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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Thought about fanfiction:

    As a relative newbie, it is REALLY hard to keep up with y'alls fanfic. As in, trying to figure out how names correlate to pens, gather sites... Yeah, I know it's in sigs, but still.

    SO... (get to the point) Anyone else interested in forming a C2 community on Specifically for those of us here writing fanfic? We could call it something like Gateworld S&J Shippers. Pithy, no?

    This is assuming there is not one already that I don't know about. If there is one already, specifically for us, let me know so I can find it. If not, I'd be willing to set it up and add those folks I know about, and anyone else interested could PM me with their info. What I'd like to do is add all the authors here as C2 staff so you can just add your stories as they're uploaded.

    See how this would cleverly give me only one place to start looking for fanfiction on instead of LOTS. And other newbies would have a reading library all ready to go.

    And if y'all liked this idea, we could also add some folks who aren't here if enough people here really like their stuff.



      Originally posted by JenniferJF
      Thought about fanfiction:

      As a relative newbie, it is REALLY hard to keep up with y'alls fanfic. As in, trying to figure out how names correlate to pens, gather sites... Yeah, I know it's in sigs, but still.

      SO... (get to the point) Anyone else interested in forming a C2 community on Specifically for those of us here writing fanfic? We could call it something like Gateworld S&J Shippers. Pithy, no?

      This is assuming there is not one already that I don't know about. If there is one already, specifically for us, let me know so I can find it. If not, I'd be willing to set it up and add those folks I know about, and anyone else interested could PM me with their info. What I'd like to do is add all the authors here as C2 staff so you can just add your stories as they're uploaded.

      See how this would cleverly give me only one place to start looking for fanfiction on instead of LOTS. And other newbies would have a reading library all ready to go.

      And if y'all liked this idea, we could also add some folks who aren't here if enough people here really like their stuff.


      That's a BRILLIANT idea! I too am not sure if there already is a community... but if not LET'S START ONE!!!!!!!!!!
      Edward ~ "And so the Lion fell in love with the Lamb."
      Bella ~ "What a stupid Lamb."
      Edward ~ "What a sick, masochistic Lion."


        Originally posted by Rachel500
        Now I think that's probably how the air force would view Sam and Jack after all these years - as truly rare and valuable officers who should be viewed as a package deal rather than as a problem and hence a bending of the rules (if the regs continued to apply to them post-S8) would be OK.

        I can actually so see...minific alert!


        Jack straightened to his full height in front of the President. Hayes took a moment to appeciate what an impressive sight the General made in his dress blues and how intimidating O'Neill could actually be when he was on a mission; which he clearly was. The man wanted to retire and Hayes figured it was going to be an all-out fight to get O'Neill to stay; they couldn't afford to lose him even if the galaxy was relatively safe after their defeat of the Goa'ulds and the Replicators.

        Jack cleared his throat and fingered the inside of his air force cap. 'Sir, with respect, I want to retire.'

        'Why?' Hayes asked bluntly.

        'Because I came back to the defeat the Goa'uld and I'm done.' Jack said stubbornly. Not for the first time he inwardly cursed Hayes for insisting that only he could make the decision about Jack's request for retirement.

        'And?' Hayes prompted waving a hand at the bemused General.

        'And?' Jack repeated. 'There is no and.'

        'There's always an 'and'.' Hayes said with assurance.

        'No, there's not.' Jack shot back.

        'Yes, there is.' Hayes insisted.

        'No, there's not.'



        Both men took a moment to assimilate their exchange and wonder at how quickly it had degenerated. Jack figured that was his fault; he couldn't see the President engaging in school-yard back and forth that often.

        Hayes smiled. 'I'm going to make you a deal, Jack.'

        'No deal.' Jack said forcefully. 'I just want to retire.'

        'Here's the deal, Jack.' Hayes leaned forward over his desk and pinned Jack with a piercing blue gaze. 'You tell me the real reason you want to retire and I'll agree to it.' His smile turned slightly feral. 'If you don't, you can consider your request denied.'

