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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    HEY HEY!! *jumps in*

    Good morning folks!




      Originally posted by ses110 View Post
      I'm not thrilled that we may be hearing about a third Stargate series. I'm referring to the article on the GateWorld homepage. I hope I'm wrong but it sounds like a third series may affect any more SG-1 movies being released for a while. Do we really need another series? It's just like the current TPTB to not focus on the present and always looking for the next project.
      You're right Steve. It looks like the shippers are going to get the finger where the sun don't shine again. No new movie, no resolution and if they postpone the movie, let face it RDA and AT aren't getting any younger. Soon no one is going to care


        Sad but true trupi. Let's not forget Atlantis Movies as well. IMO like the new series do we need Atlantis movies? Has Atlantis really done enough to earn movies? Have the current TPTB earned the right to make a new show? Some of the great shows never got to make movies.SG-1 may really be pushed to the backround. This is why I wanted the Ship resolved ASAP. Sam and Jack are approaching Troi and the number 1 guy on Star Trek territory real soon.
        Last edited by ses110; 12 June 2008, 03:56 PM.


          To response on it(too lazy&late to quote)

          Nobody cares you say...I care...even when I'm old and with a stick...I will haunt TPTB...even if S/J are grandparents...or atleast that age... I will ask for confirmation!!! I want it, I need it. I will never stop...he he

          But in conterary(sp?) to you two, I do like the idea of a new series and I do have the feeling we will get another movie. I'm not worried about it, we will get it...I'm sure of it! Or possibly I'm just too positive atm

          and atlantis movies, I don't know, let we first do the series, then we will look further. atm I dont want atlantis movies, only SG-1. but then again we have SGA as series, I will look and think about that when the time comes for it.

          Don't worry be happy. That's my motto for the moment, and I'm sticking to it.


            I really admire fans who can wait forever and stay positive. I just cannot.
            I may wake up next month or next year and not care anymore about SG-1 or the Sam/JAck Ship. I can get hit by a bus tomorrow. You never know what will happen. I've seen too many examples of Ships taking forever to resolve and many fans not caring any longer. I do not want to see that with Sam/Jack. There are too many factors that can affect the Sam/Jack Ship the more the resoultion gets delayed. The Actors are going to move on to other roles and the Actors may say we do not want to play this character any more. I doubt the Actors are going to say were not done until the Sam/Jack Ship is resolved and I would not blame them
            Last edited by ses110; 12 June 2008, 04:22 PM.


              Originally posted by Seahen View Post
              Geez, I meant civilian clothes for crying out loud! If I'm going to the gutter, it ain't for Sam/Cam! Eww!

              Oh and let me be the first to say CONGRATS ON 1000!!!
              CONGRATS FROM ME TOO SILLY SALLY!!!!!!!!!

              Originally posted by starlover1990 View Post
              oooh thanks for the link

              I do the same... Not much discussion, but I love to read!

              omg, thats such a cute smiley!!! Mala is really good with all that stuff!!!


              And me distracting would you come on that idea

              hmm...I didn't hear could be so... I'm a danger on myself eh 10 days without parents or anyone that is holding me back...ouch No it was lots of fun, and we really behaved ourselves...
              riiiiiiiiiight......why don't I believe you?

              Originally posted by starlover1990 View Post
              ROFL...I will sing along!

              *shakes hand*
              I'm Jann. Your Gutter Queen and one perfectly sane, and I'm good to have serious conversations with.

              And everyone...don't laugh...I'm trying to make a good impression on the newbie!

              Can I have the link please...I like fics...and I can't remember this one

              Sorry Jann....didn't work...


                Originally posted by Mary-Jane View Post
                Meanwhile OT:

                Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh silent scream Gaaaahhhhhhhhhhh!!!!! Had my artwork published in a magazine. Yaaaayyyyyy!!!! Heehee. Sehr exciting!!! OOhh breathe pant pant
                Well done and congratulations.

                Originally posted by AstraPerAspera View Post

                Seriously...Continuum picture spoiler...proceed at your own risk!


                She looks tired in the last one and ooh for continuum.

                Originally posted by mara-anni View Post
                But here, he's just thinking how so very beautiful she is, and how much he really does love her technobabble. Coz he likes the way a new discovery lights up her face, and the way she gets excited like a kid in a candy store - and various other cliches - and coz he likes listening to that voice that somehow manages to make everything seem okay.

