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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Whew, I'm gone one day and this thread has really exploded with posts. Ship is alive and well on this thread, now if TPTB would just do their part......

    I'm off to finish the stories on, too bad Helio and SG-Brats are in a hiatus of sorts, but maybe good in one sense so I can catch up. LesleyP I like your story's ending, will I like the alternate ending? Hope so!


      Originally posted by nell
      I dare you to make another shippy vid!!! Hee, hee!! You rock, girl!!!
      Thank you so much...Of course I'll do another shippy vid, I've got plenty of eps and lots of imagination...just need some shippy songs...anyone?


        Originally posted by hope leslie hermnharry
        Thank you so much...Of course I'll do another shippy vid, I've got plenty of eps and lots of imagination...just need some shippy songs...anyone?
        As I've been trying to catch up in here I saw this post here from JacksYummy. The song is Take Me Away by Fefe Dobson.


          Originally posted by Lesleyp
          Hi Nibikko

          Ending #1 is done and posted. Hope you like.

          It's very shippy even if I do say so myself
          Thank you soooo much for posting it so soon...I sure hope part 6 (alt)
          will be done before I leave on vacation friday...


            Originally posted by UhSir
            As I've been trying to catch up in here I saw this post here from JacksYummy. The song is Take Me Away by Fefe Dobson.
            Looks good...I'll have to find it and listen to it...songs really have to appeal to my muse for xyz reasons...I'll get back to you on it, or better yet...a vid if my muse is satisfied...Thanks for the rec...more, more????


              Who should make the next move? (Assuming they aren't secretly married, of course!) I want Jack to put it all on the line. He needs to tell her how he feels and let her tell him how she feels. I don't think (and I love Sam) she is secure enough in romantic situations to make the next move. Come on, the last time she tried she ran into Kerry. Now, Jack had to go through the Pete ordeal alone, and I don't blame him for turning to Kerry. I don't even blame him for not speaking up when Sam gave him the chance to talk her out of saying yes. (2 weeks to accept a wedding proposal, come on!) He really thought letting her go was the right thing to do, but after Threads I think he got the message that she would not be happy with anyone else. If they aren't together yet, then its time. She has been out of his direct chain of command for a year, so there is really no reason for the "boy's club" to accuse them of inappropriate behavior. Even if they had to deal with a little gossip, I don't think it would be that damaging to her career. Jack loves her and he needs to go for it. Sam would definately respond!


                Originally posted by Catysg1
                Another wallpaper to celebrate the return of Sam and JACK for season 10


                Bugger, I have to wait until I get on another computer before I can see it. It's annoying how some public computers ban angelfire!

                However, I'm sure it's lovely. All your creations are.


                  Originally posted by chelle db
                  Hey there hopalong!
                  I hope you didn't get the wrong impression on my comments regarding Aussie cons? I know the reason why we don't get the big name stars..$$$$$ ...and I also know that Amanda has expressed that she would like to come back to Australia...and that was mentioned after she had Olivia so I hold out hope that she may return in the future...just when I don't know.
                  I heard about the con in October and I would love to attend but I have a horrible feeling that it falls on the same weekend I'm going away with my girlfriends..if it's's highly possible I will attend!! It would be a real shame if that was the last con you guys organise. Wish I could help out!
                  It's definitely not fair for us...but enough of the whinging from me for today...

                  Good morning shipper family!! How are we all today?
                  There's a strange light coming through the window...wait...OMG's the sun ...haven't seen it for a while!!! So that's what it looks like!!
                  Ok..I'm off to read the back soon!!
                  As I said, I've been waiting for an excuse to write that explanation about the cons here down under.

                  I can't remember the exact date of the October con, which is rather silly as I already have my ticket. However if you go to the fSf website you should find all the pertinent information.

                  And if that link doesn't work, try googling for "Friends of Science Fiction"


                    Okay, here's my last installment of the 'Always' wallpaper series.

                    And here are all of them in order (it maybe overkill, but I thought it would be a good ides



                      Originally posted by Rachel500

                      Hmmm. If I had been writing the show...

                      Season 9 - Jack retires to become a full time Dad (although he retains a position as a special consultant to the President) handing over the reins to Landry. Sam is out on maternity leave but temp leadership of SG1 is given to Daniel and the team is supplemented by Mitchell. Sam returns from maternity leave.


                      Hmmm, I think I've gotten carried away again...
                      Great post Rachel! Loved your ideas for shipping through the seasons.

                      The bit with Daniel leading SG-1 during Sam's maternity leave made me ROFL! Can you imagine the scrapes they'd get into with Daniel leading the team?? The possiblilties are endless for disaster! (If the stories were the same as the real ones from S9 I'm sure he'd be much better than Mitchell was though.) For example .....

                      SG-1 gate to a world full of anicent ruins. Daniel wanders off, caught up entirely in the translations, completely forgetting he's commanding now.

                      Mitchell (having been given no specific orders) pokes around the ruins, touches something he shouldn't and activiates some alien artifact/machine that does something very awkward to them all (activate your imagination here!) .

                      Teal'c is trying to watch their backs, but isn't having much success as they keep disappearing on him every time he turns around to scan the horizon for intruders.

                      The Ori (or Vala ) turn up and everything descends even further into chaos .....

