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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by L.A. Doyle
    Ah, yes. I like that too. (((Jack))) Post more often Royal!

    I love your sig Amber!
    Was just going to say that!!! Amber off course their look to eachother is priceless


      Originally posted by Nolamom
      Okay, thought I'd try my hand at this sig making. I don't think I really have the knack for it.

      Guess I'll just stick with my little fur-ball Fluffy!
      well I think iis a nice sig!!!! Just don't know what they say if you don't succeed you try, try, try,... and try again (I again had the opportunity to quote )
      Just to say that I really love your sig and you should make more


        Originally posted by Lizlove
        I'm here to last again

        1. Welcome to the newbies!
        2. Congrats on all the milestones!
        3. Happy Birthdays if there were any!
        4. Awesome job LAD and Oma!!!
        5. Thanks for the fics, pictures, manips, banners, everything that was done by any of you!

        Sorry, but I got no time to really catch up on everything. First trying to do Ship Day. Green is pilling up

        So how was Australia??? and where are my pictures?!?


          Originally posted by RepliCartertje

          WELCOME BACK
          So how was Australia??? and where are my pictures?!?
          Hija! (((((RCtje)))))

          It was awesome!!! I brought a ton of Tim Tams back *grins madly* ( those are delicious chocolate biscuits). You'll get those pictures. After I finish my fic


            Originally posted by Lizlove
            Hija! (((((RCtje)))))

            It was awesome!!! I brought a ton of Tim Tams back *grins madly* ( those are delicious chocolate biscuits). You'll get those pictures. After I finish my fic
            Ooooooh no and you are not going to share them with your ship family?????
            You know that is evil don't you!!! But well if we get that fic that you start writing...Well wait how long I think over a month, than I will not complain.


              Originally posted by docker22
              wow i love that pic, it has to be one of my favourites, its so cute. hi everyone,i've been lurking around the past couple of days. i haven't really had the time to post on here, but im hoping i can get on a bit more now.
              Welcome Docker22! And yes, that is such a cute pic!

              Welcome back LizLove! Have fun reading through the Ship Day thread. There's some great stuff in there.

              Edit: There's a new ff up on GW. Part of Aussie's "Snippets" series. They don't need to be read in any particular order, they're well, random snippets not always connected. The most recent one can be found here:
              Last edited by SqueeG-1; 01 August 2006, 07:02 AM.
              Don't try to pull any crap on Magnus... if you know what's good for you.


                Hi Guys!

                I missed SHIP DAY!!!!!!!!! OMG! I hope it was great day and it was enjoyed by all.

                I'm going to make sure I don't miss next years!!

                <fingers are crossed for myself>

                Made by the lovely Jakie


                  Originally posted by Nolamom
                  Okay, thought I'd try my hand at this sig making. I don't think I really have the knack for it.

                  Guess I'll just stick with my little fur-ball Fluffy!
                  Personally I like the sig, and its better than anything I have ever come up with.

                  I have a question about the pictures, where did you get the one with Jack in the uniform? What episode is that from?

                  Made by the lovely Jakie


                    Originally posted by Rachel500
                    Since the Beneath the Surface incident of 'I remember feelings' Jack has always shown his continued feelings for her through his concern when she's in trouble/dying (Entity, Grace, Death Knell), or when their missions send them separate ways (Evolution), his pride in her (New Order) and his occasional quips (like 'if only' in Gemini) and of course the flirting but he's never attempted to raise the matter and have a serious discussion with her again in my memory (apart from the always scene in Threads I'll come onto) - happy to be corrected though if I'm wrong.

                    It is generally Sam who makes the attempt to have the conversation about her feelings rather than Jack:
                    1. Grace although admittedly this is to a hallucination of Jack.
                    2. The Lost City where she attempts two discussions; one at Jack's house where they're interrupted by Daniel and Teal'c and one in the cargo ship where he stops her with 'I know'.
                    3. The engagement discussion in Affinity could even be argued that although Jack asks her what's up because he knows something's going on with her, his intention was not to discuss them. Its her who chooses to show him the ring and have the personal discussion because she doesn't know how else to bring it up. I personally think that discussion is a great example of two people miscommunicating with each other in the worst way possible; Sam's motivations in bringing the subject up, I think, are rooted in trying to determine how Jack feels about her so she can make a decision about Pete's proposal with concrete knowledge rather than a vague idea that Jack may still be interested - she's providing him with an opening to talk about it although some might consider the way she does it - showing him the engagement ring - is a little brutal; Jack's motivations are coming from trying to be a good friend by getting Sam to see her articulated doubts are nothing more than excuses for what the real reason might be (that if its taking her two weeks to decide, Pete is obviously not the right guy)...yet must come across to Sam as his encouraging her to go for it...
                    4. The scene in the back yard in Threads.

