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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by SamJackShipLover
    And if you don't mind me asking another question ???

    What does angst mean? I read it evereywere on the S/J pages, fanfic, vids, but I don't get the real meaning. In Dutch angst is also a word (to be frightened or something like that) but I guess it's not the same
    i thought also it means the same, but then i looked by the help on the site and it says thistories that are emotionally wrenching or stories where a character deals with an emotionally distressing situation.

    hopefully this will help you(i like the angst stories

    and you can always go to this link: and then to catagories

    i saw the question is already answered..i was to late


      Originally posted by AmberLM
      It means anxious, not happy, awkward, not everything is a bed of roses etc, etc.

      EDIT: Repli beat me to it and answered much more eloquently than I ever could (especially considering I can't speak a word of Dutch!)

      Well, thanks anyway


        Originally posted by SamJackShipLover
        OK, dit maakt het wel duidelijker. Bedankt he! (kinda strange to read Dutch here )

        Are you going to stay awake tonight? It's really late, but I sooo wanna know everything.
        I always stay awake late so...for me not really a problem. But I think I will certainly stay awak really late tonight...well to be acurate: tomorrow. Because for us it will be the 19th



          Originally posted by SamJackShipLover
          OK, dit maakt het wel duidelijker. Bedankt he! (kinda strange to read Dutch here )

          Are you going to stay awake tonight? It's really late, but I sooo wanna know everything.
          i also stay awake(everybody say's i'm crazy(especially my parents, but i'm still doing it) maby i'm gonna sleep a few houres before it airs...but i don't think so...can't wait till the episode airs


            A few things to say:

            * Welcome to all the newbies!

            * If anyone had a milestone congrats also!

            * Thanks for the tip of watching shippy eps.

            * It's in 6 hours 32 minutes!!!

            * I'm tired like hell so I don't even know how I'm going to stay awake!

            * People, join now. You won't have the chance afterwards!

            *off watching WoO*


              Originally posted by RepliCartertje
              I always stay awake late so...for me not really a problem. But I think I will certainly stay awak really late tonight...well to be acurate: tomorrow. Because for us it will be the 19th

              ONLY 6 HOURS AND 37 MINUTES
              You shouldn't think to much about that timdifference thing or it makes you crazy. Everybody can see it in the same time, but it isn't the same time for everybody. Huh??


                21 guests?!?!??!?! FOR CRYIN' OUT LOUD, DELURK ALREADY!! (I feel I should say it in the absence of LAD!)
                Sam and Jack... Still the best romance on TV in years!

                My fanfic


                  Originally posted by waterfall
                  I found this on youtube, a 3:37 look into "200", also has a preview for "Counterstrike" at the end.

                  Don't click if you don't wanna be spoiled!!!


                  Thank you! I was dying to see it and it's very interesting indeed


                    Originally posted by aske

                    Really loud! While pulling the hair from your head.....

                    Well the AAAAAAAARRRRRRRGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! thing I totally get that I keep saying myself with lots of eps.....


                      Just makin a quick post to say howdy and that I'll be lurking and reading posts all day/evening as we lead up to 200. I'm one of the spoiler-reading-and-still-optimistic shippers. I have set the lowest of expectations and if anything is super squeeably shipperific - well, I'll be overjoyed! If not, I hope that it is at least amusing and entertaining. Honestly, I don't know how it couldn't be! If nothing else we'll see our favorite two on screen together again and that's enough to make me happy for now. I love having a community of people so like minded to share the anticipation with - it makes the experence so much more fun!



                        Originally posted by Lizlove
                        Thank you! I was dying to see it and it's very interesting indeed
                        Yeah I hadn't seen that until today! Re
                        Rick donning the green suit, how rare is that? Most actors usually have stand-ins to do green suit stuff, don't they? The only one I can think of is Andy Serkis for Gollum in LotR! Although if the shower scene is anything to go off I can think of at least one reason why he might agree to it... (BTW I'm joking, no disrespect to either Amanda or Rick intended!)
                        Sam and Jack... Still the best romance on TV in years!

                        My fanfic


                          Originally posted by SamJackShipLover
                          Well the AAAAAAAARRRRRRRGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! thing I totally get that I keep saying myself with lots of eps.....
                          There's a very angsty and AAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH-worthy scene in Devide & Conquer. Their looks when they realise she's going to die are breathtaking.


                            Originally posted by story*in*your*eyes
                            Just makin a quick post to say howdy and that I'll be lurking and reading posts all day/evening as we lead up to 200. I'm one of the spoiler-reading-and-still-optimistic shippers. I have set the lowest of expectations and if anything is super squeeably shipperific - well, I'll be overjoyed! If not, I hope that it is at least amusing and entertaining. Honestly, I don't know how it couldn't be! If nothing else we'll see our favorite two on screen together again and that's enough to make me happy for now. I love having a community of people so like minded to share the anticipation with - it makes the experence so much more fun!

                            It really does make all the difference, doesn't it? The family have been keeping me from going mad all day lol! (Thank you BTW!)
                            Sam and Jack... Still the best romance on TV in years!

                            My fanfic


                              Originally posted by AmberLM
                              Yeah I hadn't seen that until today! Re
                              Rick donning the green suit, how rare is that? Most actors usually have stand-ins to do green suit stuff, don't they? The only one I can think of is Andy Serkis for Gollum in LotR! Although if the shower scene is anything to go off I can think of at least one reason why he might agree to it... (BTW I'm joking, no disrespect to either Amanda or Rick intended!)
                              Yeah! it's awesome... Rick doing his own stuff. I love that about the guy. He's not like "Oh, I'm 56 years old. I can't do this stuff anymore. I'm old." I respect him for that.

                              lol Jack isn't THAT dirty................................................. is he? uhhhhh... trying to keep it PG here... *slaps herself*
                              Past | LJ | Last.FM | IG


                                Originally posted by AmberLM
                                It really does make all the difference, doesn't it? The family have been keeping me from going mad all day lol! (Thank you BTW!)
                                AmberLM you are already crazy... so if you are crazy you can not go mad!!!

                                as for some recommandations for a fic, Chopin Gal has a great fic, it was written a year or so ago but it is really great!!
                                It has some sam/jack in it and LOTS LOTS LOTS of Angst!!!! And I am now at chapter 17 and I love it!!!
                                Spoilers: Some S6 as context; mostly Season 8. I am projecting my own idea of an evolving arc and disclaim any prior knowledge of where TPTB may be going with this. The story is mine (for better or worse), but the wonderful Stargate characters belong to their masters: MGM, Gekko, et al (mostly for better). General content: mild swearing - kiddies probably hear worse in the schoolyard. Pairings: mostly Sam and Jack, with some interesting twists.

                                I'm an avid reader and have been inspired by some of the great Stargate fic already posted here. So I've decided to try telling a tale of my own. Hope you enjoy and feel free to give feedback. It just may motivate me to continue writing.

