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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by nell
    FCOL, I am near overload with the creativity on GW! But, I can't stop myself!!! LOL!!! Here's a music vid that is SG-1 team focus with a Sam and Jack hug. It is very good!

    The Good Fight
    I had seen this video a while back and it still gives you goosebumps everytime you see it. Great video!


      Originally posted by L.A. Doyle
      I consider this my home thread. When things get nasty out in the forum, I know I can always run back here and be surrounded by family. (((Shipper Family)))
      That's how I feel about this's so nive having an extended family!!
      ((((ship family))))
      "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
      Hug Your Loved Ones!!
      ~Amanda Tapping


        Originally posted by Nibikko
        Welcome, Deux Ex Machina! I delurked not all that long ago myself.

        A big giant THANK YOU to all of you Shore Leave gals who have checked in with reports and updates. I never ever would have pictured myself going to a con... until I discovered SG-1 last year. As you can imagine it has quickly taken over my life! A con visit for me now? Sure thing when the opportunity ever presents itself (somewhat near me that is)! How very exciting for all of you - I think it is wonderful.

        Well while y'all have been partying hard at Shore Leave, I've been slaving away on a new humor vid covering S1-S8. My vid is to Madonna's "Vogue" and I'm super proud of it! Hiatus was driving me mad with impatience when I first thought to do this one. And as a true shipper, I just had to include at least ONE big shippy moment in it! I hope you all enjoy it! Please let me know what you think!! *g*
        As Jack would say "Excellent". Lots of fun and love the actors comparations!


          Originally posted by AmberLM
          I'm sorry to hear you're feeling down Repli, RL isn't being so kind to me at the moment either. We'll always be here if you need us!
          I feel like I need cheering up a bit - S10 spoiler

          Yeah..I second that!! I find that coming here really cheers me up when I'm down! As a fellow ship family member..if there's anything I/we can do...just yell...or pm me...whatever's easier!

          Anyone else need a hug today...I'm in a hugging kinda mood!!!
          "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
          Hug Your Loved Ones!!
          ~Amanda Tapping


            It really is nice having a place where everyone can feel welcome. Not a lot of acrimony, just sharing what we enjoy. Thanks everyone!


              (((Replicarterje))) Hope that things settle down for you soon. I like reading your posts. Keep working on that ff though - I really enjoyed your first one!

              (((Nolamom))) Sorry to hear that you're still not feeling well. I hope the drugs kick in soon though.

              And last but not least (((SueKay))). Wow, 2 years. 2 years of great icons, pictures and fics. Way to go!
              Don't try to pull any crap on Magnus... if you know what's good for you.


                Originally posted by trupi
                As Jack would say "Excellent". Lots of fun and love the actors comparations!
                Thank you!! *G* I had a blast making the vid. Oh my goodness matching up the characters' screen caps with the movie star photos was soooo time consuming. I think I've seen enough pictures of Marilyn, James Dean, and Ginger Rogers to last me a lifetime! I think I'll stick to gazing at RDA, MS, and AT.


                  Okay, I'm just (finally!) getting around to watching Ripple Effect and I had to pause it to say:

                  What the heck?! Aside from the fact that I always found Martouf to be a bit creepy and even if we took the Sam/Jack issue out of it for the moment (I know, I know, horrible to even contemplate, but bear with me) that near kiss came completely out of left field, there was no lead up, no explaination, nothing! If they had at least set down a foundation for what happened, I may not have liked it, but I may have been able to rationalize where it was coming from. But that? Argh!

                  And then if you add Sam/Jack back into the equation, the whole thing just gets worse!!!

                  Okay, I'm finished my rant and my overuse of ! now.

                  Edit: Sorry, I fixed up the spoiler tags. (Clearly, I'm just too flustered.)
                  Don't try to pull any crap on Magnus... if you know what's good for you.


                    Originally posted by Catysg1
                    Buc would you also accept the x-files season 8 and 9 DVDs as gifts too ?!!

                    Me, I would because I could think of a great couple of videos I could make with those 2 finale seasons and I also like a few episodes to be honest . I even liked Reyes and Doggett .

