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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Hey guys,
    I'm new around here and just wanna say hi and that I love this thread. I've been obsessed with Sam/Jack-ness from day one of Stargate SG1. So ya 'Hi!'.
    BTW I cannot wait for '200'. (even though I live in Australia *download-cough*)



      Originally posted by ses110
      Yep.It's not like I'm expecting a whole episode where SG-1 talks about Jack.It would not take long and would make perfect sense for
      Sam to mention Jack after what happens to her and it also makes sense if Baal talks about Jack.I get so fustrated I feel like going to Bridge and showing TPTB how it's done and I'm no writer.
      I think we all get a little frustrated
      that TPTB haven't mentioned Jack since Beachhead in S9.

      I can understand why given RDA's absence and that they didn't know if he was ever coming back so probably thought it was best to let the character fade into the background but it is frustrating.

      Regardless of ship it would be interesting to hear the odd comment about the character and natural given three of the characters are close friends who worked with him for eight plus years and at least one of the new characters Landry is also a past associate/friend of Jack's.

      I've said before that the early epis of S10 were likely written before his return was finalised so I wouldn't expect them to depart from their S9 strategy of not mentioning him...but possibly from Insiders/Counterstrike I would hope to have something - if for no other reason to foreshadow the character's return in 200 for the new audience who although *know* about Jack don't really know about Jack...if that makes sense. Certainly it looks like there will be mention in Uninvited - Landry and Mitchell are at Jack's cabin after all...
      Women of the Gate LJ Community.
      My Stargate Fanfiction. My LiveJournal.


        Originally posted by Sasusc
        I truly wish this could be! I also wish TPTB would mention Sam and Jack in the same sentence . . .

        Anyway, this is my first time posting in this thread. I tried to say away because I don't need much to feed my ship addiction. But what can I say? I'm weak. I eat a crumb and then I have to eat the whole cake.

        And I also had to say I squeeled when I saw the slow motion kiss from Grace. Just what I needed.
        Women of the Gate LJ Community.
        My Stargate Fanfiction. My LiveJournal.


          Originally posted by hopalong
          Okay, I still have over 150 posts to read as I type this, but your post reminds me of something I meant to say a while back.

          In the "Moebius' fishing scene, the inital dialoge was virtually identical to the scene in 'Threads'. That is, Sam saying that it was wonderful and that she couldn't believe they hadn't done it before, and Jack responding with "Yes, well... let's not dwell."

          To me, that says something. It tells me that despite the subtle changes to the timeline (ie the fish), the relationship between Sam and Jack is similar to the "original" (so to speak). The mention of
          in 'Ex Deus Machina' would seem to bear that out.

          In terms of the regs, I don't know what to think. I'm having a hard time coming up with a solution for my story that isn't similar to anything that I've already read in fanfic. Do you realise just how many possible solutions (and less poossible ones) that are ouw there?
          I agree with you on Moebius and in terms of the regs...yes, I agree with you again ; the possible solutions are endless but it is a struggle finding something original.
          Women of the Gate LJ Community.
          My Stargate Fanfiction. My LiveJournal.


            Originally posted by RepliCartertje
            What do I want to see in season 10...

            Well there are a few thing actually...but what I really want to see is a BHK and I mean a real one... somewhere private in the SGC is that is possible. Don't have to be at home cause I already think they kissed their enough. I just want to see that love in the SGC

            Than I also want the touches and the looks to eachother. But they can sometimes be obvious so everyone sees them

            I also want them to go to hammond or so (no not to Landry) and say to him that they are going to move in togheter and that they want to get married...(a girl can dream...)

            I want to have another preview in the future to see that they have kids and are happily married. So that we know that they will have kids togheter.

            I also want to see them on a date of some kind like we have seen with Pete, and maybe a bed scene... and for the ones who are thinking something else I am not talking that I am thinking like Pete or Kerry
            I don't know, the bed scene with Kerry wasn't so bad (apart from the fact it was Kerry and not Sam). I'd love to see that sort of scene with Sam.

            Welcome AllabouttheGate! and congrats on any milestones reached since the last time I posted !(other than today)


              Originally posted by hopalong
              I hate to burst bubbles folks, but (imho) it
              is a bit premature.

              Don't get me wrong, yes they have loved each other for a long time, and I think they belong together; but there is a world of difference between loving someone and being able to put up with a relationship with them. and the relationship they had while on SG-1 together is not the same. At the very least, Sam and Jack would need time to adjust to the change of intimacy between them.

              Then there is the issue. Yes, she called off the engagement because she loved Jack. But suddenly marrying Jack would seem very much on the rebound. Not to mention the trust issues that would have to be talked out in the aftermath. Remember, she did hurt Jack deeply when she started seeing and when she accepted the proposal.

              Okay, I'm getting wordy again, especially for someone who's posting late and is probably reiterating others' posts. Please remember that its all imho. and I am all for
              Hmmm. This is one that I personally can't quite decide on in terms of the characters and likely reactions. For me, I think it comes down to the practicalities of it.

              Both characters seem to come to the realisation in Threads that they are still in love with the other; Jack's 'always' gives Sam everything she needs to know about his feelings for her and she calls off her engagement because she has already come to the conclusion that Pete isn't who she wants to be; it also openly declares Jack's feelings as much as is possible given the situation.