                      Meanwhile, our fave couple are experiencing the delivery of their first baby. Jack is even more clueless than Sam (cos most the time he was away on sp ops when Charlie was a baby) - maybe a scene showing a disaster of a nappy change from the baby's pov Sam is avidly reading baby books (huge pile of them next to her), cross referencing and highlighting all the important bits, shouting instructions to Jack

                      Just a little silliness to brighten the morning


                        Originally posted by Oma-1
                        Great post Rachel! Loved your ideas for shipping through the seasons.

                        The bit with Daniel leading SG-1 during Sam's maternity leave made me ROFL! Can you imagine the scrapes they'd get into with Daniel leading the team?? The possiblilties are endless for disaster! (If the stories were the same as the real ones from S9 I'm sure he'd be much better than Mitchell was though.) For example .....

                        SG-1 gate to a world full of anicent ruins. Daniel wanders off, caught up entirely in the translations, completely forgetting he's commanding now.

                        Mitchell (having been given no specific orders) pokes around the ruins, touches something he shouldn't and activiates some alien artifact/machine that does something very awkward to them all (activate your imagination here!) .

                        Teal'c is trying to watch their backs, but isn't having much success as they keep disappearing on him every time he turns around to scan the horizon for intruders.

                        The Ori (or Vala ) turn up and everything descends even further into chaos .....

                        Meanwhile, our fave couple are experiencing the delivery of their first baby. Jack is even more clueless than Sam (cos most the time he was away on sp ops when Charlie was a baby) - maybe a scene showing a disaster of a nappy change from the baby's pov Sam is avidly reading baby books (huge pile of them next to her), cross referencing and highlighting all the important bits, shouting instructions to Jack

                        Just a little silliness to brighten the morning
                        I love it!!! Thanks for that! That definitely brightened my sour mood tonight!

                        Just to do homework...Night shippers!!!


                          Originally posted by nell
                          FCOL, I am near overload with the creativity on GW! But, I can't stop myself!!! LOL!!! Here's a music vid that is SG-1 team focus with a Sam and Jack hug. It is very good!

                          The Good Fight
                          Absolutely captivating! I don't think I blinked through the entire video. I haven't seen one that emotive for a long time.


                            Originally posted by Oma-1
                            Great post Rachel! Loved your ideas for shipping through the seasons.

                            The bit with Daniel leading SG-1 during Sam's maternity leave made me ROFL! Can you imagine the scrapes they'd get into with Daniel leading the team?? The possiblilties are endless for disaster! (If the stories were the same as the real ones from S9 I'm sure he'd be much better than Mitchell was though.) For example .....

                            SG-1 gate to a world full of anicent ruins. Daniel wanders off, caught up entirely in the translations, completely forgetting he's commanding now.

                            Mitchell (having been given no specific orders) pokes around the ruins, touches something he shouldn't and activiates some alien artifact/machine that does something very awkward to them all (activate your imagination here!) .

                            Teal'c is trying to watch their backs, but isn't having much success as they keep disappearing on him every time he turns around to scan the horizon for intruders.

                            The Ori (or Vala ) turn up and everything descends even further into chaos .....

                            Meanwhile, our fave couple are experiencing the delivery of their first baby. Jack is even more clueless than Sam (cos most the time he was away on sp ops when Charlie was a baby) - maybe a scene showing a disaster of a nappy change from the baby's pov Sam is avidly reading baby books (huge pile of them next to her), cross referencing and highlighting all the important bits, shouting instructions to Jack

                            Just a little silliness to brighten the morning
                            Love your Daniel! And the cross-referencing and highlighting of important bits.
                            Don't try to pull any crap on Magnus... if you know what's good for you.


                              Originally posted by MirthMistress
                              Two nights ago I had a shipalicious dream. I don't know if it was me or Carter but either way I knew Jack loved me. Anyway I/Carter was attacked and captured by Ba'al. Just as I/she was being dragged away by talons dug into my/her shoulder, Ba'al whispered in my/her ear that he wondered how long it would take for O'Neill to come after me/her. Just then I woke up and realized that the talons were actually from sleeping on my side too long and my shoulder was killing me.
                              Now why can't I have shippy dreams like that? *pouts*

                              As I hovered there between waking and sleep I just knew that the reason Ba'al took Sam was to make it personal. He was gunning for Jack and knew his ultimate weakness.
                              Uh-huh. That's what makes Ba'al such a fantastic baddie. Great insight there MM

                              Then I was fully awake and realized that that was why I loved the Goa'uld and don't really like the Ori. The Goa'uld were individual baddies with their own personalities and quirks. SG-1 made them look like idiots and the System Lords were after Earth because of the vendettas against SG-1. The Ori are just impersonal evil. They aren't individuals or distinguishable from one another. I even get the priors confused.
                              Completely agree with you. I hadn't even noticed there were different ones

                              Hopefully s10 will bring the return of Ba'al (hopefully he'll forget to put his shirt on ) and we'll have good bad guys again.
                              Sooooo with you on that one


                                Originally posted by Gate gal
                                S4 is the best for shippy moments, but every time I watch an episode with Sam and Jack I see something shippy. I think the last half of season 1 was almost as shippy as S4. You just don't realize it until after watching later seasons.
                                Very true. I make it a personal mission to find a shippy moment in every ep. I'm still failing with Fifth Man and First Ones though (S5) Anyone spotted anything there??

