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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by ses110
    I think your right Shipperahoy.I think we will have to wait for a Movie to see the Sam/Jack resolution.I do hope RDA will be in the Season 10 finale and I hope either Sam and Jack are in danger and we see the resolution in the Movie.I also hope for a couple of Movies with RDA with nice Sam/Jack Ship and no Sam on Atlantis full time and I'll be happy.I also hope it does not take too long to hear about the future plans for SG-1.
    Me too. We don't want much, do we?


      Originally posted by RepliCartertje
      It means: where kidness reigns and it is actually the (ok can't find the word for it) but the sentence Samandans use...

      Grrrrrr I am having some issues with English tonight!!!!! I can not come up with the words...So sorry everyone if it looks like tonight I am talking something you don't understand... Oooh wait can I speak dutch for an evening??? Will you all go and translate it and understand me...

      ***looks very nice to the family***

      Ok not than...I will stick to the English
      It's times like this I wish I spoke another're doing great RC...I wish I could translate for you but the only language I studied in school was German...and even though both my parents are German...I still don't speak very much of it...I could get around town if i had to and I could ask for a cup of coffee but beyond that...I need help!!!
      "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
      Hug Your Loved Ones!!
      ~Amanda Tapping


        Originally posted by L.A. Doyle
        Well, what I have to say about that is: It stinks! If Sci-Fi doesn't care enough about SG-1 to renew it, then let someone else show it FCOL! *grumbles* Are they scared someone else will make money off the show they canned? I really don't know how all these legal things work, but makes me mad. If they are going to be like that, then they better give me MORE in the form of a mini-series, movie, or heck, another season would be nice.

        On a positive note, 'A Matter of Honor' will ship to me on the 28th. *does happy dance* I can't wait. On the invoice it says Ship To, Shipping Method, Ship Preference. Hehehe... Ship to the shippers, method would be as fast as you can with a BHK, and my preference is Jack and Sam thank you!
        Yeah well see the way I understand it...they want to keep the franchise coz it's making them money...they just don't want to spend money on keeping it going so they axe it and make money on the dvd's and all the other cool stinks alright...I can smell it the way over here...buggers!!!
        "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
        Hug Your Loved Ones!!
        ~Amanda Tapping


          nell runs into the Thread: **cough sputter gasp** I just came home from Barnes and Noble. I bought the Stargate magazine for Sept/Oct 2006 issue! **blows into paper bag to avoid hyperventilating** It's mostly a Daniel/Shanks and Vala/Black centered issue. **bleeeeech** Sorry, I am addicted to Sam and Jack articles!!! But, as I perused page by page, I found a gem near the end of the mag!!! **blows in paper bag again** From 200
          A Sam and Jack wedding pic!!! They are posing under a floral arch with happy smiles of newlywedded bliss!!!!!!!!!! SQUEEEEEEEEeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!
          Here, I have extra paper bags!!!!!!


            Originally posted by Shipperahoy
            Just read a tidbit from Brad Wright concerning the season finale which only reinforces my fear that they are, once again, not going to resolve anything much less the Sam/Jack ship.

            Wright said that the final episodes of SG-1's current season "should be a very satisfying end to the season, but not necessarily an end to SG-1 by any means."

            So while this isn't bad news because it means that they are positive about more SG-1 in some form I don't think it bodes well for resolutions of any kind.
            Well, that isn't exactly the kind of news we were hoping for now is it? I'm sure your right. I just hope we don't have to wait too long for the movie (and some RESOLUTION).


              Originally posted by starlover1990
              I coudn't watch the eppies tonight because i had two birthdays(it looks like everybodies birthday is tomorrow or today, tomorrow i have 4 birthdays, help!!)
              I allready saw lost city 1&2 and i like them a lot, there are some shippy moments, really shippy!!! Thank god for dvds!!!

              Also welcome to newbies(i thought i saw some, when i was catching up)
              I love the final moments of lost city Pt 2, so sweet

              Yep, you did see some noobs


                Originally posted by I'm Just Sayin'
                Actually, I'm pretty sure Christopher Judge did a couple commentaries (can't remember which ones right now) and Michael Shanks did at least one (Double Jeopordy - the ep he directed).

                I love in the commentary for Lost City when AT is taking about the scene in front of the flashing engine panel - "He just resigned - I should have kissed him!"
                Sorry, I meant in the sixth season. I don't remember Chris doing one - although he very well could have - and I'm betting my last dollar that Shanks didn't do one. Thank God . . . <g>
                - Mary
                SG1 needs it's Fifth Man - Why should we settle for less? Bring back Jonas Quinn!
                Jack O'Neill would die for any member of his team. But there's only one he'd live for: Samantha Carter.


                  Originally posted by trupi

                  That's why it's important we put pressure on NBC to release Stargate or continue it as a mini-series so we can complete the ship.

                  that i'm for.

                  and i'm for completing the sg1 saga... even though it's not ready to be done.




