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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by Yasureyoubetcha
    Hi guys!!! I searched and searched for a newbie thread but couldn't find one, so I figured why not go where all the love is.

    You couldn't have found a better place to start! The folks here are really nice.





        Originally posted by zuz
        I'm glad you liked my "200" manip, Padme, Replicartertje and L.A.Doyle. I know it's far from perfect but it was made on a short notice. And I'm working on a better one.

        I have Sam's dress done already.

        And I have a question...Would you like Sam to have a veil or do you prefer wedding dress without it?
        Hmmm... cool wedding dress although the pink puts me off a little bit. Burt it`s good.
        I don`t like the idea of a veil on Sam. She is beautiful! Why hide it behind a hideous (IMO) thing?!?

        Oh and... WELCOME Yasureyoubetcha!!!


          Originally posted by Nolamom
          You couldn't have found a better place to start! The folks here are really nice.
          Good! It's always interesting entering a new forum. You never know where to begin! Judging from the amounts you've posted, I better get busy!!


            Originally posted by hopalong
            No, although if I were reading it in a story without having ever seen the two of them interact, then I can see how it would seem that way.

            The thing is, Jack interrupts Sam in his usual way, and it doesn't come off as all that rude. We all know that he's smarter than he gives himself credit for, but he's not in the same league as Sam. If he didn't interrupt the technobabble at some point, it would get to a point where even he (or us) wouldn't be able to understand. And when Sam gets going, she tends to forget that not everyone would be able to understand it.

            Any moments of shortness that can seem rude would be a result of the fact that time is running short, and he doesn't have the time to indulge. And in those cases, Sam would definitely understand.

            On the other hand, Jack interrupting Daniel is a different matter. That does come off as somewhat rude most of the time. But I see that as the fact that Jack never did have the patience for archeology and mythology; and as Daniel finds it fascinating, and talks so fast, he would go on forever if not interrupted.

            Am I making sense?
            Perfect sense! And I agree 100%. None of them mean to be rude, either by going on incessantly or by cutting them off. It's just who they are.

            I'm reminded of the episode where Jack interrupts Sam and then asks, "are you saying you can make the invisible guy visible?"


            "That's all I need!"

            See, that is Jack, in a nutshell. He needs just the facts, as quickly as possible, so he can make command decisions. So he doesn't consider it rude to interrupt, and I don't think Sam or Daniel feel offended either.
            - Mary
            SG1 needs it's Fifth Man - Why should we settle for less? Bring back Jonas Quinn!
            Jack O'Neill would die for any member of his team. But there's only one he'd live for: Samantha Carter.



                Originally posted by Lizlove
                Hmmm... cool wedding dress although the pink puts me off a little bit. Burt it`s good.
                I don`t like the idea of a veil on Sam. She is beautiful! Why hide it behind a hideous (IMO) thing?!?

                Oh and... WELCOME Yasureyoubetcha!!!
                Actually, the pink was my mother's idea, she thinks that pink suits Sam just fine. SO while I'm more traditional when it comes to wedding dresses (=white is great IMO) I did my best to please her.
                "Y'know, I can be as diplomatic and open-minded as anyone."
                Colonel Jack O'Neill


                  you know what bothers me about this how did all that vegiataion grow back so quickly, they gate on Edora and surrounding area was descimated, and when they first got to edora was it that lush??

                  I dislike Laira because of they way she pushed him to let go, and because as soon as she herd the raido she should have went running to Jack. I understand and even empathize with her as to why she didn't ... mmm Jack on a planet and just mine.. but its turely a moral question, which she cleary hesitated. But brightside is she could have said yes when he asked her to come back.. and do you think she was ever preg?????? I wish they would have answered that question.
                  + = REAL SHIP NEEDED IN 10 + =


                    You know, anyone who has been in a position where they have to make decisions, often quickly, find that they frequently just need the bare facts. As in "can you make the invisible guys visible?" You don't need a big explanation of WHY or HOW something works, just WILL IT DO THE JOB? Sometimes Jack has to cut to the chase with both Sam and Daniel.


