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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by Meriwyn View Post
    I was down and needing a Sam and Jack fix, so last night I watched Divide and Conquer, Window of Opportunity, Beneath the Surface and Threads

    *shippy sigh*
    Geez, you sleep about as much as I do!


      Originally posted by JackandSamAddict View Post
      When I first watched Chimera...I thought the beginning with Sam and Pete was cute, when they were all cute and flirty. Until I realized what I was stupidly smiling at...then it ended. Yeah, I feel like I cheated on Sam and Jack in that moment.

      I'm guessing it was because seeing Sam cute and OPENLY, really flirty with someone struck me as, I don't know, nice. But ahh...yeah. I've never told anyone that before. Please don't hate me. I love this ship...I just lost my mind for a moment.
      i might have been able to 'enjoy' the sam-pete thinger if i actually found pete attractive. i don't. he's just too oatmeal to her grand slam breakfast at denny's.




        Originally posted by L.A. Doyle View Post
        In Threads, when Sam is stroking Jack's hand with her thumb...just that little act of affection....*super duper shippy sigh*

        That is all.

        Ahhhh...How I miss those shippy moments, how I miss Sam/Jack...


          Originally posted by majorsal View Post
          i might have been able to 'enjoy' the sam-pete thinger if i actually found pete attractive. i don't. he's just too oatmeal to her grand slam breakfast at denny's.



            Sally when I saw Sam with Pete I tried to adjust my TV set. I though this is who TPTB are putting with Sam? It's no wonder Jack and Pete really did not have any scenes together. Jack would have been laughing the whole time.


              Originally posted by majorsal View Post
              i might have been able to 'enjoy' the sam-pete thinger if i actually found pete attractive. i don't. he's just too oatmeal to her grand slam breakfast at denny's.

              You have just slammed poor Carson's favorite dish.


                Originally posted by Gatetrixer View Post
                You have just slammed poor Carson's favorite dish.
                oh, i like oatmeal, i just have to doctor it up so much that it's basically butter, sugar, and milk with some oatmeal.




                  Originally posted by ses110 View Post
                  Sally when I saw Sam with Pete I tried to adjust my TV set. I though this is who TPTB are putting with Sam? It's no wonder Jack and Pete really did not have any scenes together. Jack would have been laughing the whole time.
                  It really is a good thing they were never in a scene together, because Pete would have paled in comparison to Jack, in every aspect.



                  *and I've refrained from putting up the really sexy pictures

                  And then Sam would have just been like...

                  OMG, what in the *^#% was I thinking?

                  But all that aside...Pete, buddy, you've got nothing on Jack. If you even knew half their story...


                    Originally posted by Seahen View Post
                    APA wants a caption, she gets a caption.

                    Be careful what you ask for...

                    C-130J Hercules aircraft, 38.8 feet high, 97.75 feet long with a 132.6 foot wing span. Four Rolls-Royce AE 2100D3 turboprops engines with 4,700 horsepower. Capable of 417 mph/362 ktas (Mach 0.59) at 22,000 feet (6,706 meters), ceiling of 28,000 feet (8,615 meters) with 42,000 pounds (19,090 kilograms) payload, maximum takeoff weight of 155,000 pounds (69,750 kilograms). Maximum load of 6 pallets or 74 litters or 16 CDS bundles or 92 combat troops or 64 paratroopers, or a combination of any of these up to the cargo compartment capacity or maximum allowable weight. Crew of three (two pilots and a loadmaster).
                    *She is so sexy when she's talking airframes.*
                    LOL! Seahen, Another great cap!

                    Originally posted by L.A. Doyle View Post
                    In Threads, when Sam is stroking Jack's hand with her thumb...just that little act of affection....*super duper shippy sigh*

                    That is all.

                    Thanks, sueKay!

                    Thanks, Mala!


                      Originally posted by sg-1fanintn View Post

                      spoilered for size:

                      An Ode to the Sam/Jack Ship Family
                      Upon Reaching 10,000 Posts

                      For three long years less 90 days,
                      With laptop, mouse and in a haze,
                      I've talked to folks from near and far,
                      Through Gateworld, our guiding star.

                      For longer still, we all have shared
                      The adventures of the team that cares
                      About doing right wherever it goes
                      And making friends and defeating foes.

                      And as the saga draws to an end,
                      We know we're going to miss our friends,
                      Who went through the Gate to protect the Earth
                      But also found some time for mirth.