        Jack took a moment to admire the man's strategy before wondering whether threatening the President with physical injury would do him any good. Probably not. His thoughts drifted briefly to the woman anxiously waiting for him back at the hotel.

        Hayes watched Jack struggle with his decision and saw the moment of capitulation in the brown eyes. 'Well?' he prompted.

        Jack sighed and looked down briefly at the floor before his eyes snapped back to the President's. 'I have...feelings,' he settled on the word, 'for an officer under my command.' He saw Hayes' eyes widen in realisation. 'But nothing has ever happened.'

        'But you want it to.' Hayes remarked as he leaned back in his chair in satisfaction.

        'If I retire, we can pursue that relationship.' Jack confirmed, shifting uncomfortable with the discussion.

        Hayes regarded him for a long moment. 'I take it the officer in question is Colonel Carter?'

        Jack's eyes widened a little in alarm. 'Sir...'

        Hayes waved away his worry. 'Jack, what if I told you, you didn't have to retire?'

        Jack blinked at him. 'Excuse me, sir?'

        'What if I told you that both you and Colonel Carter are considered to be both unique and vital to the ongoing security of this planet? That we consider you both invaluable?'

        'So...?' Jack gestured unsure where Hayes was going with his comments; to Jack's mind, being considered unique and invaluable didn't sound good; it sounded like he wasn't going to get permission to retire.

        'That if you were to tell me that you and the Colonel are a package deal, and we either get both of you or neither of you,' Hayes spread his hands, 'I don't see how I could possibly do anything but make an exception.'

        'An exception?' Jack repeated unsure he'd just heard the President correctly.

        'An exception.' Hayes repeated, dangling the bait a little bit more.

        Jack turned over the offer in his head. Sam and him still in the air force but together keeping the planet safe as always. He knew Sam would like it; she hadn't really been happy at the idea of him retiring, insisted they flip a coin on who got to stay in the military. He'd fixed the result, of course; he wasn't about to ruin her career but maybe he could still stay and do the job he loved too. His brown eyes shifted into merriment. 'Sir, there's something you should know...'

        'Yes, General?' Hayes said formally tongue firmly planted in cheek.

        'Me and Colonel Carter, sir,' Jack started smiling, 'we're a package deal.'

        Hayes grinned back at him. 'Well, it's about time, Jack.'

        Geez, what's it with ya'll stealing my ideas today. But in my universe:

        The president calls to invite him to dinner--again--after receiving a copy of his letter of resignation from Hammond. And suggests Jack bring a date. At Jack's stunned silence, then stammered, "Date, sir?" the president responds, "Yes, before we put this retirement through I thought I should discuss some other options with you and Colonel Carter..."

        This also allows for some Lincoln Bedroom stuff...

        But I do have to ask, Rachel, how Jack managed to cheat on the coin toss. Because he knows who really is irreplaceable.
        Yasureyabetcha I do!

        Of course they'd make an exception. I mean, they made an exception. Which is why hubbie and I just assumed they were together now. It's the only thing that makes sense.

        Ironically, its TPTBs wariness about breaking the TV "rule" about ship resolution that is preventing an absolute canon resolution. That's all I'm going to say about that... (Thank god, I hear y'all say)


          Lol Jennifer, its interesting to read this storyline from the military perspective.
          sigpicI love the Lord my God with all my heart!!!! Save stargate sg1!!!! Let us shippers have a good resolution please!!!! My fanfiction there's more to come!
          My GW fanfiction-
 c2 community sam/jack relationship community.

          Now is the time for us to shine, to shine with the power of Christ Divine! The Lord has promised us revival and it WILL come!


            I mean the s/j storyline.
            sigpicI love the Lord my God with all my heart!!!! Save stargate sg1!!!! Let us shippers have a good resolution please!!!! My fanfiction there's more to come!
            My GW fanfiction-
   c2 community sam/jack relationship community.
            Now is the time for us to shine, to shine with the power of Christ Divine! The Lord has promised us revival and it WILL come!


