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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Hi Ho shipper family...been reading a few posts from Shore leave...sounds like it was a blast. I wonder...did anyone ask Amanda if she could come down under for me? We Aussies are somewhat neglected down here...not enough big name stars come to visit. Hubby officially said I could go to a con if one of the main lead actors come down...and he's happy to fork out the $1000/$2000 ticket too!! So my fingers are crossed!!
    Where can i read more about Shore Leave?
    "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
    Hug Your Loved Ones!!
    ~Amanda Tapping


      Originally posted by chelle db
      Hi Ho shipper family...been reading a few posts from Shore leave...sounds like it was a blast. I wonder...did anyone ask Amanda if she could come down under for me? We Aussies are somewhat neglected down here...not enough big name stars come to visit. Hubby officially said I could go to a con if one of the main lead actors come down...and he's happy to fork out the $1000/$2000 ticket too!! So my fingers are crossed!!
      Where can i read more about Shore Leave?
      wow your lucky, i've been begging my partner to go to avalon as its not far from us, but he refused, then he gave in but it was to late the tickets were sold out, so he's taking me to see the new superman film on its opening night. okay i know theres no contest, but a couple of hours watching a guy in a lycra suit....? (okay think pg forum) i dont know if you knew already but theres a thread for shore leave over in fandom.

      sig made by Samjackshiplover


        Originally posted by majorsal
        <snip for space>
        writing ship in a tv show is a monster all its own, and i've seen one show after another do the same exact type of stalling/hovering/stretching out scenario. it's almost funny in its predictability.
        basically, writers are scared to resolve any ship, because they fear the fans will lose interest if they do. BUT, the real (or other) reason is writing a *relationship* is much, MUCH harder than writing the occasional moment and touch.
        Great post. I think the debacle that happened with Moonlighting in the '80s is the reason why a lot of writers/producers fear resolving UST. What they don't seem to get is that the lesson from Moonlighting is not to keep UST for as long as humanly possible but simply to make sure that the shift from UST to an established relationship is done well and doesn't take over the whole show (the fear of the anti-shippers). Joss Whedon managed great relationships all the time in Buffy; even Star Trek managed to do it at times (I would say Dax and Worf was one of the great successes in DS9).

        It's interesting that none of the characters in the Stargate universe have established a relationship that works since Daniel lost his wife, and even the new characters are single! (I think someone even created a new thread on this subject recently...). There's dysfunctional and then there's dysfunctional...
        Originally posted by majorsal
        there, folks, is how to write an entire relationship, *with evolution of their relay in stages through the ~seasons~*
        i'd be interested in hearing others ideas on how you'd write their relay over time.
        Hmmm. If I had been writing the show...

        Season 4 - After D&C, both Sam and Jack struggle to 'leave it in the room' although they try. Everything seems to be conspiring against them - Beneath the Surface, etc - and it comes to a head with Entity where the reasons why the frat regs exist is slapped in their faces. Jack realises he can't leave it in the room but he doesn't want to hurt Sam's career and there are already rumours that are already flying given his behaviour in Entity. He resigns to protect her but without speaking to Sam or the rest of the team and 'disappears'. Lots of appropriate angst. Season finale is SG1 minus Jack getting into a dangerous situation and Hammond recalling Jack to help him rescue the team.

        Season 5 - Jack finds the team and prompted by Daniel has a heart to heart with Sam over his resignation where they agree they can't leave it in the room but don't know what to do; they concentrate on escaping and defeating Apophis and are successful as always. Back at the SGC, Hammond offers Jack a new job as a civilian commander of SG1 - his commission has not been reinstated, his resignation is still in effect; Sam will report directly to Hammond in the CoC. He'll also allow Jack and Sam's relationship but if he sees anything that disrupts the order of the team or SGC then he'll relook at it. While the show mainly focuses on the usual team adventures off-world, there are a couple of episodes in Season 5 which highlight the new challenges for the characters; Jack coming to terms with not being military; Sam ostensibly being the only military member of the team and the inevitable fallout of getting involved with her ex-CO in the face of other officers; the challenge of their relationship; how Daniel and Teal'c are affected by the change. Just as they find the balance, Daniel dies. Jack puts up his wall and Sam can't reach him - are things over for the couple?

        Season 6 - Sam and Jack struggle to come to terms with Daniel's death but the events of Abyss and almost losing each other, engender a reconciliation. They are as close as ever for the rest of the season and Sam even maintains her cool in Paradise Lost when Jack goes missing again. Skaara's invite to his wedding in the Season finale when he asks if they will be going to his wedding together is met with an unequivocal yes by Jack. Out of earshot of Sam, Skaara teases Jack about marrying Sam and we're left with the possibility that Jack is considering the idea.

