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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by JONeill97
    alright. well, in that case, I'd like to release my joy in this thread. Yes, I'm happy about SG-1 being cancelled. Why? 'cuz it pretty much whacks RCC in the arse. Somebody has to go in front of him and tell him that the ratings for SG-1 went up on the 18th BECAUSE of the fact that RDA was in it. It's very simple. NO RDA = BAD RATINGS!

    You can't just continue a show without the main guy that attracted SO many, no, TOO many fans! He kept the show alive!


    You CAN'T, no matter WHAT show, continue on without the one person that gave the show LEGS. without RDA and his MacGyver fans, SG-1 would have been dead a LOOOOOOOOOONNNNNNGGGG time ago.

    I know some people won't agree with me, but I feel that I HAVE to say this.



    ...but no thank you to RCC for not resolving the S/J ship. I've had it with them. 10 years of itsy bitsy shippy moments. I want the big one! The kiss or the wedding. Whatever it may be... RESOLVE IT, DARN IT!

    (I wanna stop watching SG-1!)

    *phew* alright. I'm done. Go ahead and whack me with the bats now.
    Gimme that bat, but it's not you JONeill that I want to whack. I agree with what you say. Maybe we can whack some sense into RCC and a few others. Just a whiffle bat, though.
    ~ ~ ~mala\suekay sig ~ ~ ~ *Thanks to Mala50 for any caps I post & for her "crankies"*


      Originally posted by ses110
      I saw this comment on another thread regarding RDA's appearances this Year.

      RDA was rather surprised he wasn't in SG-1 for all the guest eps too. In an interview he said something along the lines of "I thought I was going to visit my family, not theirs"... This wasn't said in any judgemental way.

      It seems the Fans were not the only ones who were misled regarding RDA's appearances.This is just one example of the bad calls made by TPTB over the last couple of Years.If this Show has any chance as a Movie or Series the status quo cannot be maintained.I just hope RDA will play a big role in whatever is decided regarding SG-1 and I hope we hear some news soon.
      Not only that but TPTB said he would play a significant role in 200.
      Odo's last wishes: cremate me, put me in my bucket, then shoot me through the wormhole.



        Originally posted by Rogue
        Not only that but TPTB said he would play a significant role in 200.
        It was significant. It brought a lot of viewers in.
        ~ ~ ~mala\suekay sig ~ ~ ~ *Thanks to Mala50 for any caps I post & for her "crankies"*


          So having spent the morning reading the thread and the posts that happened once I went off to bed and having spent the morning contemplating the news of the cancellation here are my thoughts.

          I'm a relatively new member of the S/J Shipper family here on GW although I am a long term S/J shipper. Over the last couple of months, I've been very welcomed and you've all been a definite highlight in what has been a difficult personal time for me with my health; you're now part of my daily routine. I enjoy that the thread is home to a wide range of opinion and that there is a healthy debate across a number of topics to do with S/J, the show and the decisions of TPTB. That vast and wide ranging set of opinions certainly showed up in the posts on the cancellation.

          There was everything from 'I told you so', happy dancing and glee to sadness, anger and rallying cries of 'save the show.' All viewpoints are valid but I admit for me personally reading some of the jubilation on the cancellation, not just on this thread but others, was almost as disappointing as reading of the cancellation itself. Not a criticism - simply an observation.

          A second observation. We all have our own view on why the show has been cancelled. My own is very much in agreement with those that think the producers and writers made mistakes in S9, their major one being that in their desire to 'begin' something anew, they seemed to forget that their audience was made up of long term fans who were tuning in for S9 of a much loved series with much loved characters going through the gate on adventures to battle an alien enemy and with the expectation of fresh new characters and storylines in RDA's absence. That their audience was certainly not expecting to see a complete reinvention of the show with the older, more established characters sidelined in favour of the new and established storylines like S/J ship ignored or messed with (a la AU Martouf). I do believe that the drop in ratings at the beginning of S10 are for a large part a commentary by fans and casual viewers on the S9 format.

