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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by starlover1990 View Post
    i made another wallpaper this time for Urgo

    I hope you like it

    (again thumbnail)

    And now i go to's 4.20 Am here and i wanted to finish this lol

    So sleep well all and have shippy dreams
    Gorgeous WP Janneke! Now get some well-deserved rest girl!


      Originally posted by SamO'Neill View Post
      Yup. However, it can wait until you finallly finish the one you've been working on FOREVER!

      Do you think you could finish before new episodes show in the US?

      **is hopefull**
      I can try. That is March or April, right? I HOPE I'm done by then!! That's a really great idea you gave me, just like "Blue Eyes".


        Originally posted by L.A. Doyle View Post
        I can try. That is March or April, right? I HOPE I'm done by then!! That's a really great idea you gave me, just like "Blue Eyes".
        I can hardly wait!

        my lovely avatar is courtesy of Lies, SamJackShipLover


          Originally posted by hope leslie hermnharry View Post
          I voted too...S/J of course:
          Spoilers indicate two fan faves will finally lock lips later in S10. Do you want it to be:
          Sam & Jack [again!] 208
          Daniel & Vala 168
          Daniel & Jack 112
          Sam & Vala 23
          Daniel & Sam 21
          No one! 20
          Sam & McKay 18
          Vala & Cameron 14
          Daniel & Cameron 12
          Sam & Cameron 9
          Daniel & Teal'c 9
          Vala & Teal'c 6
          Sam & Teal'c 6
          Cameron & Teal'c 4
          Total Votes: 630

          Voted. S/J (though I also wanted to vote for Daniel/Vala. I like that ship too.)

          Originally posted by ccdsah View Post
          Wonderful fic alert
          TitleWhiskey Lullaby
          Author: Istalindar
          Fiction Rated: T
          Warning: Major Character Deaths

          Meanie! That made me cry! (though you were right; it is a wonderful fic)

          Originally posted by JenniferJF View Post
          Yes, ma'am. And here it is: Colonel O'Neill

          That's also a great fic!


            Originally posted by SamO'Neill View Post
            Really? THE ANGST Pt. 4? Yippeeee!!

            You just had a good day, didn't you? See, there's your reward for finishing that paper and almost being done with school!
            Now, what would THE ANGST Pt. 4 be about? Thoughts? Ideas?

            Originally posted by SamO'Neill View Post
            40 degrees? Brr...!


            It was around 6 degrees yesterday! We got snow, LAD. SNOW.
            Let's I wore two pairs of socks, two shirts, three jackets, gloves, and a scarf....needed some long johns! It wasn't even below freezing....I was still a bit cold! I'm a hot house flower.

            I went to the Christmas Festival. It's been better in the past, but the parade was really nice. I got lots of candy and beads. I ate some funnel cake and alligator and shrimp on a stick. Come's a festival! You have to get something on a stick!

            As I watched the firework and laser show, I was thinking that would be something romantic for Sam and Jack to do... The ship is ALWAYS on my mind!


              Originally posted by majorsal View Post
              i want to take a moment to tell everyone here that if it wasn't for this thread, i would have prob left gateworld forum (from being disillusioned with the show). you guys are THE nicest group of ppl i've ever met in fandom. sure, we have our disagreements, but i've never been punished for being different that you, or feeling/thinking different than you. this is my family and my home, and i want to thank you from the bottom of my heart.

              ((((((((((((shipper family)))))))))))))

              This place is the best. I've seen a lot of not so nice forums and threads out there...this is the nicest place to be.

              ((((((((((((ship family)))))))))))


                Originally posted by L.A. Doyle View Post
                Now, what would THE ANGST Pt. 4 be about? Thoughts? Ideas?

                Let's I wore two pairs of socks, two shirts, three jackets, gloves, and a scarf....needed some long johns! It wasn't even below freezing....I was still a bit cold! I'm a hot house flower.

                I went to the Christmas Festival. It's been better in the past, but the parade was really nice. I got lots of candy and beads. I ate some funnel cake and alligator and shrimp on a stick. Come's a festival! You have to get something on a stick!

