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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by L.A. Doyle View Post
    D'oh! I'm gonna have to elope!

    Ficathon writers...I am pretty sure I won't have all mine finished by today's deadline. Unless I get REALLY inspired, which, for once, is quite possible. So if you aren't finished, don't sweat it. I know I'm going to be out of town this weekend(*misses Ship Family*) so if I don't get done soon... I feel really bad, but I was having such trouble with an idea. BUT I do know a lot of authors haven't turned theirs in yet either...
    I told you I would turn in my at the last second! I started uploading mine on at 11:59pm on the 15th! How’s that for beating the deadline!

    And so, here’s my ficathon fic: [/SIZE]

    And I think I forgot to mentioned it, but some mentioned marriage proposals and something with Jack just saying they’re getting married. That’s exactly how my dad “proposed” to my mom. He told her they were getting married and that was that.

    And because I wasn't able to get on on Valentine's Day, (spoilers for a 200 pic)

    I just had to share, as this is the first time any guy has given me flowers, but I got two dozen roses (orange, white, and red) delievered to my work. I was working Valentine's Day. I've been so happy since. I'm not dating the guy that spent me the roses. But he asked me out, so I guess after that, I must say yes! My mom said that she never received two dozens roses (or any other kind of flowers).
    Don't they looks so pretty?

    Sorry, just had to share, especially as they're right behind me and I kept smelling them.


      Originally posted by Sasusc View Post
      I told you I would turn in my at the last second! I started uploading mine on at 11:59pm on the 15th! How’s that for beating the deadline!
      Great job! I am still writing mine. I'm working on it right now. Oh, those roses are beautiful! I'd never ask for flowers, but if someone wants to give them to me, I won't complain!


        Originally posted by hopalong View Post

        I don't know. A lot of women are doubtful about their abilities to be a mother; especially those who have been heavily on the career path (Which is not to say this happens in every case). To me, it would be reasonable for Sam to have doubts. Her experiences with Cassie would be a lot different that actually having a baby of her own; even any experiences with other babies would be a lot different. Other babies you can hand back, your own baby relies on you for everything. It's a daunting prospect, no matter how confident and capable you are.

        Which is not to say I think Sam would be hopeless at it. Doubtful, yes; hopeless, no.

        I don't know what was meant, but here's my interpretation, taken from one of my fics.

        Then she asked the fateful question… If things were different…? If only it were that simple. If things were different and he wasn’t her CO, they could be together. If things were different and there was no war with the Goa’uld, he could have retired (again) by now. Or he would still be retired. If things were different, Charlie could still be alive…

        But things were not different. If he had not been recalled, if he was not her CO, if Charlie was still alive… they would never have met. He would not be there. It was no good to dwell on what ifs. It didn’t change things. And when he told her that he wouldn’t be there if things were different, he felt his heart break into a million pieces. For in telling her that it was like he was giving her tacit approval to marry this Pete Shanahan.

        You can read the whole thing here (it's short)

        The Sound of a Click
        I agree, not hopeless, but maybe doubtful. I myself really want to be a mum, it would break my heart if I discovered I could not have children. But at the same time I'm terrified that i won't be able to raise my kids as good as my mum raised me and my siblings. I don't think i've ever known a woman is isn't nervous of being amum, nor no one who hasn't at least once doubted themselves. It's natural.

        ! All Aboard The Shipper Train!
        I Heart ! Proud Member of Thunk For Club!
        Don't wait for your ship to come in. Swim out to it.


          Originally posted by starlover1990 View Post
          And at last my music vids

 (also team vid)

 (also team vid)

 (for the dutch people in here )

 ( little warning in this one but in the end S/J)

          And that was everything i have made since i have joined GW
          Thank you for more great slides Jenn, and thanks for the lovely vids Jann!

          Avatar Signature by eLouai,
          TekTek, & Gaia Online


            Originally posted by GateGirl422 View Post
            Happy Valenship!!!

            Just had to get one last one in. Night shippers, and enjoy the rest of the holiday!
            Congrats on 800 posts!!

            Excellent stuff again Jenn

            Originally posted by dipsofjazz View Post
            I'm having so much fun. Thanks shippers.

            click for bigger[/center]
            Thank you for the lovely wallpaper

            Originally posted by Caladria View Post
            A huge list of fic recs - some may overlap, but there's loads of good stuff there.

            Caladria, thank you for the fics rec

            Originally posted by Terrah View Post
            Sam: Did you just Wink at me? Sir!
            Jack: Might Have!

            Terrah: So what do you think? did Jack wink at Sam in Lifeboat? when they got Daniel out of the stasis pod.
            I like to think so

            Caps by My DVD drive is not working today.

            LOL Terrah, love the colours in the wp!

            Originally posted by Gate gal View Post
            Fic recs! Sorry if these have been posted today, but I'm still catching up.

            Sally's fanfic:

            Mei Mei's fanfic:

            JoRo's fanfic:

            Lots of good stuff at all these sites!
            Thanks for the fic rec!

            Originally posted by Nolamom View Post
            I love all the manips you posted Nolamom, thanks for sharing!

