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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by SamO'Neill View Post
    Night shipper family.... I have to work in less than 7 hours...

    Shippy dreams!
    Originally posted by L.A. Doyle View Post
    Yes! I'll make it that far too, darn it!

    Well, I've been going to bed at like 2 and getting up at 5 for the last week. Not fun. The last week has been the week from Netu.

    The more I think about it, the more tired I feel. I may head to bed soon...yeah...I think I will. Night shippers!!!
    Night guys! I'm heading out too! Shippy dreams to all!!


      Hehe, I was explaining "Shippers" to a girl a work today. At the end of definition () she stood there with wide eyes and said "do these people have boyfriends?" We do sound a bit sad, don't we? I explained that we are perfectly normal people, who just happened to be obsessed. Then dished out a bit of a low blow with a clever dig at her Anne Rice infatuation. It was too subtle and she missed it.
      Neep, NZBG, Eileen!

      Made with love and chocolate brownies by Spacegirlnz

      Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko FTW!


        Originally posted by Gatetrixer View Post
        Do they(Military) really say
        "insert name" --why not just pause for them to insert their name? I thought maybe Walter was being too literal in New Order and goofed. Guess not(or maybe Jack's like Walter). I've given and taken oaths and have never said "insert name" or heard anyone say it to me, granted not oaths for Military service but important in their way on the particular day given. "

        Oh, yeah loved the fic.
        Thanks. And no,
        I've NEVER heard 'insert name' said during any officer's or enlisted's oath. HOWEVER, there's nothing technically wrong about doing it, and Jack did it before, so he obviously puts it in , which is sort of a Jack thing .
        I figured I could get away with it....
        Originally posted by StargateSister View Post
        Does anyone have the link for Blue Eyes? Iv'e heard great feedback on it. Thanks to anyone who can post a link...
        There is a fanfic library of authors on this list at because we were once newbies trying to get caught up with fanfic as well. See link at bottom of my sig.
        Originally posted by LtColonelSamC View Post
        my roomies and I went to a Christmas Concert that our college choir held tonight...I too found myself thinking Sam and Jack...his arm around her during the performance, her head resting on his shoulder, going out into the snow after (even though we still don't have any, they can have some in my daydream )...
        And thats how half of my fanfic ideas are born. The other half come when the same thing happens during an episode of the show . Hey, Amanda, ever consider writing?


          Originally posted by SG1-XF9 View Post
          o.k..people...i'm off to bed....!!!!! I had a great night at the hockey game...a lot of beers...(only)'s time for me to says good night and see yout tomorrow...when i'll be subber!!hihihhii!!! see ya !!!xoxoxxoq!!!
          Woohoo...glad I'm not the only shipper who's a bit tiddly wine glass just keeps getting re filled...yummy but my head is a bit light right now!!
          Originally posted by L.A. Doyle View Post
          Kangaroo...ok that's gross!
          Aw, thanks...
          You know, you would not believe how easily that fic came to me! It came together just like that*snaps fingers*
          Then Jack can make her feel better...*squee*
          Why is kangaroo so gross??...Don't knock it til you try it...I've had kangaroo, crocodile, buffalo, camel, and snake...the only thing I haven't had yet is possum...I believe they serve that up in Tasmania!
          Originally posted by Goddess View Post
          And thanks for giving me an excuse to post this:
          Yay...congrats from me too!! WTG!
          Originally posted by NZBG View Post
          Hehe, I was explaining "Shippers" to a girl a work today. At the end of definition () she stood there with wide eyes and said "do these people have boyfriends?" We do sound a bit sad, don't we? I explained that we are perfectly normal people, who just happened to be obsessed. Then dished out a bit of a low blow with a clever dig at her Anne Rice infatuation. It was too subtle and she missed it.
          You know...isn't it funny...if it were a ship between someone on say a show like Greys Anatomy or ER or Desperate Housewives, no one would think twice about soon as you say it's Stargate they all think you're weird...I'm sick of trying to justify why I like SG...I love it so they all just have to get over's my show...I won't say anything about the shows everyone else likes to watch...coz I accept they we all have different tastes...some better than others obviously!!
          Ok...that was my rant for today...I'm off to rest my drunken body...I have definitely had too much wino...hubby just keeps refilling my glass...cheeky bugger!!
          Good night ship family...take care everyone, be safe and be happy...LTS!! (even though I'm still not happy with hubs for going spazzo at me about my desire to attend AT3 in 2008...who btw is trying to make up for the other day...I am not gonna let him off that easy!!)
          "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
          Hug Your Loved Ones!!
          ~Amanda Tapping


