there!! I really loved that!!!! They added something new to the show... it was special and totally different from Mulder and Scully

              AND I WAS SO INTO THEM!
              They made XF come back to life. Their UST was greater than Suclly and Mulder's, cause their history was a lot more complicated then that!
              I'm so excited now! Can't believe you know Mon and John

              Think I need to do a XF thread, this is so no the place to talk about it...


                Originally posted by Nikki View Post
                I think I'm gonna bid everyone a very shippy, goodnight now. So until tomorrow fellow shippers. *waves*

                Nighty night! "See" ya tomorrow!


                  Originally posted by L.A. Doyle View Post
                  Re XF:
                  You mean Doggett and Reyes? That was my first real ship. I didn't do the M/S thing, hehe. But I liked D/R!

                  Ok, so...gonna go write some fluffy angst. My fav. Keep posting shippers!
                  XF again
                  My God you know Mon and John too? This is too much for a day! We should so talk about theM (not here obviously)! LOL I wrote a lot about them but I stopped since Uncle Carter left them out

                  Yay, go write FF for us ! "See" ya!


                    Originally posted by Nikki View Post
                    At least the main ship on the show got their happy ending, so I guess that's one outta two. I'm hoping SG1 goes down the same route giving their main ship (Sam/Jack) a happy ending.
                    Me too!
                    Originally posted by ses110 View Post
                    I do not think there is any such thing as a sane Sam/Jack Shipper. It's been 10 years and counting waiting for a resolution how can we be sane? I can speak for myself and say I'm wacko for sure.
                    Me too!
                    Originally posted by SG1-XF9 View Post
                    Reyes and Doggett.... ah man!! UST was so there!! I really loved that!!!! They added something new to the show... it was special and totally different from Mulder and Scully
                    Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
                    And a lot of the other fan groups feel that it's the S/J shippers who got so much for the first 8 years. You might feel that all the other fan groups should be happy with their lot, but why is that? We all have scenes and episodes that we love and ones that we don't, why does it have to be a competition?
                    That's true. People might think we as shippers have just gotten tons of ship and got what we wanted with 'Threads' and should be happy, buuuuuuuut, we haven't gotten what we really want(proof of resolution) and many of us won't be satisfied until we do.


                      Originally posted by L.A. Doyle View Post
                      That's true. People might think we as shippers have just gotten tons of ship and got what we wanted with 'Threads' and should be happy, buuuuuuuut, we haven't gotten what we really want(proof of resolution) and many of us won't be satisfied until we do.

                      We are all waiting for what we want (some more patiently than others ). We are all in the same position (ours slightly better in a way because it's canon) but that doesn't mean it has to be a competition. Surely the different groups of fans can feel empathy for each other because we are in such similar positions?
                      Neep, NZBG, Eileen!

                      Made with love and chocolate brownies by Spacegirlnz

                      Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko FTW!


                        Originally posted by Nikki View Post
                        No I haven't. Anyone have it?

                        And Welcome to the thread matoak82!

                        It's your first time here, right?
                        Sorta. It's my 6th post now but fairly new on this site and thread. Oh and Thank you for the welcome mat.


                          Welcome to this thread Matoak82! Have lots of fun with us!


                            Talk to you all tomorrow. I'm SO tired from the party!! It'll be hard to catch up with you, but anyways!
                            Nighty night and have lots of shippy dreams! *waves*



                              We Shippers are wacko and very special. IMO the World needs more Ship and Shippers. All you need is Ship. All you need is Ship Ship Ship is all you need. See told you I was wacko.


                                Originally posted by ses110 View Post
                                We Shippers are wacko and very special. IMO the World needs more Ship and Shippers. All you need is Ship. All you need is Ship Ship Ship is all you need. See told you I was wacko.
                                But we love you anyway Steve