            Avatar Signature by eLouai,
            TekTek, & Gaia Online


              Originally posted by nell View Post


              Daniel: So, Jack, how was your date last night?
              Jack: Date? Don't know what you're talkin' about.
              Daniel: Yes.
              Jack: No.
              Daniel: Yeah.
              Jack: Nope
              Daniel: JACK! It's me you're talking to here.
              Jack: Daniel, look, I didn't mean to be vague but FCOL, it was our first date. I'm kind of new at this...with Sam.
              Daniel: You sound unsure.
              Jack: No. Yes. No, I mean. I'm in way deep. Head over heels even!
              Daniel: Over heels?
              Jack: Damn it, Daniel, I'm in love with Sam.
              Daniel: Jack, that's...great!!!
              Jack: I want to ask her to my cabin. I don't want to rush her.
              Daniel: Um, I hardly think 8 years on hold would be considered rushing.
              Jack: You're right! Wow, I'm asking her right now!!

              The following weekend...
              Sam: This is great!
              Jack: I told ya.
              Sam: I can't believe we didn't do this years ago.
              Jack: Yeah, well, let's not dwell.

              And our two lovers only looked forward from that day onward. They are
              soooo married!!
              LMAO Nell, I love your stories!

              Originally posted by Nolamom View Post
              Awwww *squees* that's so cute

              Originally posted by Nolamom View Post
              This is gorgeous too, I also love the kissing gif at the bottom

              Originally posted by nell View Post
              A few weeks later...

              Jack: ...and I will conclude with thanking each and everyone of you for your service to your country and the universe.
              I now relinguish my command as Major General. Campers, I AM RETIRED!

              Jack moves down the ramp to a thunderous applause and loud cheers. He approaches Sam for a final salute.

              Jack: (in a soft voice) Colonel, you are sooo hot. Let's hop on your bike and start our honeymoon...NOW!
              Sam: Yeahsure ya betcha, airman!

              LOL love this pic story too

              Beautiful wallpaper Jena, and thank you for all the other wonderful pictures and artwork you shared with us!

              Avatar Signature by eLouai,
              TekTek, & Gaia Online


                Originally posted by Oma-1 View Post
                I've been playing Inspired by all your wonderful pics!

                It's been ages since I've felt the urge to make any pics, but being back with the family, it all comes so easily again!

                Valenship Rocks



                Gorgeous wallpaper and icons Oma, thanks for sharing

                Originally posted by gwenhwyfar View Post
                Since it is Valenship and other people are ding it, I thought I would share some of my old wallpapers. I know there are a lot of newbies so...

                The first uses lyrics from Every Story is a Love Story from Aida, the second is inspired by Love Will Always Win by Garth Brooks and Tricia Yearwood


                Enjoy and Happy Valenship
                Thanks for the lovely wallpapers

                Originally posted by L.A. Doyle View Post
                A little gif I made.
                Thor says so!
                LOL that's so cute.

                Avatar Signature by eLouai,
                TekTek, & Gaia Online


                  D'oh! So I was up late as always(working on my fic) and I finally decided to go to bed because I have work in the morning. I hear this noise and I find that our lovely dog decided to eat Taco Bell leftovers. That's all fine and dandy, except the Taco Bell was stuffed way down in the trash can. So, yeah. I walk in there and find trash everywhere! And the whole time I was cleaning it up the dog was wagging his tail at me! Ah! Bad dog!

                  Night Ship Family.


                    Originally posted by L.A. Doyle View Post
                    And Jenn, I will never get married! If I do, I will fly every shipper on this thread to my wedding! *really cannot get married now!*

                    So when can we come...and were is the wedding???
                    I'm sure i'm gonna come
                    You and Reynolds....perfect couple...

                    Originally posted by JackandSamAddict View Post
                    Me TOO! I love Sam and I think she would be a great mom too! She does have a certain motherly touch at times, and yes, though I'm not a mother, I think too, that everyone has doubts about their abilities to mother (or father) children in their lives, so yeah, she could be a little doubtful, but NEVER hopeless.
                    Me to. I also think that Sam would be a good mom I think i would like her as my mom...she has something that is good for being a mom(that makes sense????)
                    But i also think that if she would get children with a man she will not left that man, because she wants the best for her children even when it isn't good for her....(do i still make sense???)
                    In all Sam a mom....were can i buy her as mom???

                    Originally posted by L.A. Doyle View Post
                    Well, Sam(antha?) I do have brown hair. I think more of sigs when I think of people, not avatars. But some people keep changing them and confuse me!
                    Me to Jena...i also see people as there sigs...and i can even see Jenn good with all her sigs, because she has her own style...and some others with rotating sigs to...but sometimes i do get confused if people change everything to often(that's why i don't have rotating sig confused myself)


                      Originally posted by hopalong View Post
                      Hmm, I see I think slightly differently...
                      I agree that in 'Avalon' Cam didn't know. However, in my ficathon story (which I am still working on) he was let into the loop once Sam rejoined SG1, on the grounds that him not knowing could prove to be awkward.

                      I can't comment on 'Bad Guys', I haven't seen the ep.
                      I actually agree with you.

