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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by AstraPerAspera View Post
    Okay...I can't confirm this til later and I see it again
    ...but my daughter was watching SGA with me and she swears she saw a picture of Jack in the box Sam was unpacking in her quarters. I didn't see it cuz I was typing at that moment, but she's sure it was Jack. If you want to take the word of a 10 year old, you can squee...if you want to wait until I can confirm it, then hold off...I don't want to get hopes up and then dash them, but this could be exciting!!!
    Originally posted by AstraPerAspera View Post

    that the picture in Sam's box in her personal quarters was a picture of Jack in his baseball informal, casual picture, not a formal portrait!!!!!

    I don't do this often, but

    APA, I shall love you forever for posting that! *rewrites will* And to Susannah, who posted the pic of Jack, I leave...


    Originally posted by AstraPerAspera View Post
    Here, Everyone...see for yourselves!

    Spoiler: your enthusiasm...but could you resize our screens again? Thanks!


    I couldn't log on last night and missed this amazing news!! But I'm so doing the happy dance now! *Happy dances all over shipper house*

    *Happy sigh*


      Originally posted by SamJackShipLover View Post





      LOL!!! What she said!


        Originally posted by not_a_zatarc View Post
        O. M. G! I am so totally SQUEEING right now! I haven visited this thread in a while now, and thought I'd drop in after all the goings on with Sam in Atlantis, and noticed the post with the picture of what was in Sam's stuff, and just... WOW! *does the Snoopy happy dance*

        Hey NAZ! *Waves* Impressive happy dance! Now we need a jig! Who can do a jig!? I'm feeling so silly this morning...and soooooooo happy!


          Originally posted by VastlySuperiorStuff View Post
          I say, don't feed the trolls.
          I agree. Just ignore that stupid post / thread. We know better


            Originally posted by atlantis_babe34 View Post
            I would like to bring your attention this this thread Some st00pid thred someone created about sam and jack offically no tbeing together and trying to dissapoint the peole who beleive they are or like the pairing

            support sam and jack! post ur thoughts and lets see where we o with this:d.. IMO i think we shall provile above th non- beleivers!!
            Is the thread or the poster of said thread really worth bothering with?

            If he/she garners such amusement from tearing down the Sam/Jack pairing, leave them to it. Chances are, it's nothing more than an attempt to get a rise out of S/J shippers and the poster is entertained by every person who responds to argue.

            As far as "officially" goes, unless Sam announces in no uncertain terms that she's single and has no intention of dating Jack, the relationship has not officially been ruled out.

            Personally, I think that this thread is a far more pleasant place to discuss the Sam/Jack relationship.

            Sig courtesy of RepliCartertje


              *More happy dance*


                wow, you guys have been busy posting since I was last here. So thought I'd post to join in and say SQUEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                sig by starlover1990


                  Originally posted by ses110 View Post
                  Spoilers for Atlantis episode Reunion

                  Thanks for the Picture. Seeing this picture makes me think there really must be some sort of Sam/Jack resoultion or Ship in the Continuum Movie. It makes no sense to show this picture and then have nothing in the Movie. I'am not happy to hear Sam went along with McKay's nonsense about McKay not being available for Sam. I want McKay to know Sam and Jack are together soo bad.
                  Ahhh!!! SES!!! I can't green you for this. Wish I could...I too think this bodes well...

                  I too think it would be better if Sam had put McKay in his place, but then again, I think this relationship is supposed to be on the DL.


                    So, I had to work last night but my son watched Atlantis. I got a call after it went off just so he could
                    say: "Guess what showed up in Atlantis when Carter was unpacking?"
                    I had to wait till this morning when I got home to watch. Then my other son, who watched with me, asked
                    why she threw the picture in the trash can. I smacked him then hit rewind and pause and few times.

                    Happy I am!
                    ~ ~ ~mala\suekay sig ~ ~ ~ *Thanks to Mala50 for any caps I post & for her "crankies"*


                      Glad to hear about the pic in Sam's quarters. Since Jack is Sam's boss again and this shows they are closer than the regs would allow, but does this mean they're actually married like a lot of you think.
                      Maybe TPTBs weren't joking in the commentary for "200" who knows

                      They're talking about the fake wedding...
                      RCC: The real one is in your movie? Right?
                      BW: Yeah... sure...

