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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    What did the commentary say regarding Sam/Teal in Unending? I think the idea of Sam/Teal Sam/Mitchell and Sam/Daniel or Sam/Anyone is funny. AT seems like a great person and gets along with her co-stars and guest stars. The Sam character is also the same way and Some Fans see Sam and whoever together and they get Shippy ideas. Fans can like any Ship they want it's just not going to make it so onscreen. I would not worry.


      Originally posted by AstraPerAspera View Post
      *peeks out*

      Yikes. I had no idea I'd be opening such a can of worms when I posted JM's blog last night. I certainly had no intention of upsetting the apple cart and causing such an out-pouring of emotions. I apologize if my post has caused any hurt feelings.... I will say I've only visited a few other threads in GW and have never stayed long because I frequently found their tones to be combative and impolite; and what I've enjoyed about all of you is how respectful everyone is of other people's opinions and of all our different and divergent takes on the ship; and that the only requirement to be here is the ardent desire to somehow, in some way, whether it's on screen, in fanfic, SG novels, art, poetry, with music, videos...whatever...bring Sam and Jack together. It is, I think, what sets this thread apart from many of the others. I really enjoy being here and talking with all of you, and I hope I haven't done anything that irreparably damages what I think is a really great place to hang out.

      *goes back into hiding*
      APA, don't worry about it. There's lots of people who check JM's blog. I was only a few hours behind you. It's been a bit of a day, but we've had 'em before and we always bounce back! I think we'll be okay. Won't we guys?

      (((Ship Family)))

      I'm been trying to decide if I have enough time for one more vid before Ship Day. -sigh- Maybe a short one...? Hm...


        Originally posted by ses110 View Post
        What did the commentary say regarding Sam/Teal in Unending? I think the idea of Sam/Teal Sam/Mitchell and Sam/Daniel or Sam/Anyone is funny. AT seems like a great person and gets along with her co-stars and guest stars. The Sam character is also the same way and Some Fans see Sam and whoever together and they get Shippy ideas. Fans can like any Ship they want it's just not going to make it so onscreen. I would not worry.
        Great post, Steve. BTW:

        Congratulations, Nikki, on 2,600 posts!!!

        Congratulations, ses110, on 2,500 posts!!!

        Congratulations, Rachel500, on 1,500 posts!!!


          You did nothing wrong. Many of us have been waiting 10 years to see a resolution and been through plenty with the Sam/Jack Ship. It's understandable for someone to be upset. I use to be upset as well. I'm just not going down that road any longer. It does no good. I have other Shows and Ships to keep me going.


            Originally posted by AstraPerAspera View Post
            *peeks out*

            Yikes. I had no idea I'd be opening such a can of worms when I posted JM's blog last night. I certainly had no intention of upsetting the apple cart and causing such an out-pouring of emotions. I apologize if my post has caused any hurt feelings.... I will say I've only visited a few other threads in GW and have never stayed long because I frequently found their tones to be combative and impolite; and what I've enjoyed about all of you is how respectful everyone is of other people's opinions and of all our different and divergent takes on the ship; and that the only requirement to be here is the ardent desire to somehow, in some way, whether it's on screen, in fanfic, SG novels, art, poetry, with music, videos...whatever...bring Sam and Jack together. It is, I think, what sets this thread apart from many of the others. I really enjoy being here and talking with all of you, and I hope I haven't done anything that irreparably damages what I think is a really great place to hang out.

            *goes back into hiding*
            Come back out of there! We're a tough group, we'll be ok. It's just been a frustrating as heck day! Grrrrrrrrrrrr.......... I just want some resolution to make me feel better! And a hug. Group hug!

            (((((SHIPPER FAMILY)))))


              Originally posted by AstraPerAspera View Post
              *peeks out*

              Yikes. I had no idea I'd be opening such a can of worms when I posted JM's blog last night. I certainly had no intention of upsetting the apple cart and causing such an out-pouring of emotions. I apologize if my post has caused any hurt feelings.... I will say I've only visited a few other threads in GW and have never stayed long because I frequently found their tones to be combative and impolite; and what I've enjoyed about all of you is how respectful everyone is of other people's opinions and of all our different and divergent takes on the ship; and that the only requirement to be here is the ardent desire to somehow, in some way, whether it's on screen, in fanfic, SG novels, art, poetry, with music, videos...whatever...bring Sam and Jack together. It is, I think, what sets this thread apart from many of the others. I really enjoy being here and talking with all of you, and I hope I haven't done anything that irreparably damages what I think is a really great place to hang out.

              *goes back into hiding*
              We love you being here too, you're always welcome, as is any other Sam/Jack shipper. We're here, as you said quite rightly, to support/celebrate/discuss/love our fav SG1 couple Sam/Jack, which we do every day and that's why we have Ship Day. Can't wait!

              Originally posted by ses110 View Post
              What did the commentary say regarding Sam/Teal in Unending? I think the idea of Sam/Teal Sam/Mitchell and Sam/Daniel or Sam/Anyone is funny. AT seems like a great person and gets along with her co-stars and guest stars. The Sam character is also the same way and Some Fans see Sam and whoever together and they get Shippy ideas. Fans can like any Ship they want it's just not going to make it so onscreen. I would not worry.
              You can listen to it here:

              Originally posted by rderoch View Post

              For those of you that are interested in the commentary for Unending:

              Full Unending commentary (for those that haven't been able to get the discs yet, you can play this along with your vid file ) - 30MB

              Amanda talking about Sam/Teal'c - 500K
              And I agree, Sam/anyone else is laughable.

              (Credit to RepliCartertje for the beautiful sig and to Mala for smilies.)


                Maybe this will cheer us up...