                    I think given that I understand why Sam decided to move on and why even she decided to say yes to the proposal. A girl can only live with hints for so long...with Pete she had a guy who she knew loved her and even though she didn't feel the same way about him, she 'settled' for her chance to be with someone. It was only with the realisation of what a huge commitment she would be making that she finally gets that she needs to have the conversation with Jack properly and hence the scene in Threads in his back yard.

                    And it is only with this messed up attempt by Sam and getting the matter raised by his girlfriend as she dumps him that Jack finally responds and tells Sam how he feels with the 'always' scene...and this is all he had to do all along to keep her.
                    You are absolutely right and I'll drink to that!!!
                    Too many people will blame Sam for hurting Jack but what's a girl to do when the man she secretly loves, and can't have, orders her to get a life...She can't be blamed if she did...even if she was not completely honest with
                    she tried to move on...If only Jack had said something then (when she showed him the ring)...She would not have said yes then...I'm pretty sure of it...


                      Originally posted by RoryJ
                      Hee hee, we've roped in Royal from the depths of Sparky shipperdom! I had actually forgotten (*gasp!*) about Jacks sweet "Okay" when Sam asked for a couple of hours. Aw, he was such a sweetie in that episode. Though my favorite line from him was "I get confused . . .". I laughed so hard, but I genuinely felt so sorry for Jack because that whole situation must have put so much weight on his shoulders.
                      It was only a matter of time before Sparky led me here

                      I agree about POV, it was a great character ep for Jack. He felt so guilty about the other Sam having to deal with the loss of her "Jack". And I loved the "I get confused"--poor Jack. Sam needs to tutor him I think....

                      Originally posted by GateSeeker2
                      One of my favorite Jack sayings...was early in S2 I think the black hole epi? Anyway, it's actually more his mannerisms than what he says...Jack is asking Sam to explain to him "one more time" about the hole worm hole thingy...he's just adorable and so cute...and she looks at him with such affection!!!!
                      I loved that scene too. It was one of my fave Sam/Jack moments of S2. I love how Jack can admit he doesn't know everything.

                      There was another scene I saw recently in the episode "Urgo". The team was looking at a monitor with the beach paradise on it and Urgo says something along the lines of: "Jack, we should go to that place your thinking of..Maui..with all the girls in tiny bikinis". Jack turns to Sam and mouths "No" as if he wasn't really thinking that. Very cute.

                      One of my favorite things about these two is that their relationship is always friendly and professional, but Jack manages make Sam feel like a woman with his oh so cute flirting.

                      Ok, have to get back to my history thesis paper later all,


                      Signature By Amber Moon


                        Originally posted by Royal_Nonesuch
                        One of my favorite things about these two is that their relationship is always friendly and professional, but Jack manages make Sam feel like a woman with his oh so cute flirting.
                        *sigh* I really miss that aspect of the show. Pre-season 8 there was a great balance of action, adventure, humour, relationships and sci-fi but I just think that the balance has been thrown out of whack recently and one of the reasons is that there's too much slapstick humour in place of real character interaction. That's just my view anyway...

                        Bring back Sam and Jack and hopefully the rest of the team will bounce back too!
                        Sam and Jack... Still the best romance on TV in years!

                        My fanfic


                          Originally posted by Royal_Nonesuch

                          There was another scene I saw recently in the episode "Urgo". The team was looking at a monitor with the beach paradise on it and Urgo says something along the lines of: "Jack, we should go to that place your thinking of..Maui..with all the girls in tiny bikinis". Jack turns to Sam and mouths "No" as if he wasn't really thinking that. Very cute.

