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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by Rachel500 View Post
    I agree with you in S9. I think from a character perspective Sam is much more comfortable in her own skin but not at all comfortable being back at the SGC at first. I think she's happy that professionally she no longer has to 'prove' herself too much as a soldier and a scientist and obviously she's resolved her personal life angst and is living happily ever after with Jack.
    Except for the 'Jack scenes' and certain bits in Beachhead and EDM , the first scene I really liked from S9 was in 4th Horseman when
    Sam and Dr. Lee are working in the lab and he's going on about her wanting to prove herself after returning from Area 51 and she has already put the earphones in her ears and started working. She isn't concerned anymore about 'proving herself' and is just there to do the best job she can. I also like the way she's constantly in and out of the lab in that ep, as if she actually now has a life outside the lab.

    BTW, I think her relationship with Jack was also confirmed in the way she squirmed when Orlin talked about them having a relationship after he grew up. Less embarassment because 'its weird thinking about a kid that way' and more awkwardness because 'I've got another relationship now and I can't even tell you about it even though you've just sacrificed everything for me.'

    However, I do think that in Tin Man, her outraged 'Colonel' is at the thought of Harlan leering at her naked bod though rather than because Harlan calls her female....
    Yeah, but it sounds like she's protesting being called a girl and it always makes me giggle.


      Originally posted by nogigglingmajor View Post

      Sorry, in the middle of a SJ ship marathon and am totally not thinking...I forgot to ost the link!
      OMG...that was just beautiful...the music was beautiful...the pics were beautiful...I'm stunned...well done ngm!!
      "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
      Hug Your Loved Ones!!
      ~Amanda Tapping


        Ok ship family...I've been here too long...need to go to Samanda then head for's taken me nearly 2 hours to catch up on all the posts...I couldn't read them all last night...went to bed at 10pm...which by my standards is early...and I still feel totally buggered...I only get 1 day off this week...but that's ok...I get 2 weekends off after this week...yay...I'm off to spend a weekend with my bestest girlfriends in the city to celebrate our friendship...we've been buddies for 20 years now...we met at high school...then the following weekend Niki and I go to our first lots wonder my heart is playing funny buggers!!
        Good night ship family...take care and be safe...sweeet shippy dreams everyone!!

        Oh yeah...almost forgot....Congrats to all milestoners and welcome to all newbies!!!
        Night everyone!
        Last edited by Chelle DB; 22 October 2006, 03:58 AM. Reason: forgot something!!
        "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
        Hug Your Loved Ones!!
        ~Amanda Tapping


          Originally posted by Sasusc View Post
          I'm not sure exactly why, but I do know that it hasn't been allowing people to upload anything.

          EDIT: Yay! 800 posts! I just realized I missed my 800 post.
          Congrats on 800 Sasusc


            Originally posted by kinzeb View Post
            Delurking Alert!!!!

            Hello fellow shippers, although I never post, I'm always here lurking about...

            Which brings me to the reason for delurking.....March is a LONG way off, I've been through all the DVD's again. So looks like I'm going to HAVE to go ahead a purchase some SG-1 novels. I know this has been brought up before, but any recs for which SG-1 novels to purchase?? Of course they don't have to be "shippy", but then again I am a shipaholic. I would appreciate recommendations from anyone that has read any of the novels.

            While I am being "brave" and have delurked, let me take this time to say a big THANK YOU to all you talented shippers out there for the pics, poster, fanfics, and music vids!! You all are so great!!

            Welcome to the family Kinzeb


              Here's the poster that I was too pooped last night to do after doing that manip...

              Click image to enlarge


                Originally posted by Nolamom View Post
                Here's the poster that I was too pooped last night to do after doing that manip...

                Click image to enlarge
                Good one


                  Congrats on 800 Sasusc !!!


                    Congrats on the milestone, Sasusc!
                    Women of the Gate LJ Community.
                    My Stargate Fanfiction. My LiveJournal.


                      Originally posted by nell View Post
                      A Hathor observation:

                      Notice how TPTB wrote the script for Sam to check Jack's "wound" following his time in the sarcophagus instead of Doctor Frasier! Although I did not view this scene as shippy, clearly TPTB were so adding another layer to the foundation of Sam and Jack Ship in this first season!
                      Yeah so true...even if you don't see it as something shippy...I DO!!! but than again I see everything as something shippy...
                      And I think the fact is that Sam checks out Jack's wound as first is because she is worried about...cause if it doesn't heal properly he would never wear that sweet little tanktop...oooh wait that is the wrong episode lol

                      ok now serious...I think she really is worried about him cause she does have some small feelings for him...and well she doesn't want anything to happen to him...and it is not cause they are in the air-force and look out for their team-member...for me it is something more...It is the beggining of their love to eachother. And if TPTB say there wasn't ship in season 1...well I think they need new glasses...ok maybe they didn't really write it in but it is there...the little details tell me they did want it in there...

                      Originally posted by SG1Poz View Post
                      You're sad.?. I just had to type an email to the Avalon folk who were nice enough to extended my reservation a month to see if I'd be able to go after this surgery,to say I couldn't make it. I could cry and probably will when that weekend comes around and I'll be sitting here thinking I should have been there *sniff* That was a once in a life time trip for me I'm sick to my stomach that I can't make it I was so happy when we got in that day. It's just my bad luck again
                      That is so sad...I am so sorry to hear is not enough that you had surgery but you can not go to Avalon...well people who are going you know what to do for Maria eh...
                      And you know what girl...if you want we can make this weekend here in a nice weekend with lots of goodies so you don't feel to sad...just know your family is here...if you feel down... and I hope you can get your hand on some pictures of Avalon...

             is it now on the new MGM site...logged in already?

