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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by RepliCartertje
    Ok not to be really pesimistic but just read this on GW meansite: and I don't think the ship will not be solved because of it
    Ok someone cheer me up here!! Tell me that the ship will be resolved someone tell me that it is just a bad dream.

    This quote out of the article makes me very angry. I was completely unaware that they actually had planned on changing the name of the show. They SHOULD HAVE!!! Then I would have no problem watching the downfall of Stargate Command.

    "Series lead Richard Dean Anderson left the show in 2004, to be replaced by Ben Browder and Beau Bridges when the show relaunched in a new creative direction in Season Nine. Ratings remained strong, though no longer at their historic peak. The show's producers had even intended to rebrand the show Stargate Command, but SCI FI ultimately opted to stick with the established SG-1 name."


      Nice letter Trupi.It's a shame SG-1 could not stay on Showtime.I could be wrong but it seemed TPTB of Showtime did not interfere and let Bridge run the Show.IMO the SciFi channel has been a major letdown.I was very happy when I first got the channel.It will be interesting to see how Atlantis does without SG-1.I just hope we have not seen the last of the Sam/Jack Ship.I feel like watching some old Shippy episodes.I would have loved to see how the Show would have done after Season 8 if they brought in Jonas or Hailey and mentioned the Jack character more or showed the Ship from Sam's side.IMO TPTB made too many mistakes after Season 8.It was almost as if TPTB were afraid of SG-1 past.


        Weren't there some rumors some months ago about Showtime wanting SG-1 back? Or am I dis-remembering it?

        I'm afraid that the show, in its current incarnation, has pretty much run its course - as evidenced by th fall in ratings over seasons 9 and 10. I miss Jack. I miss the team dynamic. I miss good writing. Except for wanting a resolution to Sam/Jack, I can't really say that I want to see the show continue - as it is now.


          Originally posted by shelsfc
          I knew that was coming, but I was not at all prepared for it. I am so disappointed, I was really hoping they'd keep going for 11. I'd love to see it get picked up by another station - I really don't think SG1 has run its course yet. And if it's hopes are still high for the film...

          I hate to be the one person here to say this, but I think it is past time that SG-1 got cancelled. Let's face it, without RDA, the show just is NOT the same. For me, the show ended after season 8 ended. Now I am really sad, as a shipper, that we didn't get a true outright resolution. I'd vote for a mini series, made for tv movie, or whatever. But RDA would have to be involved.

          I don't want to sound condescending, and everyone is entitlted to their opinions. But as an original SG- fan, I was sad a year and a half ago. Now I am not even surprised.


            Goodnight my shipper family.

            The good old days


              Originally posted by ses110
              Nice letter Trupi.It's a shame SG-1 could not stay on Showtime.I could be wrong but it seemed TPTB of Showtime did not interfere and let Bridge run the Show.IMO the SciFi channel has been a major letdown.I was very happy when I first got the channel.It will be interesting to see how Atlantis does without SG-1.I just hope we have not seen the last of the Sam/Jack Ship.I feel like watching some old Shippy episodes.I would have loved to see how the Show would have done after Season 8 if they brought in Jonas or Hailey and mentioned the Jack character more or showed the Ship from Sam's side.IMO TPTB made too many mistakes after Season 8.It was almost as if TPTB were afraid of SG-1 past.
              If Stargate had remained on Showtime, I would have never seen it. I don't have movie channels and probably never will.


                i am saddened at the thought that we will never get a resoliution to the shipper question... i hope that the writers write it into the script somehow!! even a reference at best would do!! but DAMN people... we need some "real" closure after all these years!!!!
                ..::!SAVE DR. ELIZABETH WEIR!::..


                  Originally posted by Kri
                  If Stargate had remained on Showtime, I would have never seen it. I don't have movie channels and probably never will.
                  I have never had them either, but first watched Stargate on syndication. It's still on in sydication here, though a different channel. The seasons are one behind. But now we have Sci-fi, do that's where it watch it.


                    Holy Hannah! I just got the news. It's a weird feeling because it's not surprising yet it's still a shock. I think it's the timing more than anything that caught me off guard.

                    I'm not giving up hope for a movie though. Star Trek was cancelled, but the fans kept it alive and they eventually went on to make 6 or 7 movies. RDA has expressed interest in coming back, so who knows? Perhaps a long break and a new format will reinvigorate everyone involved. After 10 years they have to be burned out.

                    Trupi thanks for the addresses. I do better at snail mail though, so I'm going to go that route.