                      I thought they were pulling our leg, but who knows? I can't wait for "Continuum" and/or the missing shot from "Trio" (I hope they don't go and do something stupid like kill Jack...)

                      BTW How come Coop didn't show us this kind of tiny shippy bits in S9-10?

                      Off-topic Just finished re-watching Simpsons S2. For all you Simpsons fans here's a trivia. Do you know who of the Simpsons characters says FCOL?
                      Burns in episode 23 "Bart gets hit by a car"


                        Originally posted by luvnjack View Post
                        Hey NAZ! *Waves* Impressive happy dance! Now we need a jig! Who can do a jig!? I'm feeling so silly this morning...and soooooooo happy!
                        I can make up a jig. I'm all happy with the warm fuzzies after seeing that cap from Atlantis, I'm not even that bummed about going to work! lol.
                        -Proud Member of the Ship Ship Hooray Special Ops Team-
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                          Originally posted by JackandSamAddict View Post
                          You put this great, APA! I never thought of Teal'c knowing her (or the rest of the team) for 60 years. I mean I have, I put something in a fic about it...but never really thought, thought about it. Until now...please let me know if I ramble!

                          I mean, he saw them grow old. Saw them mature into elders, grow in wisdom, and grow in their relationships with others. I think that in this Sam/Landry, Cam/Landry got especially close, that is why she is so emotional with his death.

                          Teal'c saw them in many lights, he saw Daniel and Vala start a relationship, saw that grow into something more. He knew that Cam had lost it a time or two Saw Landry die. Watched Sam as she agonized over getting them stuck, and agonize over how to save them, coming up empty handed again and again. Through their triumphs and hardships over that fifty years they were stuck on that ship Teal'c remembers. Everything. That must really be hard on him at times.

                          And here too she may be in Teal'c's arms and crying but WHO is Sam thinking about??
                          Distinguished Service Ribbon Goa'uld Campaign
                          My Stories zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Artwork by Mala


                            Originally posted by Zoser View Post

                            And here too she may be in Teal'c's arms and crying but WHO is Sam thinking about??
                            Her soon to be husband



                              Originally posted by AstraPerAspera View Post
                              Well, I missed it the first time...I was dutifully typing away trying to keep up cuz there were a lot of scene changes last night and some really great Sam stuff, and Claire suddenly shrieked:

                              Sam has a picture of Jack in her suitcase!

                              And I about died...I looked up but of course had missed it so I had to wait until the show was finished, go back and look at the DVD...cuz I thought maybe it was
                              Jacob, cuz she said he had his hat on and was in uniform...(I think she meant BDUs),
                              so I was so afraid it wasn't who we thought, but then I freeze framed it and ...oh happy day!!!

                              And the irony was, there weren't many people on the thread last night...and then my internet went down and I couldn't get back on til this morning...

                              ...and we're Dancin'!!!!!!
                              I just have to add "Squeeeeeeeeeeeee!" I am so happy this morning; I feel like I am floating on cloud 9! Btw APA, my youngest is also a Claire (who is a J/S shipper, too!) We couldn't watch SGA last night cause hubby was watching NASCAR, so it is on the dvr. I can't wait to savor my shippy tidbits! *Dances across the house* (((Ship Family)))
                              Thank you Astra Per Aspera for the sig....... My Fan Fiction


                                Originally posted by not_a_zatarc View Post
                                I can make up a jig. I'm all happy with the warm fuzzies after seeing that cap from Atlantis, I'm not even that bummed about going to work! lol.
                                Yeah, I'm doing house work, and I don't even care cuz I'm grinning ear-to-ear! Hubby keeps giving me wierd looks, like...

                                What are you smiling at?
                                Nothin' .

                                smileys by zuz
                                Last edited by Luvnjoe; 13 October 2007, 09:14 AM.