              And for me, Threads actually demonstrates nicely that actually Pete was Sam's rebound guy trying to move on from Jack. Personally, I've always believed that while Jack was hurt by the existence of Pete that he never blamed Sam for trying to move on - I think Jack was fully aware that he had given her no reason not to try to move on, that given their positions he couldn't offer her one and ultimately he simply wanted her to be happy. I think in Threads he suddenly gets that she isn't happy and that's why he tells her 'always' whereas up to that point he'd always tried to not to complicate things for her with Pete by expressing how he felt about her or her relationship. So I don't think past relationships would factor into how fast/slow their relationship would progress beyond Threads and in Threads I think they finally come to the conclusion that they have to do something about what's between them.

              I agree in theory that there would be a period of adjustment; they love each other but aren't used to being in a romantic relationship together and they have so many years of hopes and expectations built around being together that they would need to work through. The reality may be better than they dreamed or different. However, whether this adjustment happens in a period of 'courting' or a 'marriage' I think comes down to the regulations.

              For me this is the thing on which their relationship hinges: I can't see them together as a couple properly until the regs were resolved - why throw away everything after so much time? That for me is why Daniel and Teal'c are at the cabin in the fishing scene too - to make sure there isn't any hint of impropriety about Jack and Sam fishing together to the rest of the world given the regs are not resolved at that point.

              If the situation with the regs since the end of S8 has been that they don't apply anymore then I can see them making the adjustment without the complication of marriage, although there may have been a 'promise' made for their future. But I can't see them 'wasting' too much time if it was going well, given the time they've already spent waiting to be with one another and the nature of their jobs especially since Sam's return to SG1.

              On the other hand, I think if the regs had the potential to become a threat to their relationship again or they only had a short window of opportunity where they didn't apply, then I can see them getting married and making the adjustment with the complication that they are also a married couple.

              From the hints we've had, it would seem unlikely that our Sam and Jack are married yet and if they are in a relationship are taking it slow
              Daniel in Ripple Effect was surprised by AU Sam returning from her honeymoon for instance
              Women of the Gate LJ Community.
              My Stargate Fanfiction. My LiveJournal.


                Originally posted by amz_123
                Hey guys,
                I'm new around here and just wanna say hi and that I love this thread. I've been obsessed with Sam/Jack-ness from day one of Stargate SG1. So ya 'Hi!'.
                BTW I cannot wait for '200'. (even though I live in Australia *download-cough*)

                Women of the Gate LJ Community.
                My Stargate Fanfiction. My LiveJournal.


                  Welcome to the family Amz_123 and Sasusc!!!!!!!!!!!
                  Sam and Jack... Still the best romance on TV in years!

                  My fanfic


                    Originally posted by amz_123
                    Hey guys,
                    I'm new around here and just wanna say hi and that I love this thread. I've been obsessed with Sam/Jack-ness from day one of Stargate SG1. So ya 'Hi!'.
                    BTW I cannot wait for '200'. (even though I live in Australia *download-cough*)

                    Cool...another aussie...welcome aboard the ship amz...where bouts in oz do you hail from?

                    Oh yeah and welcome sasusc and allabouthegate!!!
                    "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                    Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                    ~Amanda Tapping


                      Wow it's really quiet here tonight!
                      Good night ship family...take care, happy posting, be safe and be happy!!!

                      "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                      Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                      ~Amanda Tapping


                        Originally posted by amz_123
                        Hey guys,
                        I'm new around here and just wanna say hi and that I love this thread. I've been obsessed with Sam/Jack-ness from day one of Stargate SG1. So ya 'Hi!'.
                        BTW I cannot wait for '200'. (even though I live in Australia *download-cough*)

                        WELCOME amz_123!!!
                        Welcome AllabouttheGate!!!
                        Welcome Sasusc!!!


                          I do not buy for one minute TPTB did not believe
                          RDA was not coming back.Is anyone really surprised RDA is back for a couple of episodes this Year? I had no doubts.Even if he never came back it is no excuse not to mention his name from time to time.


                            Originally posted by allaboutthegate
                            Hey sorry I only just arrived here about 3/4 posts ago! can somebody tell me what BHK means?
                            Yay! An excuse to post this again

                            Sorry if you're getting bored of it

                            Edit: Hey! This is page 1969 *and tonight's episode of SG-1, showing at Oma's house is 1969 *


                              Originally posted by Oma-1
                              Yay! An excuse to post this again


                              Sorry if you're getting bored of it

                              Edit: Hey! This is page 1969 *and tonight's episode of SG-1, showing at Oma's house is 1969 *
                              I'll never get bored of it!!!
                              I loved the ep 1969. So cool and different from your regular stargate travel!!
                              Night again...I gotta go do the dishes before hubby has a fit!
                              "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                              Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                              ~Amanda Tapping


                                ok 2 things I am going to do first and if I have time enough I will reply on some things...if not I will do that tonight...
                                oooh RL is so busy atm... I only can check here in my lunch break and when it is really late... luckely there is weekend where I can be on the internet all day

                                and oma-1: how can we ever get bored of that?? It is a BHK!!! I could never get bored of that!!!