                          One of my favorite things about these two is that their relationship is always friendly and professional, but Jack manages make Sam feel like a woman with his oh so cute flirting.

                          Ok, have to get back to my history thesis paper later all,

                          urgo is a fab episode. i love the way they interact with each other in that ep.

                          sig by starlover1990


                            Originally posted by Gate gal
                            I honestly liked Kerry. In other circumstances, she and Sam could have been friends. They are both attractive, intellegent women who are devoted to their careers. Jack falling for Kerry was almost inevitable. At that point, he was sure that Sam would marry Pete. He needed to move on, and I don't blame him. Of course, I'm glad Kerry realized she would always be a substitute and bowed out gracefully. If we hadn't had a Kerry, I don't think Threads would have been as good an episode. Sam needed to see that Jack was trying to move on. It helped her end things with Pete.

                            That being said, I don't blame Sam for Pete either. He was a case of PTSS (post traumatic stress syndrome) from her episode on the Promethius. She wasn't thinking clearly, and she had given up hope of getting what she really wanted.

                            They had to try to move on and fail. It was an important step in getting together. (Of course, we should have had some ship in season 9, but that's for another post.)
                            I BLAME Sam for accepting Pete's proposal, not so much for dating him.
                            It made her look cheap. I mean come on:
                            1. In science she never settles for second best.(she tries to do and often accomplishes the impossible)
                            2. In combat she never settles for second best.
                            3. Yet her love-life is a series of mistakes:
                            1. Jonas (engagement)
                            2. Narim
                            3. Martouf
                            (Ok so these are pre Divide and Conquer, so maybe I can understand)
                            4. Orlin
                            5. Pete (engagement)
                            On the other hand Jack's more loyal to his feelings
                            1. Sara (marriage)
                            2. Kynthia
                            3. Laira
                            (all pre D and C)
                            4. Kerry (rebound, so not going to last)
                            All in all I'm pretty sure that Jack's feelings are for always, whereas Sam comes up at somehow restless and unsure of her feelings.


                              Personally I think they both just suck at relationships. Sam is obviously very insecure when it comes to her personal relationships (her Dad hallucination implies that she's never been close to anyone which obviously translates that *Sam* thinks she's never been close to anyone, she got engaged to a future meglomaniac because she thought he was charming, post-Jolinar she didn't know which feelings were hers and which were jolinar's and that must have made relationships awkward for a while) - to be honest I think she's just buried herself so much in her work (possibly initially because of the death of her mother as a kid) that she's never learned how to handle a committed, adult relationship and so when she tried to make a half-hearted attempt to persuade herself that she was trying to obtain the unobtainable and move on, she was bound to make a mess of the whole situation. Add in Jack's ambiguous statement in 'Affinity' and what we ended up with Sam engaging in a fight between her brain (telling her that Jack no longer had those feelings for her and that it could never be) and her heart (knowing who she really wanted and knowing deep down that second best would not be enough.)

                              Kinda like getting mixed signals from your brain. Sometimes when you're thirsty your brain interprets that as hunger and so you end up overcompensating and eating loads of junk when what you really need is a big glass of water, all because you misunderstood the craving. In Sam's case (and to make this rather strange analogy work) I think she deluded herself into consciously craving what she thought that Jack represented, the husband/2.4 kids/white picket fence/dog (i.e. the junk food) when in actual fact what she really subconciously wanted all along was Jack (i.e. the glass of water) and not the things he might have represented (i.e. the junk food)

                              OK, I hope that made sense. That's just my weird opinion anyway!

                              Oooh, yay, my 900th post!
                              Last edited by AmberLM; 01 August 2006, 09:37 AM.
                              Sam and Jack... Still the best romance on TV in years!

                              My fanfic


                                Originally posted by chelle db
                                Good night ship family...good to hrea Amanda kept her #1 spot at celeeb...wish RDA had been #2 with her...maybe this month!!
                                Take care and be safe....happy posting and sweeet shippy dreams all!!
                                Well, 1st and 3rd on the Celeb pole are great positions. I wish they had been side by side, but with all the competion I think GW deserves a big round of applause.

                                I still don't like that there was a David between them again, but you can't have everything!

