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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by Queen_Bee
    hey guys
    it is funny how they zoom in on the moebius hand thing, although i wasnt sure at first if i was making to much out of an innocent situation
    but i have come to believe that they touched hands because of the love they shared after threads which TPTB did not let us see, thats my theory anyways


      Originally posted by Queen_Bee
      hey guys
      it is funny how they zoom in on the moebius hand thing, although i wasnt sure at first if i was making to much out of an innocent situation
      but i have come to believe that they touched hands because of the love they shared after threads which TPTB did not let us see, thats my theory anyways
      Yeah to me that suggested that they'd at least moved forward in some way. Pre-Threads Jack had never done anything that intimate before. OK, so he only touched her hand but it was the way he did it - it spoke volumes!
      Sam and Jack... Still the best romance on TV in years!

      My fanfic


        Originally posted by sg-1fanintn
        Nighty-night, Ship Family!

        Sweet, Shippy Dreams to All!
        Hey that picture is awsome Melissa!!!! I love them togheter and especially like that!! Just being themself and talking...I am wondering what they were talking about...

        Sam: So my place or yours?
        Jack: Sorry hun I promised to go fishing with T
        Sam: Oh ok *looks sad*
        Jack: No don't look at me that way...
        Sam:*still looks sad*
        Jack: ok I will tell T that I can't make it
        Sam:*gives a big smile* So my place or yours?


          Originally posted by AmberLM
          Yeah to me that suggested that they'd at least moved forward in some way. Pre-Threads Jack had never done anything that intimate before. OK, so he only touched her hand but it was the way he did it - it spoke volumes!
          I think their relationship moved forward somehow as well, but still, the regs were there. What's with those regs, always in the way of true


            Originally posted by L.A. Doyle
            I think their relationship moved forward somehow as well, but still, the regs were there. What's with those regs, always in the way of true
            The regs confuse me a little. Now that Jack is head of Homeworld Security or whatever is he still Sam's CO and so off-limits or is it like Amanda said a while ago and the regs are no longer an issue?
            Sam and Jack... Still the best romance on TV in years!

            My fanfic


              Originally posted by AmberLM
              The regs confuse me a little. Now that Jack is head of Homeworld Security or whatever is he still Sam's CO and so off-limits or is it like Amanda said a while ago and the regs are no longer an issue?
              Well, in Moebius for sure the regs were an issue-he was still CO of the SGC. As for now...


                Originally posted by AmberLM
                The regs confuse me a little. Now that Jack is head of Homeworld Security or whatever is he still Sam's CO and so off-limits or is it like Amanda said a while ago and the regs are no longer an issue?
                I think TPTB don't even know it anymore...they just use it as an excuse...
                I mean off course there were regs but they were broken a lot...So why use them anyway?!?
                I mean Lam/Landry is also against the regs but they still use it...
                So why can't they just give Sam and Jack what they deserve...there lovelife where they have been waiting on for so many years!!!


                  goodnight peoples
                  finally finished my case study! yays
                  have sweet shipper dreams
                  watched small victories last night, love that ep!!
                  toodles and hugs
                  "Imagination is more important than knowledge"

                  sig by RepliCartertje


                    Originally posted by sg-1fanintn
                    General principles bump!


                    Where is everyone? Watching Eureka?
                    Nope, fast asleep. Having shippy dreams.

                    Originally posted by trupi
                    Hope everyone signed the petition, if you didn't here the site:
                    Done, I'm number 499.


                      Originally posted by Queen_Bee
                      hey guys
                      it is funny how they zoom in on the moebius hand thing, although i wasnt sure at first if i was making to much out of an innocent situation
                      but i have come to believe that they touched hands because of the love they shared after threads which TPTB did not let us see, thats my theory anyways
                      I like that theory too!
                      Thanks to you guys and all the post Threads fanfic, I watched Moebius pt 1&2
                      with the "they're already together"thought firmly in my mind. It brought new shippy meaning to alot of the little things(ie..hand touches, Sam remarks, Jack remarks). A squee would leak out every once in a while and hubby would ask, "What?", followed by my "nutin' honey". Somethings you just can't explain, at least not in the time it takes for the commercials to run.

                      As for the whole "no fish in my pond", I'm thinking if I were a new general with some new found "disposable income", I'd go ahead and have the pond stocked and invite the "kids" up for some R&R .
                      And if the whole "fish/no fish" thing messes with my 21C's mind a tad, all the more fun!


                        Originally posted by sg-1fanintn
                        Nighty-night, Ship Family!

                        Sweet, Shippy Dreams to All!
                        Hey! Mirroring


                          Originally posted by sugarshaker
                          What do you guys think of my new sig? My old one was ready for a shippy makeover, and boy, did RepliCartertje ever give it a good one! And just in time to celebrate my 600th post too.


                          Lovely signature. Really love it, you're amazing RCtje


                            Originally posted by Terrah
                            They're great.
                            So, when are you going into production?
                            I'd buy them.
                            Eum.... production?!?
                            Let me finish my fic first and find other 'ideas' for clothes


                              Originally posted by AmberLM
                              CONGRATULATIONS on getting into Uni! I'm starting Uni in a few weeks as well! Where are you going to? I'm going to Aberdeen. Man I have so much stuff to sort out before next week it's insane!

                              and to keep on topic:

                              - I'm thinking the person who directed Moebius was a shipper, why else have a close-up shot of Sam and Jack's hands touching like that?!?

                              EDIT: Oh I just noticed something about that picture! Jack's other hand is blurry which means that he must have been moving it yet their other hands are perfectly in focus so Jack must have paused his hand over Sam's when he "accidentally" brushed across Sam's hand!
                              In that scene I have the intention Jack wants to grab her hand and never let go. And the zooming in means something because normally Jack would never allow such a touch on base. He could have simply passed the file along by giving her or push it/led it glide towards her.


                                Originally posted by Gate gal
                                I like Eureka too. As a matter of principle, I prefer watching the rerun on Friday nights. That is when it should have aired to begin with, so that is when I usually watch it. Occasionally, I cave and watch it first run, but rarely.

                                To stay on topic, I really can't look at Jack Carter on Eureka without thinking shippy thoughts about our Sam and Jack. Where there is a Jack, there should always be a Carter.
                                It's simply impossible not to have shippy thoughts!

                                And yes, where there is a Jack, there should be a Carter!
                                my lovely avatar is courtesy of Lies, SamJackShipLover