        Season 7 - Daniel returns and the majority of stories focus on his reintegration with the team. Alongside this, Grace happens much earlier prompting Sam to wonder if Jack will ever marry her; they have a real frank discussion about their relationship where Jack tells Sam he doesn't want to lose her but he's not ready for marriage; Jack is struggling with his fears given the result of his first marriage. Sam seems to accept his decision but her doubts linger. Having lost Janet and almost losing him in Heroes, she knows she wants more of a commitment from him than before and Jack, having escaped death and with the events of Death Knell, realises he wants to marry her. He proposes at the beginning of the Lost City...and then obviously gets frozen almost dying from the Ancient knowledge overload....

        Season 8 - Sam, and Teal'c, risk their lives to save Jack. Dr Weir moves onto Atlantis; Jack is offered the new civilian head of the SGC post. They plan for the wedding as the normal team adventures take place; they destroy the replicators, Anubis and the Jaffa finally win their freedom. Season finale sees the wedding and a surprise...Sam is pregnant (fitting nicely with AT's own pregnancy).

        Season 9 - Jack retires to become a full time Dad (although he retains a position as a special consultant to the President) handing over the reins to Landry. Sam is out on maternity leave but temp leadership of SG1 is given to Daniel and the team is supplemented by Mitchell. Sam returns from maternity leave. Lots of team adventures; obviously the new evil Ori. Maybe an episode which shows Sam inwardly struggling to juggle everything but actually managing very well but otherwise hampered by RDA's absence, phone calls and occasional mentions keep the relationship thread throughout.

        Season 10 - With RDA's return, maybe an episode showing the couple dealing with Sam's almost death at the end of Season 9 and Jack's struggle at no longer being fully part of the Stargate programme; resulting in Sam deciding she wants to stay alive for her daughter (having lost her own mother) and handing over the leadership of SG1 to take a more SGC based role (although she'll always be around for the team when they need her) and Jack returning to the SGC as a special consultant. Sam's new role as head of the SGC science team actually is pivotal in them creating ways to fight the Ori and defeating them. By the end of the Season, Jack and Sam are discussing more children and if no Season 11, big Season finale with Ori defeated, final scene is a massive party where Sam tells Jack she's pregnant again and a nice team celebration.

        Hmmm, I think I've gotten carried away again...
        Women of the Gate LJ Community.
        My Stargate Fanfiction. My LiveJournal.


          Hey Shippers!
          Well I decided to stop lurking a join in because I can't get enough of the good ole ship!
          Well I live in Australia which is frustrating because I have only seen two eps of season 9.
          I hold big hopes for season 10 though.
          I totally squee at anything to do with Sam/Jack and have loved the couple for years. My real name is ironically Samantha and my current boyfriend is Jonathan, also my nephew's name is Jack. Oh yeah and my middle name is Grace named after my Nana (Grandmother)....Strange anyway now I'm past my useless information I hope to have heaps of fun here and meeting fellow shippers.

          Last edited by Deux Ex Machina; 11 July 2006, 07:02 AM.


            Originally posted by Deux Ex Machina
            Hey Shippers!
            Well I decided to stop lurking a join in because I can't get enough of the good ole ship!
            Well I live in Australia which is frustrating because I have only seen two eps of season 9.
            I hold big hopes for season 10 though.
            I totally squee at anything to do with Sam/Jack and have loved the couple for years.
            Glad you decided to join us. yeah im looking forward to season ten to, i just feel really positive about it.

            sig made by Samjackshiplover


              Originally posted by trupi

              Here's Carolina(LoL4Jack) Julie(Sugarshaker) Me (trupi) and Maria (SG1POZ) at Panera.. Have some pictures of Amanda Corin and Carmen the Sexy. I'll be posting soon!
              You all looks so fantastic and look like you're having a great time.

              Whats Panera?

              Thanks for the sharing the picture. I wish I was there!

              Made by the lovely Jakie


                Originally posted by Deux Ex Machina
                Hey Shippers!
                Well I decided to stop lurking a join in because I can't get enough of the good ole ship!
                Well I live in Australia which is frustrating because I have only seen two eps of season 9.
                I hold big hopes for season 10 though.
                I totally squee at anything to do with Sam/Jack and have loved the couple for years.
                A warm shippy welcome Deux Ex Machina. Nice to see another fellow aussie shipper on the thread Know exactly how you feel with us being a whole season behind but like you can't wait to find out how season 10 pans out


                  Originally posted by m_wendy_r
                  You all looks so fantastic and look like you're having a great time.

