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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    found some more recruits to send to Vancouver...

    Last edited by Nolamom; 25 April 2008, 02:12 PM.


      Originally posted by DutchIndeed View Post
      We really need someone to organize our actions
      *looks around*

      *keeps looking....why are the shippers hiding....*

      Maybe it's time for something like SSHOT I dunno, maybe.....umm..... Members of Operation Penguin Prepared and Equipped for Duty..... I know it sounds baaaaad, but the contraction is MOPPED...since the mops are getting so much use around here, and if we're successful, we'll need a heck of a lot more of 'em! Or maybe Members of Operation Penguin - The MOP Squad! Oh boy, I just had the theme tune for The Professionals run through my head!!!!!!!! Now it's The Sweeny How many more 70's shows can I come up with

      Loved the warning letter Nad


      (That word makes me Happy )
      Makes me Happy too. *grins at Nad and APA*
      Last edited by Oma-1; 25 April 2008, 02:37 PM.


        Originally posted by Oma-1 View Post
        *keeps looking....why are the shippers hiding....*

        Maybe it's time for something like SSHOT I dunno, maybe.....umm..... Members of Operation Penguin Prepared and Equipped for Duty..... I know it sounds baaaaad, but the contraction is MOPPED...since the mops are getting so much use around here, and if we're successful, we'll need a heck of a lot more of 'em! Or maybe Members of Operation Penguin - The MOP Squad! Oh boy, I just had the theme tune for The Professionals run through my head!!!!!!!! Now it's The Sweeny How many more 70's shows can I come up with

        Loved the warning letter Nad

        Makes me Happy too. *grins at Nad and APA*
        ROFL! Love the MOPPED idea! We could have MOPPED badges
        Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith


          Originally posted by AstraPerAspera View Post
          For anyone who's been waiting, Part 6 and the Epilogue are now posted. Thanks everyone for your indulgence!
          I just finished your story and have to say it was excellent. You should provide a kleenex warning beforehand. So sad, but so good.

          If I may make a request - can your next story be fluff? Venturing out of your cavern could be a good thing, honest.
          Thanks to Dunc for my pretty aurora and Muse sig. He had no part in the Twilight one


            Originally posted by Mary-Jane View Post
            HAHAHAHAHAHHA. That is so true!!!! I hadn't even made the connection between the sound of music and AoT! Well done. There should be a spoof of that and have Teal'c breaking out with "THE HILLS ARE ALIVEEEEEEE" Hahah in my head it looks incredible!
            Put Teal'c in a pinafore and dye his hair blonde....
            *dies laughing!* *is revived some time later* OMG that was HILARIOUs...oh and in regards to the sudden swarm of penguin recruits...

            the penguins came marching, one by one hurrah! hurrah!...

            ! All Aboard The Shipper Train!
            I Heart ! Proud Member of Thunk For Club!
            Don't wait for your ship to come in. Swim out to it.


              Originally posted by AstraPerAspera View Post
              For anyone who's been waiting, Part 6 and the Epilogue are now posted. Thanks everyone for your indulgence!
              Woo hoo!

              I'm about 3/4ths of the way through Relativity. What I've read so far, and the questions you were asking me definately have me intrigued. Can't wait to read it!

              As for Relativity, I'm definately enjoying it more now that I've gotten past the beginning. Once the pace picked up and the story drew me in-the little typos and "Jackson!"s and such didn't bother me as much. Oh and...

              I loved Sam's reaction to finding out Jade was Jack's daughter. It reminded me of her reaction to finding out she and Jack were engage in Politics. Kind of a "wha?!" moment that threw her off, and then she rambles, catches herself and continues on...

              I have to say though, one point against Sam being her mother was the fact Warner ran a DNA test and only mentioned Jack as matching. You'd think he would have mentioned if two SGC personnel matched. Oh well, one minor point against a whole bunch of other points.


                Originally posted by trupi View Post
                I would invest in that venture but only if Continuum gives us no ship. If we all chip in money, we could rent a billboard and put some very unhappy penguins on it
                i would chip in too. i'd like to put some photos of sam and jack being shippy (with the 'grace' kiss being in the middle) and just emphasizing how sizzling and wonderful sam and jack are together. positive reinforcement!!




                  Gutter Mop Squad


                    Originally posted by AstraPerAspera View Post
                    95 Days

                    Until Continuum!!!!!
                    I just wish someone would tell us Aussies what the release date here is going to be, it is getting frustrating.


                      Originally posted by Seahen View Post
                      Woo hoo!

                      I'm about 3/4ths of the way through Relativity. What I've read so far, and the questions you were asking me definately have me intrigued. Can't wait to read it!

                      As for Relativity, I'm definately enjoying it more now that I've gotten past the beginning. Once the pace picked up and the story drew me in-the little typos and "Jackson!"s and such didn't bother me as much. Oh and...

                      I loved Sam's reaction to finding out Jade was Jack's daughter. It reminded me of her reaction to finding out she and Jack were engage in Politics. Kind of a "wha?!" moment that threw her off, and then she rambles, catches herself and continues on...

                      I have to say though, one point against Sam being her mother was the fact Warner ran a DNA test and only mentioned Jack as matching. You'd think he would have mentioned if two SGC personnel matched. Oh well, one minor point against a whole bunch of other points.

                      I was disturbed by that fact too Seahen.

                      I still believe that Sam had to be Jade's mother,though, just by the description of Jade herself. They kept stressing how smart she was for one thing. You don't believe otherwise, do you?
                      Thanks to Dunc for my pretty aurora and Muse sig. He had no part in the Twilight one


                        Originally posted by Aurora1101 View Post
                        I was disturbed by that fact too Seahen.

                        I still believe that Sam had to be Jade's mother,though, just by the description of Jade herself. They kept stressing how smart she was for one thing. You don't believe otherwise, do you?
                        I want to believe. Actually, I have hope since Sam seems so thrown for a loop, and was trying not to look for another face (herself I'm assuming) in Jade.


                          Originally posted by luvnjack View Post
                          LOL! Little Grace has been busy at pre-K! Look what the little genius made!

                          If only I could get my little ones to draw like that.
                          Originally posted by josiane View Post
                          It's a special get well soon banner Hope you like!
                          Originally posted by silly sally View Post
                          Thanks to all for the congrats. If I'd known I'd have posted something more memorable for the milestone post
                          Now a cross-post from SaGC thread
                          The hair...I've always thought the longer hair had to do with, to some extent, her relationship with Jack. No Jack, no hair. Just Joe.


                            Originally posted by Nolamom View Post
                            ROFLMAO! That is just perfect Nola


                              LOL. I woke up laughing this morning. I was in the middle of a dream and it was like I was watching Continuum but it was kind of like behind the scenes...but not...but they were filming the movie and there was this scene where Sam went to kiss Jack but then kind of instead pretended that she needed to sneeze and walked away...she looked all bashful.

                              The end.


                                Originally posted by Mrs Caldwell View Post
                                I just wish someone would tell us Aussies what the release date here is going to be, it is getting frustrating.
                                *pokes around the internet* It might be around here somewhere...I'll go for a look

                                Loving all the Penguin stuff and the sigs! WTG SHIPPERS!!!!!!!!