                      I do think Cam would have been in the loop soon after Sam rejoined SG1 - and I tend to have him in the know in my fics too but a couple of things lately on the show have made me reconsider whether TPTB are suggesting in subtext that Cam doesn't know.
                      Women of the Gate LJ Community.
                      My Stargate Fanfiction. My LiveJournal.


                        Originally posted by GateGirl422 View Post
                        I DARE YOU TO TELL US APART!

                        I've always wanted a twin
                        No! Take that back!

                        Or even better, take mine. Take her far, far away.
                        Neep, NZBG, Eileen!

                        Made with love and chocolate brownies by Spacegirlnz

                        Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko FTW!


                          Hi every body!!! How is you all? All is good at home, a little 'funny' at home with the 'rents, but you gotta put on the smile and try to look happy. But hey, I love my Sam/Jack shipping and you guys can make me smile. (and of course Sam/Jack! lol) talk to you all soon...
                          And many thanks to Anneleis for this spectacular sig!!


                            On the Jack and calling Sam 'baby' discussion...

                            I just don't see him calling Sam 'baby' and I dislike it in fics where he does.

                            I can't recall him calling Sara 'baby' but I'll accept that he did, but he and Sara had a very different relationship from him and Sam. I guess I've always had in mind that Jack and Sara had been together a long time before Charlie, maybe meeting in their twenties and that Sara herself had nothing to do with the military; that she represented 'home' and life outside of the military for Jack, a safe place from all the horror he was seeing in his job. Hence for me the pet name of 'baby' or 'sweetheart' or whatever would have fitted because Jack's image of her is always as his lover, the woman he loves, the mother of his child and his life partner.

                            With Sam, their relationship has grown in very different way, within their work environment where he was her CO and 'baby' etc would be completely inappropriate. While I accept Jack was always attracted to Sam (and vice versa), I also believe that he tried not to think about her in a romantic context at all for the first couple of years so Sam in his head has always been 'Captain/Major/Colonel' or 'Sam'. Later when his feelings were too strong, he started using the 'Carter' more than 'Sam' to create distance.

                            My point is that I don't think he has ever thought of Sam as 'baby' and hence would never call her it.

                            I think the 'Carter' is more likely to have become his pet name for Sam since they got together, and I think the fact that he can use it with others to suggest that there is distance but knowing himself that its his special name for her would appeal to Jack and amuse him. That's not to say I don't think he calls her Sam. I think at home just the two of them it tends to be 'Sam' and 'Jack' with the occasional 'Carter.'


                            What is fascinating is the complete lack of names for the most part between them...

                            In the scene in her lab, there is the sir at the beginning when they are discussing destabilising the Pegasus wormhole but as soon as that discussion is out of the way (ie work), Sam's next question is 'do you believe him now?' And my impression is that it is Sam asking Jack about the friend they love not a Colonel asking a General about a member of her team.

                            The way he responds is also on a personal level...he's open and honest admitting he doesn't know where as a General buoying up a junior officer he might have made a joke or tried to be more positive...he also says at the end 'we don't need it[the polygraph]' which for me means they don't need it because they also have Teal'c as part of their family, not as in the wider context of Earth or the SGC...

                            And let's face it, most of the time in normal every day conversation with your other half you don't call each other by a given name every other sentence...
                            Last edited by Rachel500; 16 February 2007, 09:46 AM.
                            Women of the Gate LJ Community.
                            My Stargate Fanfiction. My LiveJournal.


                              CAM 'KNOWING'
                              Originally posted by hopalong View Post
                              Hmm, I see I think slightly differently...
                              I agree that in 'Avalon' Cam didn't know. However, in my ficathon story (which I am still working on) he was let into the loop once Sam rejoined SG1, on the grounds that him not knowing could prove to be awkward.

                              I can't comment on 'Bad Guys', I haven't seen the ep.
                              And as Rachel said, I also don't think Cam shouldn't know. I just wrote a long migraine inducing scene between Jack and Cam which becomes completely AU if he doesn't know by now -- they owe Cam at least that much respect, IMHO. But I do rather like the idea that he's been playing the audience perspective towards SG-1 in general since Avalon and his not having been let in on the loop that Sam and Jack are together is because we have not been yet, either. Then again, I'd say 'they' owe us the audience that much respect too, so obviously not 'being let in on Sam and Jack' isn't the only thing we have in common with Cam.

                              But it does raise the question. When Cam finds out, maybe we will too?

                              *drops house*


                                Well said, Rachel! I agree with your whole post.

                                On the topic of Shroud and names:
                                I don't know if just my imagination, wild theories, and the topic of names, I've been thinking about the "lack" of names in Shroud. Could the PTB intentually left out the names because they didn't want to gave anything away by using the names? If they had either one calling the other by their first name, much squeeling and very shippy speculation over it. They were trying to keep it murky. Although, if they had more mentions of ranks, last names, and sirs we shippers could still get away those mentions (as they're in a work environment and it's perfectly acceptable to use those names).

                                I really must get to bed. The alarm clock to wake my brother up to go school just went off.