                    Originally posted by myblackrose
                    TBH I wouldn't worry *hugely* about it... even the most reluctant shows *cough* The X-Files *cough* do have a ship resolution... looking at both shows through the years, SG has been more generous to shippers than Files ever was, although at least Mulder and Scully kissed in this reality

                    X-Files shippers despaired... BELIEVE me we despaired...of ever having a decent ship resolution at all, but we got it in the end... shows like to put characters together in the last episode because they're usually a) afraid of how to write the characters in an established relationship before then and b) afraid of what's known as the Moonlighting curse... referring to a show that crashed out when the UST between it's characters was finally resolved...


                    See, I was probably the biggest M/S XF shipper on the planet, and I do NOT consider what we got ship resolution. It was a disaster!!! The way they ended the show was the biggest insult to the Mulder character they could have created, and the finale depicted both characters so far out of character that it was also an insult to the fans.

                    Chris Carter is one of the worst, most childish producer/creators out there, and it scares me to death that SG1's PTB want to emulate him. When people didn't like his new characters, he got his revenge by ruining the ones we loved.

                    And since everything up until now in SG1 has mirrored XF, I'm terrified it'll happen again. We didn't like Doggett and Reyes, so they ruined Mulder and Scully. Now, we didn't like Mitchell and Vala, and I fear they'll ruin Jack and Sam.

                    I hope I'm wrong, but . . .
                    Last edited by Buc252; 26 August 2006, 08:24 PM.
                    - Mary
                    SG1 needs it's Fifth Man - Why should we settle for less? Bring back Jonas Quinn!
                    Jack O'Neill would die for any member of his team. But there's only one he'd live for: Samantha Carter.


                      Originally posted by Buc252
                      See, I was probably the biggest M/S XF shipper on the planet, and I do NOT consider what we got ship resolution. It was a disaster!!! The way they ended the show was the biggest insult to the Mulder character they could have created, and the finale depicted both characters so far out of character that it was also an insult to the fans.

                      Chris Carter is one of the worst, most childish producer/creators out there, and it scares me to death that SC1's PTB want to emulate him. When people didn't like his new characters, he got his revenge by ruining the ones we loved.

                      And since everything up until now in SG1 has mirrored XF, I'm terrified it'll happen again. We didn't like Doggett and Reyes, so they ruined Mulder and Scully. Now, we didn't like Mitchell and Vala, and I fear they'll ruin Jack and Sam.

                      I hope I'm wrong, but . . .
                      Hmmm.... I was not a M/S shipper at all, but I wasn't anti either. I loved Doggett and Reyes. I didn't like the ending of the X-Files. It was ok, but it could have been SO much better. I hope SG-1 gets a better send off than that. A mini-series or movie would be nice, and I know those writers are capable of writing excellent television, otherwise, I wouldn't be watching in the first place.


                        Originally posted by Katkin
                        It is my honor to serve…

                        Check out all of Sally’s fanfic here…



                          putting pressure on NBC-Scifi or whomever holds the cards will only work if they think that they can make money on the deal. From the little bits that have shown up the major sticking point is the money-and it appears as if Scifi is not going to give up rights or control of the show to MGM and is not above squeezing them to get a lower production cost. Depending on how long the agreement is with Scifi-they may decide to wait it out and then start production again or go ahead onto the 3rd series they were thinking about.

                          In any event though-I am not sure I would care to wait out for the S/J resolution if it takes as long as Troi and Ryker did.

                          Put me on the list of those that think that they are trying really hard to pretend it never happened.
                          Franklin said, "They that can give up essential liberty for a little safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."

                          "Do or do not. There is no try." Yoda


                            I couldn't give up on this couple if I tried. And if I don't get my resolution, there are always fanfics.


                              Originally posted by L.A. Doyle
                              I couldn't give up on this couple if I tried. And if I don't get my resolution, there are always fanfics.
                              yes indeed-you are quite correct about that.
                              Franklin said, "They that can give up essential liberty for a little safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."

                              "Do or do not. There is no try." Yoda


                                Originally posted by nell
                                nell runs into the Thread: **cough sputter gasp** I just came home from Barnes and Noble. I bought the Stargate magazine for Sept/Oct 2006 issue! **blows into paper bag to avoid hyperventilating** It's mostly a Daniel/Shanks and Vala/Black centered issue. **bleeeeech** Sorry, I am addicted to Sam and Jack articles!!! But, as I perused page by page, I found a gem near the end of the mag!!! **blows in paper bag again** From 200
                                A Sam and Jack wedding pic!!! They are posing under a floral arch with happy smiles of newlywedded bliss!!!!!!!!!! SQUEEEEEEEEeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!
                                Here, I have extra paper bags!!!!!!

                                LOL! Breathe nell!!!!! BREATHE!!!!!

                                Can you scan the picture and post it? I'd love to see it! Squeeee! He he!
                                Edward ~ "And so the Lion fell in love with the Lamb."
                                Bella ~ "What a stupid Lamb."
                                Edward ~ "What a sick, masochistic Lion."

