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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Want something to read???

    Try - loads of fanfic to be had - some of the same stories in a nicer format - my fic...please read
    Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


      Originally posted by gwenhwyfar
      I read the spoilers too. All I will say is they really are going the way of The X-Files! Literally!

      Yes, it might seem like they have ripped off Star Trek but Star Trek: Voyager ripped off Stargate. The episode 'Beneath the Surface' to be exact.

      In OT but good news, Jang-Geum and Sir Min ended up together! They even had a daughter! This story line was eerily like Sam and Jack! The King died though.At least one of my ships worked out. That is three out of... never mind.
      Voyager could have ripped off Stargate. If you just go by air date, then yes Beneath the surface aired 6 months before Workforce. I guess it depends on which script was written first.

      Beneath the surface air date is 9/1/00
      Workforce I and II air date 2/21/01 and 2/28/01.
      Odo's last wishes: cremate me, put me in my bucket, then shoot me through the wormhole.




        I won't be around tomorrow to celebrate your birthday, so I'll do it now!


        Bon Voyage
        Have a safe trip and hurry back and ship with us!

        s u g a r s h a k e r


          Originally posted by sg-1fanintn
          Whoa! How did you get all of that out of that comment? Relax, girl, it's ok. Take this into consideration:

          1. JM's purpose is to keep fans interested. To do that, he says things that are sometimes disturbing.
          JM is also the only writer in the SG1 camp who has remained consistantly supportive of the Ship, both in interviews, and in the way it carries out in the eps he's written. For that alone, I'm willing to cut *him* some slack... But not certain *other* writers!!!! <coough-cough-hackupalung-RCC-cough-coough>

          All that being said, JM is also King of Vaguenessness, he delights in the little mind-games of spoiler-teasers, and generally speaking, he's been pretty good at it. He's also the only SG1 *Official* to offer the Shippers any crumbs of reassurance.

          As I said in a post yesterday, my reaction wasn't strictly related to the comment JM made. I've got a mind like a steel sieve, and what doesn't slip through the holes stay stuck for-ever. I can recall nearly verbatim, almost anything I've ever read, especially when it comes to my favorite programs. Also.. my reaction was just as heavily influenced by the strong meds du jour I'm on.

          2. JM is a guy! If you asked most guys how they fell in love with their significant other, and they actually agreed to discuss it, they'd probably say something similar. Guys view romance differently than women do. Remember, JM also said he thought it was
          obvious that they resolved the ship at the end of S8.
          Then again, I've known some men who are bigger softies and suckers for the romance than just about anyone! Well, except for me! I'll find Ship everywhere! I watched Full House for the Jesse Rebecca Ship! (I was also almost the same age as the eldest daughter in the series...)

          Really? I didn't get my big honkin' kiss!

          JM is just being JM, and most of the time, that means he's being vague and misleading. I'm just saying that's part of his purpose in being here. He hasn't ruined or degraded anything. He just doesn't express it as poetically as one of us would. Is it brusk and kinda jerky? Yep. But it doesn't change a thing. I like what shelsfc says:

          It is what it is.....the greatest love story ever in sci-fi.

          Ignore JM.

          It *was* the greatest love story on tv. Now... it's the greatest waste of opportunities in a scifi love story... Ahem, mutual attraction the developed over time...

          Love and hot fudge,
          Bren Ren
          My stories!



            Hey guys,

            If any of you are in doubt about Sam/Jack being "together" at all, remember to keep in mind that we tend to compartmentalize around here sometimes and look at current moments as opposed to the bigger picture. If we step back a bit, we see:

            1. Over the years, we've heard Joe say that he'd like to see Sam and Jack together when all is said and done.

            2. This year, we saw an interview with Amanda where she answered a fan question (regarding Sam and Jack in Season 9) by saying that Robert Cooper had come up with an ingenious way of being vague non/committal about it. And that as time progressed: "We'll see".

            2b. Well, if that's true then also keep in mind that Joe just made a comment on his board here saying that the "not exactly" line was inserted by Robert Cooper into the script of EDM. Ingenious, indeed!

            3. We also have Joe mentioning that he didn't think the end of Threads was vague at all with respect to Sam and Jack. (Neither did I, frankly, but that's a whole 'nother story!)

            Originally posted by sg-1fanintn
            I also recently discovered annunaki, whoever he/she is.....and really like the stories he/she writes. Very nice use of phrasing and imagery.
            Anunnaki's fanfic address is:


            Live On Stage in Toronto - August 8,9,10 2008
            ~all proceeds to benefit charity~


              Okay shippers. It's time for some cheer! I just heard this on the radio and I'm sure it's a happy-shippy sign cuz it even has a "Yes sir." in it! I wish I had the music for it; it's so much better with the tune.