                  Whats Panera?

                  Thanks for the sharing the picture. I wish I was there!

                  great picture of all of you im glad you all had such a good time. and thanks for all the great reports

                  sig made by Samjackshiplover


                    Originally posted by docker22
                    wow your lucky, i've been begging my partner to go to avalon as its not far from us, but he refused, then he gave in but it was to late the tickets were sold out, so he's taking me to see the new superman film on its opening night. okay i know theres no contest, but a couple of hours watching a guy in a lycra suit....? (okay think pg forum) i dont know if you knew already but theres a thread for shore leave over in fandom.
                    I would kill if my hubby did that to me!!! Superman is no compromise...I wouldn't worry whether he wanted to come or not...I'd go on my own if I had to!!
                    Thanks for the info regarding fandom!!
                    "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                    Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                    ~Amanda Tapping


                      Originally posted by Deux Ex Machina
                      Hey Shippers!
                      Well I decided to stop lurking a join in because I can't get enough of the good ole ship!
                      Well I live in Australia which is frustrating because I have only seen two eps of season 9.
                      I hold big hopes for season 10 though.
                      I totally squee at anything to do with Sam/Jack and have loved the couple for years. My real name is ironically Samantha and my current boyfriend is Jonathan, also my nephew's name is Jack. Strange anyway now I'm past my useless information I hope to have heaps of fun here and meeting fellow shippers.

                      WooHoo...another aussie!!! I live in Australia too...where are you?? I'm in Victoria...outer east suburb of Melbourne - Mooroolbark!!
                      Welcome to the ship Deux!!
                      "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                      Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                      ~Amanda Tapping


                        Originally posted by Buc252
                        I loved Charmed, too, but I didn't list it since it's pretty much over and out. I have the S4 DVD's and just ordered the S5's. (Never cared for Doherty, so the only pre-S4 DVD's I have are S1.)

                        As for the SG1 DVD's, no, I won't buy S9 (big surprise, huh? <g>), but I also will not buy S8. Despite the wonderful shippiness of Threads and a few other delicious RDA appearances, I consider it a protest against TIIC's not resolving the ship at the end of that season. (Okay, to be honest, I always say they won't get *my* money. But if one of my misguided friends or family members should happen to get it for me for Christmas or something, I wouldn't turn them down. <g>)
                        My sister has all the Charmed DVD's I just borrow them. Its cheaper for me. LOL! Doherty was good but I thought McGowan was better, much better.

                        I have all SG-1 DVD's a part form Season 9. I used to pay money for each DVD single because I couldn't wait for the box set, I seem to have more patience with this season... wonder why?!

                        Well... maybe your misguided friends may just buy them for you. I wouldn't turn them down either.

                        Made by the lovely Jakie


                          Originally posted by Deux Ex Machina
                          Hey Shippers!
                          Well I decided to stop lurking a join in because I can't get enough of the good ole ship!
                          Well I live in Australia which is frustrating because I have only seen two eps of season 9.
                          I hold big hopes for season 10 though.
                          I totally squee at anything to do with Sam/Jack and have loved the couple for years. My real name is ironically Samantha and my current boyfriend is Jonathan, also my nephew's name is Jack. Strange anyway now I'm past my useless information I hope to have heaps of fun here and meeting fellow shippers.

                          Sounds like you're going to fit right in. Love irony, I always love irony


                          Made by the lovely Jakie


                            Good night shipper family...have fun posting!!
                            Sweeet shippy dreams!!
                            "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                            Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                            ~Amanda Tapping


                              Originally posted by chelle db
                              Good night shipper family...have fun posting!!
                              Sweeet shippy dreams!!
                              shippy dreams chelle!

                              sig made by Samjackshiplover


                                Originally posted by chelle db
                                WooHoo...another aussie!!! I live in Australia too...where are you?? I'm in Victoria...outer east suburb of Melbourne - Mooroolbark!!
                                Welcome to the ship Deux!!

                                I live in NSW, in a tiny town of only about 2000 people called Harden, if you know where Wagga Wagga is its about two hours away from there.
                                I got cousins in Melbourne though and I have to say I really like it there, especially the casino! How slack is channel Seven putting Stargate on at 11:00, I have school in the morning!

                                Thanks for the welcome everyone! Ive noticed its so friendly here not like other threads. Everyone is nice to everyone else. Nice environment!

