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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by GateGirl422 View Post
    Good Evening Shippers. Eve convinced me to put a link to my LJ here. I've just finished my Avalon report, and if you scroll down underneathe it is my AT2 one.

    I've got to warn you though, I'm a rambler so they're... umm... a tad long...

    So if you have a few moments, please feel free to visit

    Thanks for the reports on Avalon and AT2. I'm trying to remember if I read before about the final scene of S10. It was nice of
    BB and CB to let the 3 remaining of the original team to go ahead. It just makes me sad that there were just 3--sob--should be 4!
    I've enjoyed all the reports I've read from various attendees and want to thank them all, tho' I don't remember who and how many of them there were.


      Originally posted by trupi View Post
      Tsaxlady just posted this site for MS discussion about the up coming movies:
      Thanks for the link!

      Two things I found interesting in this article (actually three--forgot about the first one)

      The Men of SciFi Calendar (2008): **prays** Let RDA be in it! That's all I got to say about that.

      Second: IGN TV: What was your reaction and some of your thoughts upon hearing the news?

      Well we kind of heard it before anyone else. I was surprised. I'd kind of thought…Sony had negotiated a deal with SCI FI that included an option for an 11th season, and with the show being as revitalized as it was, and the new energy that was on our set (not just on the screen) but behind the scenes as well. We certainly had the storytelling capabilities and enthusiasm to go for another year and it seemed like everything was in place for the first time instead of actually writing the story as being over at the end of the season like we've always done to actually continue on and have faith and have it canceled, and it is like "What?! Of course it is canceled! We thought we were going on for another year." It was hard to be upset, I will say that, because people say "Too bad" but it is not too bad, we've had an amazing run. We are blessed to have had such a long…it depends on how you slice it as it was the end of a long run and had to end sometime. It is still bittersweet. Again, piss poor timing on the part of SCI FI Channel for doing that just when we are celebrating with the fans this milestone episode, this buzz kill they had to announce to the crew as well; they didn't find out until the actual "200" episode party; everyone was dressed to the nines and the head of MGM comes on stage and goes, "So…we are done." Oh, there is a buzz kill. Pass the liquor. (laughs)

      I really like the parts I bolded. Exactly my thoughts.

      And thirdly: About the second movie--the timetravel one? MS said this:


      And Brad is writing one, as far as I know, is a bit more standalone that will involve some kind of time travel and has something to do with our main mustache twiddling villain Baal doing something in the past that alters…he basically finds a way to lift the stargate from Earth so the Stargate Program never happens, and I imagine the characters will have to go through some process to reset the clock and fix everything over the course of two hours. Quite frankly that is as much as I know. I haven't even talked to the guys about it. They told us these pitches in September, so I haven't talked to anyone since then so that could've changed overnight, I have no idea.

      Hello? Can we say Moebius? As much as I love Moebius, I don't want to see a repeat of the episode with Ba'al instead of Ra. Been there, done that. If he wants to do a timetravel, let's do something different.


        Thank you all so much for the lovely birthday wishes (and the green!)
        RL doesn't let me get here as much as I'd like atm, but I feel so loved when I do!
        always and forever
        My LJ
        My History Website


          happy happy birthday and congrats on milestones that i have missed
          Hope every one is having a great day!!
          is anyone actually 100% sure
          rda is only in one more sg1 ep??
          i will be so dissapointed

          i need spoilers!!!!

          how has everyone been handling no sg1 for a while??
          i have been watching moonlighting and a few sg1 eps
          but having a break from it, will be more excited when i start hearing some news about new eps.

          i see that Seaquest is out on dvd, i remember shipping the doctor and the captain when i was really young, that was my first tv couple that i liked...
          cant remember the year it started, but i was alot younger..

          hope everyone has a merry shipmas
          hopefully the new year brings us something
          RESOLUTION!! People can only hang on for so long!!!

          peace out
          "Imagination is more important than knowledge"

          sig by RepliCartertje


            Originally posted by Mala50 View Post
            You can't have too many wedding pics, can you? Here's a quick updated version of the POV wedding pic (sort of?) but with a 'Christmassy' look just for today...


            I just got back and found this!!!! Mala was very good to us!