                      Awwwww!!! You all are so sweet! Help me out, what's the best way to get into the middle of all the convos going on?


                        Originally posted by zuz
                        I'm glad you liked my "200" manip, Padme, Replicartertje and L.A.Doyle. I know it's far from perfect but it was made on a short notice. And I'm working on a better one.

                        I have Sam's dress done already.

                        And I have a question...Would you like Sam to have a veil or do you prefer wedding dress without it?
                        Ok that is a really nice wedding dress... I love to wear that one when I will get married (if I even get married) I do prefer no veil, cause she just has a beautiful face. And if there would be a veil it would spoil everything. So just like the way she is now is good for me. She looks really awsome how she is. picture jack next to it and SQUUEEEEEE


                          I have a question, how can i become a member of Operation Delurk and/or Ship ship Hooray Team and what are the rules??? Thanks.
                          "Y'know, I can be as diplomatic and open-minded as anyone."
                          Colonel Jack O'Neill


                            Originally posted by blueiris
                            Now I love Shades of Grey. I admit that a lot of that love is because Jack looks sooooooooooo good in it. But the fact that he uses "L" so casually as an excuse, IMO, just shows how little he cared for her romantically. I also like to believe that somewhere in there, Sam, being a soldier, had an inkling that there was more to Jack's behavior than what was obvious. I think Jack probably thought they all would be suspicious as well and have a little trust in him.

                            I think that is one of my major problems with the writing. They have created this team with so much trust in one another. But then choose to let that trust disappear when it suits them plot wise. I really think this team would have not taken what happened at face value. Especially Sam.
                            I totally agree about Shades of Gray. I can't believe that Sam, at least, didn't suspect something was up. People just don't change their entire personality overnight like Jack seemed to. I could see Daniel, because he's a big naive anyway, but I'm willing to bet that Sam and Teal'c at least had an inkling.
                            - Mary
                            SG1 needs it's Fifth Man - Why should we settle for less? Bring back Jonas Quinn!
                            Jack O'Neill would die for any member of his team. But there's only one he'd live for: Samantha Carter.


                              Originally posted by RepliCartertje
                              OK I can see how you can feel like we are all bashing Jack, but I think that has a lot to do because of the fact that we are discussing 100 days, and there Jack wasn't the nicest person to Sam.
                              We have bashed same also a lot's of time. When we talk about Chimera of Affinity...or just when we are talking about Pete. I mean sam is really not a saint. Neither is jack. they are both equal.
                              And if you feel like that again just say it... I mean we will try to not bash anyone that hard.
                              I understand, but this is what I was seeing when the episodes you mentioned were discussed:

                              Sam was wrong to go with Pete, to move on, etc etc. But it was necessary for her to experience a new relationship. It was needed for her to appreciate Jack. She was lonely, and needed her needs fulfilled. Etc etc.

                              But none of that was said about Jack with Laira. He was rude, inconsiderate, and hurtful to Sam with no consideration to what he was feeling those three months.

                              This is what I meant by the dual standard. Almost nobody ever spoke up and said how hurtful Sam was to Jack by springing it on him without talking to him before she moved on.

                              Because of this, I felt a need to not just defend Jack, but to point out the unfairness of some of those here. Don't forget, Jack has emotions and needs, too, just as much as Sam does.
                              - Mary
                              SG1 needs it's Fifth Man - Why should we settle for less? Bring back Jonas Quinn!
                              Jack O'Neill would die for any member of his team. But there's only one he'd live for: Samantha Carter.


                                Originally posted by zuz
                                I have a question, how can i become a member of Operation Delurk and/or Ship ship Hooray Team and what are the rules??? Thanks.
                                Eum.. Operation Delurk you can join like that. Ask the others if they want you I have no problem with it.
                                The people for the Ship Ship Hooray Special Ops Team or something like that are choosen on Ship Day, July 28th!