                      We've sat and squeed o'er Sam & Jack,
                      With hope of getting something back.
                      A glance, a touch, an AU kiss
                      Admit it--we've all lived for this.

                      A real, live kiss--that's all we need,
                      And confirmation that he and she
                      Have moved ahead with their new life
                      And are maybe even husband and wife.

                      It seems so little that we ask
                      After watching them complete their tasks.
                      They've saved the world. They've done their share,
                      And now they've earned the right to care.

                      So, Shipper Family, please stay strong.
                      The fight's been hard, the battle long.
                      But sure as the Goa'uld were beaten down,
                      Joy may still come to Shippertown.

                      I'll keep hoping til the bitter end,
                      And I'll do it here with you, my friends.

                      * Thanks to Scarimor for the S/J flying smilies

                      * If this looks familiar to some of you, yes, it's a revised version of my 5,000 post celebration. I'm tired this weekend.

                      CONGRATS MELISSA!!!!!!!!!!

                      Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
                      Please make my big swollen ankle stop hurting... I keep reading and reading and not taking anything in.

                      I'm guessing it's pretty much Sam + Jack = Squee right?

                      *whimpers like a small child*
                      ((((((((eileen))))))))) - ouch....

                      Originally posted by sg-1fanintn View Post
                      Congraulations, L.A. Doyle, on 7,900 posts!!!

                      Welcome back, heliosphere!!!

                      Originally posted by sg-1fanintn View Post

                      CONGRATS AND WELCOME BACK FOM ME TOO!!!!!

                      Originally posted by NZNeep View Post
                      Thanks for the sympathy about my ankle guys, it hurts more than ever.


                      It's 3am and I just literally crawled to the toilet to throw up because it hurts so much. When I got back I found the pain killers my sister left beside my bed last night.

                      I'm going to try and get back to sleep because I have work in the morning... I have emailed them saying I will be late because I'm going to a doctor first. I don't know how though, the only transport I have is walking.

                      I hate being big and grown up and living in the city... I want my mum.
                      *Jack-huggles Eileen*

                      I hope you feel better soon....

                      Originally posted by TameFarrar View Post
                      Hi again Its me your neighborhood Shipping Mod

                      Folks I want to remind the S&J Ship Family that there are many levels of *Shipping*

                      Some folks are truly convinced that S&J have gotten together and are just keeping things fairly quiet and enjoying reading the stories of what *Could be* in Fanfic.

                      While other S&J Shippers have determined that the Ship has sailed. This does not make them any less of S&J fans or that they are NOT *Good Shippers* nor does it mean that they should not post those thoughts here.

                      The fact that we are a diverse family of S&J shippers should make this thread one for fun and diverse discussion NOT a place of judgement. Each S&J shipper still loves the pairing and embraced it in their own way. The fact that some ship to the ninth degree while others ship lightly should not become a point of contention.

                      In fact THAT is what should be respected and enjoyed by all members of the S&J Ship Family. The fact that you all can have that diversity and yet still be respectful, have some very intelligent discussion AND still squee when the mood strikes.

                      Thank you - this has been an S&J Shipping Public Service Announcement
                      Gateworld Moderator
                      LOL.....thx again tame!!

                      and a tackle hug just for you for old times sake.....

                      Originally posted by Seahen View Post
                      APA wants a caption, she gets a caption.

                      Be careful what you ask for...


                      Sam: C-130J Hercules aircraft, 38.8 feet high, 97.75 feet long with a 132.6 foot wing span. Four Rolls-Royce AE 2100D3 turboprops engines with 4,700 horsepower. Capable of 417 mph/362 ktas (Mach 0.59) at 22,000 feet (6,706 meters), ceiling of 28,000 feet (8,615 meters) with 42,000 pounds (19,090 kilograms) payload, maximum takeoff weight of 155,000 pounds (69,750 kilograms). Maximum load of 6 pallets or 74 litters or 16 CDS bundles or 92 combat troops or 64 paratroopers, or a combination of any of these up to the cargo compartment capacity or maximum allowable weight. Crew of three (two pilots and a loadmaster).
                      Jack: *She is so sexy when she's talking airframes.*

                      LOVED IT!!!!!!

                      Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                      oh, i like oatmeal, i just have to doctor it up so much that it's basically butter, sugar, and milk with some oatmeal.

