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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by Bekki View Post
    ...but how does one get from the cavern to gutter? Perhaps there's gutter lake in the lake in that seaside cavern Harry Potter where Voldemort keeps his Horcrux...if you don't want to get splashed by gutter water, you have to row in that boat

    Or am I just going to have to leave the cavern every now and then?
    I think I'll leave that to Seahen. Slides are way easier that secret passages and whatnot. A gutter laker, though...Hmmm....


      Originally posted by Bekki View Post
      ...but how does one get from the cavern to gutter? Perhaps there's gutter lake in the lake in that seaside cavern Harry Potter where Voldemort keeps his Horcrux...if you don't want to get splashed by gutter water, you have to row in that boat

      Or am I just going to have to leave the cavern every now and then?
      Dude!! Don't you remember what's in that lake?!

      You ended that sentence with a preposition! You *******!!


        Originally posted by Patriot_Jackie View Post
        Dude!! Don't you remember what's in that lake?!
        It will have to be more of a slow-moving Gutter River to ensure a fresh supply of water and to maintain a certain level of...*clears throat* sanitation...


          Originally posted by sg-1fanintn View Post
          Congratulations, atlantis_babe34, on 2,900 posts!!!
          Thankies i didn't even notice!

          Originally posted by sg-1fanintn View Post
          Ok...a little shippy goodness to make up for the OT post and take the edge off the evening...

          Thanks to parsifal for the manip...

          Fearsome warriors.
          Perfect couple.
          great manip...i would have moved them closer , but anyhoo

          Originally posted by mara-anni View Post
          So I've been thinking of Sam and her rather short stint as commander of Atlantis.

          My fear for Sam and what they're gonna do to her, how they're gonna write her out of the command is that
          Woolsey (and the IOA) are gonna come charging in there so to speak, relieving her of duty coz they don't like the job she's doing or some other lame excuse.

          However I do think there is evidence that Sam's command was never meant to be long term.

          I keep going back to that conversation she has with Teal'c as she's getting ready to go to Atlantis.

          I really don't think that Sam wants to go. In fact I think that as much as she appreciates the fact that it's a great career move, she doesn't want to go! IMHO she took the command coz she was asked to, coz Atlantis was in trouble and she was the one they needed to take the command. So because of her sense of duty - and yes it is a great career opportunity - she agrees.

          Yes she's an AF officer and goes where they tell her, but I think at this point she's earned the right to refuse certain assignments.

          Regardless, she acceptd the assinment and I really do believe she didn't want it. She cried, actually cried about leaving. And her words about it being too soon - I really can not believe that she was talking about her work at the SGC with that comment. It seemed far to personal and she was far to upset for that to be about work. Nope I'm convinced that was about Jack specifically.

          In light of this I think it reasonable to believe that Sam took the post on one condition, that it be as temporary as possible.

          The way I see it is like this: She goes out of duty...she doesn't really want to and insists it's only till things get under control and/or they find someone else suitable for the position.

          Now the repli threat has been dealt with. Hoefully the command of the SGC has opened up as Landry has moved up to Washington ...and it's a more important command that needs Sam even more. Thus, since Sam has stabalised the Pegasus galaxy, she is being allowed to return to Earth early as per the terms of their agreement

 took maybe 2 hours to write that and it makes no sense *sigh*
          made sense to mee! ITA with you there.

          Originally posted by sg-1fanintn View Post
          While we're recommending fics, I'd like to provide a link to a new one by Jo R. I don't think I got it from here. I think I got it on alert from But I just finished it last night, and I thought it was great!

          Surface Tension:

          It's an SG-1/SGA crossover...but the setup is very believable. It features Sam/Jack, as well as John/Elizabeth.

          I don't usually read crossovers. But I loved this one! Very suspenseful, well-written and in character!
          It's soo good isn't it!

          Originally posted by cess525 View Post
          Seriously I still am waiting for JM to say "Gotcha!" and then give the real new person...but the more I read the more I go...doh this is fact...ouchies

          This is why I haven't told my Hubby yet...though he thought Sam on Atlantis was a bad idea...actually he still thinks its a bad idea and points out how the eps that AT is in aren't really that different from the eps she's not in because as he says she doesn't leave an impact...or something like that...I ignore because I know sometimes he's just yanking my chain

          Hope everything is ok and safe; same for anyone else in the shipper family that was along the path.

          Congrats from me too!!!

          You know what's just sad...I just put two and two together that you live near my aunt in TN...doh

          And here yesterday we had weather in the 70's...I was wearing flip flops! Apparently I can wear them today too...someone tell me what is wrong with this picture...oh well.
          Funky weather right now that is for sure.

          YAHOO CONGRATS on the interview...I agree with Melissa something conservative. Good Luck.
          I'm going shopping for something in like 10 minutes so hopefully i'll find something conservative.

          Originally posted by Chocolatequeen View Post
          :executes a flawless swan dive and does a few quick backstrokes: Yes indeed.

          I just watched Full Circle and I have two thoughts, one shippy and one not. On a shippy note, I loved the whole conversation between Jack and Skaara about his betrothal and wedding. When Jack started asking Skaara if he was seeing anyone, I knew Skaara would flip it around on him. I don't know how Jack didn't see that coming... And of course, Jack didn't have an answer to Skaara's question, because he can't bring Sam as a date, and there's no one else he'd want to bring. He was so unsure how to handle it, and Sam just smoothly said, "Like two friends going to a wedding." Her little smirk as he walked away said she liked that he wasn't quite sure how to answer. Really, I think that should have been a nice reminder to Sam that he does still have feelings for her.