              This Will Be
              Recorded by Natalie Cole

              This will be an everlasting love
              This will be the one I've waited for
              This will be the first time anyone has loved me

              I'm so glad you found me in time
              And I'm so glad that you rectified my mind
              This will be an everlasting love for me

              Loving you is some kind of wonderful
              Because you've shown me just how much you care
              You've given me the thrill of a lifetime
              And made me believe you've got more thrills to spare

              This will be an everlasting love (Oh yes it will now)
              You've brought a lot of sunshine into my life
              You filled me with happiness I never knew
              You gave me more joy than I ever dreamed of
              And no one, no one can take the place of you

              This will be
              You and me
              Yessirree eternally
              Hugging and squeezing and kissing and pleasing
              Together forever through rain and whatever
              Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah
              You and me
              So long as I'm living true love I'll be giving
              To you I'll be saving 'cause you're so deserving
              Hey you're so deserving
              You're so deserving
              Yeah Yeah Yeah Oh...
              Love Love Love Love...
              From now on, From now on, From now on, From now on...


                The muse also thinks I need some cheering... We just finished this, in an attempt to recapture the Shipper Spirit...


                Love and hot fudge,
                Bren Ren
                My stories!



                  UhSir and BrenRen and minigeek,

                  Cheering up is just what we need!! I'm home sick today and feeling kinda yucky. I just watched 2010 and I was both stunned and blue over the episode. Stunned because it is a tightly woven script that shows our heroes, Jack, Sam, Daniel, and Teal'c, with Janet's aid, at their finest. Stepping up to the plate together to do right!! Not to mention the strong undercurrent of Sam and Jack tension over the Aschen plot that severed their ties. Blue? That this level of story plot and dialogue are not yet (I'll give the writers a chance) evident in Season 9.

                  Now my contribution to the "let's cheer up" posts. I am a huge Anita Baker fan. When I heard this yesterday, I knew I had to share the lyrics. I see this from Sam's POV. I highlighted the words that some may worry/wonder about not to mention whatever is going on in the minds of TPTB. In my Shippy world, Sam and Jack are so past doubts and well into a relationship.

                  My story and I'm sticking to it!!!

                  Giving You The Best That I Got
                  Anita Baker

                  Writers: Anita Baker, Skip Scarborough & Randy Holland

                  Giving You The Best That I Got

                  Ain't there something I can give you
                  In exchange for everything you give to me
                  Read my mind and make me feel just fine
                  When I think my peace of mind is out
                  of reach

                  The scales are sometimes unbalanced
                  And you bear the weight of all that has to be
                  I hope you see that you can lean on me
                  And together we can calm a stormy sea

                  We love so strong and so unselfishly
                  And I tell you now that I made a vow
                  I'm giving you the best that I got, baby
                  Yes I tell you now, that I made a vow
                  I'm giving you the best that I got, honey

                  Everybody's got opinions
                  'Bout the way they think our story's gonna end
                  Some folks feel it's just a superficial thrill
                  Everybody's gonna have to think again

                  We love so strong and so unselfishly
                  They don't bother me so I'm gonna keep on
                  Giving you the best that I got, baby
                  They don't bother me, said I'm gonna keep on
                  Giving you the best that I got, listen baby

                  Somebody understands me
                  Somebody gave his heart to me
                  I stumbled my whole life long
                  Always on my own, now I'm home

                  My weary mind is rested
                  And I feel as if my home is in your arms
                  Fears are all gone, I like the sound of your song
                  And I think I want to sing it forever

                  We love so strong and so unselfishly
                  And I made a vow so I tell you now
                  I'm giving you the best that I got, baby
                  I bet everything on my wedding ring
                  I'm giving you the best that I got,
                  givin' it to you baby

                  (Lyrics taken DIRECTLY from cassette jacket)


                    [I was kindly asked to edit this post to make it a 'protected thread' ... not sure how, but hope this works!]

                    A friend of mine asked if I would post this (very old) rant I had back in June on the samandjack listserver. It's a shipper rant regarding fan reactions to the season eight episode of "THREADS". So if you cannot stomach the thought of Sam and Jack in a romantic relationship, please read no further.

                    At best, you'd end up smoking through your ears, and at worst, you might end up skulking in my back yard with a bag of rotton vegetables or an effigee with my name on it and a cushion filled with sticking-pins ... <gulp> ... either way, I implore you, PLEASE, turn back now.


                    All right then. Here it is. My little temper-tantrum. With respect to fan speculation after the airing of "Threads".

