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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by Terrah
    I want it all
    SG1 with RDA, SG1 movie and S/J ship lots of BHK's.
    Is that too much to ask?
    Actually, Terrah, I find your request quite reasonable.....


      Originally posted by Token
      I would like to know where you read that because from the following interview RDA seemed very surprised at the allocation of his time.

      From TV Guide Online: (Thanks, morjana!)

      Richard Dean Anderson Marks SG-1's 200th

      by Ileane Rudolph

      TV Guide: I thought they had to beg you, but here you were, ready and

      Anderson: I've had such a great relationship [with the show]. I've
      been a part of this unit for nearly 10 years. Basically, there was a
      lot to miss, because I'm not a real social human being. I don't have
      a big social circle in California. My whole perception of my work is
      that it's my social life as well. I want it to have that looseness
      and warmth and yet still be a professional, creative environment.

      TV Guide: And was Stargate that for you?

      Anderson: It was all of that. It's certainly kind of trite or cliché,
      but this is a family. I couldn't have been happier to have left, and
      I'm equally as happy to come back.

      TV Guide: How many shows are you doing this season?

      Anderson: Five altogether. I just found out the other day that they
      have me doing three episodes of that other show....

      TV Guide: Atlantis.

      Anderson: Atlantis — [Laughs] how soon they forget — and two over
      here. So that kind of threw me a curve 'cause I was expecting to come
      back to my family. Not their family.

      TV Guide: Is it true that the writers are also giving the fans what
      they've always wanted? Jack and Sam getting together, for instance,
      is a major fan wish, no?

      Anderson: Yes, you're right, the fan base always wanted this to
      happen, [though here it's] in a coma or a fantasy, or whatever this
      is. By the way, I'm doing an Atlantis [episode] simultaneously,
      bouncing back and forth all week. I'm the character comparable to Dr.
      Weir, but she's in a coma. And over here, I'm in somebody's dream or

      TV Guide: So you're not really in either place?

      Anderson: Apparently not. Which means, I guess, they're not paying
      me. I never showed up.

      TV Guide: Can we assume that in some of your episodes, Jack O'Neill
      will actually be interacting for real?

      Anderson: Robert assured me [of that]. I voiced my surprise when I
      ended up doing more "Atlantis" [Laughs], [and assured me] that
      there's one [SG-1] episode coming that will be meaty and substantial.

      I would love to see a "Stargate Command" but without Mitchell and Vala. Although I could tolerate Vala, but not Michell. MHO.
      I honestly can't remember. I think it was on one of the news threads. But the reason why RDA may have been surprised was my impression from what I did read was that the agreement for the split of his time was made between Sci Fi and TPTB not directly with RDA. Apologies if this wasn't explicit in my previous post.
      Women of the Gate LJ Community.
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        Originally posted by Nolamom
        We've been at this for too long for them to leave us out in the cold - but I wouldn't put it past them! Grrrr.

        i love it!!! I have a million pages to go through, but i will join the discussion soon!!!

        working on a new vid too..."Far Away" by Nickleback!!! I love that song!!

        Thank you for 10 years of Sam Carter, Amanda Tapping!
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        It's meant to be!


          Originally posted by majorsal
          pray tell, why would it be michael's fault?

          I'm curious, too. Now, I'm no fan of the man, and most of the time (post S4), I'd just as soon had Jonas over Daniel, but still . . . it doesn't make sense that it's anybody's fault except the people in charge, who made some very, very poor decisions in S9 and S10. Oh, and by the way, who refuse to admit it.
          - Mary
          SG1 needs it's Fifth Man - Why should we settle for less? Bring back Jonas Quinn!
          Jack O'Neill would die for any member of his team. But there's only one he'd live for: Samantha Carter.


            Originally posted by Token
            I would like to know where you read that because from the following interview RDA seemed very surprised at the allocation of his time.

            From TV Guide Online: (Thanks, morjana!)

