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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    If you'd like to vote for Solitudes in the ships episode contest but you don't have any screencaps, feel free to use mine."

    link to the game:

    "Y'know, I can be as diplomatic and open-minded as anyone."
    Colonel Jack O'Neill


      ^^Zuz, your screencaps are amazing! "Solitudes" has very low light in the cave scenes, but your pics are sharp and clear. So, thanks, I will use yours.



        Originally posted by Bucky View Post
        ^^Zuz, your screencaps are amazing! "Solitudes" has very low light in the cave scenes, but your pics are sharp and clear. So, thanks, I will use yours.

        Glad you like, Bucky.
        "Y'know, I can be as diplomatic and open-minded as anyone."
        Colonel Jack O'Neill


          Originally posted by majorsal View Post

          but i'd also like to hear any ship related comments from them.
          Oh great! I enjoy the commentaries and Amanda does great ones...and yes, comments on ship. Can't wait for that!
          Sig by AstraPerAspera and avatar by SamJackShipLover

          Thanks Bekki


            Great caps Zuz!!

            Originally posted by AstraPerAspera View Post
            See...I think when you look at the whole arc of S5 you see a disjointed team for the first several episodes, partly due to Jack drawing away from Sam after he had to kill her in Entity. Then we get Teal'c being brainwashed and having to be deprogrammed, Sam being thought nuts when Orlin appeared, the whole SG1 thought to be delusional in the 5th Man, and so on. I think they had some too-personal moments in S4 that made them realize they were drawing a little too close together, and that togetherness threatened their ability to work side by side and do the hard things they sometimes might have to do (like 2x zatting the woman you love), so there was a conscious effort made to get "back to business". The behind the scenes of the SGC that Proving Ground offered was the first time I think we saw them let their guard down for a while (Wormhole x-treme doesn't count...), and it almost came off as light-hearted, once you figured out it was an exercise.

            S5 was hard to watch overall because of the slight dysfunctionality of it all. Even for the whole team. It was sort of like a few weeks after the honeymoon and you realize that this guy leaves globs of toothpaste in the sink and he realizes you never shut the closet door and you start to get on each others nerves a little...*ahem* anyway, it was that stage in the SG1 relationship, I think. Then, just as they started to get back on a more even keel, they up and lose Daniel and have to start all over again.
            Yeah, i see that too. One of the reasons i love this ep is the great sense of 'team' although the team itself is hardly even together.

            They do seem to be pulling away from each other in season 5. Or at least Sam and Jack are and i think that has a negative effect on the team overall. Sadly Daniel's death rocks the world of the three remaining members just as they seem to be getting closer again. We see Jack now pull away from both Teal'c and Sam, but i actually felt that Teal'c and Sam became even closer as a result. However,the season 5 finale and the first 2 eps of season 6, bring the 3 back together. They are without Daniel, but have banded together in season 6, perhaps realising that they were wrong to think that they had to distance themselves in order to work effectively together - especially in the case of Sam and Jack - but rather were always stronger when they were close. Hence season 6 is very shippy and i think the team (at least with the 3) is very strong, and as we go through the season we see them trying to include Jonas more and more. SG-1 gets it's mojo back.
            Sig by AstraPerAspera and avatar by SamJackShipLover

            Thanks Bekki


              Originally posted by L.A. Doyle View Post
              What? Proud to see the Grace kiss or proud I got a gutter star?
              Hmmmmm you know I think it would be a little of both, but more happy that the Grace kiss was posted, though Jann always has a goal of getting people into the gutter and since she wasn't able to herself I'm sure she would be happy about that too
              Originally posted by majorsal View Post
              my biggest memories about 'proving ground' are...
              i thought the first half of season 5 had it's problems. i was in fandom then (arrived in fandom just after 'divide and conquer' aired, but after the ship/anti ship wars ignited), and i *really* noticed... someone said that sg1 acted like pod ppl. they barely reacted to one another.
              but then the second half aired, and 'proving ground' was shown first. and BOY, did we get some human reactions again! AND SHIP! i remember squeeing my guts out when sam and jack were sitting there together, eating jello and flirting wonderfully.
              red jello + blue jello = purple tonges.
              Oh yeah the first half of the season was a with the reacting, but when I was watching them through way back (you know in order as oppsed to what I do now) I remember thinking it fit together.
              As for purple I read purple jell-o before I reread I like the second one way better than I do the jell-o
              Ah its another good morning...
              Originally posted by chelle db View Post
              Not sure if you're interested or not but I posted this link in the Samanda's a preview for season 4's mainly about Sam's arrival in Atlantis even though it's only 36 seconds long but was very enticing...I can't wait for season 4 Atlantis!!!

              Thanks for the link Chelle...good stuff
              and hope Niki is feeling better and sounds like the talent show was fun
              Originally posted by RepliCartertje View Post
              there is purple jello....wait it said purple tongues What where they doing???
              Of course there is purple jell-o but I am pretty sure all us shippers like the idea of red jell-o + blue jell-o = purple kisses better
              Originally posted by SamJackShipLover View Post
              OK, so Solitudes it is. I got some caps from this site and edited them a bit with Photoshop. To use them: quote this post, copy the pic link to the game thread.
              and voted and I like the game this way. Means we work as a team and also means I don't have to hunt for pictures everytime I want to vote (a sane person would just organize their my pictures
              GO NEWMAN! 31!