          My non-shippy thought... The whole Daniel/Anubis thing reminded me so much of Luke on the Death Star in Return of the Jedi, especially when Daniel walked away from Anubis to look out at Abydos. There really should have been a line such as: "Your friends on the Abydos planet are walking into a trap." Then later when Lord Yu tells Anubis that his time is up, and Anubis says, "You are gravely mistaken," I really thought he should have said, "Now witness the firepower of this armed and fully operational battle station."

          Sorry, Star Wars geek here.
          That scene was so awkward yet not at the same time.... ITA with the star wars geek-ness.. i am on myself lol

          Originally posted by SamO'Neill View Post
          Hey everyone!! Long time, no chat!!

          We have a snow day today, so I'm stuck inside! Sometimes being in Iowa just sucks!

          I've really missed my shippers! Jena's kept me up to date with everything, and I always check the GW home page. Of course, I still love my fanfic!

          I hope to be spending a lot more time here!

          Welcome back!

          Originally posted by SamO'Neill View Post
          Jena! You know how much I loooove the Moebius kiss! It's just soo perfect. The only downfall is that it's not our Sam and Jack. But a girl can dream! Everything is just so perfect, the danger, the angst, the humor, the music, the sparks! **fans herself**

          I have to agree about WoO. It is our Sam and Jack. It's just that... Sam doesn't remember it. Love it!!

          It's funny how we have FIVE wonderful kisses, but for each one, there's a qualifying factor to make it not real.

          Mine would be in this order:
          Moebius, WoO, Bronca, Grace, PoV
          Mine would have to beeee
          PoV - i didn't liket hat one cus Sam had to watch it

          Originally posted by SamO'Neill View Post

          Kisses in:
          Season 1
          Season 3
          Season 4
          Season 7
          Season 8

          Yes, I'd say we're long overdue for kiss!
          indeed we are!

          Originally posted by Patriot_Jackie View Post
          Dude!! Don't you remember what's in that lake?!
          Penguins taht will protect our cavens?
          Thanks to Nad for my awesome sig!
          Proud member of the SSHSOP, S.H.I.P and MOP!


            Originally posted by Bekki View Post
            ...but how does one get from the cavern to gutter? Perhaps there's gutter lake in the lake in that seaside cavern Harry Potter where Voldemort keeps his Horcrux...if you don't want to get splashed by gutter water, you have to row in that boat

            Or am I just going to have to leave the cavern every now and then?
            that sounds fun...but I almost never visit the cavern...I'm more of a fluff/gutter person
            Cavern is to dark for me...and I don't see very well in the dark...

            oh and

            Welcome Back Hannah!!! It's good to see you again

            my fav list of kisses:
            1) GRACE!!!!
            2) WoO
            3) Moebius
            4) Broca Divide
            5) PoV

            But I still love them all


              Originally posted by luvnjack View Post
              It will have to be more of a slow-moving Gutter River to ensure a fresh supply of water and to maintain a certain level of...*clears throat* sanitation...

              No, no... I think we'll all have to have our own P90s... And maybe a a couple of Lupins for protection. XD

              You ended that sentence with a preposition! You *******!!


                Originally posted by Patriot_Jackie View Post
                Dude!! Don't you remember what's in that lake?!
                An 'I see dead people' moment


                  Originally posted by Patriot_Jackie View Post
                  Dude!! Don't you remember what's in that lake?!

                  That's the one with the nasty hands reaching out from the surface, right?

                  On the other hand, I'm sure our gutter is much cleaner..
                  my lovely avatar is courtesy of Lies, SamJackShipLover


                    Originally posted by Patriot_Jackie View Post

                    No, no... I think we'll all have to have our own P90s... And maybe a a couple of Lupins for protection. XD
                    Sanitation, for "what's in there"


                      Originally posted by starlover1990 View Post
                      that sounds fun...but I almost never visit the cavern...I'm more of a fluff/gutter person
                      Cavern is to dark for me...and I don't see very well in the dark...

                      oh and

                      Welcome Back Hannah!!! It's good to see you again

                      my fav list of kisses:
                      1) GRACE!!!!
                      2) WoO
                      3) Moebius
                      4) Broca Divide
                      5) PoV

                      But I still love them all
                      Thanks Jann!

                      I'd have to say I'm definitely a cavern/gutter girl. But I still love my fluff!! AAHH! I just can't choose one!
                      my lovely avatar is courtesy of Lies, SamJackShipLover


                        Originally posted by Patriot_Jackie View Post
                        Dude!! Don't you remember what's in that lake?!
                        TPTB?? P.P...Pe...Pete

                        Nah in the gutter lake there will be happy Penguins...and...Jack look-a-likes...Life size Jack dolls...ofcourse anatomically correct



                          Originally posted by SamO'Neill View Post
                          Thanks Jann!

                          I'd have to say I'm definitely a cavern/gutter girl. But I still love my fluff!! AAHH! I just can't choose one!
                          You can go to every don't have to be at I am(gutter) *adjusts the halo...once again*

                          And if you don't wanna be at any of those places you can just the house


                            Originally posted by starlover1990 View Post
                            TPTB?? P.P...Pe...Pete

                            Nah in the gutter lake there will be happy Penguins...and...Jack look-a-likes...Life size Jack dolls...ofcourse anatomically correct

                            You KNOW when Jann's awake...she starts talking about life-sized dolls of Jack and Shep...


                              Originally posted by Patriot_Jackie View Post

                              No, no... I think we'll all have to have our own P90s... And maybe a a couple of Lupins for protection. XD
                              Of course we'd defend our gutter!!

                              my lovely avatar is courtesy of Lies, SamJackShipLover


                                Originally posted by SamO'Neill View Post
                                Of course we'd defend our gutter!!