                And if occasionally this image pops into his head...?

                Well he's only human.

                Originally posted by mara-anni View Post
                Oh yes, I love that too. Being close for them was always so natural, they did it without thinking about. In fact they had to concentrate NOT to do it. But now that they don't have to do that're right, it's as easy and completely right as breathing in and out. *huge shippy sigh*

                And of course...they can and do now do things like this...coz they now don;t have to concentrate on the NOT touching...they can touch as much as they like

                And in fact, it's one of those body language things. You're mine, I'm yours. I have standing permission to touch whenever I please.
                It's a territotial thing

                Well said. I had never noticed that.

                Originally posted by mara-anni View Post
                Yay, I love that pic. You're absolutely right Melissa, there was a subtle shift after the scene in the Iso room.
                Definitely. There was an air of change there.

                Originally posted by jasminaGo View Post

                Title: Intermezzo
                Rating: PG
                Pairing: Sam/Jack
                Season: Season 8, post-Threads
                Category: Romance. Probably fluff.
                Word Count: ~1700
                Summary: Sometimes the important things happen in the space between dramas.
                Thank you so much for finding this fic.

                Originally posted by jasminaGo View Post
                I know this was mentioned a while ago, but I forgot the number. How many times did RDA and AT made the "Grace" kiss take?
                It was 12-13 of them take there.

                Originally posted by Egle01 View Post
                Sorry about my tantrum before. I just needed to get all of this out of my system.
                That's ok. *hugs you*

                Originally posted by Oma-1 View Post
                WHY do I always miss Brad's visits? D'oh! ((((((Brad)))))) Come and play with us! In fact we'd love to do a realtime viewing of Threads with you! Wouldn't that be the coolest?
                Hell yeah!!!!

                I'm getting there.
                sigpicI love the Lord my God with all my heart!!!! Save stargate sg1!!!! Let us shippers have a good resolution please!!!! My fanfiction there's more to come!
                My GW fanfiction-
       c2 community sam/jack relationship community.
                Now is the time for us to shine, to shine with the power of Christ Divine! The Lord has promised us revival and it WILL come!


                  Originally posted by ses110 View Post
                  I really admire fans who can wait forever and stay positive. I just cannot.
                  I may wake up next month or next year and not care anymore about SG-1 or the Sam/JAck Ship. I can get hit by a bus tomorrow. You never know what will happen. I've seen too many examples of Ships taking forever to resolve and many fans not caring any longer. I do not want to see that with Sam/Jack. There are too many factors that can affect the Sam/Jack Ship the more the resoultion gets delayed.
                  I think the reason I can stay positive, is because (and I've said this before so sorry if I sound like a broken record ) I've always enjoyed the show first, and the ship second. So for me, the shippy hints we've had have been enough to convince me we've had a shippy resolution. Oh sure, I'd love more! Who wouldn't, and confirmation would be great! But what we've got I've enjoyed, and it's enough for me to think they got their happy ending. Now on other shows, where I enjoyed the ship first, show second (such as X-Files, JAG, Star Trek) I was extremely disappointed. X-Files I can't even talk about without breaking into the shakes, and JAG was as you say, they waited so long, no one cared, same with Riker/Troi. Although, I did like what we got with Riker/Troi when we finally got it, but I'd moved on by then. So I completely understand where you're coming from.

                  I think too, when I heard RDA was leaving the show, I figured that the Ship storyline was done. So I've had what, 3 years to mourn? Something like that. Anything we've gotten since, such as not exactly, passwords, and pictures has just been extras I never expected. But that's me, and as I said, other shows, I haven't been quite as forgiving.


                    Thanks Seahen. I understand where your coming from as well. I would never expect every single Shipper to feel the same way I do. There are no right or wrong answers. It's just what each Shipper wants to see.


                      Originally posted by Seahen View Post
                      I think the reason I can stay positive, is because (and I've said this before so sorry if I sound like a broken record ) I've always enjoyed the show first, and the ship second. So for me, the shippy hints we've had have been enough to convince me we've had a shippy resolution. Oh sure, I'd love more! Who wouldn't, and confirmation would be great! But what we've got I've enjoyed, and it's enough for me to think they got their happy ending. Now on other shows, where I enjoyed the ship first, show second (such as X-Files, JAG, Star Trek) I was extremely disappointed. X-Files I can't even talk about without breaking into the shakes, and JAG was as you say, they waited so long, no one cared, same with Riker/Troi. Although, I did like what we got with Riker/Troi when we finally got it, but I'd moved on by then. So I completely understand where you're coming from.

