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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by Kri
    I like how my mom has begun phrasing her age. She is "Forty twenty two" this year. She tried "Fifty twelve" but didn't like it as much.

    On days when I am feeling older, I just remember that I have earned every year! And men, esp RDA, just keep getting sexier with age!
    Sam is so lucky to have Jack by her side

    avatar and sig by flidget


      Originally posted by Token
      I know that most people have expressed that they want mini-series/movies with the original SG-1 team, but does anyone really believe that will happen? I fear the mini-series/movie will be a continuation of the current storyline and characters. Is there any hope for the original team because I know the show runner is "happy" with the current storyline and characters. I think that's why RDA wasn't given a bigger SG-1 role this season. Too much conflict with the "newer, fresher, show" /snark.

      Anybody see things differently? I need some shipper hope.
      I read somewhere that the split of RDA's appearances on SG1 and SGA were mandated by Sci Fi as part of the agreement for them handing over the additional cash for him returning. Of course this could just be a vicious rumour given credence in the light of the recent decision to keep SGA and cancel SG1...

      If they take SG to another network then I see a distinct possibility that Jack would return because lets face it RDA has incredible credibility in attracting an audience (pun intended) and another network is likely to want to capitalise on that fully.

      I also think the possible 3rd series/spin-off Brad W talked about in his latest interview is likely to host the 'new' characters, leaving the mini-series/movies for the old SG1 characters.
      Women of the Gate LJ Community.
      My Stargate Fanfiction. My LiveJournal.


        Originally posted by Kri
        And men, esp RDA, just keep getting sexier with age!
        Yeah, baby! He can keep me company in my "dotage" any old time...


          Originally posted by trupi
          Got this email from Gail Delaney today. Watch it it will definitely give you goose-pimples:

          I couldn't say it any better! If it dies we will surely not get our resolution!

          are we trying to save sg1 the *show*, or sg1 the entity? cooper said there'd be a mini series or movie, so if the show's saved, what would happen to the min series/movie?

          i don't want to save the show *as it is*. but are you saying that you think 'that's' the only way we'll get our resolution? i think we stand maybe even a better chance in a min series/movie.





            how ever all of this pan out ...all I am asking is for a positive ship

            Sam and Jack Forever

            avatar and sig by flidget


              Originally posted by Token
              So true! If Brad writes the finale we have a chance. Of course, if RDA isn't in the finale, then we have a snowball's chance.

              Well there's always invisible Jack and we DO have such vivid imaginations afterall!
              Ship Nana


                Originally posted by Rachel500
                I read somewhere that the split of RDA's appearances on SG1 and SGA were mandated by Sci Fi as part of the agreement for them handing over the additional cash for him returning. Of course this could just be a vicious rumour given credence in the light of the recent decision to keep SGA and cancel SG1...
                Why would it matter if he were on SGA? Especially if Sci-Fi had already planned on cancelling SG-1 and keeping SGA? It isn't like they were relying on him for ratings on SGA.... ?

                If they take SG to another network then I see a distinct possibility that Jack would return because lets face it RDA has incredible credibility in attracting an audience (pun intended) and another network is likely to want to capitalise on that fully.
                Well you'd THINK that the networks would know what MADE SG-1 the franchise that it became (and it wasn't *Cam*).

                I also think the possible 3rd series/spin-off Brad W talked about in his latest interview is likely to host the 'new' characters, leaving the mini-series/movies for the old SG1 characters.
                I'd like to hope for what you have just stated to come true. PLEEEEEASE! Give me my SG-1!!


                  Originally posted by Ship Nana
                  Well there's always invisible Jack and we DO have such vivid imaginations afterall!
                  as good and fruitful my imagination is .... I want visible Jack holding hands with visible Sam and both openly showing their affection in RL SG1 to all of SGC

                  avatar and sig by flidget


                    Originally posted by majorsal
                    are we trying to save sg1 the *show*, or sg1 the entity? cooper said there'd be a mini series or movie, so if the show's saved, what would happen to the min series/movie?

                    i don't want to save the show *as it is*. but are you saying that you think 'that's' the only way we'll get our resolution? i think we stand maybe even a better chance in a min series/movie.