          People have said Sci Fi should have let the producers and writers change the name to Stargate Command but why? Sci Fi renewed SG1; its commercial sponsors were buying space associated with the SG1 brand name. I personally don't blame Sci Fi for refusing to change the name at the beginning of S9 because I would have done the same in their place. What I find remarkable is that given the declining ratings in S9 that Sci Fi picked up the show for S10. Maybe they did have their eye on the 200 record. Having achieved it and with the validation of continuing poor ratings they took the opportunity to cancel it. Certainly the timing of their decision is lousy at best, disrepectful at worst. The reason I was so upset last night was at the thought of all the cast and crew ostensibly gathering to celebrate the 200th episode and then being told the news of the cancellation. However, maybe the timing does leave the possibility that the show either finds a new home or at least provides the producers/writers with time to prepare for the end of S10 and wrap up the storylines with some dignity.

          I have to admit that despite my belief on why the show was cancelled, I am personally very disappointed, more disappointed then I thought I would be as I've been expecting the show to end since S6. I think some of that has to do with my recent rewatching of S9 on DVD. I found myself actually enjoying it a lot more than I did when I watched it on first viewing and certainly by the end of it, it seemed to me, S/J ship aside, that TPTB were beginning to address some of the earlier mistakes. Having read the spoilers, reviews and transcripts of S10, they seemed to have continued to do this (maybe not to everyone's satisfaction but at least they were trying) despite any defending of the show in interviews, etc (and lets face it if someone does criticise your work, the natural tendency of anybody is to defend it rather than going mea culpa), so I find myself very much looking forward to S10. Indeed, I find myself feeling that the new storylines and the characters, both old and new, deserve at least another full Season beyond S10 in order for it to play out fully. So it is, admittedly with some surprise, that I find myself joining the rallying cries to save the show and I hoping that MGM do find another network.

          Part of this is because I truly do believe that trying to resolve the storylines as they currently stand completely in S10 will feel rushed including any resolution to the S/J ship. I have yet to see any resolution of any storyline slapped together on the back of a cancellation done well by any TV show and it certainly never leaves the fanbase satisfied. It is certainly my worst fear that we'll get a cliff hanger at the end of S10 and then have to wait forever for a mini-series to tie up the loose ends. I would like a resolution before the end of S10 if S10 is the actual end.

          The other observation I made from reading all the posts, is that the one thing we all have in common whether we like the current format or not, whether we're trying to save the show or not, is that we all would like a resolution to the S/J ship. I have said before in previous posts that I do believe that when TPTB decided to put the S/J storyline on screen, they did create an invisible contract with us that one day, our Sam and Jack would be together. I would like a moment of real resolution between our Sam and Jack that shows they are together and happy before the end of the show. However, while I don't believe RCC, BW et al spend all their time on the forums, I do worry that had some of the producers/writers or anyone else from the show stopped by to see what the reaction was to the news and read some of the more jubilant posts on the cancellation whether they would want to give us any resolution at all. Certainly if I was them, I'd be tempted to do just the opposite and give us nothing at all.

          This is a rather long commentary. My final thought is this: despite the show's current flaws, I find I still love it enough to fight for its survival; I hope MGM is successful in finding another network; and I will lobby respectfully that whatever happens with the show that the producers and writers finish the S/J storyline with a real resolution for the characters. That's MHO, I hope others join me but respect if others do not wish to.
          Women of the Gate LJ Community.
          My Stargate Fanfiction. My LiveJournal.


            Originally posted by Kri
            Originally posted by sg-1fanintn
            Yeah, yeah, I'm really going now. Just spotted this on my way out. It's a statement Sci Fi issued this evening. It indicates that they will be allowed to complete the season...but we still need to write, e-mail, etc.:

            "Ten seasons and 215 episodes is an astounding, Guinness World Record-setting accomplishment. Stargate is a worldwide phenomenon. Having achieved so much over the course of the past 10 years, SCI FI believes that the time is right to make this season their last on the channel. SCI FI is honored to have been part of the Stargate legacy for five years, and we look forward to continuing to explore the Stargate universe with our partners at MGM through a new season of Stargate Atlantis."