              Originally posted by nell
              All staff report to the Gate Room.
              Not in the middle of my back.....oops, wrong episode!
              Jack, stop being such an a$$.
              Indeed O'Neill.
              Reporting as called, Sir!
              General Hammond, if I may, Sir, why did you call us here?
              Because I'm the general and I can do anything **cough** nevermind, son.
              CONGRATS TO SG-1FANINTN FOR 2900 POSTS!!!

              ****I was inspired by lesleyp's smilie stories!****

              I'm never gonna catch up.

              Lesleyp: And I must say- another proud moment
              couldn't just let it go by could ya?
              Lesleyp: Nope...good job Nell.
              Jack! I'm tangled on a log again....
              Lesleyp: Not touching that one with a ten foot fishing pole
              She meant her fishing line
              Lesleyp: I know what she meant, whatdya think I meant?
              Lesleyp: Exactly
              Last edited by Lesleyp; 05 October 2006, 03:47 AM.
              Sig. made by RepliCarterje just for me
              Get RDA on Canada's Walk of Fame: Click this link to find out how
              Love dogs? Have it in your heart for a big barrel of love? Go to


                Originally posted by Rachel500
                Now I think that's probably how the air force would view Sam and Jack after all these years - as truly rare and valuable officers who should be viewed as a package deal rather than as a problem and hence a bending of the rules (if the regs continued to apply to them post-S8) would be OK.

                I can actually so see...minific alert!


                Jack straightened to his full height in front of the President. Hayes took a moment to appeciate what an impressive sight the General made in his dress blues and how intimidating O'Neill could actually be when he was on a mission; which he clearly was. The man wanted to retire and Hayes figured it was going to be an all-out fight to get O'Neill to stay; they couldn't afford to lose him even if the galaxy was relatively safe after their defeat of the Goa'ulds and the Replicators.

                Jack cleared his throat and fingered the inside of his air force cap. 'Sir, with respect, I want to retire.'

                'Why?' Hayes asked bluntly.

                'Because I came back to the defeat the Goa'uld and I'm done.' Jack said stubbornly. Not for the first time he inwardly cursed Hayes for insisting that only he could make the decision about Jack's request for retirement.

                'And?' Hayes prompted waving a hand at the bemused General.

                'And?' Jack repeated. 'There is no and.'

                'There's always an 'and'.' Hayes said with assurance.

                'No, there's not.' Jack shot back.

                'Yes, there is.' Hayes insisted.

                'No, there's not.'



                Both men took a moment to assimilate their exchange and wonder at how quickly it had degenerated. Jack figured that was his fault; he couldn't see the President engaging in school-yard back and forth that often.

                Hayes smiled. 'I'm going to make you a deal, Jack.'

                'No deal.' Jack said forcefully. 'I just want to retire.'

                'Here's the deal, Jack.' Hayes leaned forward over his desk and pinned Jack with a piercing blue gaze. 'You tell me the real reason you want to retire and I'll agree to it.' His smile turned slightly feral. 'If you don't, you can consider your request denied.'

                Jack took a moment to admire the man's strategy before wondering whether threatening the President with physical injury would do him any good. Probably not. His thoughts drifted briefly to the woman anxiously waiting for him back at the hotel.

                Hayes watched Jack struggle with his decision and saw the moment of capitulation in the brown eyes. 'Well?' he prompted.

                Jack sighed and looked down briefly at the floor before his eyes snapped back to the President's. 'I have...feelings,' he settled on the word, 'for an officer under my command.' He saw Hayes' eyes widen in realisation. 'But nothing has ever happened.'

                'But you want it to.' Hayes remarked as he leaned back in his chair in satisfaction.

                'If I retire, we can pursue that relationship.' Jack confirmed, shifting uncomfortable with the discussion.

                Hayes regarded him for a long moment. 'I take it the officer in question is Colonel Carter?'

                Jack's eyes widened a little in alarm. 'Sir...'

                Hayes waved away his worry. 'Jack, what if I told you, you didn't have to retire?'

                Jack blinked at him. 'Excuse me, sir?'