            And I just found this too! Sasusc was also very good to us!
            Originally posted by Sasusc View Post
            Only four more minutes, and I was able to make this!


              Why wouldn't I be good to you guys? I love you all!

              (((((((Shipper Family)))))))))

              **peaks around the corner and drops a present**

              **runs aways**


                Originally posted by SamO'Neill View Post
                Thanks for all of your kind words. You see why I want to stay with you all? You are all so nice and supportive!
                ((((Hannah)))) I'll be thinking of you...


                  Hi, Ship Family!!! Wow! We had a great time on Sunday, didn't we? I know I really enjoyed all the great manips, stories, photo stories, etc. I'm just getting back to the thread today...and it's going to be a quick stop tonight. Thank goodness I'm on vacation for a week after Thursday!!!

                  Anyway...two things:

                  1. Shipmas 2006 Preserved:
                  Call me obsessive-compulsive, but I put most of our great posts and other stuff into Word docs, and I've saved them on my harddrive. I am going to convert them to .pdfs for safe-keeping, and if anyone wants a copy...I'll be glad to share. Consider it my Christmas present to you. To make this simple, and to keep my PM box from running over, I'll suggest this:

                  A. If I have your e-mail address (and you know who you are), just e-mail me and let me know you want The Shipmas Files.

                  B. If I don't have your e-mail address, PM or green me with your e-mail address, and I'll send them to you.

                  It'll probably be Saturday night before I'll have time to send out the .pdfs, so just let me know by then that you want them, ok? And I won't be able to be online much for the rest of this busy holiday week, but I'll do my best to keep my PM box cleaned out.

                  2. A Shippy New Year:
                  A family event has just been scheduled for Saturday, December 30th, the day of our next holiday posting party. Because of that, I won't be able to be here as much as I was last Sunday. I can still open and close the event if need be...but I won't be able to be here as much of the day as I feel I should be. So if someone else would like to volunteer to oversee the day's event, that would be ok with me.

                  Please talk among yourselves and decide what you want to do. In the past, we've even had mods open special threads for us for these events, but I didn't do that this time. If someone would like to set it up that way, that would be cool too.

                  I'll check in with you lovely people tomorrow.


                    So my friend and I were out Christmas shopping today and we'd been standing at this one crosswalk FOREVER, I swear it was like 10 minutes at least. Anyways, so we're standing there and at the same time my friend goes "For crying out loud, change already!" and I go "Holy Hannah, this is a long light!" Of course we just looked at each other and burst out laughing. Do you think picking up on the characters mannerisms is a sign you're watching a show too much? Oops.


                      Originally posted by BrenRen View Post
                      I'm just hoping for some ship in the movies... Hey, it worked for Star Trek TNG, why not Sam & Jack? LOL

                      that's my HOPE too!

                      and that they've snuck in some ship in the last ep(s).

                      sally ~forever forever~




                          i'll take subtle ship over no ship. but i'll take full-on resolution ALL THE WAY TO THE BANK.

                          ship resolution = $$$$$$




                            Originally posted by BrenRen View Post
                            Dropping off a couple more pretty pics... Hope you all enjoy!



                            And that's it for now! Merry Shippy Christmas Everybody!
                            I like's getting beter and beter

                            Originally posted by Sasusc View Post
                            Why wouldn't I be good to you guys? I love you all!

                            (((((((Shipper Family)))))))))

                            **peaks around the corner and drops a present**

                            **runs aways**
                            You don't have to run away for can keep here...just like me staring

                            Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                            i'll take subtle ship over no ship. but i'll take full-on resolution ALL THE WAY TO THE BANK.

                            ship resolution = $$$$$$

                            Ow yeah, that's so tptb has only one option...ship...else not much money


                              Originally posted by JenniferJF View Post
                              Unfortunately, I have an idea. Stargate is a product which can be bought and sold, not just a work of art. By not absolutely canonizing the resolution of Sam and Jack's relationship after Threads, TPTB have kept the options more open, thus probably in their minds and that of anyone wanting to produce more SG-1, making the show more 'saleable' because of the increased possibilities for the future of the ship. As I've said, I think they've given just enough hints for us to be able to believe what we want without making it impossible for 'future owners' to completely mess with things and make up whatever they want.