                    From June 2005

                    Apologies for what may constitute the great deal of poor grammar and spelling I'm about to inflict on you all. I'm venting. But I mean no disrespect to anyone whose personal opinions may be trod upon during the course of this post.

                    SPOILER SPACE (Threads/Season Nine)

                    So the obvious problem with season nine ('shipper-wise') is that there isn't going to be any on-camera nookie between Sam Carter andJack O'Neill.

                    Quick, stop the presses!

                    But before we do that, can someone please explain to me where the great mystery is? I don't get it. Truly, I don't. There's so much hand-wringing over the potential 'non-future' of Sam and Jack, romantically, I'm just about ready to switch off my PC and check my glasses (well, I would if I wore glasses), because I don't think I've been watching the same "Stargate SG-1" series that some of you have. (I suppose that's possible, I do live in Canada, and the satellite reception in my igloo just isn't what it used to be since my polar bear died and fell over onto my... well, never mind).

                    Seriously... Sam and Jack.

                    I don't see where there's room for doubt. Yet there's a unified (and horrified) gasp building slowly in the corners of 'shipperdom' over the possible notion that Carter might end up either a) romantically involved with someone else--cue "Love Interest X", or, b) become completely estranged from her feelings because of Jack's absence this year. Hence the terror in trembling fingers hovering over keyboards all over the globe.

                    Therefore I must ask: What part Sam's character-arcduring "Threads" was vague?

                    Let's break this down.

                    I think everyone's essentially resigned themselves to the concept that regardless of the way canon plays out this year, there's not going to be a torrid on-screen love-affair between Sam and Jack, but the reason for that has more to do with cast than it does with character. We're aware that Rick's physically not going to be there; hence Jack won't be around to 'play' with. On screen, at least.

                    He's not dead. He's just... elsewhere. That doesn't mean that Sam is simply going to 'move on' from the emotional epiphany she had in "Threads". If you didn't happen to notice that she had anemotional epiphany in "Threads", then please forgive me forwondering ... what show were you watching?

                    Sam and Jack went through eight years of character development to get to the point they ended up in with "Threads". To me it's been absolutely obvious from the moment that episode wrapped. Sam and Jack had finally, unequivocally, decided to explore a romantic relationship together. It won't be on-camera. It can't be. And it won't be obvious or plot-centric to the season nine narrative. I think most people who consider themselves 'shippers' can live with the fact that it'll have to be hinted at and alluded to betweenr ousing strains of "Pharoah Pharoah let my Jaffa Go!" and "Kiss me Claudia!", but it'll still be there if you're hoping to see it. Just open those beautiful eyes and watch.

                    It would be disrespectful to both the O'Neill and the Carter character-arcs (especially the Sam Carter arc) if they did anything else with her (romantically) at this point. They built and built along those lines (for eight years), then culminated with "Threads", and all of a sudden--what? Dropped the ball? No way.

                    If there was nothing further to Sam and Jack; if their feelings towards one another and their 'relationship' was to be terminated with the end of season eight, then the dialogue and scenes which took place during "Threads" would not have been written into canon. That episode would not have taken place in the manner in which it did. The whole idea behind "Threads" was to clear a path for the big changes coming up in season nine (providing season nine was approved). It was to 'tie up' (threads?!) eight years of 'loose ends' (threads?!), in such a way as to leave those storylines either completed or at a crossroad to a new beginning.

                    Sam and Jack love one another. That's never been in question. We know it. The writers, the producers, everyone involved in the creative on the show will admit to that. It's been stated unequivocably. And "Threads" was a tribute to those pent-up emotions for the two of them.

                    They scripted whole scenes around that single premise. They wrote in Carter's ambivalence and apprehension surrounding her fiancé. Her uneasiness and embarrassment with him was palpable during the scene where he meets Jacob for the first time. That wasn't adlib, that was directed.

                    Sam shows up at Jack's house because she's terrified she's making a mistake and she wants to tell him (once and for all) how she feels.

                    Kerry then proceeds to break up with Jack over his feelings for Sam. Seeing as how that might be too vague, she goes on to mention that she thinks it's obvious how he feels about Sam and that she thinks it's a big mistake if "rules and regulations" are the only thing keeping he and Carter apart.

                    We may not be convinced yet. So let's go on...

                    In preceding scene, Jacob said the exact same words to Sam that Kerry would later use.
                    Originally posted by Jacob
                    Jacob: "Don't let rules stand in your way."
                    Originally posted by Kerry
                    Kerry: "Is the Airforce the only reason the two of you aren't together? Rules and regulations?"
                    Coincidences like that happen in real-life, they don't happen in scripts. There's a sledgehammer here. It's big. Huge. Colossal. But just in case there might still be any room whatsoever for doubt, they added even more.