                    I am more afraid that Brad and RCC are trying to save the *Stargate* franchise, continuing to capitalize upon it, just as the Star Trek franchise did. Personally, I loved the originals. Not too keen on continual spin offs for the next 20 years....


                      We've been at this for too long for them to leave us out in the cold - but I wouldn't put it past them! Grrrr.


                        Originally posted by majorsal
                        are we trying to save sg1 the *show*, or sg1 the entity? cooper said there'd be a mini series or movie, so if the show's saved, what would happen to the min series/movie?

                        i don't want to save the show *as it is*. but are you saying that you think 'that's' the only way we'll get our resolution? i think we stand maybe even a better chance in a min series/movie.



                        I don't want to save the show as it is. I want the great writing and scripts back, I want our team back, not this sorry excuse to keep the show going no matter what and with whomever.

                        If we don't get our ship out of spite by TPTB or whatever reason, then so be it. I'd rather see it die with what little dignity it has left then to go on and on and on like this.
                        Ship Nana


                          This is brilliant!!!

                          Even my husband - who isn't much of a shipper - wants closer to the series and to Sam and Jack's relationship. His suggestion is to remind the Sci-Fi channel how this decision will effect their bottom line. Essentially - Money Talks.
                          For us, SG1 and Atlantis are the only things we watch on Sci-Fi. If they take SG1 off we probably won't watch Atlantis and will most likely cancel the Sci-Fi channel. I don't know how many of you feel the same, but if a lot of you do, that's something we need to be telling Bonnie Hammer et al.

                          Ours is the only reality of consequence.


                            Originally posted by Kri
                            Why would it matter if he were on SGA? Especially if Sci-Fi had already planned on cancelling SG-1 and keeping SGA? It isn't like they were relying on him for ratings on SGA.... ?
                            Actually I do think they used him (and are using him in his next appearances) for a ratings boost for SGA. SGA received a Season best for The Real World. I'm sure the next two epis, The Return Pt 1 & 2 starring RDA will also do well for SGA because SG1 fans that don't typically watch SGA are more likely to tune in for the epi because he's on it. I know I will make a point of watching more than I usually do for SGA.
                            Women of the Gate LJ Community.
                            My Stargate Fanfiction. My LiveJournal.


                              Originally posted by gatebee
                              as good and fruitful my imagination is .... I want visible Jack holding hands with visible Sam and both openly showing their affection in RL SG1 to all of SGC

                              Oh I see! You want it all!! What's wrong with you gatebee?! You want handholding, kisssing, and VISIBLE JACK and all in RL?!

                              Ok, ok, I'm being snarky at TPTB. You know they may not be capable of writing something like that. Afterall, it takes creativity, and writing skills and an overall desire to please the fans! And I think they've forgotten all those things. It's all about THE FRANCHISE!
                              Ship Nana


                                Originally posted by ljevans
                                This is brilliant!!!

                                Even my husband - who isn't much of a shipper - wants closer to the series and to Sam and Jack's relationship. His suggestion is to remind the Sci-Fi channel how this decision will effect their bottom line. Essentially - Money Talks.
                                For us, SG1 and Atlantis are the only things we watch on Sci-Fi. If they take SG1 off we probably won't watch Atlantis and will most likely cancel the Sci-Fi channel. I don't know how many of you feel the same, but if a lot of you do, that's something we need to be telling Bonnie Hammer et al.
                                Okay, I have to admit, that really was fantastic. You know why? BECAUSE IT WAS ONLY THE ORIGINAL CAST!! bahahaha! All of those clips were awesome! And all of them were SAM, JACK, DANIEL, and TEAL'C

