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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by ses110 View Post
    atfan they never guest starred together on Atlantis. I also think a resolution should happen during an SG-1 Movie and not Atlantis.
    I never said they did only that it was possible to have more than one guest star in an episode. I disagree while a movie resolution would be great I want it on the series as well since we didn't get it on SG-1 we need it on Atlantis. I just don't want any AU type thing which is likely in the movie. Moebius kiss was nice but it wasn't them not really. It wouldn't be that hard to mention something just as Sam was leaving even a phone call alluding to Jack or something. I'm not picky while on screen together would be great I don't see that happening.
    Thanks to lil ferrett for the picture


      Originally posted by dipsofjazz View Post
      A couple of questions (not just for you atfan but for all) :

      1. Why must we see Sam in a relationship that goes as far as an engagement, when we see nothing about the guys' relationships?
      Sure, Teal'c was eventually with Ishta in a couple of episodes (episodes that Chris Judge wrote himself), and Daniel had the Sarah/Osiris thing going on, but both of these love interests were part of the whole Goa'uld storyline.
      Kerry was just added to the pot for the sake of the angst of 'Threads'.
      Why did Sam's love interest have to be inserted into the story, and why did it have to be played out like a bad soap opera?

      I suppose the answer to this relates to how the character Sam evolved. They introduced the fact that she had been engaged to Jonas and hinted that it hadn't ended well. Wether or not he actually abused her remains to be seen but definitely that whole experience tainted how she saw men in general. None of the other characters had such a damaging backstory add that in with the whole Jolinar experience and you get an emotionally damaged character. Jack is the first man who Sam actually trusts as a friend/hero worship then later deeper feelings develop but given her history the relationship is doomed because of the Regs thing as well as the fact that Sam has never really been in a normal relationship. As far as it playing out like a bad soap opera I agree that was due in great part to the writing and how they introduced the character, Pete.
      2. If Sam did have to have some romance in the show, why could it not have been some throw away lines about her dating? We could then find out that all the team have some sort of off-duty life without it being played out on the show. We could still hear that Sam's dating wasn't working out at all (because she still loves Jack ), but we wouldn't have had to put up with cop-boy.
      I didn't love cop-boy either they had nothing in common which was why it never worked for me and Sam is very attractive and Pete was kinda dumpy looking and short definitely not her type. The engagement seemed to come out of nowhere as well which was wierd. It wasn't ever the main part of any episode but alot of screen time was devoted to it. If it wasn't really mentioned in the show then you get a McKay type thing where I guess he was dating Katie but it was never shown which was wierder in my opinon than just showing it.I feel there were so many better ways of getting Sam and Jack together without the insertion of Pete into the equation.
      Given the Grace episode it was the only logical route along with her history of failed relationships. She wouldn't have given it (her relationship with Jack a chance or have been willing to risk her career without experiencing a fufilling relationship first. Love for Sam had always been about sadness and loss of independence/control. Pete showed her this is not always the case. Jack knew this about her and was willing to wait until she was ready.

      *I bolded my comments because the multiquote thing didn't work any help on this would be appreciated - thanks,
      Last edited by atfan; 19 February 2008, 07:41 AM. Reason: * off topic * if anyone could tell me how to mutiquote it would be greatly appreciated thanks.
      Thanks to lil ferrett for the picture


        Originally posted by atfan View Post
        I never said they did only that it was possible to have more than one guest star in an episode. I disagree while a movie resolution would be great I want it on the series as well since we didn't get it on SG-1 we need it on Atlantis. I just don't want any AU type thing which is likely in the movie. Moebius kiss was nice but it wasn't them not really. It wouldn't be that hard to mention something just as Sam was leaving even a phone call alluding to Jack or something. I'm not picky while on screen together would be great I don't see that happening.
        S5 spoiler
        I agree. Joe already said it was highly unlikely RDA would be in season 5.


          Happy Birthday



            ~ ~ ~mala\suekay sig ~ ~ ~ *Thanks to Mala50 for any caps I post & for her "crankies"*


              Happy Birthday Melissa!

              Have a great day
              Thanks to Dunc for my pretty aurora and Muse sig. He had no part in the Twilight one


                Originally posted by starlover1990 View Post
                Happy Birthday Melissa

                Goes singing; Happy Birthday to you, happy birthday to you*sees that everyone is covering their ears*

                ok ok I'll let SG1 do it as normal

                And I hope you have a wonderful day, with lots of cake/jello/gifts/fun and everything else you may wish for...

                EDIT: and sorry melissa no fanfic recs atm...haven't read much lately...I'm too busy with watching House/Stargate/Heroes...
                YAY happy birthday from me too Melissa!!!!

                And congrats to any and all milestoners!

                And now since I have nothing more profound to offer I shall leave...


                  Originally posted by Melora View Post
                  I agree - the idea was good, but the execution was definitely lacking.

                  From what I can tell from interviews, AT originally wanted a boyfriend that didn’t die to break the “Black Widow Carter” label and she also wanted to explore her character’s personal life more. I read in an interview that she was disappointed in Sam’s lack of character development/growth in Season 6 and TPTB decided to remedy that in Season 7. So we got the Grace/Chimera story arc, which was handled well in some ways but not in others.

                  I think AT liked the idea of Pete coming back in Season 8 only b/c she liked working with David DeLuise. When she read the script for ‘Affinity,’ she talked to RCC b/c she thought a lot of Sam’s actions in the ep were out of character. Specifically, she didn’t think Sam would have accepted Pete’s proposal while she still obviously had feelings for Jack and she thought Sam would never have made out with her boyfriend/fiancé after the stakeout. RCC overruled both of her objections and the episode was shot as scripted. She also later stated (during Season 9) that she felt the Pete/Sam/Jack arc was taken a bit too far.

                  In other words, I think the original idea for a boyfriend and a personal story arc for Sam was AT's idea. But how it was handled is solely the responsibility of TPTB. They created the character of Pete, they had Sam accept his proposal, and they had her string him along until 'Threads.' The final outcome was good, but the journey was sometimes painful IMHO.
                  Well said

                  Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.


                    Happy Birthday Melissa!

                    Hope you have a wonderful day.

                    s u g a r s h a k e r


                      Originally posted by blueiris View Post

                      Yes Indeed, who is Melissa anyway?
                      Icon by AceofHadeon Sig by TrueRomantic




                        And lucky for you this is long distance instead of in person-becuz i would have sung it to ya.
                        Franklin said, "They that can give up essential liberty for a little safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."

                        "Do or do not. There is no try." Yoda


                          Originally posted by DutchIndeed View Post
                          *Imagines Jack in tights, with a red cape and with a huge 'S' (for 'Sam' of course ) stamped across his chest...*


                          Oh, my...
                          ROFL...I already see it before's bad

                          oh god...bad bad bad but bad...

                          Originally posted by Padme18 View Post
                          Yes Indeed, who is Melissa anyway?
                          Sg1-fanintn (username)


                            Originally posted by starlover1990 View Post
                            ROFL...I already see it before's bad

                            oh god...bad bad bad but bad...

                            Sg1-fanintn (username)
                            Ah, thank you. When I saw Melissa I thought 'wiat a minute, my birthday is in two weeks'. Of course I didn't tell you guys my real name so why I thought that I don't know.
                            Icon by AceofHadeon Sig by TrueRomantic



                              Happy Birthday Melissa!
                              Women of the Gate LJ Community.
                              My Stargate Fanfiction. My LiveJournal.


                                Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
                                Potato love! Awesome

                                Amanda! You need to do some genealogy research
                                I think I do. Too bad there are like 20 squigillion Andersons in Minnesota *sigh*