                'What if I told you that both you and Colonel Carter are considered to be both unique and vital to the ongoing security of this planet? That we consider you both invaluable?'

                'So...?' Jack gestured unsure where Hayes was going with his comments; to Jack's mind, being considered unique and invaluable didn't sound good; it sounded like he wasn't going to get permission to retire.

                'That if you were to tell me that you and the Colonel are a package deal, and we either get both of you or neither of you,' Hayes spread his hands, 'I don't see how I could possibly do anything but make an exception.'

                'An exception?' Jack repeated unsure he'd just heard the President correctly.

                'An exception.' Hayes repeated, dangling the bait a little bit more.

                Jack turned over the offer in his head. Sam and him still in the air force but together keeping the planet safe as always. He knew Sam would like it; she hadn't really been happy at the idea of him retiring, insisted they flip a coin on who got to stay in the military. He'd fixed the result, of course; he wasn't about to ruin her career but maybe he could still stay and do the job he loved too. His brown eyes shifted into merriment. 'Sir, there's something you should know...'

                'Yes, General?' Hayes said formally tongue firmly planted in cheek.

                'Me and Colonel Carter, sir,' Jack started smiling, 'we're a package deal.'

                Hayes grinned back at him. 'Well, it's about time, Jack.'
                Awesome. How'd you know that's what happened? These guys are scaring me Sam
                How's that?
                I think they're all psychic
                Sig. made by RepliCarterje just for me
                Get RDA on Canada's Walk of Fame: Click this link to find out how
                Love dogs? Have it in your heart for a big barrel of love? Go to


                  Originally posted by JenniferJF
                  Thought about fanfiction:

                  As a relative newbie, it is REALLY hard to keep up with y'alls fanfic. As in, trying to figure out how names correlate to pens, gather sites... Yeah, I know it's in sigs, but still.

                  SO... (get to the point) Anyone else interested in forming a C2 community on Specifically for those of us here writing fanfic? We could call it something like Gateworld S&J Shippers. Pithy, no?

                  This is assuming there is not one already that I don't know about. If there is one already, specifically for us, let me know so I can find it. If not, I'd be willing to set it up and add those folks I know about, and anyone else interested could PM me with their info. What I'd like to do is add all the authors here as C2 staff so you can just add your stories as they're uploaded.

                  See how this would cleverly give me only one place to start looking for fanfiction on instead of LOTS. And other newbies would have a reading library all ready to go.

                  And if y'all liked this idea, we could also add some folks who aren't here if enough people here really like their stuff.


                  That's an Excellent idea. I'd offer to help but know nuthin about these Community things. I only started writing late last year and only posted to GW until their uploader went down, so gave a try. I'll follow your lead though if you set it up, just tell me how. Ok. Gotta get some work done.
                  Give you all a break from the smilies for a while. Jack and Sam are fishing at the moment so I can get on with my day job
                  Sig. made by RepliCarterje just for me
                  Get RDA on Canada's Walk of Fame: Click this link to find out how
                  Love dogs? Have it in your heart for a big barrel of love? Go to


                    Originally posted by JenniferJF
                    Geez, what's it with ya'll stealing my ideas today. But in my universe:

                    The president calls to invite him to dinner--again--after receiving a copy of his letter of resignation from Hammond. And suggests Jack bring a date. At Jack's stunned silence, then stammered, "Date, sir?" the president responds, "Yes, before we put this retirement through I thought I should discuss some other options with you and Colonel Carter..."

                    This also allows for some Lincoln Bedroom stuff...

                    But I do have to ask, Rachel, how Jack managed to cheat on the coin toss. Because he knows who really is irreplaceable.
                    Yasureyabetcha I do!

                    Of course they'd make an exception. I mean, they made an exception. Which is why hubbie and I just assumed they were together now. It's the only thing that makes sense.