                    Sam breaks up with Pete.

                    Again, the might be too vague, so again, he uses the exact same phrasing that Jacob used in a previous scene
                    Originally posted by Jacob
                    Jacob: "You can still have everything that you want."
                    Originally posted by Pete
                    Pete: "Ihope you get what you want..."
                    Gee. I wonder what that means?


                    OW! Hey, that hammer really hurts!

                    But wait. There's more! No. Really.

                    Carter's been refusing O'Neill's invitations to his cabin for eight long years. The reason for that is so long-lived and obvious, it's moot. But suddenly (in the end of "Threads") she accepts! (Wow, neat episode, huh?).

                    Let's step back for a minute and pretend we're not fans of Stargate. Let's pretend we actually wrote the episode "Threads". Why did we (the writers of "Threads") write all that Sam Carter / Jack O'Neill sub-plot in? It didn't have much to do with the "Free Jaffa" plot, or Anubis' "Grand Design". What was the point? We'd have to be first-class dopes if we scripted all that into a 90-Minute special length presentation, just because we were planning on turning Sam Carter back into the alien love-interest of the week. Or (oh, say...) bringing Narim or even Orlin back so that Sam might fall madly in love with either of them.

                    Eight years of UST. That's what "Threads" was about for the Sam and Jack subplot. We never saw so much of their 'relationship' discussed in canon as we did during that single episode. At no point were we ever given to understand that they intended to go their separate ways thereafter. Quite the contrary, given the "fishing moment" we saw in the end.

                    Why not? If they're not going to explore being together in an 'off-camera' world as season nine progresses, why not end "Threads" with, say, a tearful, yet beautiful marriage for Carter to her much loved, erstwhile fiancé? <ducking> What difference would it make to season nine's "action-rock-em-sock-em" canon if Sam was married to Pete? Not much. But if certainly would make a difference to Sam's character arc. And the fact that she's been in love with Jack for half a decade at least. The writers/producers knew that, and wanted to be respctful to her character. Hence the plot we actually saw.

                    And at the end of it all (or the beginning, as the case may be!) why would "Threads" open with an entire montage (half of which was dedicated to Sam/Jack moments throughout the years) intermingled with several poignant scenes where we see her restless and uncomfortable about her upcoming 'marriage'? Could that be a strange coincidence as well?


                    OW!! Again with the hammer! Stop that!

                    Does Carter have to crawl out of a pentagon supply closet, with tousled hair and an "I JUST DID JACK" t-shirt on for the message to be clearer? (Okay, yes, I'd like to see that t-shirt, too... but that's hardly the point).

                    What is there not to get? I'm asking here, I really, truly am. Of course, as irreverent as parts of this post were, I harbor no enmity towards anyone who really does believe the 'shipper' group is SOL. I'm just astounded, quite frankly.

                    I'll crawl back into my igloo now. We're making blue-raspberry kitchen-tiles out of Jello mix ... can't miss that.

                    .A. (I left out the 'always' scene on purpose)
                    Last edited by Anunnaki; 09 September 2005, 07:14 PM. Reason: I was kindly asked to make this a 'protected thread' ... not sure how, but hope this works!


                      Originally posted by sugarshaker

                      I won't be around tomorrow to celebrate your birthday, so I'll do it now!


                      Bon Voyage

                      Have a safe trip and hurry back and ship with us!
                      sugarshaker, I'm borrowing your greetings to send my best wishes to LOL4JACK, too.

                      LOL4JACK, EAT LOTS OF CAKE!!!!!


                        That is beautiful. You've pulled it all together quite clearly for me. Thank you, Anunnaki.


                          wow i'm gone for several months and i miss all the excitement...though i do have something to say about the ship...during last weeks eppy (i think, but times been all screwy with me lately) i'm thinking it was pretty obvious who Sam was referring to when she said "not exactly" to the question of whether she was single or fairly sure that's already been addressed...but yeah anyway. *hides in her cabin*
                          -you know your crazy right?
                          -ok just checking

                          -I'm only as paranoid as the voices in my head say i am.

                          Me and My Danielbot live in a cabin by the woods...

                          there's something fishy about our new puppy...


                            Originally posted by BrenRen
                            The muse also thinks I need some cheering... We just finished this, in an attempt to recapture the Shipper Spirit...


                            that is awesome..... here is my contribution... keep that shippy loving feeling

                            avatar and sig by flidget


                              check out this new thread from anunnaki


                                Originally posted by UhSir
                                check out this new thread from anunnaki
                                Thanks, UhSir,
                                I just read her "rant!" I EMed her to say thanks and keep writing. She's terrific! Love those stories, too.