                    S9 SG1 does not appeal to me at all and I' rather get "Dark Angel "season 1 and 2 instead as a gift .

                    No, I would not accept S8 or S9 of XF, nor S9 of SG1, and my friends all know it. My reasons for not wanting those aren't just a boycott because they didn't resolve the ship, but because all three seasons were terrible, and had horrible, horrible new characters brought into the show. (My opinion, of course.) I wouldn't even see an XF movie if D&R were in it. As much as I love Mulder and Scully (although I grew to like her a whole lot less for her behavior during S8 and S9), I wouldn't watch one that picked up where the end of the series left off.
                    - Mary
                    SG1 needs it's Fifth Man - Why should we settle for less? Bring back Jonas Quinn!
                    Jack O'Neill would die for any member of his team. But there's only one he'd live for: Samantha Carter.


                      Originally posted by AmberLM

                      On a slightly more shippy note, does anyone else think that it's about time Jack made the next move? As of late Sam seems to have done all of the running and I think that it should now be Jack's turn to raise the subject of the relationship with Sam and offer her something more than "C'mere".
                      While I'd like to see Jack make a move, I don't think it would ever happen, and not because he's a coward. He has too much respect for her, and if she's going to risk her career, I'm sure he figures it needs to be her choice. By asking, or telling, he puts her on the spot, where she may not feel she *can* say no, and he'd never do that. She has the most to lose if they get together, even if it's okay "reg wise" now, because you know that there'd be those who assume they were together before Jack was promoted and just kept it quiet. And that could be unofficially held against her very easily in the "boys club."

                      As far as Sam doing all the pursuing lately (I assume that's what you meant by "running"?), I'm sorry, but I don't agree. She may have begun some statements she never finished, but we don't know what she was going to say, and neither does Jack. Add to that the fact that Jack *has* pursued her in as subtle a way as possible. "I wouldn't be here" was one, as was "you're a natural wonder, if not a national treasure." And, of course, all the looks, and the touches - Jack's actions speak much stronger than his words ever do. And don't forget - Sam was the one who went out and got a boyfriend/fiance. Ugh! That would probably leave a guy gunshy for a long time.
                      Last edited by Buc252; 11 July 2006, 06:37 PM.
                      - Mary
                      SG1 needs it's Fifth Man - Why should we settle for less? Bring back Jonas Quinn!
                      Jack O'Neill would die for any member of his team. But there's only one he'd live for: Samantha Carter.


                        Originally posted by AmberLM
                        Ya know, I was thinking about this the other day and I don't think that it's fair to compare Stargate to The X-Files. I was a fan of both shows and I have compared the ships in the past but somehow I think that the X-Files was vastly different in terms of its public appeal.
                        I’ve snipped the bulk of the post to save space because my reply got really really long. The full original post is here:

                        I never watched X-Files. Ever. In fact, I hardly watch anything scifi-oriented. I just don’t “get” most scifi concepts, but I do like the really cool whooshing sounds they make as they go over my head. I only started watching Stargate because my husband loves gooky scifi stuff. So we started watching it. I yawned through most of the scifi-babble (but that whooshing kept me awake). I became a nut about the show only after they started teasing around with the Sam/Jack ship. Then I regretted not paying more attention to the earlier shows. Then I found out there were DVD sets of the earlier seasons and I raced over to Amazon and started buying ‘em all! Proof positive that I went nuts. In the course of watching the shows again, this time with my new perspective, I started being interested in other aspects of the show but I still don’t get the seriously scifi stuff. So when the Sam/Jack ship started to sink there was still reason enough for me to keep watching.

                        There was ship on X-Files and a “public outcry” when it ended? I never knew that. I knew a few people who watched X-Files, but to me, it was just another show like any other show. I probably fit into the general public category and Stargate SG-1 is an exception. I’m certain that to most of the world, Stargate SG-1 is just another show like any other show. When I think about it though, it says great things about this show. If it can capture me, then there has to be more to it than scifi stuff.