            Richard Dean Anderson Marks SG-1's 200th

            by Ileane Rudolph

            TV Guide: I thought they had to beg you, but here you were, ready and

            Anderson: I've had such a great relationship [with the show]. I've
            been a part of this unit for nearly 10 years. Basically, there was a
            lot to miss, because I'm not a real social human being. I don't have
            a big social circle in California. My whole perception of my work is
            that it's my social life as well. I want it to have that looseness
            and warmth and yet still be a professional, creative environment.

            TV Guide: And was Stargate that for you?

            Anderson: It was all of that. It's certainly kind of trite or cliché,
            but this is a family. I couldn't have been happier to have left, and
            I'm equally as happy to come back.

            TV Guide: How many shows are you doing this season?

            Anderson: Five altogether. I just found out the other day that they
            have me doing three episodes of that other show....

            TV Guide: Atlantis.

            Anderson: Atlantis — [Laughs] how soon they forget — and two over
            here. So that kind of threw me a curve 'cause I was expecting to come
            back to my family. Not their family.

            TV Guide: Is it true that the writers are also giving the fans what
            they've always wanted? Jack and Sam getting together, for instance,
            is a major fan wish, no?

            Anderson: Yes, you're right, the fan base always wanted this to
            happen, [though here it's] in a coma or a fantasy, or whatever this
            is. By the way, I'm doing an Atlantis [episode] simultaneously,
            bouncing back and forth all week. I'm the character comparable to Dr.
            Weir, but she's in a coma. And over here, I'm in somebody's dream or

            TV Guide: So you're not really in either place?

            Anderson: Apparently not. Which means, I guess, they're not paying
            me. I never showed up.

            TV Guide: Can we assume that in some of your episodes, Jack O'Neill
            will actually be interacting for real?

            Anderson: Robert assured me [of that]. I voiced my surprise when I
            ended up doing more "Atlantis" [Laughs], [and assured me] that
            there's one [SG-1] episode coming that will be meaty and substantial.

            I would love to see a "Stargate Command" but without Mitchell and Vala. Although I could tolerate Vala, but not Michell. MHO.

            Okay, that makes me feel a whole lot better for RDA. I read one of his quotes out of context and it made me so unhappy for him!
            I thought when he said he thought he was coming home to HIS family, not there's, that he was referring to the current inception of the SG-1 cast. I didn't realize he was talking about his stints on Atlantis. I have been thinking since last Friday that he hadn't felt welcomed onto his old set, because he had been replaced!!

            That's a load off my mind!


              Originally posted by gatebee
              may I please have the name of the vid too
              Me, too!!!!
              - Mary
              SG1 needs it's Fifth Man - Why should we settle for less? Bring back Jonas Quinn!
              Jack O'Neill would die for any member of his team. But there's only one he'd live for: Samantha Carter.


                Originally posted by Gate gal
                That is basically what my hubby said today. It just doesn't make sense to end it now. The close of season 8 would have been perfect (high note) or the end of season 9 (low note), but why end it just when things are starting to get good? I even had hope for some ship this season. (I know, I'm an optimist.) I really hope
                The Shroud
                was done correctly (shippy) or we may be in trouble.
                Since this is a
                Daniel-centered episode, I seriously don't expect any ship in it. Which is why I'm hoping that Rick is brought back for more episodes to wrap up the series.
                - Mary
                SG1 needs it's Fifth Man - Why should we settle for less? Bring back Jonas Quinn!
                Jack O'Neill would die for any member of his team. But there's only one he'd live for: Samantha Carter.


                  LtColonelSamC: Nice sig!!!

                  Ok just wondering...and actually not on a happy note but what if they don't resolve the ship??? I mean what would happen than?? I can't even thing about it but there is a possibility. I mean TPTB haven't been that friendly to us in the last 2 years. So what if they don't feel like resolving it??

                  Ok I better have some happy thoughts here cause this is creeping me out... Bad thoughts RCtje...get them out of you...out of you I tell ya... THEY WILL RESOLVE THE SHIP!!!