                      I think too, when I heard RDA was leaving the show, I figured that the Ship storyline was done. So I've had what, 3 years to mourn? Something like that. Anything we've gotten since, such as not exactly, passwords, and pictures has just been extras I never expected. But that's me, and as I said, other shows, I haven't been quite as forgiving.
                      *nods* me too. I will support the franchise because I am a fan of Stargate, not just of S/J.

                      About Atlantis movies *realizes she didn't quote that post...sorry* I was under the impression that as Atlantis was still running as a tv show, they had no need for a movie. Surely all the Atlantis storylines that are worthy of exploring would be explored in the usual least until/(if) Atlantis itself gets cancelled.

                      I'm quite excited to see a new series, although I do understand the unhappiness. I think, however (I can't believe I'm going to say this) as much as I want confirmation, the show has moved on past Jack, even past Sam, and so in turn, it has moved beyond our ship. There's only so much canon confirmation we can hope for (but I'm still hoping ) My love for the ship is for the ship of old, and for the things we never got to see. I don't need to see the ship to know it's there. I just know.


                        Haven't posted for a long time. But I check in every so often looking for any hints about the ship in Continuum or the deleted scenes in Atlantis, season 4 DVDs.

                        From what I'm reading tonight, I'm wondering if we have any news about what to expect. From what I'm reading, I'm worried!

                        What do we know? Any spoilers you can share?


                        thank you for all the lovely birthday greetings earlier this week! I just saw them, how nice!!
                        Last edited by dreamer one; 12 June 2008, 04:55 PM. Reason: Just saw the b-day greetings!!!


                          I do think TPTB will not do Atlantis movies until the show is over. I guess since I'm not a fan of Atlantis I'm havibng a hard time seeing Atlantis movies being made. You make a good point Bekki about the show moving past the Sam/Jack Ship.


                            Originally posted by Seahen View Post
                            I think the reason I can stay positive, is because (and I've said this before so sorry if I sound like a broken record ) I've always enjoyed the show first, and the ship second. So for me, the shippy hints we've had have been enough to convince me we've had a shippy resolution. Oh sure, I'd love more! Who wouldn't, and confirmation would be great! But what we've got I've enjoyed, and it's enough for me to think they got their happy ending. Now on other shows, where I enjoyed the ship first, show second (such as X-Files, JAG, Star Trek) I was extremely disappointed. X-Files I can't even talk about without breaking into the shakes, and JAG was as you say, they waited so long, no one cared, same with Riker/Troi. Although, I did like what we got with Riker/Troi when we finally got it, but I'd moved on by then. So I completely understand where you're coming from.

                            I think too, when I heard RDA was leaving the show, I figured that the Ship storyline was done. So I've had what, 3 years to mourn? Something like that. Anything we've gotten since, such as not exactly, passwords, and pictures has just been extras I never expected. But that's me, and as I said, other shows, I haven't been quite as forgiving.
                            I love this perspective..I agree. I definitely understand your pain too ses. I just love stargate too much to frustrate myself out of the show and the franchise. I would love confirmation but what we've been given makes me happy too. *sigh* Too fluffy for my own good

                            EDIT: Oh, hey Bek...I'm too slow, you got there first


                              For me the problem has been I have not found enough enjoyment out of SG-1 outside the Sam and Jack characters. I liked the Daniel and Teal'c characters just not enough to make up for the lack of Sam/Jack. Daniel and Teal'c never held my interest enough without the Sam/Jack team. I always liked the Sam character but again I though the Sam character was also not the same without Jack. There was always something missing. Not sure if this makes sense.


                                Originally posted by Laura View Post
                                I love this perspective..I agree. I definitely understand your pain too ses. I just love stargate too much to frustrate myself out of the show and the franchise. I would love confirmation but what we've been given makes me happy too. *sigh* Too fluffy for my own good

                                EDIT: Oh, hey Bek...I'm too slow, you got there first
                                This is me too! I think we've been given enough hints that I've come to the conclusion that they are SO MARRIED. It doesn't matter to me one way or the other if they give us confirmation or not, a BHK would be nice...but d'oh and 'fishing' are good too!