                              Maybe that makes sense in TVLand... I don't know, but is it good art? And does anyone care? It's probably considered good TV art... (oxymoron anyone? )

                              Which is why I'm SO glad I'm not a Daniel/Vala shipper...I think the next 12 months are gonna be rough on them...

                              Tell me about it....

                              Originally posted by GateGirl422 View Post
                              Good Evening Shippers. Eve convinced me to put a link to my LJ here. I've just finished my Avalon report, and if you scroll down underneathe it is my AT2 one.

                              I've got to warn you though, I'm a rambler so they're... umm... a tad long...

                              So if you have a few moments, please feel free to visit

                              I friended you.

                              Originally posted by Shesmetet View Post

                              Happy Birthday scjon!!

                              Happy Birthday Scjon!


                              Congratulations Sam!


                                Originally posted by RepliCartertje View Post
                                ROFLMAO *hums certain music*
                                Originally posted by SamO'Neill View Post
                                Well, this sucks. I'm going to be away from my ship family!

                                My family is leaving tonight to leave for Wisconsin. My grandmother died this weekend, and we're going for her visitation/funeral on Wed/Thurs. Then, we'll probably be staying up there for Christmas as well. Who knows when I'll be able to get on GW...

                                I'll miss you all! Hopefully I'm able to gain access to a computer, otherwise I'll see you all next Tuesday!
                                I'm not that good at words, so this will have to do ((((Hannah))) take care

                                Originally posted by GateGirl422 View Post
                                Good Evening Shippers. Eve convinced me to put a link to my LJ here. I've just finished my Avalon report, and if you scroll down underneathe it is my AT2 one.

                                I've got to warn you though, I'm a rambler so they're... umm... a tad long...

                                So if you have a few moments, please feel free to visit
                                I'm really enjoying reading your report. You have a great writing style

                                Originally posted by starlover1990 View Post
                                okay didn't really loved my last banner so i made a new one this evening...


                                And what do ya think??? Is it good?? Was little bit unsure about it...

                                Tomorrow i make a WP with those pics i think....i love snow pics
                                Like it a lot

                                Originally posted by sg-1fanintn View Post
                                Hi, Ship Family!!! Wow! We had a great time on Sunday, didn't we? I know I really enjoyed all the great manips, stories, photo stories, etc. I'm just getting back to the thread today...and it's going to be a quick stop tonight. Thank goodness I'm on vacation for a week after Thursday!!!

                                Anyway...two things:

                                1. Shipmas 2006 Preserved:
                                Call me obsessive-compulsive, but I put most of our great posts and other stuff into Word docs, and I've saved them on my harddrive. I am going to convert them to .pdfs for safe-keeping, and if anyone wants a copy...I'll be glad to share. Consider it my Christmas present to you. To make this simple, and to keep my PM box from running over, I'll suggest this:

                                A. If I have your e-mail address (and you know who you are), just e-mail me and let me know you want The Shipmas Files.

                                B. If I don't have your e-mail address, PM or green me with your e-mail address, and I'll send them to you.

                                It'll probably be Saturday night before I'll have time to send out the .pdfs, so just let me know by then that you want them, ok? And I won't be able to be online much for the rest of this busy holiday week, but I'll do my best to keep my PM box cleaned out.

                                2. A Shippy New Year:
                                A family event has just been scheduled for Saturday, December 30th, the day of our next holiday posting party. Because of that, I won't be able to be here as much as I was last Sunday. I can still open and close the event if need be...but I won't be able to be here as much of the day as I feel I should be. So if someone else would like to volunteer to oversee the day's event, that would be ok with me.

                                Please talk among yourselves and decide what you want to do. In the past, we've even had mods open special threads for us for these events, but I didn't do that this time. If someone would like to set it up that way, that would be cool too.

                                I'll check in with you lovely people tomorrow.
                                Wow Melissa, that's a great idea, I gave you my e-mail

                                As for the 30th, I think someone from the US should open and close the day, cause of the time (I'll be asleep lol). As for the day, don't you think it will be ok, just here in the thread? Everybody will post lots, what else needs to be done? On shipmas I started a game to keep things going when US was asleep, but I'm not sure I will be on-line all the time saterday.