                SamJackShipLover, Zuz those caps are magnifiscent! Green for that! (Once I manage to spread some around )

                Reminiscing the shippy hints in S9-10 I realised that
                "fishing" in LITS is not that shippy! Sure it implies that Sam loves fishing/Jack, but at the same time it means that they're not together! If they were surely Jack would have known the password...

                A quick poll - How many of your BF/GF know the password to your PC?
                Last edited by petemoretti; 20 July 2007, 07:50 PM.


                  Originally posted by petemoretti View Post
                  Zuz those caps are magnifiscent! Green for that! (Once I manage to spread some around )

                  Reminiscing the shippy hiunts in S9-10 I realised that
                  "fishing" in LITS is not that shippy! Sure it implies that Sam loves fishing/Jack, but at the same time it means that they're not together! If they were surely Jack would have known the password...

                  A quick poll - How many of your BF/GF know the passsword to your PC?
                  Not necessarily, hubby doesn't know any of my passwords. It's not that I wont tell him its just that his thought is this is my computer and that (pointing to his) is his computer. Granted I know his password only because he has had the same one since the AOL days and I remember it from getting on the internet at his parents house.
                  I also have a feeling that Sam would be one of those people that changes her passwords frequently therefore Jack just doesn't want to keep up with them all, its also her work computer, why would he know?
                  GO NEWMAN! 31!


                    Originally posted by petemoretti View Post
                    Zuz those caps are magnifiscent! Green for that! (Once I manage to spread some around )

                    Reminiscing the shippy hiunts in S9-10 I realised that
                    "fishing" in LITS is not that shippy! Sure it implies that Sam loves fishing/Jack, but at the same time it means that they're not together! If they were surely Jack would have known the password...

                    A quick poll - How many of your BF/GF know the passsword to your PC?
                    My ex, when we together, so before he became my ex NEVER knew the password to my PC. Once he asked me coz it's a laptop and he wanted to use it (he had his own desk-top) so i couldn't get out of telling him without upsetting him. I changed it the very next day.

                    Of course there's a reason we're no together anymore...

                    But as far as Sam and Jack go...personally i wouldn't expect Jack to know it. Why would he, he's not interested in computers. And he wouldn't use hers for any of his own work. Abd i can't imagine him even thinking about it enough to ask. Also, she probably likes that noone knows (or at least they didn't). Its her own little, secret connection to him at work.
                    Sig by AstraPerAspera and avatar by SamJackShipLover

                    Thanks Bekki


                      Originally posted by AstraPerAspera View Post
                      I think there are elements of the child that are Sam herself. The girl sings a song Sam's mother sang; she blows bubbles and tries to get Sam to join her (while Sam tries to explain what a bubble is, remarking that even as a child she was trying to figure out the science of it...not noticing (even right then) that she was missing the beauty of the bubble by trying to understand it--which the child points out to her).

                      Then too I think there is an element of Grace that is Sam's wishful thinking. Biological timeclock and all that. Not necessarily a child with Jack, per se, but just the desire to one day have one. Which fits in with her decision after this to try to get a life.
                      Oh, I agree too. I think the reason the concept of 'Grace' manifested as a little girl was because, IMHO, when Sam is unified she is a bit more intuitive and creative and silly (S9/S10 anyone, especially Arthur's Mantle?) and also there is that element of her needing to get it together to have kids herself, so the choice if a child as representation reflects her knowledge of what's at stake. So the symbolism of Grace is Sam, but the reason it manifested that way has many layers of meaning.


                        Originally posted by cess525 View Post
                        Not necessarily, hubby doesn't know any of my passwords. It's not that I wont tell him its just that his thought is this is my computer and that (pointing to his) is his computer. Granted I know his password only because he has had the same one since the AOL days and I remember it from getting on the internet at his parents house.
                        I also have a feeling that Sam would be one of those people that changes her passwords frequently therefore Jack just doesn't want to keep up with them all, its also her work computer, why would he know?
                        You might be on to something! My GF knows my Windows password, but she doesn't know the password to the encrypted porn folders...
                        LE: It's not "fishing"...


                          Originally posted by petemoretti View Post
                          A quick poll - How many of your BF/GF know the passsword to your PC?
                          My husband does not. I know most of his, because I'm more computer literate than he is and helped him set them up. I do not, however, know any of the passwords on his military laptop.... Which is more the point...

                          EDIT: I should add he doesn't know my passwords because I don't see any point in giving him a list of what they are, though he'd probably be able to figure them out relatively quickly.


                            Originally posted by petemoretti View Post
                            SamJackShipLover, Zuz those caps are magnifiscent! Green for that! (Once I manage to spread some around )

                            Reminiscing the shippy hiunts in S9-10 I realised that
                            "fishing" in LITS is not that shippy! Sure it implies that Sam loves fishing/Jack, but at the same time it means that they're not together! If they were surely Jack would have known the password...

                            A quick poll - How many of your BF/GF know the passsword to your PC?
                            Franklin said, "They that can give up essential liberty for a little safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."

                            "Do or do not. There is no try." Yoda


                              Originally posted by pittsburghgirl View Post


                                Originally posted by pittsburghgirl View Post
                                Originally posted by trupi View Post
                                Maybe she was talking about Jack?
                                Well, wouldn't you be?

