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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by Gatetrixer
    I watched my tape of last night's ep today (only once) but
    is this supposed to be Jack's cabin in Minnesota? Does he have another cabin in Montana or Wyoming? Or did the Asgard or something just pick it up and move it? There are no grizzly bears in Minnesota. Also I thought I heard Landry say it was elk hunting season. No elk in Minn. either. It looked like the front porch of Jack's cabin from 2010, but looks like the lake disappeared! Landry's manner of speaking is getting more and more irritating. And I doubt there is any bird of the sort he was imitating. Or maybe he was making a joke. The monsters sort reminded me of the werewolves in "An American Werewolf in London." I laughed out loud when the first one in Minn. just fell over with a loud thunk. So much for special effects. Many holes in this one.
    We may not have grizzly bears up here in MN but we have black bears Learning to live with bears! O.O And we have elks Minnesota Elk Breeders Association. And I've also heard rumors of moose...

    That being said, possible AU - Sam attacked by a bear, elk, and moose at the same time and Jack saving the day with the zat gun. That was mostly to stay on topic


      Your right Ship Nana 200
      with our luck Martin will mention that the movie will need romance and Walter will dream that it should be Jack and Sam ending with him crying (didn't it say somewhere that he cries) and everyone else in the room will be against it including Jack and Sam. Oh my gosh I'm turning into a PTB... that story came out of my head too quick!


        Originally posted by Rachel500
        Slightly off-topic *ahem*


        But everything reset at the end of TNG's All Good Things and the point was made that Picard having told them about the possible future ensured it wouldn't come to pass...that for me means he and Crusher would get together and NOT get divorced.

        Back on topic,


        I would really hate the same thing though for Sam and Jack. I don't want that kind of resolution for them, I want something concrete and written in stone that they are an established item living happily ever after.

        Picard kirked some, though, even in one of the movies, whichever one it was..... I missed lots of the later episodes when they changed the time locally, including the one where Picard supposedly does "it" with one of his loves in the elevator or whatever. TNG didn't have a Jeffries tube, did it?


          Originally posted by Catysg1
          Hello everyone

          A new wallpaper that I will leave under spoiler because of episode 200


          Hope you will enjoy

          Soooo nice...I love this...

          As for the spoiler mentionning a
          ...They're probably talking about
          Vala's...Doesn't she have a hubby?...
          ...I'm sooo not worried about this...

          Edit: I see I'm not the only one who thought about this...LOL


            Hope Leslie, this is off topic, but I just gotta ask if you are interested in Catharine Maria Sedgwick since "Hope Leslie" is the title of her most well known book.



              Originally posted by Twilight506
              We may not have grizzly bears up here in MN but we have black bears Learning to live with bears! O.O And we have elks Minnesota Elk Breeders Association. And I've also heard rumors of moose...

              That being said, possible AU - Sam attacked by a bear, elk, and moose at the same time and Jack saving the day with the zat gun. That was mostly to stay on topic
              Yes, Minnesota has black bears, but no grizzlies. And ranch raised elk, such as the breeders raise for meat, can be released to be shot in private hunting areas, but not in the wild like the park mentioned. They are not elk that naturally appear in the wilderness (unless some escaped from the ranch). Before I posted(to be sure what I remembered was right) I looked up the Minnesota DNR site to see Minn. animals. Under mammals, moose are listed, but not grizzlies or elk. I suppose there's no reason elk can't be reintroduced in to the Minn. wilds some day by the DNR. Elk meat is good--I've had some of it that was ranch raised. Sorry, if I overreact but sticking animals in the wrong areas for shows, book, or movies bugs me(even sci-fi) Besides, I'm not the only one mentioning it on GW!
              Last edited by Gatetrixer; 12 August 2006, 07:21 PM.


                Originally posted by Bucky
                Hope Leslie, this is off topic, but I just gotta ask if you are interested in Catharine Maria Sedgwick since "Hope Leslie" is the title of her most well known book.

                No, I'm sorry to say that I don't know about this book...My pen name came from my being a "delusional"'s stands for: hopelessely Hermione & Harry's shipper...LOL


                  Originally posted by SamO'Neill
                  Indeed. Especially the hair.

