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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by Patriot_Jackie View Post
    RL OT


    IT'S SNOWING!!! In Texas!! HUGE snowflakes! Wish I had a camera!

    And yet, I'm still at work. >.> Cross fingers with me, peeps! I wanna go home! ;_;
    I wish it was snowing here. Boring sunny Brisbane...


      Originally posted by Mary-Jane View Post
      I wish it was snowing here. Boring sunny Brisbane...
      Brisbane? My cousins grew up in Ipswitch! Oh, the afternoons we spent laying under the mango trees in the shade, eating fresh mangoes
      Neep, NZBG, Eileen!

      Made with love and chocolate brownies by Spacegirlnz

      Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko FTW!


        Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
        MMMmmmmm! Purring just at the thought of it And look at the expression on the face of the girl next to him, totally Rickstruck!!


          Originally posted by jumble65 View Post
          MMMmmmmm! Purring just at the thought of it And look at the expression on the face of the girl next to him, totally Rickstruck!!
          Hehe! She would have got up in the morning all excited to be on tv... not knowing that she was going to be sitting so close to a cheetah-smitten RDA
          Neep, NZBG, Eileen!

          Made with love and chocolate brownies by Spacegirlnz

          Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko FTW!


            Good evening everyone!

            some sad OT news on the front

            My Guitar died this morning.. the wood in a section has been worn througha dn now i have a hole in it well my fav guitar does.. i still have me newer clasical but this one was my first one and now i'm really sad

            On a happier OT note

            I have finished my traning for my new job and is tart all by my self! on moday i'm excited now wooo bring it on!

            EDIT: and i found BtS icons Here on Somoenes LJ - They are Awesome
            Thanks to Nad for my awesome sig!
            Proud member of the SSHSOP, S.H.I.P and MOP!


              Originally posted by Mary-Jane View Post
              I wish it was snowing here. Boring sunny Brisbane...
              ahhh...gotta love our little corner of the universe (((((brisbanians))))

              Speaking of which...Jess - just read your location. So where exactly is the Auzzie gutter lake? I must find it

              This whole post is off-topic isn't it?

              *sings the sexy song*


                Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
                Hehe! She would have got up in the morning all excited to be on tv... not knowing that she was going to be sitting so close to a cheetah-smitten RDA
                What a terrible shock it must have been for the poor girl Bet it took her a week to get over it!
                But how cool to see RDA obviously adoring the cheetah, letting it lick his hands................*splash* Ok, that's me gone for the rest of the day


                  Originally posted by AstraPerAspera View Post
                  And I'm not sure I agree that Jack would have been angry about Pete. He sanctioned it after all...had his chance at least a couple of times to intervene and chose not to...because he thought it was best for Sam. If he was angry, I think maybe it was at himself, for letting Sam's relationship with Pete get to him, which it obviously is when he tells her to go pick flowers. But IMHO I don't think he's upset with Sam about Pete, and once that relationship is over, I don't think he'd harbor any ill feelings.
                  Originally posted by Oma-1 View Post
                  I'm sure he was angry about Pete, but I think he managed to let it go without having to discuss it with Sam. He understood her need to settle down, live life before it passed her by. He attempted to do the same with Kerry....I think he loves her enough to not let it matter, and to be grateful that they now have their time.
                  Originally posted by VSS View Post
                  I don't think Jack is all that saintly. APA you already mentioned his statement about picking flowers. And what about 2010 when he's clearly angry at her over her "dearly beloved ambassador?" I think he tried hard not to let his feelings show, but I think he'd say something. Because Pete was a stupid choice for her, far beneath her (and a much lesser man than Jack- which Jack must have realized as well). Look at the way he threatened Daniel in The Broca Divide when he hardly knew Sam. And he's obviously also very sarcastic, often inappropriately so. I think he'd say something. He wouldn't be able to help himself. Not to hurt her, just to show that she'd hurt him.
                  Again, I probably agree more with APA and Oma here.

                  I don't think Jack is saintly; I think he was incredibly hurt by Sam's attempt to move on with Pete because it would underscore to him that his underlying fears that he wasn't good enough for her and she'd realise it in time had maybe come true. I think a part of him was incredibly jealous of Pete, bitter, resentful and angry at Sam for making the attempt and for seemingly being happy. But I also think a part of him would be angry at himself for feeling that way; would berate himself and say 'she's happy, that's all that's important. I should be happy for her.' And as far as Sam is concerned I think he tried to bend over backwards not to sure her how he really felt; simply maintained a pretence of being OK with it; that whole happy that she was happy act.

                  After the fact, especially in those days following Threads, I don't see him being any different - and I don't think he would ever do or say anything to Sam about how he had felt. As others have said, I think he's astute enough to know he played a part in her trying to move on (by hiding how he felt about her, by not speaking out as her relationship with Pete progressed) and he definitely wouldn't have wanted to hurt her by saying how much she'd hurt him especially given that he would know Sam would have enough to deal with in terms of Jacob's death. He wouldn't have wanted to burden her with his emotions at that point.

                  I also think there is a clear difference between the shots that he takes at her in 2010 and the more off-handed comment about picking flowers. In the former, its clear that something happened between them personally - after all, if they had met the Aschen soon after the events of BTS, they could both have expected to get together with the possibility of the war suddenly ending. Maybe they dated, maybe they were a couple for a short period of time before Jack's distrust of the Aschen created too much of a chasm between them. I think 2010 Jack felt personally and professionaly betrayed by 2010 Sam.