            If they're making 215, that would finish out the season, right? Or since 200 was 10-06, does that mean we'll get 21 eps this season?

            Y'all figure it out. I'll check back in tomorrow.
            You know what that statement says to me? It says that Sci-fi knew exactly what they were doing all along. They wouldn't let SG-1 change names after season 8, just so they could help break a stupid record. Sci-Fi helped get SG-1 to *200* episodes, they get into the Guiness Book, and now it's time to call it quits.

            Absolutely incredible. dorks
            You know, after what happened with Farscape, that doesn't surprise me.

            But I like sg-1fanintn's thinking that we'll get the full season. It leaves a chance for our resolution.

            Not that I'm holding my breath...


              Good Day All! New day and a new email-gather all your friends and family( even if they never watch Stargate) and ask them to please take a moment of their time and send a email to the SCIFI Channel. It can be a simple statement as "Please don't cancel Stargate SG-1 or they can be little more creative. However, be specific not rude but stern. [email protected] and here's another email to the SCIFI magazine commentary page [email protected]
              Last edited by trupi; 22 August 2006, 05:12 AM.


                Originally posted by Kri
                and this is what makes the world go round

                chelle db, have you really enjoyed seasons 9 and 10? I am just curious. I tried to watch the first few episodes of season 9, didn't care for the cast changes, but thought I'd try it for a bit. I made it through the first 4 or 5 episodes, and was just no longer interested. I'll admit to lurking here to see if there was any hope for ship in any upcoming episodes. And I came back to watch *200* this week, in hopes of seeing some team bonding, shippiness, and to see what all the hoopla was about.

                I had planned to go back to lurk mode, but I am just wondering with the people still watching, what they like so far about seasons 9 and 10. No attacking, just curious
                Everyone's different, Kri. Speaking for myself, I like what I've seen of season 9 (which is up to 'Ethon'). But then, as long as the characters of a show seem real to me that I can get into them and they emotionally affect me, i will enjoy the show. So while the changes of the last 2 seasons have cheesed a lot of you off, the show is still drawing me in. I happen to like Cameron and Vala (though not together -- I can see Vala with Daniel, again, that's me). And no, that's not because I was a Farscape fan. I've been watching SG-1 regularly since 'Forever In A Day' back in season 3.

                In Cameron, I see someone who was expecting to join the legendary SG-1 under Sam's leadership, but instead thrown into the leadership role himself. To me, all the mistakes that he's made are indicitive of that.

                I don't really know what I think about Vala. I just know that I find her refreshing to watch.

                Am I sad that the show has been cancelled? Yes.
                Am I surprised? Sorta, kinda, not really.
                Do I want Sam/Jack resolved? Hell yes! Fanfic and my imagination can only do so much.


                  Originally posted by divcon
                  That's great news and yes all the eps were shown on 7 but with the late time slot and no advertising I assume it was easy to miss an ep.
                  That's strange, I don't remember season 6 being on that late. It was usually 9:30, and they showed 2 episodes. It was Dark Angel that they showed really late then.


                    Originally posted by Flowerbud
                    I can't say I am surprised that SG-1 was canceled, but I really feel for you S/J shippers. I don't ship S/J. I came into fandom for SG-1 late. I found SG-1 season 9 very boring or annoying and stopped watching the show last year.

                    Robert Cooper and the other producers had almost 2 years to resolve this ship, and they just yanked your chains. Frankly, it just struck me as being very arrogant and having contempt for the shippers. Somehow, I always got the vibe from the producers that serious romantic relationships are a female issue and not worth treating seriously.