                  Is it my eyesight or imagination, but does it look like ruffled hair in the
                  wedding pictures from the preview of last week? So Jackish!


                    Originally posted by Gatetrixer
                    Yes, Minnesota has black bears, but no grizzlies. And ranch raised elk, such as the breeders raise for meat, can be released to be shot in private hunting areas, but not in the wild like the park mentioned. They are not elk that naturally appear in the wilderness (unless some escaped from the ranch). Before I posted(to be sure what I remembered was right) I looked up the Minnesota DNR site to see Minn. animals. Under mammals, moose are listed, but not grizzlies or elk. I suppose there's no reason elk can't be reintroduced in to the Minn. wilds some day by the DNR. Elk meat is good--I've had some of it that was ranch raised. Sorry, if I overreact but sticking animals in the wrong areas for shows, book, or movies bugs me(even sci-fi)
                    I haven't seen the episode, so I didn't know the whole context. I just wanted to point out that certain animals do exist in Minnesota LOL but you're right in the context of which you are speaking.


                      Originally posted by Gatetrixer
                      Yes, Minnesota has black bears, but no grizzlies. And ranch raised elk, such as the breeders raise for meat, can be released to be shot in private hunting areas, but not in the wild like the park mentioned. They are not elk that naturally appear in the wilderness (unless some escaped from the ranch). Before I posted(to be sure what I remembered was right) I looked up the Minnesota DNR site to see Minn. animals. Under mammals, moose are listed, but not grizzlies or elk. I suppose there's no reason elk can't be reintroduced in to the Minn. wilds some day by the DNR. Elk meat is good--I've had some of it that was ranch raised. Sorry, if I overreact but sticking animals in the wrong areas for shows, book, or movies bugs me(even sci-fi)
                      Thank you for researching this because my husband said the same thing when he heard about Elk and Grizzlies in Minn. forests. Also, why would Jack invite everyone and their grandmother to his cabin, if Grizzles were walking into the cabin and crazy hunters were shooting past his property to kill Elk. I don't think Jack would have patience with crazy around his pond.


                        Originally posted by dreid
                        So are you saying in your second spoiler that
                        you'd rather have S and J working towards thier relationship instead of having had a secret relationship that no one official know about yet?
                        I would take any kind of relationship TPTB will send my way. If they're working on the relationship. Fine by me, as long as there is a romantic relationship. An unofficial relationship? I'll take it too if they want to mention it in 200 (or any other episode some time soon!). I'll take any shippiness in any episode. My shippy glasses can read between the lines quite fine.


                          Originally posted by trupi
                          Thank you for researching this because my husband said the same thing when he heard about Elk and Grizzlies in Minn. forests. Also, why would Jack invite everyone and their grandmother to his cabin, if Grizzles were walking into the cabin and crazy hunters were shooting past his property to kill Elk. I don't think Jack would have patience with crazy around his pond.
                          That whole cabin thing seemed to be off to me. There was a big mud puddle in the front instead of a yard, Jack wasn't there, and Landry kept telling Mitchell to relax. It just had a weird feel to it. They could have just as easily made it Landry's cabin instead of Jack's. That wouldn't have cast a beloved place in such a strange light.

                          s u g a r s h a k e r


                            Originally posted by Gate gal
                            No, don't get in Sam's way! Remember what happened to Trupi at Shore Leave?
                            What happen to me in Shore Leave?


                              Originally posted by Gatetrixer
                              Is it my eyesight or imagination, but does it look like ruffled hair in the
                              wedding pictures from the preview of last week? So Jackish!
                              Are. You. Serious.? I think I might die.

                              Ruffled Jack hair?
                              In the wedding pics?

                              Goes off to check pictures again...

                              THANK YOU!!!!!!!

                              Oh, and here's a shameless plug for my new short fanfic:

                              Check it out!
                              my lovely avatar is courtesy of Lies, SamJackShipLover


                                Originally posted by SamO'Neill
                                Oh, and here's a shameless plug for my new short fanfic:
                                Check it out!

                                LOL! Great chapter.

                                This reminds me that I need to get started on my fic...*sigh*

                                Valenship banner by OXNatashaOX