                  In Threads, I don't think Jack had the same expectation that they should have got together nor do I think he feels the same kind of betrayal as 2010. I think Jack is simply taken aback by the blunt reminder Sam is getting married and for once he doesn't have time to cover how he feels; he tries to brush it off as lightly as he can but instead the comment comes out with a shade more pain and bitterness than he meant it to and maybe for the first time Sam really gets a glimpse of how her wedding plans are affecting him (because I think she had done her best not to mention the wedding at all to anybody trying to avoid it altogether) and maybe that adds into her reactions later and why she finally goes to see him. So mission accomplished, Jacob Carter for forcing the issue.

                  I also don't think Sam either after Threads is unaware of how Jack must have felt given the confirmation he does still love her. After all, she is more than painfully aware of how she felt with her brief encounter with Kerry. And equally, I think she would know that there was no way of saying sorry that would make up for it even if a small part of her wonders if he did feel this way all this time why he never said something - and I can see her getting angry at the idea that he hadn't because he had decided he wasn't good enough for her and that she would be happier with someone else. Maybe she tried to apologise though only to get faced with a Jack again who didn't want to dwell (because he doesn't want to hurt her)...and I think she would be relieved to just accept Jack's position and move forward without raking it all over.

                  However, do I think it never comes out? I think despite their best intentions at some point they would have to deal with it. In fact, I am working on a WIP which opens with them having basically agreed to leave everything in the past when they get together only for all those buried resentments and pain to come out in an argument much later in their marriage...
                  Last edited by Rachel500; 07 March 2008, 03:20 AM.
                  Women of the Gate LJ Community.
                  My Stargate Fanfiction. My LiveJournal.


                    *bounces into thread*
                    IT SNOWED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It never snows! *squees*
                    *bounces out*


                      Originally posted by Bekki View Post
                      ahhh...gotta love our little corner of the universe (((((brisbanians))))

                      Speaking of which...Jess - just read your location. So where exactly is the Auzzie gutter lake? I must find it

                      This whole post is off-topic isn't it?


                      *sings the sexy song*
                      Oh you know! the big lake in Australia
                      Thanks to Nad for my awesome sig!
                      Proud member of the SSHSOP, S.H.I.P and MOP!


                        I've been playing............
                        Wish I knew how to use Gimp, but I reckon Sam wrote the manual - it's all techno babble to me


                          Originally posted by Rachel500 View Post

                          For me, when Jack tells Sam 'Always' that's the moment they both commit to being together - completely without words but its completely understood.


                          But I do think they had to have some kind of talk to move forward. I tend to think it would be more like the conversation I described in my fic Distance. Something that had very few words but where their intent was clear.
                          I think it all just boils down to the fact that they were checking that they each wanted the same thing. They do, so, that's that, and on with the show (Although I think it was important they say the words "I love you" so there is absolutely no doubt ) That and I'm incredibly sappy when not inhabiting the angst cavern

                          Originally posted by jasminaGo View Post
                          I agree with APA. Sam and Jack aren't big on talking, and when I read that post these lyrics hit me like a hammer. Ronan Keating's "When You Say Nothing At All" says it all

                          Great song for this particular topic!

                          Originally posted by Rachel500 View Post

                          However, do I think it never comes out? I think despite their best intentions at some point they would have to deal with it. In fact, I am working on a WIP which opens with them having basically agreed to leave everything in the past when they get together only for all those buried resentments and pain to come out in an argument much later in their marriage...
                          I suppose here is where all our ideas converge. It's gonna have to be dealt with at some point. The only difference being some of us would have the air cleared immediately and get on with being together; some of us would rather wait until the pain has dimmed, anger has cooled and then let the subject come up calmly. Both ways have the merits and drawbacks.

                          At least, I think that's a fair assessment if I'm remembering everyone's comments correctly

                          Originally posted by jumble65 View Post
                          I've been playing............
                          Wish I knew how to use Gimp, but I reckon Sam wrote the manual - it's all techno babble to me
                          ROFL!!!! Very good

                          I'll pm you tonight (I have to go to school to get the kids now) with some tips for evening out the edges so they merge better

                          Edit: One day I'll learn to type snippage without typing shippage first
                          Last edited by Oma-1; 07 March 2008, 06:42 AM.


                            Originally posted by Oma-1 View Post
                            ROFL!!!! Very good

                            I'll pm you tonight (I have to go to school to get the kids now) with some tips for evening out the edges so they merge better
                            That would be great, thanks


                              Originally posted by atlantis_babe34 View Post
                              EDIT: and i found BtS icons Here on Somoenes LJ - They are Awesome
                              Woah! Those b&w ones of Jack near the end are amazing! I thought his brown eyes were just gorgeous and sexy, but these....

                              *splash* Now I'm gonna be late for school drying off


                                Originally posted by Bekki View Post
                                Hello again friends!

                                I come bearing gifts (which is french for shameless self-promotion *winks*)

                                The Way We Were - chapter 4

                                A new chapter for all who would like to read

                                *skips away, leaving breadcrumbs along the way*
                                yay new fic! (or updated fic!)

                                Originally posted by L.A. Doyle View Post
                                *bounces into thread*
                                IT SNOWED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It never snows! *squees*
                                *bounces out*
                                yay for the snow! Have a lot of fun in it...

                                Oh and Bren loved your fics as well Lots of them btw