                    Clearly, the current PTB made a huge miscalculation. They broguht on Vala, the sex bomb/liar/thief and downgraded Sam. Jack is not mentioned again. Sam could have had a commited relationship with Jack off-screen, the simplest, most satisfying closure, but they just completely refused to address the S/J issue. They steadily lost audience share during season 9, and by Season 10 premiere, they pretty much lost a third of the audience. I would bet you a silver dollar that a large chunk of that audience was shippers and women among the casual audience. It's plain old poor storytelling when you don't provide closure.

                    I have a horrible suspiscion that the PTB consciously decided to drop the S/J ship and use occasional references to goose the shippers into watching without having to actual address the issue and resolve it. And this strategy stopped working. Casual fan shippers simply gave up and stopped watching. They know when they are being disrespected. And, frankly, I think it leaves a bad taste in your mouth. I would never trust these producers or writers again to treat the subject of romantic relationship with any degree of thoughtfulness or seriousness.

                    Once you burned out all the goodwill of large portions of your fanbase, they won't come back. It's like the X-files. Chris Carter always poo pooed any ship between Mulder and Scully and when the ratings were slipping, he threw in some haphazard shipping scenes. I think this acutally created a lot of bad will among shipper fans. Interestingly, since the show's cancellation, Chris Carter has not put out another show since the X-files. I think his reputation has a showrunner and writer took a big hit.
                    Kudos to you, Flowerbud, for this well-thought-out and logical post…

                    DON’T YOU SMILE AT ME LIKE THAT! THAT’S NOT EVEN A REAL SMILE! IT’S JUST A BUNCH OF TEETH PLAYING WITH MY MIND! Sig courtesy of AmberMoon… kneel before your God!

                    WWW.SUPERNANNY.US.COM. Log on. Or it’s the naughty chair for you.


                      Originally posted by Token
                      I would like to send postcards to the various TPTB encouraging them to finish the Sam and Jack storyline. (Postcards make it easy for them to read; therefore, a better opportunity for them to be read. ) What I would like to do is print my own postcards with Sam and Jack graphics on the front furthering my point. What I need is one or more of our creative and willing Family to provide me with such graphics. It can be a collage of Sam and Jack moments, pictures with text (keep it PG ), or anything else the creative mind produces. The postcard size is approximately 4.5 in x 3.5 in. Of course, you have to be OK with me printing and mailing such graphics. I would not use your name unless you want credit. If your interested, send me a PM.

                      Ok I made a little postcard and I thought I share it with everyone if other people want also use it.
                      I put it in spoilers cause it has a pic in it from ep 200

                      Now I am going to start and read everything you guys have been posting!!

                      (((((shipper family)))))

                      Originally posted by chelle db
                      This is why it got may be entitlted to your opinion..but so am normally I am a very happy and optimistic person...but it's partly because of fans like you that don't help keep the show is not the RDA's Stargate SG1...and I just wish people would embrace it as please...don't yell at me or throw rotten food at me...I never go on like this...I don't like to stir the pot...but right now these types of posts are just not helpful...I guess my posts is no better...but there you go...I finally cracked...ya happy now???
                      I'm sorry family...that needed to be said!

                      You are one of the positive people in the thread and I love the things you always write because that makes me smile most of the time!!! I try to be like you but most of the time the negative things get the upper(sp?) hand on me. So we really need girls like you around here who are positive and see things from a positive sight!!!
                      YOU GO GIRL!!! and don't let anything get you down!!!!!
                      Last edited by RepliCartertje; 22 August 2006, 06:06 AM.


                        Originally posted by Rachel500
                        So having spent the morning reading the thread and the posts that happened once I went off to bed and having spent the morning contemplating the news of the cancellation here are my thoughts.

                        I'm a relatively new member of the S/J Shipper family here on GW although I am a long term S/J shipper. Over the last couple of months, I've been very welcomed and you've all been a definite highlight in what has been a difficult personal time for me with my health; you're now part of my daily routine. I enjoy that the thread is home to a wide range of opinion and that there is a healthy debate across a number of topics to do with S/J, the show and the decisions of TPTB. That vast and wide ranging set of opinions certainly showed up in the posts on the cancellation.