                  "Sir, I really don't think the Ship Thread needs P90s!"


                    Thanks. I think the only person I did not hear Sam shipped with was Dr.Lee. It's probably because Sam ripped Lee when Jack went missing in Paradise Lost. Sam is very attractive and treats gets along well with most of the characters and some try to put two and two together and think lets ship Sam with this character.


                      Originally posted by luvnjack View Post
                      It's helping! Post more! It's just...I didn't get enough sleep last night, I had to drive 6 hours today on that little sleep, this S/T stuff, and what happened with Pete....I'm just cranky now.


                        Spoilers for Unending:

                        I heard the AT comments regarding Sam/Teal and I can see how someone may get upset. I think it does not help there was
                        no mention of Jack in Unending and still waiting for the Sam/Jack resolution. You have to take these things into consideration.IMO it would have been better if AT mentioned Sam/Teal'c in terms of Friendship for the episode. I'm not sure I heard the whole interview? It did sound like there was a reaching out to any Sam/Teal'c Shippers.


                          Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
                          I'm sorry.

                          Heh, no I'm not.

                          I am sorry if anyone thinks I'm being harsh. I just have nothing else to say. This is the sort of thing that gives all of us a bad name and fuels the stupid fighting between groups of fans.

                          So much for this being a "family." Families don't crucify their members for making a mistake, or even doing something of which they don't approve, and I've seen too much of that here in the last day. NZNeep's isn't the only one, just the one convenient enough to quote. How nice that we can all be so superior.

                          I, for one, know I make a lot of mistakes. When somebody loses their temper or errs in other ways, I'd hope we'd all politely post our disagreements, rather than creating an all-out attack on the person.

                          Originally posted by dipsofjazz View Post
                          Ah, but there's the problem. Many of us do not trust TPTB anymore.

                          They have messed with us for ten years. As someone else has said, they have left a storyline incomplete, and this is not good writing, in my opinion.
                          I have to agree. I also don't trust TPTB anymore, to the point that I won't even begin to consider watching Atlantis. With the way they strung us along (and still are) on the S/J ship, how do I know they won't do the same type of thing with characters or situations on Atlantis? I've learned I can't trust them to finish what they start, so Atlantis remains on my "do not watch" list.

                          Originally posted by luvnjack View Post
                          Good grief! The drama! Can't say I'm surprised to hear about petemoretti; I had actually wondered if it was him.

                          One last thing about trusting TPTB, then I'll let it go. You HAVE to trust them! I mean...the series is over. Done. The movies are written, filmed, edited, ready to view. Nothing we say or do is going to change anything ship-wise for at least another year. Time to just wait and see...
                          I don't understand. Why do we HAVE to trust them? They've treated us like yesterday's garbage again and again, making us the poor little cat they kick when they've had a bad day. Daniel fans get what they want. V/D fans get what they want. Farscapers get what they want . . . and we remain the patient S/J shippers who are never on the receiving end of what we want. The only people treated worse, at least in the last two years, are the Jack/RDA fans and the Jonas fans.

                          Originally posted by Nikki View Post
                          Ok, so the majority showed their support for my apology to Joe on behalf of all of us and here's what I'm posting. Hope everyone likes.

                          sg-1fanintn helped a lot.
                          While I appreciate anybody wanting to make nice with Joe, I don't personally believe that an apology was in order. Joe makes his blog public knowing that he's opening himself to any and every viewpoint. And this is the US, where we have freedom of speech. The poster had every right to state what he felt, as long as he didn't state that he spoke for all the S/J shippers. That would, IMO, never be appropriate. And yes, Joe had every right to reply the way he did as well.

                          Originally posted by RamonaThePest View Post
                          I hope you're kidding. We go on and on and rehash what Sam and Jack that there is, that your sometimes Devil's Advocate re-ignites us in here!
                          I agree, and I hope he doesn't leave. You can't have a debate with just one side, so those who post differing points of view from the majority are a breath of fresh air here.

                          Originally posted by RamonaThePest View Post
                          I'm logging out for the day now, and while I understand how everyone feels about petemoretti confronting JM, she/he was probably just frustrated and may have regretted it as soon as it was done. Sounds that way to me from petemoretti's last post. Don't you think we're being a little harsh on him/her? I mean, this place has always been so kind and welcoming. Can we be a tad bit forgiving too? I'd hate to see petemoretti go because his/her rants sometimes made me think anew or in a different light about past ship moments.

                          And petemoretti, wherever you are, (hope you're still lurking and will come back), everyone's probably just upset because it throws us in a panic to think we'll alienate TPTB and never get what we're hoping for. So excuse that too.

                          Now everybody kiss and make up, puhleese????

                          P.S. Hey, petemoretti didn't have to admit it was him. Gotta give him credit for that.
                          Ramona, thank you for this post - it was everything I was thinking about the thread. When members of a forum get ugly towards each other, that's when I usually check out. Debate is okay, open derision isn't in my book.
                          - Mary
                          SG1 needs it's Fifth Man - Why should we settle for less? Bring back Jonas Quinn!
                          Jack O'Neill would die for any member of his team. But there's only one he'd live for: Samantha Carter.



                            Thanks to dipsofjazz, Terrah and JenniferJF for each.

                            (Credit to RepliCartertje for the beautiful sig and to Mala for smilies.)


                              Still trying for some cheer. If a shot of Jack's bum doesn't do it, eat two chocolate bars and post again in the morning!

                              "Jack, you said we were going fishing this morning!"


                                LOVE them. Much as I like the kisses, I think I love the one from IGTBK the best. That just encapsulates Sam and Jack for me! Thanks for posting them. Couldn't green you.