            Originally posted by NZBG View Post
            Hehe, I was explaining "Shippers" to a girl a work today. At the end of definition () she stood there with wide eyes and said "do these people have boyfriends?" We do sound a bit sad, don't we? I explained that we are perfectly normal people, who just happened to be obsessed. Then dished out a bit of a low blow with a clever dig at her Anne Rice infatuation. It was too subtle and she missed it.


              Ok, so I was exagerating.

              Chelle, I never told her I was talking about Stargate.
              Neep, NZBG, Eileen!

              Made with love and chocolate brownies by Spacegirlnz

              Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko FTW!


                Originally posted by NZBG View Post
                Hehe, I was explaining "Shippers" to a girl a work today. At the end of definition () she stood there with wide eyes and said "do these people have boyfriends?" We do sound a bit sad, don't we?
                Or girlfriends... Last night the we watched Urgo and 100 Days (got the DVD from the library atm), two of hubby's favorite episodes, and after I spit daggers at what's her name for sleeping with Jack, hubby launched into his list of episodes in which Jack and Sam were 'together'.

                I think he may secretly be a bigger shipper than I am. His list was LOOONGGG (POV, WoO, BtS among OTHERS) ... and included every episode after Threads, BTW

                Speaking of Urgo (and aren't we?), it's amazing how open and outwardly affectionate Sam and Jack are, especially in light of later episodes. I think it's before they are consciously aware of how they each feel about the other and thus don't watch every action as carefully as they ought to. Also, watching last night, I realized that during Urgo was probably one of those times when they grew closer to each other, falling more in love. BECAUSE they, for all intents and purposes, lived together (except when sleeping) for weeks during this episode. Look how close they are and comfortable in each other's presence, and you can imagine them eating, playing, and working in each other's presence nearly constantly while confined to the base. Of course, they were a whole team, but it definitely had a bigger impact on S/J than any of the others .

                What's really significant, IMHO, is this episode is followed immediately by 100 Days, which serves to make 100 Days more poignant. After Jack's constant presence for probably a month at least, he's suddenly completely GONE for 3 months... No wonder the loneliness and sense of loss were so great that she finally had to confront her feelings. The contrast must have been terrible, like suddenly losing a body part.

                And then we get Shades of Grey, in which Jack is gone again. By then, though, I think she'd accepted the fact that Jack wasn't 'hers' and so was better able to deal with her pain. I also sort of wonder if she didn't suspect something was 'up', there are times during that ep when you can see the gears working in that head of hers...

                So no suprise by Nemesis she's a bit surprised Jack would invite *her* fishing (she does act as though he were asking her out) and hopeful and fearful at the same time.... She so wants to spend time with him, but she knows the pitfalls and problems of that only too well...

                OK, enough for now...

                EDIT: Well, I think they were apart while sleeping during Urgo.. Hubby, OTOH...
                Last edited by JenniferJF; 03 December 2006, 02:42 AM.


                  Originally posted by JenniferJF View Post

                  <snip for space>
                  OK, enough for now...
                  Great post Jenn. Made me SQUEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!

                  Aren't they just the best couple ever


                    Originally posted by L.A. Doyle View Post
                    Now, what would THE ANGST Pt. 4 be about? Thoughts? Ideas?