                        If we’re going to compare how much better X-Files was than Stargate is then a point you made has me wondering… again. You mention that X-Files did not have an online fanbase like Stargate has. The PTB for Stargate are heavily involved with this web site (and maybe other sites too). I’ve often felt (and yes I’ve said this before) that they are overwhelmed by every group of viewers voicing their immediate likes and dislikes about everything, big or little, on the show. We all know that “the squeaky wheel gets the grease” and boy can some of those other threads get squeaky! Could the reason why Stargate doesn’t measure up to X-Files be because X-Files stayed its course throughout and Stargate has changed its direction too many times (and lately tries to go in two directions at the same time)? Like I said, I didn’t watch X-Files, so maybe it changed directions too?

                        Even though I’m a Sam/Jack shipper, I think season 4 did more damage than good. When they went whole-hog like that the anti-S/J’ers and the noromos started hollering and there was no chance for our little bitty group to beat that noise. After that, any little hint at S/J ship started them all up again. Eventually, the PTB started getting creative with the ship, so instead of UST ship and angst we started getting ambiguous ship. Puh-lease!!

                        At some time during season seven I felt like the show had lost it’s focus and I’m not saying that just because the Sam/Jack ship fizzled into oblivion. The writing and directing has been pretty shoddy since, and I think that’s because there is too much of the “trying to please everyone” thing going on. Sure, it’s nice that the PTB care about the fans so much, and every once in a while it’s nice to see them pay homage to some one or show, but ENOUGH ALREADY! What I’d really like to see is all of them walk away from Gateworld and get back to the business of making that great show they cared about once upon a time.

                        Do I need Sam and Jack ship to keep watching? I don’t think so. I watched season nine. I wasn’t thrilled with it, but I did watch it. Will I buy the DVD set? I’ll wait to see what happens with season ten. If ten makes me happy *wink wink nudge nudge* then I’ll buy nine when I buy ten.

                        Originally posted by AmberLM
                        On a slightly more shippy note, does anyone else think that it's about time Jack made the next move? As of late Sam seems to have done all of the running and I think that it should now be Jack's turn to raise the subject of the relationship with Sam and offer her something more than "C'mere".
                        YES YES YES! Here’s how I see it. They both agreed to keep it “in the room” but circumstances have changed and keeping it private is no longer necessary. Sam is too insecure and confused about relationships plus Jack has been her superior officer for so long, she is not going to initiate it. Jack knows all of this and he doesn’t want to make things worse for Sam or, gasp!, find out that she thinks “he’s too old/wrinkly/un-intelligent.” (Oma-1 you had me laughing out load!) Jack has to start letting Sam know that he’s okay about their relationship advancing. Then Sam will start taking down that horrid wall.


                          Originally posted by Nibikko
                          Welcome, Deux Ex Machina! I delurked not all that long ago myself.

                          A big giant THANK YOU to all of you Shore Leave gals who have checked in with reports and updates. I never ever would have pictured myself going to a con... until I discovered SG-1 last year. As you can imagine it has quickly taken over my life! A con visit for me now? Sure thing when the opportunity ever presents itself (somewhat near me that is)! How very exciting for all of you - I think it is wonderful.

                          Well while y'all have been partying hard at Shore Leave, I've been slaving away on a new humor vid covering S1-S8. My vid is to Madonna's "Vogue" and I'm super proud of it! Hiatus was driving me mad with impatience when I first thought to do this one. And as a true shipper, I just had to include at least ONE big shippy moment in it! I hope you all enjoy it! Please let me know what you think!! *g*
                          Nibikko, Wow! Great, great vid!

                          Thanks, sueKay!

                          Thanks, Mala!


                            Originally posted by nell
                            This is clever and hilarious!! Please read...
                            Nell, Thanks for the great ff rec. Aaaaah, now if only TPTB would take a cue! Here's hoping.....

                            Thanks, sueKay!

                            Thanks, Mala!


                              Originally posted by AmberLM
                              or how about the fear in his voice when he realises Sam is planning on staying with Cassie in the bunker and he calls her Sam to try to get her to respond.
                              And when she finally answers him he gives that huge sigh. I'll bet his knees buckled too.


                                Originally posted by trupi
                                I had seen this video a while back and it still gives you goosebumps everytime you see it. Great video!
                                yeah, just saw it...Thanks for the rec...It's really great...

