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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    I love the
    look on Sam's face but if the Ship is not real in 200 what's the point? We have had soo many great looks between Sam and Jack already.The ratings continue to be bad and we may be running out of time for a Shippy resolution.


      Originally posted by ses110
      I see the Pegasus Project got a 1.5 ratings.Down from last weeks episode.Atlantis also got a 1.5.It's not a good sign at all for a
      crossover episode to struggle in the ratings.You figure a crossover would get some more interest.The way things are going I would be very surprised if their was a Season 11.Maybe TPTB will learn not to mess with Shippers and long time Fans.Their are too many other choices for Fans today.IMO Fans will not stay loyal for long anymore if you do not give the Fans what they want.TPTB main goal has been to please themselves instead of the Fans.
      I find it really sad, because I really enjoyed the episode. We rewatched it tonight with the kids (they were away Friday), and hubby and I enjoyed it even more the second time (kids liked it too). I hope ratings improve. I'm not ready to give up the Gate yet!


        Re: 200
        I just hope that it isn't a love letter to ALL the fans so much so that it pleases no one, if you know what I mean!

        Every series eventually has a time when it runs its course. Perhaps SG-1 has run its course now. Perhaps prematurely because of cast changes and the direction that TPTB have taken it. Personally I think that season 9 was a mistaken direction, but of course not all fans agree with me. I wish they'd go back to the formula that included using that big circular thing that took them to other worlds to explore...what was that thing called again? Oh yeah, a STARGATE.


          Originally posted by Gatetrixer
          Charlie (a different actor) is in Devil You Know, and Sara isn't. I don't think even see Charlie(really the crystaline form) in CL until the hospital. But I was wondering, someone reprinted the dialogue from CL where Sara talks as if Jack left her. But in the orginal COTG (not in the one replayed on TV) Jack tells Daniel that when he got back from Abydos (the first time) she was gone. I wouldn't think she was referring to his going to Abydos , because wasn't that pretty much an order? 'Course I've seen the movie maybe once, and might be wrong on that he HAD to go to Abydos. He was picked because he was suicidal, so maybe he didn't have to go, they knew he would want to. Anyway, I was just wondering if maybe the continuity between COTG and CL isn't maybe off somewhat.
          Okay, finally got caught up! Anyway, it may seem/sound like Jack left Sara in CL because, IMO, that it's taken from Sara's POV. COTG was taken from Jack's POV. Jack left her to go on the suicide mission. He was willing to leave her behind (and deal with Charlie's death on her own). If I was in Sara's place, I would think Jack left me. As for Jack, yeah, he wasn't sure if he was ever coming back from the mission, but if he did, I believe he didn't think Sara would be gone. So yes, the two different statements/conversation in COTG and CL could still exist without changing anything. We just have two different opinions on an event.


            Originally posted by Nolamom
            Re: 200
            I just hope that it isn't a love letter to ALL the fans so much so that it pleases no one, if you know what I mean!

            Every series eventually has a time when it runs its course. Perhaps SG-1 has run its course now. Perhaps prematurely because of cast changes and the direction that TPTB have taken it. Personally I think that season 9 was a mistaken direction, but of course not all fans agree with me. I wish they'd go back to the formula that included using that big circular thing that took them to other worlds to explore...what was that thing called again? Oh yeah, a STARGATE.


              Originally posted by AmberLM
              Re: BB as - wow, I don't know what to say to that! I think it would've made me hate Pete more if that had happened *ducks rotten tomatoes* Hey! Let me finish! It's not that I have anything against either BB or DDL but I think part of the reason why I didn't think Pete was good enough for Sam was because he was a bit of a bumbling idiot (some may say I'm being harsh but look at 'Threads' for proof that he's a dork!) I think if Ben had played him he would've been written as being slightly more charming and cool and *hides behind a HUGE glass of purple jell-o* to steal RDA's phrase, he might have actually been a threat to O'Neill!

              I know, I know, I'm a bad shipper and I do think that Sam loves O'Neill more than she could love anyone else but I think if she'd have dated someone that was closer to Jack personality-wise then she might have been able to convince herself that she was over him.
              I'm glad to see that Sam knows what she would need to "get over" Jack but would someone similar to Jack be just a reason to feel like she is still close to Jack? Regarding how Jack acts towards Sam, and I know that I could get shot for letting this secret out (hopefully only by a camera in a chick flick), men hide that they like (or love) a girl by pushing them away. Someone once wrote in a book "Men are from Mars and Women are From Venus", which I hate, that men function like rubberbands and women function like waves. For the Physics junkies it would be the same as examining a particle's motion or single instance in time. When Jack "acts" like he is getting over, or tying to get over Sam, he really is telling her that he misses her and its hard to be without her. Just as Sam may try to substitute Jack for someone similar Jack functions the Sam. No one else is Jack and no one else is Sam. Mayber they are both afraid that if they get together again then they will be ripped back apart. Or they just have a really bad time at tormenting each other with prolonged anticipation. Some thing like the movie "40 days and 40 nights".
              There are Brave Pilots. There are old Pilots. But there are no brave, old Pilots.


                Oh, and RoryJ? Thanks for posting the commentary. I know I had to have listen to it at least once. I try to listen to the commentary at least once soon after I buy the season. And well, since I own 1-8, I know I had to have listen to LC. I just don't remember that! I'll be listening to it later tonight.


                  Thanks Rory! It wouldn't let me green you again.
                  Originally posted by RoryJ
                  21:25 Referring to the scene where Sam visits Jack after he "did it again" at his house:
                  MW - Oh, this is a great scene. I like this scene so much . . .

                  RCC - It's interesting because we believed that this is the sort of scene that the fans would love and it's something they've been hunkering for for a long time. That there isn't a lot of the guys just sittin' around talking. [snip] Can't we just have a scene with the guys just sitting around, talking about stuff . . .
                  That was one of my all time favorite scenes!
                  AT - And the awkardness . . .

                  MW - And you (AT) and I have talked about this a number of times, and there's been a fine line that we've been dealing with for years about the Sam and Jack relationship and how far do you go? It's always a game to try and figure out how far you can go with the awkwardness, and both of you play this awkwardness so well.
                  Isn't that the truth! Awkwardness is one of the things that makes the ship so great! I love those moments!
                  RCC - Yeah, you know, a lot of this came from you guys. There was a shot in Out of Mind where O'Neill hugs Carter, and I remember seeing the dailies for that for the first time, and Brad looked at the screen and he looked at me and looked back at the screen and went "Huh." And that was the genesis of the sexual tension between Carter and O'Neill.

                  MW - And he looks at the naked back too. And then that moment in the hallway when you were too close to him and we decided we were gonna play it. And, you know, a lot of that comes from just you and Rick rehearsing and playing around, and when I'll see something like, we'll say, let's do that.
                  Yeah for Rick and Amanda! They are the real creators of our ship!!
                  RCC - And you know, we do all these big, intricate science-fiction stories, and at the end of the day, all anyone ever talks about . . .

                  AT - Oh, that's not what everyone talks about . . .

                  RCC - is the Carter/O'Neill . . . okay, that's true, there was the whole Daniel leaving/Daniel coming back thing, which was a big splash for a while . . .

                  Well, at least RCC seems to know what we want. He's just enjoying playing with us right now.
                  MW - then there's the Daniel/O'Neill thing . . .

                  RCC - Yeah, which we'll explore at the end of Season 8 . . . (Me = lol )
                  At least we avoided that one! Sorry, I just can't see it!
                  52:27 The scene between them in the cargo ship engine room

                  MW - I like this scene.

                  RCC - Yeah, it's great, except now I have a headache (referring to the flashing lights)

                  AT - Oh, he just resigned. I shoulda kissed him, what was I thinking.

                  RCC - It was in the original script. It was!

                  AT - But we've got this crystal panel between us which was -

                  MW - intentional.

                  AT - Yes, yes, of course. We can't let them get too close!

                  RCC - But in the original script, there was a kiss, and we cut to the front and Teal'c looks at Bra'tac and says, "This ship is going much faster than it's supposed to!"


                  AT - Their combined power!
                  What? They cut out our BHK! The nerve! Send out the Penguins!!!!

                  1:22:11 At the Ancient Outpost

                  AT - She calls him Jack! Sorry, that's important.

                  RCC - Yes, it is.


                  MW - You called him Jack.

                  AT - I did.
                  Even AT gets excited when Sam calls him Jack! Ahh!

                  AT - So, Rob, in season 8 is he gonna ask me to go fishing and am I gonna say yes?

                  RCC - Well actually, no. What happens is O'Neill and Pete go fishing . . .


                  AT - And he KILLS him!
                  That would have been interesting, but I'm so glad we got the Sam/Jack scene instead of an our favorite general goes to prison for murder scene.

                  This was cool! Thank you!


                    Originally posted by AmberLM
                    Hi guys I'm having a problem with a couple of lines in my lastest fic... do you think it's beyond the realms of extreme possibility that Daniel might have mentioned the whole 'partake in his purchase/oh there's not a chance in hell' conversation to Sam at some point during the last 10 years?
                    Yeah, I hear that. Read my post in response to your Sam finding someone similar to Jack to make her feel better post and it should explain it. Besides, heave~hell is all just a matter of perspective and there have been versions of hell (both hot and cold) such as Dante's Inferno.
                    There are Brave Pilots. There are old Pilots. But there are no brave, old Pilots.


                      Off subject, Oma sent me the coolest sig, but I am so computer illiterate that I can't move it from my PM to my sig. Can someone PM me directions? Thank you!


                        You should be able to copy/paste the image by right clicking your mouse then cntr+c (to copy) and cntr+v (to paste)

                        Rory - consider yourself greened! Thanks for the transcript.


                          Originally posted by AmberLM
                          Oooh, I don't remember that! Did he say 'I love you' with his eyes instead? I love it when he does that, his eyes go all sparkly and warm... am I too obsessed with RDA's eyes or is it perfectly normal to notice these things?
                          It's absolutely and completely normal

                          How could it not be when you're faced with these?

                          ^L4J's sig pic

                          Whenever I read a post from L4J I get stuck on her sig for at least 30 seconds


                            Originally posted by L.A. Doyle
                            Thanks. Did you notice
                            CJ says "It's really a love letter(to the fans)" when it shows Jack coming into the room and Sam's reaction? Are they trying to send us a message?
                            Jack's appearance must be a surprise to SG-1
                            I wonder what other surprises are in store for us .....

                            I couldn't resist that spoiler, thanks for the link Rachel!


                              Originally posted by Oma-1
                              It's absolutely and completely normal

                              How could it not be when you're faced with these?

                              ^L4J's sig pic

                              Whenever I read a post from L4J I get stuck on her sig for at least 30 seconds
                              I had always been a sucker for blue eyes until RDA. Those browns . . . **shakes head** Not a sight that can leave the brain easily. But who would it want to?


                                Originally posted by Sasusc
                                I had always been a sucker for blue eyes until RDA. Those browns . . . **shakes head** Not a sight that can leave the brain easily. But who would it want to?
                                I was exactly the same way. But now...those brown eyes...*is mesmerized*