                    Let's I wore two pairs of socks, two shirts, three jackets, gloves, and a scarf....needed some long johns! It wasn't even below freezing....I was still a bit cold! I'm a hot house flower.

                    I went to the Christmas Festival. It's been better in the past, but the parade was really nice. I got lots of candy and beads. I ate some funnel cake and alligator and shrimp on a stick. Come's a festival! You have to get something on a stick!

                    As I watched the firework and laser show, I was thinking that would be something romantic for Sam and Jack to do... The ship is ALWAYS on my mind!
                    Alligator is the best! My kids fight over it since it's hard to come by in the north. It taste like a cross of chicken and veal and is very healthy. Ostrich is very good. Never tasted kangaroo and they are just too cute to eat. Ate buffalo a little more gamie tasting then beef but suppose to be healtier. Bet Sam and Jack have eaten worse to survive or to keep the natives happy!


                      Originally posted by StargateSister View Post
                      I cant beleive you would go to bed so late!! I usually go to bed around 10, 10:30. Why would you go to bed in the morning? Unless you can get up late I suppose...
                      i can get up late...see i just woke up and it's now here 13:47 Pm... so i had a good night full of sleep

                      Originally posted by Goddess View Post
                      I love Blue Eyes! If your new one is anything like it its sure to be gold!
                      Yep blue eyes is a great story

                      Originally posted by hopalong View Post
                      Love all the artwork and manips, everyone. So much so that I have up replying to each individual one, I run out of compliments, they're so great! So I jusy green where I can! I'll be adding my contributions below (another wallpaper/sig set) but first...

                      Awww (((majorsal))), and

                      Welcome Back Nell!

                      And now for the next set. Sig:

                      and Wallpaper:

                      love the new set

                      Originally posted by SamO'Neill View Post
                      Julie.... Her next fic is going to be so incredibly angstyyy... I just can't wait.

                      Maybe I should go read Blue Eyes again for the 45357934578345th time...
                      have you read it so many times


                        Old times...


                          Originally posted by Goddess View Post
                          CONGRATS ON 100 POSTS STARGATESISTER!!!

                          And thanks for giving me an excuse to post this:

                          Congrats on 100

                          and i just had to quote that

                          Originally posted by L.A. Doyle View Post
                          Skating on thin ice, Hannah!

                          I have 31,000 words on my other fic. I want to work on it, but I'm a bit tired. I can't write anything good at the moment! My body isn't tired, but my brain is!
                          Wow so many words already... a long fanfic and it sounds very good...keep writing...i want to see that story

                          Originally posted by SamJackShipLover View Post
                          nop we aren't*cough*

                          Originally posted by JenniferJF View Post


                          OK, enough for now...

                          EDIT: Well, I think they were apart while sleeping during Urgo.. Hubby, OTOH...
                          great post Jenn....and all those shippy episodes, maybe i'm going to watch BtS today, and Threads ofcourse for the good measure

                          And what you said is true, Sam really begon to think different about Jack after 100 Days, and Shades of the Grey. And Nemesis&Small Victories they come closer again, i'm still curious what they did on that other planet when they were gone for a week...only Teal'c and themselves know....okay i've to stop now 'cause my mind is going gutter again


                            Originally posted by dexterav View Post

                            Old times...
                            Ohhhhhh...gotta have this's GREAT!!!!!!


                              Originally posted by dexterav View Post

                              Oh lovely...

                              I want to green ya but can' i will do it later when i can do it again



                                I have to be at work in less than an hour.

                                And I am sooo tired. Darn shippiness! Keeps me up online FOREVER!

                                And actually, I was just reading fanfic while posting. Not even Stargate fanfic. Amazing, I know... It was for my other obsession, HP. A little bit of Harry/Hermione never hurt a girl....
                                my lovely avatar is courtesy of Lies, SamJackShipLover