                    Originally posted by majorsal
                    are we trying to save sg1 the *show*, or sg1 the entity? cooper said there'd be a mini series or movie, so if the show's saved, what would happen to the min series/movie?

                    i don't want to save the show *as it is*. but are you saying that you think 'that's' the only way we'll get our resolution? i think we stand maybe even a better chance in a min series/movie.


                    I agree with you, Sally! I don't want to save Coop's version of the show. I want to save Gekko's version of the show.....or take it into a new frontier.....sci fi with HOT RESOLVED SHIP!!!!

                    And back in the gutter we go.....tee-hee!!!


                      Originally posted by ses110
                      More SG-1 news from

                      As part of an in-depth interview with TV Guide magazine, Stargate SG-1 exec producer Brad Wright reveals that while Sci Fi Channel may have announced the series' end after its 10th season wraps up, the show might go on. Promising "a very satisfying end to the season," Wright tells us that the finale is "not necessarily an end to SG-1 by any means." While Wright's ideal is to take SG-1 back to the big screen, a string of TV-movies — and/or a new spin-off series — might be a more likely outcome. "From MGM's perspective, we don't view SG-1 as a television series, we view it as a franchise, and one with a lot of vibrant life," says studio spokesman Jeff Pryor. "There's absolutely no reason in the world there couldn't be and won't be another series that takes part in the Stargate universe." Noting that even Sci Fi was pleasantly impressed by SG-1's longevity — the expectation at one time was to usher it off the air soon after Stargate Atlantis' debut — original programming exec Mark Stern says, "We love this franchise, and if there are other ways to explore this world, we're certainly open to it. This is not the end of our journey with Stargate by any means."

                      I hope a "very satisfying end to the season means Sam/Jack Ship.I would not mind a string of TV Movies.

                      I wish I knew what Brad considers "satisfying."


                        Originally posted by Ship Nana
                        Oh I see! You want it all!! What's wrong with you gatebee?! You want handholding, kisssing, and VISIBLE JACK and all in RL?!

                        Ok, ok, I'm being snarky at TPTB. You know they may not be capable of writing something like that. Afterall, it takes creativity, and writing skills and an overall desire to please the fans! And I think they've forgotten all those things. It's all about THE FRANCHISE!
                        Sounds like MacDonalds or Burger King.


                          Originally posted by Gatetrixer
                          I wish I knew what Brad considers "satisfying."
                          Me too. I can't remember, is Brad one of the more sympathetic TPTB to the ship?
                          always and forever
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                            Originally posted by trupi
                            I agree with you and your husband 100%. I made sure I put all those values in my email to SCIFI. They probably think I'm full of garbage when I said I'll never turn that channel on again once Stargate is finish. They don't know me!!!!!

                            Yeah, I think most of their original programming is of the same quality as "Plan 9 From Outer Space!"

                            Ours is the only reality of consequence.


                              Originally posted by Buc252
                              Since this is a
                              Daniel-centered episode, I seriously don't expect any ship in it. Which is why I'm hoping that Rick is brought back for more episodes to wrap up the series.
                              I think we can still get ship in a Daniel-centered ep. Think 'Fire and Water' for example. There could be a scene where he comforts her. The manner in which he does it could tell us whether or not they're in a relationship. That's all we can probably hope for because you are right. If the ship is even mentioned in the ep, it won't be the main focus. But for sure, RDA needs to be there to wrap up the series.


                                Originally posted by Gatetrixer
                                I wish I knew what Brad considers "satisfying."

                                Me, too. Don't forget that these are the same people who thought the shippers would be *thrilled* with Moebius! Just because they gave us an AU BHK.

                                They really don't seem to understand us at all, which I don't get, because we've been telling them very clearly what we want!

                                - Mary
                                SG1 needs it's Fifth Man - Why should we settle for less? Bring back Jonas Quinn!
                                Jack O'Neill would die for any member of his team. But there's only one he'd live for: Samantha Carter.