                        There was everything from 'I told you so', happy dancing and glee to sadness, anger and rallying cries of 'save the show.' All viewpoints are valid but I admit for me personally reading some of the jubilation on the cancellation, not just on this thread but others, was almost as disappointing as reading of the cancellation itself. Not a criticism - simply an observation.

                        A second observation. We all have our own view on why the show has been cancelled. My own is very much in agreement with those that think the producers and writers made mistakes in S9, their major one being that in their desire to 'begin' something anew, they seemed to forget that their audience was made up of long term fans who were tuning in for S9 of a much loved series with much loved characters going through the gate on adventures to battle an alien enemy and with the expectation of fresh new characters and storylines in RDA's absence. That their audience was certainly not expecting to see a complete reinvention of the show with the older, more established characters sidelined in favour of the new and established storylines like S/J ship ignored or messed with (a la AU Martouf). I do believe that the drop in ratings at the beginning of S10 are for a large part a commentary by fans and casual viewers on the S9 format.

                        People have said Sci Fi should have let the producers and writers change the name to Stargate Command but why? Sci Fi renewed SG1; its commercial sponsors were buying space associated with the SG1 brand name. I personally don't blame Sci Fi for refusing to change the name at the beginning of S9 because I would have done the same in their place. What I find remarkable is that given the declining ratings in S9 that Sci Fi picked up the show for S10. Maybe they did have their eye on the 200 record. Having achieved it and with the validation of continuing poor ratings they took the opportunity to cancel it. Certainly the timing of their decision is lousy at best, disrepectful at worst. The reason I was so upset last night was at the thought of all the cast and crew ostensibly gathering to celebrate the 200th episode and then being told the news of the cancellation. However, maybe the timing does leave the possibility that the show either finds a new home or at least provides the producers/writers with time to prepare for the end of S10 and wrap up the storylines with some dignity.

                        I have to admit that despite my belief on why the show was cancelled, I am personally very disappointed, more disappointed then I thought I would be as I've been expecting the show to end since S6. I think some of that has to do with my recent rewatching of S9 on DVD. I found myself actually enjoying it a lot more than I did when I watched it on first viewing and certainly by the end of it, it seemed to me, S/J ship aside, that TPTB were beginning to address some of the earlier mistakes. Having read the spoilers, reviews and transcripts of S10, they seemed to have continued to do this (maybe not to everyone's satisfaction but at least they were trying) despite any defending of the show in interviews, etc (and lets face it if someone does criticise your work, the natural tendency of anybody is to defend it rather than going mea culpa), so I find myself very much looking forward to S10. Indeed, I find myself feeling that the new storylines and the characters, both old and new, deserve at least another full Season beyond S10 in order for it to play out fully. So it is, admittedly with some surprise, that I find myself joining the rallying cries to save the show and I hoping that MGM do find another network.

                        Part of this is because I truly do believe that trying to resolve the storylines as they currently stand completely in S10 will feel rushed including any resolution to the S/J ship. I have yet to see any resolution of any storyline slapped together on the back of a cancellation done well by any TV show and it certainly never leaves the fanbase satisfied. It is certainly my worst fear that we'll get a cliff hanger at the end of S10 and then have to wait forever for a mini-series to tie up the loose ends. I would like a resolution before the end of S10 if S10 is the actual end.

                        The other observation I made from reading all the posts, is that the one thing we all have in common whether we like the current format or not, whether we're trying to save the show or not, is that we all would like a resolution to the S/J ship. I have said before in previous posts that I do believe that when TPTB decided to put the S/J storyline on screen, they did create an invisible contract with us that one day, our Sam and Jack would be together. I would like a moment of real resolution between our Sam and Jack that shows they are together and happy before the end of the show. However, while I don't believe RCC, BW et al spend all their time on the forums, I do worry that had some of the producers/writers or anyone else from the show stopped by to see what the reaction was to the news and read some of the more jubilant posts on the cancellation whether they would want to give us any resolution at all. Certainly if I was them, I'd be tempted to do just the opposite and give us nothing at all.