                    Ironically, its TPTBs wariness about breaking the TV "rule" about ship resolution that is preventing an absolute canon resolution. That's all I'm going to say about that... (Thank god, I hear y'all say)

                    And you know, that's it exactly. Given the importance of the two of them, there is no way they'd let one go. A rule would be bent, especially once he took over Homeworld. Come's done all the time - in gov't, military, etc.
                    So you've hit the nail on the head. It's not the regs, it's TPTB that are shuffling their feet. But why we let it get to us, I'm not sure. We all know they're together anyways.
                    I caught one! It's huge

                    Lesleyp: Stop it. I gotta work
                    Sig. made by RepliCarterje just for me
                    Get RDA on Canada's Walk of Fame: Click this link to find out how
                    Love dogs? Have it in your heart for a big barrel of love? Go to


                      Originally posted by JenniferJF
                      Thought about fanfiction:

                      As a relative newbie, it is REALLY hard to keep up with y'alls fanfic. As in, trying to figure out how names correlate to pens, gather sites... Yeah, I know it's in sigs, but still.

                      SO... (get to the point) Anyone else interested in forming a C2 community on Specifically for those of us here writing fanfic? We could call it something like Gateworld S&J Shippers. Pithy, no?

                      This is assuming there is not one already that I don't know about. If there is one already, specifically for us, let me know so I can find it. If not, I'd be willing to set it up and add those folks I know about, and anyone else interested could PM me with their info. What I'd like to do is add all the authors here as C2 staff so you can just add your stories as they're uploaded.

                      See how this would cleverly give me only one place to start looking for fanfiction on instead of LOTS. And other newbies would have a reading library all ready to go.

                      And if y'all liked this idea, we could also add some folks who aren't here if enough people here really like their stuff.

                      That's a great idea! Count me in. A library of shippy nice!


                        Originally posted by Sam_Carter
                        That's a BRILLIANT idea! I too am not sure if there already is a community... but if not LET'S START ONE!!!!!!!!!!
                        Tell me when it's up! I want on!

                        ! All Aboard The Shipper Train!
                        I Heart ! Proud Member of Thunk For Club!
                        Don't wait for your ship to come in. Swim out to it.


                          Originally posted by Lesleyp
                 sleep on nails?

                          I'm sure she meant her fingernails Jack


                          Well there's actually some cultures that-

                          don't wanna know danny boy

                          well sir, there's that sayin about a bed of nails

                          really? how does that go

                          not sure

                          whydja bring it up then?

                          Ok guys, out! Sam and I gotta get ready. We got fishin to do.
                          LOL, LOL and LOL!

                          ! All Aboard The Shipper Train!
                          I Heart ! Proud Member of Thunk For Club!
                          Don't wait for your ship to come in. Swim out to it.


                            Originally posted by nogigglingmajor
                            Tell me when it's up! I want on!
                            So do I! *Is now a proud but humbly modest fanfiction writer for sam and jack.* * I must stop doing dr who rose/ 10th doctor fanfictions!*
                            sigpicI love the Lord my God with all my heart!!!! Save stargate sg1!!!! Let us shippers have a good resolution please!!!! My fanfiction there's more to come!
                            My GW fanfiction-
                   c2 community sam/jack relationship community.
                            Now is the time for us to shine, to shine with the power of Christ Divine! The Lord has promised us revival and it WILL come!


                              Hope Lesley, now you've got the music- which song did you go for?- add the paradise lost pictures and any intros and endings and our names of course!
                              sigpicI love the Lord my God with all my heart!!!! Save stargate sg1!!!! Let us shippers have a good resolution please!!!! My fanfiction there's more to come!
                              My GW fanfiction-
                     c2 community sam/jack relationship community.
                              Now is the time for us to shine, to shine with the power of Christ Divine! The Lord has promised us revival and it WILL come!


                                Originally posted by Rachel500
                                Now I think that's probably how the air force would view Sam and Jack after all these years - as truly rare and valuable officers who should be viewed as a package deal rather than as a problem and hence a bending of the rules (if the regs continued to apply to them post-S8) would be OK.

                                I can actually so see...minific alert!