                      Originally posted by nogigglingmajor View Post

                      Sorry, in the middle of a SJ ship marathon and am totally not thinking...I forgot to ost the link!

                      Oh this is such a sad vid...what is it with everyone these days and making sad music vids...I just also made a Sam/Janet vid and it is also a bit sad...wasn't actually my intention but well everytime there is Janet in it I feel a bit sad...
                      But the vid is awsome...I love stills...tell your friend it is an awsome vid...and that she can always make more


                        Originally posted by GateSeeker2 View Post
                        Why, thank you. And, yes...I took it from S1 through to S10.

                        Thanks y'all for your patience...hope I din't hog the posty/chat thing too much. Hope someone follows it! Heck, I hope I have time to follow it. I want to make the most of the ship before it airs again in March.

                        Oh and on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday you need to watch 2 epis on those days! But I don't think that will pose a problem for us hard core gaters!
                        ok I noticed it already has been said that the children of the gods are actually 2 in Belgium they were also showed seperatly on tv...I remeber that...

                        Ok now a little question...we are going to watch an ep every day and discuss it here?!? Ok just to let you know I will never be able to follow that...FCOL I can hardly follow this weekly ep discussion...gotto love work...
                        Ok so now my little question...the discussions every week are actually totally pointless than right...So do I still keep doing them? Or can we just stop them?

                        Originally posted by Sasusc View Post
                        I'm not sure exactly why, but I do know that it hasn't been allowing people to upload anything.

                        EDIT: Yay! 800 posts! I just realized I missed my 800 post.

                        CONGRATULATIONS ON REACHING 800!!!

                        Originally posted by kinzeb View Post
                        Delurking Alert!!!!

                        Hello fellow shippers, although I never post, I'm always here lurking about...

                        Which brings me to the reason for delurking.....March is a LONG way off, I've been through all the DVD's again. So looks like I'm going to HAVE to go ahead a purchase some SG-1 novels. I know this has been brought up before, but any recs for which SG-1 novels to purchase?? Of course they don't have to be "shippy", but then again I am a shipaholic. I would appreciate recommendations from anyone that has read any of the novels.

                        While I am being "brave" and have delurked, let me take this time to say a big THANK YOU to all you talented shippers out there for the pics, poster, fanfics, and music vids!! You all are so great!!

                        Welcome to the family Kinzeb!!!

                        Nice of you to delurk and please come here more often...and no lurking anymore eh
                        if you have any questions feel free to ask them or pm someone from the family


                          Originally posted by chelle db View Post
                          I've noticed that a lot of sci-fi guys have names that start with J...
                          James T Kirk
                          Jean Luc Piccard
                          Jack O'Niell
                          John Sheppard
                          Jonathon Archer
                          Jacob Carter

                          Can't think of anymore at that moment...who else is there??
                          Johnathon Frakes, who plays Commander William Riker and is Jean Luc Picard's second in command. *is a trekkie*.

                          Delurking Alert!!!!

                          Hello fellow shippers, although I never post, I'm always here lurking about...

                          Which brings me to the reason for delurking.....March is a LONG way off, I've been through all the DVD's again. So looks like I'm going to HAVE to go ahead a purchase some SG-1 novels. I know this has been brought up before, but any recs for which SG-1 novels to purchase?? Of course they don't have to be "shippy", but then again I am a shipaholic. I would appreciate recommendations from anyone that has read any of the novels.

                          While I am being "brave" and have delurked, let me take this time to say a big THANK YOU to all you talented shippers out there for the pics, poster, fanfics, and music vids!! You all are so great!!
                          Welcome kinzeb.

                          Were is that picture in Metamorphis if sam and jack holding hands? Has anyone got a freeze frame of it they can post?

                          As for that caption, how about "Umm... he really needs to shave but oh well" Sam thought shruging, as she began to lean in to him.

                          (((((SG1 Poz))))))
                          sigpicI love the Lord my God with all my heart!!!! Save stargate sg1!!!! Let us shippers have a good resolution please!!!! My fanfiction there's more to come!
                          My GW fanfiction-
                 c2 community sam/jack relationship community.
                          Now is the time for us to shine, to shine with the power of Christ Divine! The Lord has promised us revival and it WILL come!


                            its raining here today and is miserable.
                            sigpicI love the Lord my God with all my heart!!!! Save stargate sg1!!!! Let us shippers have a good resolution please!!!! My fanfiction there's more to come!
                            My GW fanfiction-
                   c2 community sam/jack relationship community.
                            Now is the time for us to shine, to shine with the power of Christ Divine! The Lord has promised us revival and it WILL come!


                              Originally posted by RepliCartertje View Post
                              ok I noticed it already has been said that the children of the gods are actually 2 in Belgium they were also showed seperatly on tv...I remeber that...

                              Ok now a little question...we are going to watch an ep every day and discuss it here?!? Ok just to let you know I will never be able to follow that...FCOL I can hardly follow this weekly ep discussion...gotto love work...
                              Ok so now my little question...the discussions every week are actually totally pointless than right...So do I still keep doing them? Or can we just stop them?

                              I think we keep up with the 1 ep a week discussions. And people who really have too much time can follow GateSeekers schedule and watch (and maybe talk about) all eps. But I would assume that for most of us that is undoable (lol is that a word??).

                              BTW, I've found a funny little vid on Youtube. No ship, but team. Singing in Stargate


                                I'm watching S2 atm, a matter of time. And right in the beginning there's the cutest conversation between our favourite couple

                                Jack asking Sam about wormwholes, and they are wispering. Sweet. This is Sam smiling at Jack, when he's sooo not getting it:


