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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by sg-1fanintn
    I need to see him give her that look know, the slow grin that spreads across his lips while his eyes brighten. Even if he never says a word.....It might happen like this.....

    Sam is leaving the SGC and is talking to Daniel and Teal'c. He could just be standing at a distance, leaned up against her car. She looks up and sees him. "Uh, gotta go, guys," she says.

    "Hi, Jack!" Daniel waves. Teal'c nods.

    Jack waves back.....before turning his attention totally to Sam. As she approaches him, the camera zooms in on the two of them, and you begin to see that slow grin spread across his face. As she gets within his reach, he stands up straight and reaches out to embrace her. She returns the embrace just as he pulls her into a kiss.....not too long.....but not a peck either. After a moment, they pull back to look at each other; his arms meeting at the small of her back, and her hands meeting at the back of his neck. They look around at Daniel and Teal'c again and grin before Jack opens the car door for Sam. She climbs in. He closes the door, then glides around to the other side and gets in the car. They drive off.

    The camera cuts back to Daniel and Teal'c, who slowly turn to face each other. "Well, I've seen everything now," says Daniel.

    "Yes," says Teal'c. "And since hell has not yet become frozen, DanielJackson, I believe you owe me $50."

    The camera pans out as Daniel starts digging in his pockets for the money.
    I'm late catching up on posts from last night, but I must say I love the way you wrote that scene! I can see it like it's already happened! (((((sg-1fanintn)))))

    I can't give you any green (rats), but I love it!


      Originally posted by alyssa
      Hey, it's not 'bad bribery' if it involves giving to his charity of choice!!!
      It's all good..
      If he would just make an appearance somewhere and you had to donate money to see him and get his autograph( he doesn't even have to speak)-priceless!


        Originally posted by Catysg1
        Shame I can't stand Beau bridge as the new general . does not suit him at all ..I think the actor is not natural enough in his role . I could see he was acting real bad ...They made the wrong choice there .. His acting is not good at all as I could see that he rehearsed all his moves !!! :blink:

        i didn't like bridges either, and i was surprised as he was meant to be some big name actor. i'm hoping he'll be better as the series goes on.


          Originally posted by sg-1fanintn
          But speaking of ER, I thought you'd like to know that jerky the jerk-faced jerk boy, also known as , also known as DDL, is on the show tonight. And guess what? His wife on the show
          tried to commit suicide! Isn't that rich? Wouldn't you if you were married to jerky the jerk-faced jerk boy?

          I don't mean to be insensitive to the subject. I'm just saying it's ironic that he's playing another loser......
          lol! what a coincidence!


            Originally posted by stargate barbie
            emabarassment? thats not a very positive thing. pretty sure embarassment wasn't be top of his list of feelings when he saw sam nekkid!

            hey, sam showed more embarassment, does that mean all three of 'em are... well ahem.
            and for that matter, i read many a post from people attacking sam for her reaction to daniels return. as though it were a reaction of disgust, and that it was aimed at the very fact that he had returned at all, as opposed to the manner of the return.

            but the j/d reaction is hilarious! i was seriously PO'd about something else that i read on the forum tonight, but it has now been negated. thanks.
            i don't think there's any way that a scene between jack and nekkid daniel could go down without the slashers getting excited... ok that wasn't meant to sound like that lol


              Originally Posted by Anunnaki
              What is there not to get?
              Beautifully and sanely put, Anunnaki---clarity is a wonderful thing!


                Originally posted by Catysg1
                Hello my shipper friends

                Just saw Avalon 1 in the UK and wanted to let you know what I thought of it . it was OK . It is still an entertaining show I suppose , better than soap opera although I didn't really like the fact
                that Vala turned up and the first thing she says is "I'm pregnant ..Bla bla bla .I thought it was cheesy . It looks like all the women in sci-fi shows need to get pregnant those days

                I thought that what happened in Avalon 1 ( after they took the rings and got in the chambers ) was very predictable . I guessed before it happened . and I did see Indiana Jones . so it was easy to guess .

                It is a whole new show and if we can forget about Jack and Sam , then we will be alright . I hope the rest of season 9 won't be so predictable though !!!!

                Shame I can't stand Beau bridge as the new general . does not suit him at all ..I think the actor is not natural enough in his role . I could see he was acting real bad ...They made the wrong choice there .. His acting is not good at all as I could see that he rehearsed all his moves !!! :blink:

                Caty give Beau a chance. He was a little stiff (excuse the term) but he will warm up as the episodes continue. Plus he's a real nice guy-Don Davis type nice.


                  excellently put annukai (sp?)
                  that's just what i think, but couldn't find the words
                  sorry about the polar bear


                    Originally posted by trupi
                    Caty give Beau a chance. He was a little stiff (excuse the term) but he will warm up as the episodes continue. Plus he's a real nice guy-Don Davis type nice.
                    I thought he was flat during the first few episodes too. But, as the season progressed he did loosen up a little. I think he'll be ok.

                    Just so no one will say I'm off topic...I think General Hammond definitely knew there was something going on between Sam/Jack--although I think he respected the fact that they were trying to keep it professional. Now...General Landry, I'm not sure how he would have reacted.


                      Originally posted by girlgater
                      I thought he was flat during the first few episodes too. But, as the season progressed he did loosen up a little. I think he'll be ok.

                      Just so no one will say I'm off topic...I think General Hammond definitely knew there was something going on between Sam/Jack--although I think he respected the fact that they were trying to keep it professional. Now...General Landry, I'm not sure how he would have reacted.
                      Definitly Hammond knew something was up but kept the lid on it. If he knew too much he would have to report them and then break the group up. Landy I don't know how he would have reacted. Don't have enough infor. on his personality or background. But he's friends with Jack so he can't be too bad!


                        Hammond - "I know that Major Carter means a great deal to you."

                        That's paraphrased from, 'Entity'

                        I'm not going to be around much for the next three or four days...I have a lot of coursework to do and I also have a presentation to give on Monday, so I'm pretty busy...good thing is that I should have more of my website up and running in the near future
                        Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


                          We are at the bottom of the page.

                          Now we are were we belong

                          Last edited by Ancient 61; 06 December 2005, 06:18 PM.


                            Another question to keep the thread bouncing! Since S/J started their relationship as we know, what is their favorite place to do their romancing. Please try to keep it PG!(Rats)


                              Hmm...I think either at Jack's Cabin or at somewhere like O'Malleys
                              Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


                                Hi Everyone

                                I'd be interested to know what you all think of this thread:


                                I think I'm going to have to come back in a bit with a considered opinion, 'cos my brain isn't functioning well on 2 hours sleep.

                                Apologies in advance if I shouldn't have mentioned it!
                                always and forever
                                My LJ
                                My History Website