                                Jack straightened to his full height in front of the President. Hayes took a moment to appeciate what an impressive sight the General made in his dress blues and how intimidating O'Neill could actually be when he was on a mission; which he clearly was. The man wanted to retire and Hayes figured it was going to be an all-out fight to get O'Neill to stay; they couldn't afford to lose him even if the galaxy was relatively safe after their defeat of the Goa'ulds and the Replicators.

                                Jack cleared his throat and fingered the inside of his air force cap. 'Sir, with respect, I want to retire.'

                                'Why?' Hayes asked bluntly.

                                'Because I came back to the defeat the Goa'uld and I'm done.' Jack said stubbornly. Not for the first time he inwardly cursed Hayes for insisting that only he could make the decision about Jack's request for retirement.

                                'And?' Hayes prompted waving a hand at the bemused General.

                                'And?' Jack repeated. 'There is no and.'

                                'There's always an 'and'.' Hayes said with assurance.

                                'No, there's not.' Jack shot back.

                                'Yes, there is.' Hayes insisted.

                                'No, there's not.'



                                Both men took a moment to assimilate their exchange and wonder at how quickly it had degenerated. Jack figured that was his fault; he couldn't see the President engaging in school-yard back and forth that often.

                                Hayes smiled. 'I'm going to make you a deal, Jack.'

                                'No deal.' Jack said forcefully. 'I just want to retire.'

                                'Here's the deal, Jack.' Hayes leaned forward over his desk and pinned Jack with a piercing blue gaze. 'You tell me the real reason you want to retire and I'll agree to it.' His smile turned slightly feral. 'If you don't, you can consider your request denied.'

                                Jack took a moment to admire the man's strategy before wondering whether threatening the President with physical injury would do him any good. Probably not. His thoughts drifted briefly to the woman anxiously waiting for him back at the hotel.

                                Hayes watched Jack struggle with his decision and saw the moment of capitulation in the brown eyes. 'Well?' he prompted.

                                Jack sighed and looked down briefly at the floor before his eyes snapped back to the President's. 'I have...feelings,' he settled on the word, 'for an officer under my command.' He saw Hayes' eyes widen in realisation. 'But nothing has ever happened.'

                                'But you want it to.' Hayes remarked as he leaned back in his chair in satisfaction.

                                'If I retire, we can pursue that relationship.' Jack confirmed, shifting uncomfortable with the discussion.

                                Hayes regarded him for a long moment. 'I take it the officer in question is Colonel Carter?'

                                Jack's eyes widened a little in alarm. 'Sir...'

                                Hayes waved away his worry. 'Jack, what if I told you, you didn't have to retire?'

                                Jack blinked at him. 'Excuse me, sir?'

                                'What if I told you that both you and Colonel Carter are considered to be both unique and vital to the ongoing security of this planet? That we consider you both invaluable?'

                                'So...?' Jack gestured unsure where Hayes was going with his comments; to Jack's mind, being considered unique and invaluable didn't sound good; it sounded like he wasn't going to get permission to retire.

                                'That if you were to tell me that you and the Colonel are a package deal, and we either get both of you or neither of you,' Hayes spread his hands, 'I don't see how I could possibly do anything but make an exception.'

                                'An exception?' Jack repeated unsure he'd just heard the President correctly.

                                'An exception.' Hayes repeated, dangling the bait a little bit more.

                                Jack turned over the offer in his head. Sam and him still in the air force but together keeping the planet safe as always. He knew Sam would like it; she hadn't really been happy at the idea of him retiring, insisted they flip a coin on who got to stay in the military. He'd fixed the result, of course; he wasn't about to ruin her career but maybe he could still stay and do the job he loved too. His brown eyes shifted into merriment. 'Sir, there's something you should know...'

                                'Yes, General?' Hayes said formally tongue firmly planted in cheek.

                                'Me and Colonel Carter, sir,' Jack started smiling, 'we're a package deal.'

                                Hayes grinned back at him. 'Well, it's about time, Jack.'
                                I love it Rachel. I hope you're working on your lovely fanfics! This makes me want to go read some more of your work!
                                my lovely avatar is courtesy of Lies, SamJackShipLover

