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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by RamonaThePest View Post

    I'm asking because that first line is well known to Americans. I was wondering if any European/Australian shippers were familiar with it. It goes like this (in a child sing-song tune):

    "Jack and Sam, sitting in a tree, K-I-SS-I-N-G. First comes love, then comes marriage, then comes Samantha with a baby carriage."

    It's usually sung my younger siblings or classmates to embarrass an young boy or girl who has a crush on someone.
    Yeah...Australian's know it too

    Originally posted by luvnjack View Post

    Well, it's my 600th post, and I'm trying to find something deep and meaningful to say.

    But I'm having more fun posting smileys. Seriously, I never thought I'd hang around here this long. I was feeling bummed about the series ending and stumbled in. I lurked for over a week, and then I just had to join in the discussion!! You guys are just great!!! (((SHIP FAMILY)))

    So, a gift for everyone. This is one of my top three favorite S/J moments. They just grab each other and hang on. He needs comfort just as much as she does, and the walls are down for once and they are just there. In the moment. Together. Oh, to be the woman hugging Jack (and getting a neck nuzzle!).

    BTW, congrats, Lady Eliza, on 800 posts! WTG!!!

    Yes this is definately an 'I wish I had her job' moment

    Originally posted by AstraPerAspera View Post
    Yeah...but don't you suppose that if Sam had married Pete she would have stayed at the SGC and not gone to Area 51? And probably Teal'c would have gone to the Jaffa High Council and stayed and Daniel would have made it to Atlantis. He might not have been betrayed by them personally, but situationally, so that he would sort of have ended up alone...(unless Kerry saw how things played out and decided to move back into his life ...but somehow I don't think he'd go there again....).
    Perhaps Kerry would never have left Jack. Kerry only dumped him because when Sam went to his house she saw that there was something between them. If Sam never went to Jack's house and ended up marrying Pete, then Kerry wouldn't have seen them together and may ot have dumped him. Of course its possible that Sam could have gone to his house the way she did and still marry Pete but...

    Originally posted by dipsofjazz View Post
    He checks her out twice in this scene, but this is the most noticeable of the two...


    Yay! Thanks Bev New you'd come through for us!

    Originally posted by majorsal View Post
    i stopped at season 4.
    i was in the process of buying the seasons one at a time, and had just bought s4 when the wonderful and lovely 'chimera' aired... i stopped buying dvds then. i decided that when the show ends and IF it ended shippy, then i'd prob buy all the dvds. i don't acknowledge 'unending' as THE end, but it is for the series. so i'm still holding out until the story ends the way i want. selfish of me? i don't give a flying fig.
    (i'd still never buy s9, though)
    What is this season 9 & 10 of which you speak?

    See, denial is a wonderful thing Plus it stops that nervous tick.
    Sig by AstraPerAspera and avatar by SamJackShipLover

    Thanks Bekki


      Originally posted by L.A. Doyle View Post
      And I have some good news.
      I didn't really want to say anything until it was official, but now it is. Some of you know I graduated in December from college. Well, I finally got a teaching job. It's Pre-K and I'm soooo excited and soooo scared...and wow....just huge changes in my life coming up.
      Yay! Congrats.

      And Majorsal, seriously AT's just playing. There is NO romantic ship between Sam/Teal'c.

      Remember what AT said in that interview when asked if we would ever find out where the mole was No, not unless Jack talks in his sleep"

      So you see only Jack knows where the mole is, not Teal'c
      Sig by AstraPerAspera and avatar by SamJackShipLover

      Thanks Bekki


        Originally posted by Über View Post
        So? Even if it happened on DAY 20, it still exists in a future that won't happen. It never happened anymore than her getting married to Joe and has just as much impact on a future resolution for Sam and Jack.

        We're talking about an alternate future reality that only exists in the memories of Teal'c...and one that Sam will never know about. worries eh?

        As a fan of Sam and Teal'c, it'll make me see more depth in their friendship and adore Teal'c all the more, knowing what he's lost...what he's giving up for her happiness in this timeline.
        i actually envy you, uber. you see some deep and powerful situation, and i just see 'sam's been shipped again!'. and this time with one of her friends, who'll remember all of it. and behind all this friendship between them some simmering 'ship' instead? see the implications? IF it happened, i hope it's the 20 years later thinger.

        you know, forget this subject. it's all a part of the huge mistakes this show's made and got itself canceled.




          Congrats L.A. Doyle!!!!


            Originally posted by Über View Post
            So? Even if it happened on DAY 20, it still exists in a future that won't happen. It never happened anymore than her getting married to Joe and has just as much impact on a future resolution for Sam and Jack.