                        This is a rather long commentary. My final thought is this: despite the show's current flaws, I find I still love it enough to fight for its survival; I hope MGM is successful in finding another network; and I will lobby respectfully that whatever happens with the show that the producers and writers finish the S/J storyline with a real resolution for the characters. That's MHO, I hope others join me but respect if others do not wish to.

                        Thank you, Rachel. I know this is a long post but I felt I had to quote it in its entirety. Rachel has said very eloquently what I have been trying to say for some time now. Angry posts and letters about what is wrong with the show will get us nowhere. Writing to TPTB may not get us anywhere either, but if we put our concerns to them respectfully they do listen.

                        I agree that the PTB were attempting to address some of the mistakes made in season 9. That proves that they are aware of what we are saying and trying to create a product that will please everyone. If you just want to rant and rave fine go ahead, but Rachel, I would like to join your team and lobby for one more season to give the fans the closure they deserve.

                        Ours is the only reality of consequence.


                          Originally posted by chelle db
                          Yep...I definitely think the ship did a lot for the ratings...I watched it for the ship...even though it was good to see RDA back for a guest appearance, he wasn't the main attraction for me...there was a lot about 200 that had me watch it though!
                          I don't think it was only the ship that got the rating up!! I think a lot of people who watched sg1 and then stopped watching when season 9 aired thought it was a good oppurtunity to see it again. Also the viewers who are not really fans, but just like the show and watch it from time to time also watched ep 200 cause it was a special thing!
                          and also the fact that the old team was back made viewers watch it again. And all the promo's and spoilers that were going around made people also watch it

                          I think it were a few things that made the ratings go up. Now I just hope that the rating keep that high and everyone sees that sg1 should not be cancelled. I think if sg1 has high rating there is maybe a possibility that another network gets interested in it!!! That is something I really hope!!! So everyone keep on watching sg1!!! DON'T boycot sg1 because of can on the other hand boycot scifi but NOT sg1
                          Also don't stop watching atlantis cause imo that is what we should keep supporting cause maybe if we keep watching that scifi will know that sg is alive!!!


                            Good morning SHIPPERS! I had a hard time getting to sleep last night, with my mind spinning about the news. I am SO hoping for our SHIP to come in! A bit surprised at RDA's reaction to his involvement in *200* and it makes me sad for him. He put a lot into that show, and it angers me that he felt like he was going into someone else's family, not his own.

                            Hopefully, he will volunteer to jump into some episodes and resolve our ship!


                              Originally posted by RepliCartertje
                              I don't think it was only the ship that got the rating up!! I think a lot of people who watched sg1 and then stopped watching when season 9 aired thought it was a good oppurtunity to see it again. Also the viewers who are not really fans, but just like the show and watch it from time to time also watched ep 200 cause it was a special thing!
                              and also the fact that the old team was back made viewers watch it again. And all the promo's and spoilers that were going around made people also watch it
                              Yep, I came back to watch *200* for lots of reasons. I had hoped to see my SG-1 again, and was pleasantly surprised to have Hammond's voice with the puppets, as well as the RDA appearance.

                              Whenever there is a chance to see original team members together on the show, I'd still tune in


                                I regard to getting upset that someone said that RDA was the reason the show was no longer doing well...well...if that is the reason that you believe then what is the problem??? Everything is personal opinion. This isn't a quiz with correct answers. If a lot of people feel that it was RDA and he stopping being in the show then it was true... for them. Personally I feel that he was an enormous part of the success and latest failure of SG1. Looking at "200" it seems that if you loved seasons 9 and 10, hated them or were somewhere in the middle...Stargate, with RDA, and the character Jack, is better. I also believe that it was his contribution on the set and behind the scenes that led to the quality of the show onscreen. There was a reason his name came before the title for 8 seasons. Just my opinion.

