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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by SamO'Neill
    I completely forgot about that!!

    Does that give you new drive to write the story, LAD??

    350 Posts!!
    Congratulations to you!


    Gate gal!


      As promised, my tidbit/point.

      I was watching 'Prototype' last night and
      the part were Sam was explaining the glitch in getting to whosit's planet. She said that it kinda made her want to see what was there. Cam said something along the lines of "always wanting what you can't have".

      That made me think of Jack. It's an accurate assessment, wanting Jack for so long but unable to have him. One thing... I got the feeling that Cam may have been referring to more than just the situation. Sam's sidelong look to him at that comment certainly points that way.

      Can anyone else see that, or am I just imagining things (I am rather tired at the moment).


        Originally posted by Lizlove
        I wanted to offer my sincere apology to people her, in the forum, for my brutal behaviour from yesterday. This has just been a bad week so I know next time I shouldn't come in here when I feel that way. Just to say how much I appreciate and love everyone in here and!

        (((((Shipper Family)))))

        Another shippy moment from the Holiday.
        There's that scene when they ask Daniel questions to determine if it's really him. After Daniel's flippant reply about never letting his 'sister' near Jack, Sam and Jack look at the other and kind of nod knowingly at each other. Sweet little moment.
        Lizlove we all have our off days, when our passions get the best of us. Just shake it off and don't think twice that the shipper family doesn't understand. It's a stressful time of the year!


          Originally posted by Rachel500
          I agree. Sam's shock and disappointment in him at the end for closing the iris and effectively killing Elara is clear because he decides to kill someone in a very cold-blooded, rationalised way, displaying a ruthlessness to her that perhaps she has really yet to fully experience and comprehend is within him despite her knowledge that he did 'damned distasteful things' in his past.

          Yet, Jack did warn Elara not to follow them. I always think his words to Hammond at the end in terms of ‘don’t be [sorry]’ could be meant for her as in ’don’t be [disappointed/angry with me]’ especially as it's her that he's directly looking at, in that really intense look between them, when he says them.
          If you look in his eyes, it looks a little teary because he had killed innocent people and he was pissed and wanted revenge. But when he saw the look of horror on Sam's face he realized he had made a bad judgement call.


            I really liked Farscape and I've signed the petition as well, mentioning how much it would also help AT/RDA.
            sigpicI love the Lord my God with all my heart!!!! Save stargate sg1!!!! Let us shippers have a good resolution please!!!! My fanfiction there's more to come!
            My GW fanfiction-
   c2 community sam/jack relationship community.
            Now is the time for us to shine, to shine with the power of Christ Divine! The Lord has promised us revival and it WILL come!


              Originally posted by trupi
              If you look in his eyes, it looks a little teary because he had killed innocent people and he was pissed and wanted revenge. But when he saw the look of horror on Sam's face he realized he had made a bad judgement call.
              I see that look more as comprehension than horror and dissapointment. For Sam is was a wake-up call how things could really turn out from time to time. And I think seeing Jack act like that must be pretty shocking.
              She realises that maybe she could have done the same thing had she been in his place. Sure she's dissapointed he did something as horrible but the rush of emotions in his eyes at that moment makes Sam understand him. In a moment she hates him and forgives him at the same time.


                Congratulations on 400 Posts, Queen_Bee!

                my lovely avatar is courtesy of Lies, SamJackShipLover


                  Originally posted by hopalong
                  As promised, my tidbit/point.

                  I was watching 'Prototype' last night and
                  the part were Sam was explaining the glitch in getting to whosit's planet. She said that it kinda made her want to see what was there. Cam said something along the lines of "always wanting what you can't have".

                  That made me think of Jack. It's an accurate assessment, wanting Jack for so long but unable to have him. One thing... I got the feeling that Cam may have been referring to more than just the situation. Sam's sidelong look to him at that comment certainly points that way.

                  Can anyone else see that, or am I just imagining things (I am rather tired at the moment).
                  Possible and I would have seen it the same way.
                  But if Cam said that than he think Sam and Jack aren't together. So no engagement and retirement at the end of the 200th!


                    Originally posted by ses110
                    The key is less is better.You resolve a relationship and from time to time you show the couple in the relationship and how they handle their work and private lifes.You do not have to show the relationship in every episode and the relationship does not have to take over the Show.Talented writers should have no problem writing Ship.It's not Brain surgery.
                    I agree with you 100%. Now if they would just understand that aswell.


                      Originally posted by L.A. Doyle
                      I've got about 200 words so far. SamO'Neill, you know what time it is for me, and I might have to call it quits soon! I've been up since 6:30 this morning. *is getting tired* But it's coming together nicely.

                      I've seen a bit of Farscape, but not enough to tell you much.

                      ETA: I've gotten up to what would be the end of the teaser on tonight's ep and it's 475 words. That's it for me. It's 3 A.M. Bedtime. Shippy dreams perhaps?
                      Yay! I'm glad it's coming to you so easily. It's angst, right?

                      Ooh, and shippy dreams are the absolute best.
                      my lovely avatar is courtesy of Lies, SamJackShipLover


                        Originally posted by Lesleyp
                        Lesleyp is dancing around showing off her new sig designed by RepliCarterje

                        Don't I look sessy?

                        Wow, lot of sigs from RepliCartertje out there. She makes the best!!! Yours is really nice too!!

                        THANKS AGAIN RCtje!!


                          Originally posted by sg-1fanintn
                          That's the most telling line in their entire history. I truly believe that in that millesecond, Sam knew exactly what Jack was telling her. And what he was saying was, "There's no more Kerry. I still love you and I'm tired of denying it, and I need you to know, even though I'm taking a chance at getting my heart broken if you really love Pete. But you can have me if you want me, and I mean forever and ALWAYS."

                          The impact of that one word, "Always," said all that to me, when combined with the look he gave her.

                          Didn't you hear the same thing? Sure, I knew you did.

                          Sigh. Isn't love grand?
                          I heared (sp?) the same thing!

                          Always Always Always Always Always Always Always Always Always Always Always


                            I've just been skimming through last nights post, since I'm trying (really, really trying!) to avoid spoilers, but I just have to ask - am I to understand that
                            They're actually going with Daniel/Vala ship?!?! Seriously?

                            Cos that would just be wrong...IMHO!


                              Originally posted by shelsfc
                              I've just been skimming through last nights post, since I'm trying (really, really trying!) to avoid spoilers, but I just have to ask - am I to understand that
                              They're actually going with Daniel/Vala ship?!?! Seriously?

                              Cos that would just be wrong...IMHO!
                              Last night's ep really made it seem that way.

                              Can't say I mind that much... they're pretty fun together.

                              Oh, and I changed my signature back. I just missed it way too much...
                              my lovely avatar is courtesy of Lies, SamJackShipLover


                                I just had a horrible thought!

                                What if RDA doesn't come back for anymore season 10 eps? How will they resolve our lovely ship?
                                my lovely avatar is courtesy of Lies, SamJackShipLover