                As I watched the firework and laser show, I was thinking that would be something romantic for Sam and Jack to do... The ship is ALWAYS on my mind!
                No ideas yet. But don't worry, I'll think of something.

                How cold was it there? 50?
                my lovely avatar is courtesy of Lies, SamJackShipLover


                  Originally posted by SamO'Neill View Post
                  No ideas yet. But don't worry, I'll think of something.

                  How cold was it there? 50?
                  It probably was!

                  I've got lots of ideas tumbling around in my head. Lots. Mostly angsty. Cause I like angst.


                    Originally posted by L.A. Doyle View Post
                    I can try. That is March or April, right? I HOPE I'm done by then!! That's a really great idea you gave me, just like "Blue Eyes".
                    I love Blue Eyes! If your new one is anything like it its sure to be gold!


                      Love all the artwork and manips, everyone. So much so that I have up replying to each individual one, I run out of compliments, they're so great! So I jusy green where I can! I'll be adding my contributions below (another wallpaper/sig set) but first...

                      Awww (((majorsal))), and

                      Welcome Back Nell!

                      And now for the next set. Sig:

                      and Wallpaper:



                        Originally posted by L.A. Doyle View Post
                        Now, what would THE ANGST Pt. 4 be about? Thoughts? Ideas?

                        Let's I wore two pairs of socks, two shirts, three jackets, gloves, and a scarf....needed some long johns! It wasn't even below freezing....I was still a bit cold! I'm a hot house flower.

                        I went to the Christmas Festival. It's been better in the past, but the parade was really nice. I got lots of candy and beads. I ate some funnel cake and alligator and shrimp on a stick. Come's a festival! You have to get something on a stick!

                        The ship is ALWAYS on my mind!
                        Hmmmm... Juust the other day I was walking aroungd the house in just my undiesit was that hot!! Thank God Its not that much of a hideous sight!!

                        I heard about your festival!! CANDY..... YUM!!!! But you ate real alligator!? YUCK!!!!!

                        I know what you mean bout da ship!! I hear a nice, shippy song and the first thing I think is SAM AND JACK!!! I HAVE TO TELL THE SHIPPERS!!! Of course, I never do!!
                        WHY?? WHY??
                        And many thanks to Anneleis for this spectacular sig!!


                          Originally posted by L.A. Doyle View Post
                          It probably was!

                          I've got lots of ideas tumbling around in my head. Lots. Mostly angsty. Cause I like angst.
                          Lots of ideas? Yay....

                          You like angst? No way! ME TOO!

                          I'll think up some angsty ideas for you, LA.... just because I care..

                          EDIT: And alligator? Ew...
                          my lovely avatar is courtesy of Lies, SamJackShipLover


                            Originally posted by Goddess View Post
                            I love Blue Eyes! If your new one is anything like it its sure to be gold!
                            Julie.... Her next fic is going to be so incredibly angstyyy... I just can't wait.

                            Maybe I should go read Blue Eyes again for the 45357934578345th time...
                            my lovely avatar is courtesy of Lies, SamJackShipLover


                              Originally posted by Goddess View Post
                              I love Blue Eyes! If your new one is anything like it its sure to be gold!
                              It's got a LOT more angst...they're not already together...and it's already a lot longer. It's more team centered, but it's got heaps of SJ in it. It's going to be different, but hopefully good.

                              Originally posted by StargateSister View Post

                              I heard about your festival!! CANDY..... YUM!!!! But you ate real alligator!? YUCK!!!!!
                              WHY?? WHY??
                              Yes, I did! Tastes like chicken, sort of.


                                Originally posted by SamO'Neill View Post
                                Julie.... Her next fic is going to be so incredibly angstyyy... I just can't wait.

                                Maybe I should go read Blue Eyes again for the 45357934578345th time...
                                o.k..maybe i'm drunk but can someone tell me why i love sam and jack so much!!??!!?!?!???! is it because they looked like me a AU!!?!?!??!?!

