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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by chelle db
    Yeah..I did..I am..enjoying season 9...but I think it helps if you watch these things without any high much as I love the ship...I love watching the show for other reasons too...I miss RDA and I also miss DSD and TR...but for me there was something more about the show that kept me watching...AT and MS are 2 reasons and I love the action when they go through the gate...and I love the humour in the show...and I love Vala...I think she's great.
    Please don't get me wrong here...I so want the ship to be resolved...and for me there is only one way...they gotta be together one way or another...but...SG1 is more than just ship for me.
    From what I have seen so far in season 9...I'm pretty happy...not over the's not the same as season 8...but then again season 8 was not the same as season 7 and so on...
    I have only seen 2 eps from season 10...ep 1 and the 200 ep...loved them both!!
    Thanks so much for your honest reply In our back and forth responses, I think you and I can at least agree on two things:

    1. I DO want the ship to be resolved.
    2. I loved watching SG-1 for other reasons that just ship.

    So, here is the question for RCC.... WILL SG-1 GO DOWN WITHOUT THE SHIP?


      I know this has probably already been said, but...

      I don't know if this should be in spoilers, but let's be safe
      Just read that Stargate SG-1 has been cancelled. My first reaction was, "well, I'm not surprised. Ever since RDA left the show, it's been on the downhill slope. Sorry to say it has been slowly dying for the past 2 years, and in my humble opinion, it should be cancelled. Ten seasons is a tall order for any show, especially a scifi series. There's only so many new and interesting things you can pack into an hour week after week. Pretty soon, things begin to get old and ideas just don't come as quickly as they did years ago. And I'm sorry, but after you have a giant man-eating thing running around the woods in Colorado, it's hard to bounce back (end of Uninvited rant).

      I think that TPTB are overlooking, whether intentionally or not, the fact that the reason '200' boosted ratings was because fans thought there might be a chance at resolution for the ship. It's just a fact in American television, that people want a happy ending. People tune in to see something good happen to the characters they know, love, and devoted time to.

      Stargate has been a great scifi show and has had a great run, but I think the time has come to say, in the words of Hidi Klum, 'Auf Wiedersehen!' I think the next best venue for this series is the big screen. Hey if it worked for The Next Generation, it can work for Stargate...with the SG-1 team and Jack of course

      Anyway, that's my two and a half cents worth.


        Originally posted by divcon
        That's great news and yes all the eps were shown on 7 but with the late time slot and no advertising I assume it was easy to miss an ep.
        True...but we got 2 small ads in the TV Week this week and one last week and another a few weeks before.!!
        "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
        Hug Your Loved Ones!!
        ~Amanda Tapping


          Originally posted by Token
          Wasn't that kinda what the Troi/Riker shippers experienced? By the time they got together in the movies, did the fans feel satisfied? I'm not willing to wait for a movie or mini series because until it is "in the can" nothing is for sure.

          I want my ship NOW! *pouts like a three-year old*
          Like L.A. and her college roommate watch SG1, my college roommate and I watched Startreck TNG. We were so sure we would get ship resolution in the final episode. It didn't happen, and it was very sad. I did love the movie wedding, and I want a movie wedding for Sam and Jack. I just would have prefered knowing Troy and Ryker were together by the finale, and that is what I want for Sam and Jack. Proof they are together now and a wedding in the movie!


            Okay kids, I am off to bed. Sweet shipper dreams


              Originally posted by chelle db
              And yet I disagree 200%
              Sorry, I'm gonna go with chelldb on this one. I won't hit you though. It isn't nice to hit family members, but we can disagree.


                well just sent my 2cent thoughts to

                [email protected]

                does anyone have another email address that I can write to

                avatar and sig by flidget


                  Originally posted by Queen_Bee
                  i am P*ssed at 7, i am in regional vic
                  they screwed with the eps last year and now they have it on so late.
                  i guess its just not popular enough here for their precious ratings.....
                  well to them i say ....Meh, i ll get my stargate elsewhere
                  It's been on late for years here in Australia...generally 7 has been pretty good...not perfect...but at least we get to see it!
                  "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                  Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                  ~Amanda Tapping


                    Originally posted by majorsal
                    the ratings for '200' were a 1.9!!

                    and what does that prove? well, first, with the advertising that they did, that rda IS an attraction! second, with the advertising that they did, that ship IS an attraction!

                    *takes a moment to squee*

                    Obviously! Ship is a big attraction! I just hope we get some real ship before the end!


                      i have racquetball the night it is on so i cant watch it and my dvd combo isnt hooked up now so i dont bother
                      plus its S9, i used to watch it for the egyptology and mythology then i became a shipper so i m not really phased whether i miss it or not
                      i lurk here for something like 200, and the future RDA ep or eps
                      but other than that i m happy watching my dvd's
                      "Imagination is more important than knowledge"

                      sig by RepliCartertje


                        Please Tptb Look At The Ratings...rda Makes It Work!!!
                        "Imagination is more important than knowledge"

                        sig by RepliCartertje


                          If RCC gets the green light for a movie you know that there is no way on Earth(or any other planet) that the ship will be resolved in the series. I'm ok with that as long as it is resolved in the movie.

                          What he should do is read the fanfics, there are so many good, nay excellent ways to handle the ship. The fans have hit the nail on the head time and time. We know what we want and we deserve it. Come on, just read some of the fics and even a blind man could see what we want to happen.

                          TOGETHER FOREVER,
                          NEVER TO BE TORN APART


                            Originally posted by Kri
                            Thanks so much for your honest reply In our back and forth responses, I think you and I can at least agree on two things:

                            1. I DO want the ship to be resolved.
                            2. I loved watching SG-1 for other reasons that just ship.

                            So, here is the question for RCC.... WILL SG-1 GO DOWN WITHOUT THE SHIP?
                            I'll agree with those points, too.

                            The question for RCC made me laugh so did Trupi's little cartoon. I needed to laugh. What a day!


                              Originally posted by ljevans
                              Well...I was a huge fan of Remington Steele in the 80's and they cancelled that show without resolving the ship. Thousands and thousands of people, myself included, wrote to the network to complain that we wanted a resolution and closure. The executives listened and gave us five 2 hour episodes to tie up loose ends. Now not everyone was satisfied with the way they ended the show, but we got our closure after they said the show was cancelled and never coming back. As you may or may not know, Pierce Brosnan had already been hired to do James Bond when they came back and said we're doing 5 more episodes of Remington Steele.

                              My point is this: WRITE LETTERS! We don't necessarily need a full season of SG1, we just need closure!

                              Great idea. Just give us a mini series or TV movie so we get some decent closure. Didn't Farscape do something like that?


                                Originally posted by Ship Nana
                                But I'm hoping that since the show had been canceled, TPTB have nothing to lose now by giving us our resolution.
                                There is nothing to lose! Give it to us!