            We're talking about an alternate future reality that only exists in the memories of Teal'c...and one that Sam will never know about. worries eh?

            As a fan of Sam and Teal'c, it'll make me see more depth in their friendship and adore Teal'c all the more, knowing what he's lost...what he's giving up for her happiness in this timeline.
            Well, see...
            in my world, Teal'c doesn't have any memories of anything happening with he and Sam because it never happened btw them at all so he couldn't have any memories because nothing ever happened. But, that's just me.

            Thanks for the congrats everyone.

            Oh, I really got a kick out of this.

            I love it! I never see my name anywhere.


              Congrats! Jena! A bunch of ankle-biters, huh? That's wonderful! Trust me, there's nothing like a fabulous Pre-K teacher to set kids on the right path in their education (no pressure, huh?)--you'll do great!


                Originally posted by JenniferJF View Post
                You're negative? I believe I slammed an entire network and most of Stargate fandom in under an hour. That must be some sort of record

                Ummmmm, well anyway, relating to DVD's: I with interested in an opinion, and basically disagreed, philosophically anyway, with a fan who posted on another thread that the reason the ratings for the Monday night repeats went down was that most fans had the DVD's and could watch the eps whenever they wanted. I have no statistics, but find it hard to believe, that almost all fans buy the DVD's. I think that opinion smacks a bit of insularity--that all fans get on the internet, buy DVD's and so forth. They don't and can't.(My opinion) But then again, do I remember RCC or another PTB saying something similar?

                Another topic: terrible thing happened in the Twin Cities, bridge collapsing, many cars on it. My daughter is okay,wasn't on it, but someone she knows was and was hurt.


                  OT- guys did you hear about the bridge collaspe in Minneapolis?


                    This is the real, true ship:


                    And i'm with you Jena
                    Teal'c can't have any memories of something that did not ever happen ever!
                    Last edited by mara-anni; 01 August 2007, 07:36 PM.
                    Sig by AstraPerAspera and avatar by SamJackShipLover

                    Thanks Bekki


                      Yay for Jena on her hew job!!

                      As for this whole Sam/teal'c debate:

                      And i swore I was not going to comment. Oh wells.

                      I really really don't think it's a matter of ship at all. Definitely FRIENDship, but nothing more. Sure Sam looked to Teal'c when they were stranded in unending, but that's because Action!Daniel was busy with Vala and the other two she hadn't known for as long a time. So it's natural she would go to Teal'c.

                      Stop worrying shippers! *hugs*
                      Last edited by hbt123; 01 August 2007, 07:40 PM.
                      Too cool for a signature.


                        Originally posted by Gatetrixer View Post
                        Ummmmm, well anyway, relating to DVD's: I with interested in an opinion, and basically disagreed, philosophically anyway, with a fan who posted on another thread that the reason the ratings for the Monday night repeats went down was that most fans had the DVD's and could watch the eps whenever they wanted. I have no statistics, but find it hard to believe, that almost all fans buy the DVD's. I think that opinion smacks a bit of insularity--that all fans get on the internet, buy DVD's and so forth. They don't and can't.(My opinion) But then again, do I remember RCC or another PTB saying something similar?
                        i think the ratings went down (for the monday night stacks) because they kept playing the eps over and over for so long.




                          Originally posted by AstraPerAspera View Post
                          Congrats! Jena! A bunch of ankle-biters, huh? That's wonderful! Trust me, there's nothing like a fabulous Pre-K teacher to set kids on the right path in their education (no pressure, huh?)--you'll do great!
                          *bites fingernails* I am sososososo nervous thinking about it. I know it'll work out, but it's a bit scary!
                          Originally posted by trupi View Post
                          OT- guys did you hear about the bridge collaspe in Minneapolis?
                          Yes. Just unbelievable.
                          Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                          i think the ratings went down (for the monday night stacks) because they kept playing the eps over and over for so long.

                          I looooooved Mondays. It was like Christmas.


                            Congratulations, Lady eliza, on 800 posts!!!

                            Congratulations, luvnjack, on 600 posts!!!

                            Night, Ship Family!


                              Originally posted by L.A. Doyle View Post
                              *bites fingernails* I am sososososo nervous thinking about it. I know it'll work out, but it's a bit scary!

                              Yes. Just unbelievable.

                              I looooooved Mondays. It was like Christmas.
                              Me too! And I do have the DVDs--at least through season 7. I just liked watching them. I still watch the 6 p.m. shows on weeknights even though I know that they've been cut.



                                Here shippers, a gift. I think its a realy nice vid.

                                Sig by AstraPerAspera and avatar by SamJackShipLover

                                Thanks Bekki