                      If I have plain oatmeal I just stir peanut butter into it to add flavor plus some protein....
                      edit: and now I must get to bed



                      Last edited by mad_gater; 13 January 2008, 07:59 PM.


                        Thanks guys

                        The ankle verdict:

                        It's sprained, not broken. I was given drugs and crutches. Heee. Oh, and some really nice smelling anti-inflammatory cream. Everyone I saw (the doctor at student health, the reception nurse at the hospital, the doctor, the radiologist and the nurse) all thought the swelling was awesome. It's like half a tennis ball stuck to the side of my ankle.

                        I have learned three things about myself today... 1) I’m way to stubborn and like to do everything for myself. 2) It actually puts people out less if you just let them hold the door for you instead of holding them up trying to do it yourself. 3) I need to work on my upper body strength.

                        Oh, the taxi driver who took me to the hospital was a crack up... she was telling me all about how her daughter was once sent away from the emergency department with a "sprained" ankle that didn't get better and a few months later when they x-rayed it again they found it was broken. I thanked her for sharing that on the way to have my ankle x-rayed

                        Neep, NZBG, Eileen!

                        Made with love and chocolate brownies by Spacegirlnz

                        Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko FTW!


                          Originally posted by sg-1fanintn View Post

                          Upon Reaching 10,000 Posts

                          WOW! That's a freakin' lot o' posts!! Congrats!!

                          Originally posted by Oma-1 View Post
                          I can't believe it's taken me 2 days to be able to post this!

                          Abyss Tribute by SNY

                          For me, it was well worth the wait I love this video as much as I love the ep. SNY captured all the essential parts of the ep and placed them with such sympathy and understanding into the perfect context, and with great music.

                          Sorry, babbling and raving within the same post

                          PS I tried to get in touch with SNY to get permission, since I'd be uploading and posting it myself, rather than posting a link to her stuff, but I've been unable to contact her either through GW or SG-1 Community Hopefully she won't mind.
                          O.O That was so!good!! I love and hate Abyss; poor Jack, but... He's so freakin' awesome!! Mostly, I really wanna know how Jack got over that trauma!

                          Originally posted by SamJackShipLover View Post
                          Me too Maybe open like this ...

                          Or this ...

                          Or this ...

                          Ooo, fireworks! Sooooo pretty....

                          Originally posted by AstraPerAspera View Post

                          *waves at Jena* It's a little dark in here, dontcha think? Oh wait...there's a funny glow over in that direction...



                          I think this is a deeper part of the cavern...

                          EDIT: good luck, gater62!

                          ROFL! I shouldn't laugh, because its so sad, but... XD

                          You ended that sentence with a preposition! You *******!!


                            Originally posted by Seahen View Post
                            APA wants a caption, she gets a caption.

                            Be careful what you ask for...

                            C-130J Hercules aircraft, 38.8 feet high, 97.75 feet long with a 132.6 foot wing span. Four Rolls-Royce AE 2100D3 turboprops engines with 4,700 horsepower. Capable of 417 mph/362 ktas (Mach 0.59) at 22,000 feet (6,706 meters), ceiling of 28,000 feet (8,615 meters) with 42,000 pounds (19,090 kilograms) payload, maximum takeoff weight of 155,000 pounds (69,750 kilograms). Maximum load of 6 pallets or 74 litters or 16 CDS bundles or 92 combat troops or 64 paratroopers, or a combination of any of these up to the cargo compartment capacity or maximum allowable weight. Crew of three (two pilots and a loadmaster).
                            *She is so sexy when she's talking airframes.*
                            And I would add to that *Dang can she not just call a medic that plane just ran over my foot*


                              More shameless pimpage from me. Though the second chapter of Kinsey's Last Stand has a very nice Gate Room BHK, if I do say so myself.

                              Spoiling my own fic. I'm bad. Think this bodes well for me as a professional author? XD

                              You ended that sentence with a preposition! You *******!!


                                I remember on the thread there was talk Pete only existed in Sam's mind since Pete was only seen with Sam. It would have been intersting to see if TPTB would have even come up with a boyfriend for Sam if AT did not ask for one? I really doubt TPTB would have gone down that road. TPTB knew the reaction a boyfriend would get. I think the most TPTB wanted to do was have the occasional guest star fall for Sam. The same goes for the Jack character IMO.
                                Last edited by ses110; 13 January 2008, 09:06 PM.

