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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by nell
    Nope, but here's a purple jello story instead!!! LOL!!!

    Good Night, Shippers!!!
    That was so cute! Thank you for the story, Nell!
    my lovely avatar is courtesy of Lies, SamJackShipLover


      Originally posted by hope leslie hermnharry
      Oh yeah...D&C my fav ep after Threads...

      OMG, 200TH POST!!!

      Okay, I will do this officially...

      My *900th* post!

      took me long enough - long live SG-1, long love Jack and Sam


        Originally posted by trupi
        It's the best!
        'City of Gods' will be available next month. *holds precious gift card* I must pre-order....


          Originally posted by trupi
          Originally posted by SamO'Neill
          I'm interested in reading the books. By far, I'm looking foreward to reading 'City of the Gods'. I have heard it is the most shippy by far of any of the books...[/I]
          It's the best!
          ACK! Don't tell me that!

          *I must resist the urge to place a UK order!*
          *I must resist the urge to place a UK order!*
          *I must resist the urge to place a UK order!*
          *I must resist the urge to place a UK order!*

          ETA: Thanks for telling me, LAD! I think I can wait!

          Token ~


            Originally posted by Token
            ACK! Don't tell me that!

            *I must resist the urge to place a UK order!*
            *I must resist the urge to place a UK order!*
            *I must resist the urge to place a UK order!*
            *I must resist the urge to place a UK order!*

            ETA: Thanks for telling me, LAD! I think I can wait!
            GREAT! Just what I need is something NEW to order!

            Could someone tell me which books are shippy? Which books are just plain good SG-1 books?

            And how can I tell which are available in the US?


              Originally posted by Token
              Fandemonium is beginning to sell the SG-1 books to the US market. Right now "Trial by Fire" and "Sacrifice Moon" are available through their US distributor. You can order them here: The other books will be released later this year. I'm still waiting to read "The Cost of Honor". I'm reading "Survival of the Fittest" currently. (I have my sources ) I have enjoyed all the books, and I hope Fandemonium keeps up the good work!
              I have not read "Survival of the Fittest". I heard it is good.

              avatar and sig by flidget


                Originally posted by Kri

                Okay, I will do this officially...

                My *900th* post!

                took me long enough - long live SG-1, long love Jack and Sam
                Congratulations Kri on your 900 posts!!
                my lovely avatar is courtesy of Lies, SamJackShipLover


                  Originally posted by L.A. Doyle
                  My B&N gift card is ready to be used! I've had it since June, waiting for the perfect opportunity.
                  hope my local B & N will carry "Survival of the Fittest.

                  Sam and Jack Forever

                  avatar and sig by flidget


                    Originally posted by SamO'Neill
                    Me too! But I also looove Entity...

                    Congratulations on 200 Posts,
                    hope leslie hermnharry!!

                    Thank you...I'm so proud!!!
                    I love ALL those shippy eps...


                      Originally posted by gatebee
                      hope my local B & N will carry "Survival of the Fittest.

                      Sam and Jack Forever

                      I'm going to get them shipped to school and read them while I'm supposed to be writing lesson plans...


                        Originally posted by SamO'Neill
                        Congratulations Kri on your 900 posts!!
                        Thank you!

                        Okay, now I really do sincerely need to get my butt to bed. Nite all!


                          Nite you all, sweet shippy dreams...


                            I need to go to bed soon as well. I fell asleep during Stargate today *hangs head in shame*, but I was tired and it was Cold Lazarus, and that's not one of my favs. My roommate said "I don't like her(Sara)." and I thought I was dreaming b/c I was dozing, so I rolled over and asked if she actually said that. And she did. She's not a Sara hater, but she doesn't love her either. Sara was good for Jack, but now we want him with Sam! One thing I never got though, was in COTG it seemed like she left him, but in this ep it seemed the other way around.


                              Originally posted by SamO'Neill
                              Me too! But I also looove Entity...

                              Congratulations on 200 Posts,
                              hope leslie hermnharry!!

                              i also love entity also
                              i was watching the audio commentary the other day and they actually note that carter was meant to have a full on hands on fight with jack as she pulls all the equipment off, which i personally would have found very angsty!

                              also in d & c they were meant to say something while they were staring in eachother eyes in the tunnel but BOTH actors prefered to be silent instead
                              "Imagination is more important than knowledge"

                              sig by RepliCartertje


                                Originally posted by Queen_Bee
                                i also love entity also
                                i was watching the audio commentary the other day and they actually note that carter was meant to have a full on hands on fight with jack as she pulls all the equipment off, which i personally would have found very angsty!

                                also in d & c they were meant to say something while they were staring in eachother eyes in the tunnel but BOTH actors prefered to be silent instead
                                Actually, I love the silent angst in D&C. It's awesome! Their both such wonderful actors and their characters have such an explosive chemistry together. It's amazing.

                                As for the fist-fight in Entity, that would have been awesome. See, how come in season 4 they couldn't give us enough ship (which I love) and now, in season 10, they're worried about giving us too much if they give us something fake.

                                my lovely avatar is courtesy of Lies, SamJackShipLover