                    I'll be very disappointed if they don't find a way to wrap up the ship, but you know what? All things considered, it's been a heck of a ride. Let's get busy guys; we have work to do!

                    s u g a r s h a k e r


                      I'd just like some resolution. They haven't finished writing and filming all of the second half of season 10, so there's still time. Please!


                        Originally posted by Lizlove
                        There certainly are people who enjoyed it but I don't know a lot who did. It was a good, romantic ending but the big question at the end led to some kind of dissapointment for me. Same for my mom, best friend and sister.
                        It was a sudden ending over the last two episodes, with no buildup. But at least they rushed to film it when the cancellation of the show was known. Was the part that disappointed you that they left who leaves the service up in the air?


                          Originally posted by sugarshaker
                          Holy Hannah! I just got the news. It's a weird feeling because it's not surprising yet it's still a shock. I think it's the timing more than anything that caught me off guard.

                          I'm not giving up hope for a movie though. Star Trek was cancelled, but the fans kept it alive and they eventually went on to make 6 or 7 movies. RDA has expressed interest in coming back, so who knows? Perhaps a long break and a new format will reinvigorate everyone involved. After 10 years they have to be burned out.

                          Trupi thanks for the addresses. I do better at snail mail though, so I'm going to go that route.

                          I'll be very disappointed if they don't find a way to wrap up the ship, but you know what? All things considered, it's been a heck of a ride. Let's get busy guys; we have work to do!
                          I agree with you completely, Sugarshaker. It was the timing that got me too.
                          always and forever
                          My LJ
                          My History Website


                            Originally posted by Kri
                            I hate to be the one person here to say this, but I think it is past time that SG-1 got cancelled. Let's face it, without RDA, the show just is NOT the same. For me, the show ended after season 8 ended. Now I am really sad, as a shipper, that we didn't get a true outright resolution. I'd vote for a mini series, made for tv movie, or whatever. But RDA would have to be involved.

                            I don't want to sound condescending, and everyone is entitlted to their opinions. But as an original SG- fan, I was sad a year and a half ago. Now I am not even surprised.
                            These are excellent points. I think the reason it took me unawares was because I just celebrated a very shippy weekend with some good SG buds, and I just wasn't ready to hear this. I totally agree though that RDA would HAVE to be involved in a LEADING role (not cameo appearance) in any TV or theatrical movie.

                            s u g a r s h a k e r


                              What a shock! I come on the forum to find that SG1 has been cancelled and lots of unhappy negative posts. I see that several people have suggested writing letters and other have said basically "What good will that do."

                              Well...I was a huge fan of Remington Steele in the 80's and they cancelled that show without resolving the ship. Thousands and thousands of people, myself included, wrote to the network to complain that we wanted a resolution and closure. The executives listened and gave us five 2 hour episodes to tie up loose ends. Now not everyone was satisfied with the way they ended the show, but we got our closure after they said the show was cancelled and never coming back. As you may or may not know, Pierce Brosnan had already been hired to do James Bond when they came back and said we're doing 5 more episodes of Remington Steele.

                              My point is this: WRITE LETTERS! We don't necessarily need a full season of SG1, we just need closure!

                              Here's the addresses:

                              Stargate Productions
                              2400 Boundary Road
                              Burnaby, B.C.
                              V5M 3Z3

                              The Sci-Fi Channel
                              Attn: Bonnie Hammer, President
                              30 Rockefeller Plaza
                              New York, NY 10112

                              The Sci-Fi Channel
                              Attn: Mr. Dave Howe, General Manager
                              30 Rockefeller Plaza
                              New York, NY 10112
                              Viewer comment line: (212) 413-5000
                              Fax: (212) 413-6531

                              And remember - don't rant and rave about all the things you dislike about the show. Respectfully ask them to give us a couple more episodes or a mini series to tie it all up and give us the SHIP we've been waiting for for TEN YEARS!

                              Ours is the only reality of consequence.


                                Originally posted by Rachel500
                                ((((((((Gate gal))))))))

                                They usually do look at providing something S/J when they think the show is going to end...

                                It does make me wonder whether they would have gotten better ratings with more ship… just imagine us all tuning in for those phone calls…

                                Poor old BB and CB… they’re starting to look like the kiss of death… let’s hope they haven’t just taken out any huge mortgages or bank loans…

                                DON’T YOU SMILE AT ME LIKE THAT! THAT’S NOT EVEN A REAL SMILE! IT’S JUST A BUNCH OF TEETH PLAYING WITH MY MIND! Sig courtesy of AmberMoon… kneel before your God!

                                WWW.SUPERNANNY.US.COM. Log on. Or it’s the naughty chair for you.

